995 resultados para Defence mechanisms


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No presente estudo são abordados dois dentre os aspectos essenciais dos testes projetivos: o conceito de projeção e os determinantes inerentes à situação de testagem ou seja, as propriedades estimuladoras do instrumento, o examinador e o contexto situacional. O conceito de projeção é analisado conforme as conceituações formuladas por diversos autores, questionando-se a adequação do termo teste "projetivo". Em relação às propriedades do estímulo, é discutida a hipótese usual segundo a qual o teste "projetivo" é ambíguo e carece de significação objetiva. No que diz respeito ao examinador e ao contexto situacional, é ressaltado o fato de que o processo de testagem implica em uma interação entre o examinador e o sujeito dentro do contexto em que o instrumento é aplicado. Esta dissertação se restringe ao Psicodiagnóstico de Rorschach, ao Teste de Apercepção Temática e ao Desenho da Figura Humana, por serem os mais utilizados no processo de diagnostico psicológico. É focalizado o conceito de projeção em sua conotação múltipla, que se presta a interpretações distorcidas acerca dos mecanismos psicológicos envolvidos durante a testagem projetiva. Busca-se também oferecer suporte à afirmação de que a resposta projetiva é multi determinada, sendo essencial à sua interpretação que seja considerada como resultante da interação entre estímulo, contexto e variáveis do sujeito.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Metabolites produced by pathogenic fungi may be involved in the pathogenesis of fungal infections consequently altering the defence mechanisms of the host. In this study the levels of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis antigens detected in the plasma of patients with paracoccidioidomycosis correlated with the suppression index detected by the low mitogenic response of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) to phytohaemaglutinin (PHA). This inhibitory effect on lymphoproliferation was observed in the plasma of 58% of the patients, suggesting the presence of inhibitory factors. Plasma samples from paracoccidioidomycosis patients having or not having inhibitory factors showed no significant effect on chromosomes of lymphocytes from healthy individuals, However, these plasmas had a suppressive activity on the blastogenic response of these lymphocytes stimulated with PHA, that was independent of a cytotoxic effect. P. brasiliensis antigens added to the proliferative response of PBMC from healthy individuals stimulated or not stimulated with PHA showed a dose-dependent suppressor effect, reproducing the inhibitory effect of patients' plasma. We suggest that the antigens of P, brasiliensis present in the plasma of patients, even at low concentrations, can play an important role in the reduction of the cellular immune response and in the genesis of the immuneregulatory disturbances observed in paracoccidioidomycosis.


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[EN] In the regions of Canary Islands, it is prevailing all the year a high level of solar radiation. This force plants to develop defence mechanisms against excessive production of free radicals through the accumulation of antioxidant substances. Plants contain a diverse group of phenolic compounds with the structural requirements of free radical scavengers. The effects of different extracting solvents have been tested for the extraction of phenolic compounds from plant material. On the present study we compare the total phenolic contents (TPC) and antioxidant activities of several extracts derived from Aloe vera plants. The phenolic compounds present in the extracts were identified and quantified by RP­HPLC techniques. 


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'Bcl-2-homologe Proteine aus dem Schwamm Geodia cydonium: Klonierung, Charakterisierung und Funktionsanalyse von Apoptose-Regulatoren der Porifera'. Auf der Suche nach der molekularbiologischen Grundlage der Apoptose in den Porifera, dem phylogenetisch ältesten Metazoen-Tierstamm, wurden Mitglieder der apoptoseregulatorischen Bcl?2 Familie unter Anwendung diverser Techniken im Schwamm G. cydonium identifiziert: GCBHP1 und GCBHP2. Detaillierte Analysen offenbarten Bcl-2-charakteristische Signaturen sowie eine durch apoptotische Stimuli induzierbare Expression. Die parallele HSP70-Induktion zeugte von der GCBHP2-Expression als Teil einer antiapoptotischen Streßantwort zum Schutz des Organismus'. Die kontinuierliche Transkription des im Rahmen dieser Arbeit gleichfalls klonierten Proliferationsmarkers SEP1 veranschaulichte zudem die Effektivität dieser Streßreaktion. Mit der Herstellung eines rekombinanten Proteins und der Gewinnung eines Antiserums konnte auch die streßinduzierte Proteinexpression des GCBHP2 verfolgt werden. Zum Zweck der Funktionsstudie wurden Säugetierzellen (HEK-293, NIH/3T3) mit einem GCBHP2-Konstrukt stabil transfiziert und auf die Expression des Schwammproteins untersucht. Diese Zellen unterschieden sich bereits phänotypisch von mock-transfizierten Zellen. Immunzytochemische Untersuchungen enthüllten eine für antiapoptotische Bcl-2 Proteine charakteristische Assoziation mit Mitochondrien. Unter dem Einfluß zweier apoptotischer Stimuli wurde für GCBHP2-transfizierte Zellen eine vierzehn-/sechsmal höhere Vitalität und eine reduzierte Aktivierung der Caspase-Kaskade registriert (im Vergleich zu mock-transfizierten Kontrollen). Somit wurde der antiapoptotische Charakter des GCBHP2 und die Existenz apoptotischer Mechanismen in den Porifera bestätigt.


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This PhD thesis is aimed at studying the possible pathways and the mechanisms that can trigger oxylipins biosynthesis, and particularly that of short chain aldehydes and alcohols, in Lactobacillus helveticus, also in the presence of oxidative stress, using a totally labelled linoleic acid as precursor. In plants and fungi these molecules, involved in defence mechanisms against pathogens and in communication systems, derive from the oxidation of cellular unsaturated fatty acids (UFAs) and their accumulation is associated with stress exposure. Since some oxylipins are produced also by lactobacilli, it is possible to hypothesize that a metabolic pathway from UFAs to oxylipins, similar to what happens in plants and fungi, is present also in lactic acid bacteria. The results obtained pointed out that some volatile molecules are the result of UFAs catabolism, since they appear only when cells are incubated in their presence. Labelled linoleic acid is integrated in the membrane and subsequently transformed into aldehydes and alcohols, whose extent and carbon atoms number depend on stress exposure. The enzymes responsible for this metabolic pathway in plants and fungi (e.g. lipoxygenase, dioxygenase) seem to be absent in Lactobacillus helveticus and in other lactobacilli. Proteomic analyses show the over expression of many proteins, including thioredoxin reductase (part of the bacterial oxidative defence system), mainly in cells grown with linoleic acid without oxidative stress exposure, confirming that linoleic acid itself induces oxidative stress. 6 general oxidoreductases (class including dioxygenases and peroxidase) were found and therefore a deeper investigation on them could be productive in elucidating all steps involved in oxylipins biosynthesis in bacteria. Due to the multiple role of oxylipins (flavouring agents, antimicrobial compounds and interspecific signalling molecules) the identification of genes involved and regulating factors should have an important biotechnological impact, also allowing the overproduction of selected bioactive molecules.


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Recent studies have suggested that the scavenger receptor MARCO (macrophage receptor with collagenous structure) mediates activation of the immune response in bacterial infection of the central nervous system (CNS). The chemotactic G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) formyl-peptide-receptor like-1 (FPRL1) plays an essential role in the inflammatory responses of host defence mechanisms and neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease (AD). Expression of the antimicrobial peptide cathelicidin CRAMP/LL-37 is up-regulated in bacterial meningitis, but the mechanisms underlying CRAMP expression are far from clear.


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Ileal lesions in Crohn's disease (CD) patients are colonized by pathogenic adherent-invasive Escherichia coli (AIEC) able to adhere to and invade intestinal epithelial cells (IEC), and to survive within macrophages. The interaction of AIEC with IEC depends on bacterial factors mainly type 1 pili, flagella, and outer membrane proteins. In humans, proteases can act as host defence mechanisms to counteract bacterial colonization. The protease meprin, composed of multimeric complexes of the two subunits alpha and beta, is abundantly expressed in IECs. Decreased levels of this protease correlate with the severity of the inflammation in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. The aim of the present study was to analyze the ability of meprin to modulate the interaction of AIEC with IECs. In patients with ileal CD we observed decreased levels of meprins, in particular that of meprin β. Dose-dependent inhibition of the abilities of AIEC strain LF82 to adhere to and invade intestinal epithelial T84 cells was observed when bacteria were pre-treated with both exogenous meprin α and meprin β. Dose-dependent proteolytic degradation of type 1 pili was observed in the presence of active meprins, but not with heat-inactivated meprins, and pretreatment of AIEC bacteria with meprins impaired their ability to bind mannosylated host receptors and led to decreased secretion of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-8 by infected T84 cells. Thus, decreased levels of protective meprins as observed in CD patients may contribute to increased AIEC colonization.


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1. Parasites might preferentially feed on hosts in good nutritional condition as such hosts provide better resources for the parasites' own growth, survival and reproduction. However, hosts in prime condition are also better able to develop costly immunological or physiological defence mechanisms, which in turn reduce the parasites' reproductive success. The interplay between host condition, host defence and parasite fitness will thus play an important part in the dynamics of host-parasite systems.;2. In a 2 x 2 design, we manipulated both the access to food in great tit Parus major broods and the exposure of the nestlings to hen fleas Ceratophyllus gallinae, a common ectoparasite of hole-breeding birds. We subsequently investigated the role of manipulated host condition, host immunocompetence, and experimentally induced host defence in nestlings on the reproductive success of individual hen flea females.;3. The food supplementation of the nestlings significantly influenced the parasites' reproductive success. Female fleas laid significantly more eggs when feeding on food-supplemented hosts.;4. Previous parasite exposure of the birds affected the reproductive success of fleas. However, the impact of this induced host response on flea reproduction depended on the birds' natural level of immunocompetence, assessed by the phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) skin test. Flea fecundity significantly decreased with increasing PHA response of the nestlings in previously parasite-exposed broods. No relationship between flea fitness and host immunocompetence was, however, found in previously unexposed broods. The PHA response thus correlates with the nestlings' ability to mount immunological or physiological defence mechanisms against hen fleas. No significant interaction effect between early flea exposure and food supplementation on the parasites' reproductive success was found.;5. Our study shows that the reproductive success of hen fleas is linked to the hosts' food supply early in life and their ability to mount induced immunological or physiological defence mechanisms. These interactions between host quality and parasite fitness are likely to influence host preference, host choice and parasite virulence and thus the evolutionary dynamics in host-parasite systems.


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The deployment of flat concrete blocks on subtidal rocky reefs can replicate natural reef microhabitats and provides a means for standardized sampling of cryptic invertebrates. The shape of the cavity beneath the block is related to reef topography and may influence the invertebrate community by affecting the amount of space for cryptic fauna to colonise and influencing the effectiveness of their predator-defence mechanisms. To determine the effect of sub-block reef structure and different levels of external predators on cryptic molluscs and echinoderms, I deployed concrete blocks at locations inside and outside the Maria Island marine reserve in eastern Tasmania, Australia. Relationships between sub-block reef structure and the cryptic invertebrate assemblage were evident between locations, whereas only a small but significant proportion of variation of assemblages between blocks within location was explained by reef surface area. No clear association with external predation pressure was evident in multivariate analyses of variation in assemblage structure. Juvenile abalone Haliotis rubra were not influenced by micro-habitat structure but were significantly less abundant at protected locations, the only species to exhibit such a response. This result follows a decline of emergent adult abalone in the marine reserve and raises the possibility of recruitment failure of abalone at some fully protected locations in the longer term.


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Particulate matter (PM) pollution is a leading cause of premature death, particularly in those with pre-existing lung disease. A causative link between particle properties and adverse health effects remains unestablished mainly due to complex and variable physico-chemical PM parameters. Controlled laboratory experiments are required. Generating atmospherically realistic Aerosols and performing cell-exposure studies at relevant particle-doses are challenging. Here we examine gasoline-exhaust particle toxicity from a Euro-5 passenger car in a uniquely realistic exposure scenario, combining a smog chamber simulating atmospheric ageing, an aerosol enrichment System varying particle number concentration independent of particle chemistry, and an aerosol Deposition chamber physiologically delivering particles on air-liquid interface (ALI) cultures reproducing normal and susceptible health status. Gasoline-exhaust is an important PM source with largely unknown health effects. We investigated acute responses of fully-differentiated normal, distressed (antibiotics treated) normal, and cystic fibrosis human bronchial epithelia (HBE), and a proliferating, single-cell type bronchial epithelial cell-line (BEAS-2B). We show that a single, short-term exposure to realistic doses of atmospherically-aged gasoline-exhaust particles impairs epithelial key-defence mechanisms, rendering it more vulnerable to subsequent hazards. We establish dose-response curves at realistic particle-concentration levels. Significant differences between cell models suggest the use of fully differentiated HBE is most appropriate in future toxicity studies.


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Plants activate local and systemic defence mechanisms upon exposure to stress. This innate immune response is partially regulated by plant hormones, and involves the accumulation of defensive metabolites. Although local defence reactions to herbivores are well studied, less is known about the impact of root herbivory on shoot defence. Here, we examined the effects of belowground infestation by the western corn rootworm Diabrotica virgifera virgifera on aboveground resistance in maize. Belowground herbivory by D. v. virgifera induced aboveground resistance against the generalist herbivore Spodoptera littoralis, and the necrotrophic pathogen Setosphaeria turcica. Furthermore, D. v. virgifera increased shoot levels of 2,4-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one (DIMBOA), and primed the induction of chlorogenic acid upon subsequent infestation by S. littoralis. To gain insight into the signalling network behind this below- and aboveground defence interaction, we compiled a set of 32 defence-related genes, which can be used as transcriptional marker systems to detect activities of different hormone-response pathways. Belowground attack by D. v. virgifera triggered an ABA-inducible transcription pattern in the shoot. The quantification of defence hormones showed a local increase in the production of oxylipins after root and shoot infestation by D. v. virgifera and S. littoralis, respectively. On the other hand, ABA accumulated locally and systemically upon belowground attack by D. v. virgifera. Furthermore, D. v. virgifera reduced the aboveground water content, whereas the removal of similar quantities of root biomass had no effect. Our study shows that root herbivory by D. v. virgifera specifically alters the aboveground defence status of a maize, and suggests that ABA plays a role in the signalling network mediating this interaction.


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UNLABELLED In a prospective multicentre study of bloodstream infection (BSI) from November 01, 2007 to July 31, 2010, seven paediatric cancer centres (PCC) from Germany and one from Switzerland included 770 paediatric cancer patients (58% males; median age 8.3 years, interquartile range (IQR) 3.8-14.8 years) comprising 153,193 individual days of surveillance (in- and outpatient days during intensive treatment). Broviac catheters were used in 63% of all patients and Ports in 20%. One hundred forty-two patients (18%; 95% CI 16 to 21%) experienced at least one BSI (179 BSIs in total; bacteraemia 70%, bacterial sepsis 27%, candidaemia 2%). In 57%, the BSI occurred in inpatients, in 79% after conventional chemotherapy. Only 56 % of the patients showed neutropenia at BSI onset. Eventually, patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) or acute myeloblastic leukaemia (AML), relapsed malignancy and patients with a Broviac faced an increased risk of BSI in the multivariate analysis. Relapsed malignancy (16%) was an independent risk factor for all BSI and for Gram-positive BSI. CONCLUSION This study confirms relapsed malignancy as an independent risk factor for BSIs in paediatric cancer patients. On a unit level, data on BSIs in this high-risk population derived from prospective surveillance are not only mandatory to decide on empiric antimicrobial treatment but also beneficial in planning and evaluating preventive bundles. WHAT IS KNOWN • Paediatric cancer patients face an increased risk of nosocomial bloodstream infections (BSIs). • In most cases, these BSIs are associated with the use of a long-term central venous catheter (Broviac, Port), severe and prolonged immunosuppression (e.g. neutropenia) and other chemotherapy-induced alterations of host defence mechanisms (e.g. mucositis). What is New: • This study is the first multicentre study confirming relapsed malignancy as an independent risk factor for BSIs in paediatric cancer patients. • It describes the epidemiology of nosocomial BSI in paediatric cancer patients mainly outside the stem cell transplantation setting during conventional intensive therapy and argues for prospective surveillance programmes to target and evaluate preventive bundle interventions.