975 resultados para Data Center, Software Defined Networking, SDN


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There are several initiatives such as: US Ignite, Software Defined Networking (SDN), OpenFlow, Global Environment for Network Innovation (GENI), WiMAX and Internet 2 dealing with the future of the internet. The goal of the paper is to understand the goals, intricacies, and nuances of some of these techniques and show some of the possibilities of next-generation high-speed networking and their applications into education and culture heritage.


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[ES]El objetivo de este trabajo es el diseño e implementación de un complemento adicional a OpenFlow que permita la ejecución de los mensajes en el switch dentro de un espacio de tiempo concreto que previamente ha sido definido. El primer paso será la definición de objetivos y especificaciones del trabajo, para posteriormente realizar el diseño de un escenario mediante el análisis de posibles alternativas, y que permitirá la consecución de dichos objetivos. A continuación se añadirá el código necesario para que los equipos sean capaces de realizar el envío y ejecución de los mensajes en el tiempo programado y se finalizará realizando simulaciones y pruebas tanto del funcionamiento como del formato que utilizan los mensajes intercambiados entre el controlador y los switches que maneja, con el objetivo de verificar la viabilidad del módulo desarrollado.


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Software-as-a-service (SaaS) is a type of software service delivery model which encompasses a broad range of business opportunities and challenges. Users and service providers are reluctant to integrate their business into SaaS due to its security concerns while at the same time they are attracted by its benefits. This article highlights SaaS utility and applicability in different environments like cloud computing, mobile cloud computing, software defined networking and Internet of things. It then embarks on the analysis of SaaS security challenges spanning across data security, application security and SaaS deployment security. A detailed review of the existing mainstream solutions to tackle the respective security issues mapping into different SaaS security challenges is presented. Finally, possible solutions or techniques which can be applied in tandem are presented for a secure SaaS platform.


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The upcoming IEEE 802.11ac standard boosts the throughput of previous IEEE 802.11n by adding wider 80 MHz and 160 MHz channels with up to 8 antennas (versus 40 MHz channel and 4 antennas in 802.11n). This necessitates new 1-8 stream 256/512-point Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) / inverse FFT (IFFT) processing with 80/160 MSample/s throughput. Although there are abundant related work, they all fail to meet the requirements of IEEE 802.11ac FFT/IFFT on point size, throughput and multiple data streams at the same time. This paper proposes the first software defined FFT/IFFT architecture as a solution. By making use of a customised soft stream processor on FPGA, we show how a software defined FFT architecture can meet all the requirements of IEEE 802.11ac with low cost and high resource efficiency. When compared with dedicated Xilinx FFT core, our implementation exhibits only one third of the resources also up to three times of resource efficiency.


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Flexible radio transmitters based on the Software-Defined Radio (SDR) concept are gaining an increased research importance due to the unparalleled proliferation of new wireless standards operating at different frequencies, using dissimilar coding and modulation schemes, and targeted for different ends. In this new wireless communications paradigm, the physical layer of the radio transmitter must be able to support the simultaneous transmission of multi-band, multi-rate, multi-standard signals, which in practice is very hard or very inefficient to implement using conventional approaches. Nevertheless, the last developments in this field include novel all-digital transmitter architectures where the radio datapath is digital from the baseband up to the RF stage. Such concept has inherent high flexibility and poses an important step towards the development of SDR-based transmitters. However, the truth is that implementing such radio for a real world communications scenario is a challenging task, where a few key limitations are still preventing a wider adoption of this concept. This thesis aims exactly to address some of these limitations by proposing and implementing innovative all-digital transmitter architectures with inherent higher flexibility and integration, and where improving important figures of merit, such as coding efficiency, signal-to-noise ratio, usable bandwidth and in-band and out-of-band noise will also be addressed. In the first part of this thesis, the concept of transmitting RF data using an entirely digital approach based on pulsed modulation is introduced. A comparison between several implementation technologies is also presented, allowing to state that FPGAs provide an interesting compromise between performance, power efficiency and flexibility, thus making them an interesting choice as an enabling technology for pulse-based all-digital transmitters. Following this discussion, the fundamental concepts inherent to pulsed modulators, its key advantages, main limitations and typical enhancements suitable for all-digital transmitters are also presented. The recent advances regarding the two most common classes of pulse modulated transmitters, namely the RF and the baseband-level are introduced, along with several examples of state-of-the-art architectures found on the literature. The core of this dissertation containing the main developments achieved during this PhD work is then presented and discussed. The first key contribution to the state-of-the-art presented here consists in the development of a novel ΣΔ-based all-digital transmitter architecture capable of multiband and multi-standard data transmission in a very flexible and integrated way, where the pulsed RF output operating in the microwave frequency range is generated inside a single FPGA device. A fundamental contribution regarding the simultaneous transmission of multiple RF signals is then introduced by presenting and describing novel all-digital transmitter architectures that take advantage of multi-gigabit data serializers available on current high-end FPGAs in order to transmit in a time-interleaved approach multiple independent RF carriers. Further improvements in this design approach allowed to provide a two-stage up-conversion transmitter architecture enabling the fine frequency tuning of concurrent multichannel multi-standard signals. Finally, further improvements regarding two key limitations inherent to current all-digital transmitter approaches are then addressed, namely the poor coding efficiency and the combined high quality factor and tunability requirements of the RF output filter. The followed design approach based on poliphase multipath circuits allowed to create a new FPGA-embedded agile transmitter architecture that significantly improves important figures of merit, such as coding efficiency and SNR, while maintains the high flexibility that is required for supporting multichannel multimode data transmission.


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Given environmentalism's rising tide and increasing energy prices and IT workloads, architects must determine whether they can continue designing systems without considering energy and power efficiency.


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In this paper, an open source solution for measurement of temperature and ultrasonic signals (RF-lines) is proposed. This software is an alternative to the expensive commercial data acquisition software, enabling the user to tune applications to particular acquisition architectures. The collected ultrasonic and temperature signals were used for non-invasive temperature estimation using neural networks. The existence of precise temperature estimators is an essential point aiming at the secure and effective applica tion of thermal therapies in humans. If such estimators exist then effective controllers could be developed for the therapeutic instrumentation. In previous works the time-shift between RF-lines echoes were extracted, and used for creation of neural networks estimators. The obtained estimators successfully represent the temperature in the time-space domain, achieving a maximum absolute error inferior to the threshold value defined for hyperthermia/diathermia applications.


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A new electronic software distribution (ESD) life cycle analysis (LCA)methodology and model structure were constructed to calculate energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In order to counteract the use of high level, top-down modeling efforts, and to increase result accuracy, a focus upon device details and data routes was taken. In order to compare ESD to a relevant physical distribution alternative,physical model boundaries and variables were described. The methodology was compiled from the analysis and operational data of a major online store which provides ESD and physical distribution options. The ESD method included the calculation of power consumption of data center server and networking devices. An in-depth method to calculate server efficiency and utilization was also included to account for virtualization and server efficiency features. Internet transfer power consumption was analyzed taking into account the number of data hops and networking devices used. The power consumed by online browsing and downloading was also factored into the model. The embedded CO2e of server and networking devices was proportioned to each ESD process. Three U.K.-based ESD scenarios were analyzed using the model which revealed potential CO2e savings of 83% when ESD was used over physical distribution. Results also highlighted the importance of server efficiency and utilization methods.


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Cloud computing is offering utility-oriented IT services to users worldwide. Based on a pay-as-you-go model, it enables hosting of pervasive applications from consumer, scientific, and business domains. However, data centers hosting Cloud applications consume huge amounts of energy, contributing to high operational costs and carbon footprints to the environment. Therefore, we need Green Cloud computing solutions that can not only save energy for the environment but also reduce operational costs. This paper presents vision, challenges, and architectural elements for energy-efficient management of Cloud computing environments. We focus on the development of dynamic resource provisioning and allocation algorithms that consider the synergy between various data center infrastructures (i.e., the hardware, power units, cooling and software), and holistically work to boost data center energy efficiency and performance. In particular, this paper proposes (a) architectural principles for energy-efficient management of Clouds; (b) energy-efficient resource allocation policies and scheduling algorithms considering quality-of-service expectations, and devices power usage characteristics; and (c) a novel software technology for energy-efficient management of Clouds. We have validated our approach by conducting a set of rigorous performance evaluation study using the CloudSim toolkit. The results demonstrate that Cloud computing model has immense potential as it offers significant performance gains as regards to response time and cost saving under dynamic workload scenarios.


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Os Sistemas de Detecção e Prevenção de Intrusão (Intrusion Detection Systems – IDS e Intrusion Prevention Systems - IPS) são ferramentas bastante conhecidas e bem consagradas no mundo da segurança da informação. Porém, a falta de integração com os equipamentos de rede como switches e roteadores acaba limitando a atuação destas ferramentas e exige um bom dimensionamento de recursos de hardware como processamento, memória e interfaces de rede de alta velocidade, utilizados para implementá-las. Diante de diversas limitações deparadas por pesquisadores e administradores de redes, surgiu o conceito de Rede Definida por Software (Software Defined Network – SDN), que ao separar os planos de controle e de dados, permite adaptar o funcionamento da rede de acordo com as necessidades de cada um. Desta forma, devido à padronização e flexibilidade propostas pelas SDNs, e das limitações apresentadas dos IPSs, esta dissertação de mestrado propõe o IPSFlow, um framework que utiliza uma rede baseada na arquitetura SDN e o protocolo OpenFlow para a criação de um IPS com ampla cobertura e que permite bloquear um tráfego caracterizado pelos IDS(s) como malicioso no equipamento mais próximo da origem. Para validar o framework, experimentos no ambiente virtual Mininet foram realizados utilizando-se o Snort como IDS para analisar tráfego de varredura (scan) gerado pelo Nmap de um host ao outro. Os resultados coletados apresentam que o IPSFlow funcionou conforme planejado ao efetuar o bloqueio de 85% do tráfego de varredura.


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Questa tesi tratta lo sviluppo di un software in grado di simulare le dinamiche tra fluidi e oggetti considerando la propagazione del calore in vista di possibili applicazioni rivolte ad ambienti in cui lo stato termico del sistema e' critico (data center).


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Le nuove teorie di rete come Software Defined Networking Network Function Virtualization, insieme alle teorie Cognitive/Autonomics consentono di abilitare scenari futuri “disruptive” di rete. Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di esplorare questi scenari futuri e di capire il ruolo della migrazione di funzioni di rete, sotto forma di Virtual Machine. Si vuole affrontare la migrazione di Virtual Machine dal punto di vista delle performance, ma anche come strumento di gestione delle risorse in uno scenario di rete d'accesso autonomica.


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Questa tesi ha l’obiettivo di comprendere e valutare se l’approccio al paradigma SDN, che verrà spiegato nel capitolo 1, può essere utilizzato efficacemente per implementare dei sistemi atti alla protezione e alla sicurezza di una rete più o meno estesa. Oltre ad introdurre il paradigma SDN con i relativi componenti basilari, si introduce il protocollo fondamentale OpenFlow, per la gestione dei vari componenti. Per ottenere l’obiettivo prestabilito, si sono seguiti alcuni passaggi preliminari. Primo tra tutti si è studiato cos’è l’SDN. Esso introduce una potenziale innovazione nell’utilizzo della rete. La combinazione tra la visione globale di tutta la rete e la programmabilità di essa, rende la gestione del traffico di rete un processo abbastanza complicato in termini di livello applicativo, ma con un risultato alquanto performante in termini di flessibilità. Le alterazioni all’architettura di rete introdotte da SDN devono essere valutate per garantire che la sicurezza di rete sia mantenuta. Le Software Defined Network (come vedremo nei primi capitoli) sono in grado di interagire attraverso tutti i livelli del modello ISO/OSI e questa loro caratteristica può creare problemi. Nelle reti odierne, quando si agisce in un ambiente “confinato”, è facile sia prevedere cosa potrebbe accadere, che riuscire a tracciare gli eventi meno facilmente rilevabili. Invece, quando si gestiscono più livelli, la situazione diventa molto più complessa perché si hanno più fattori da gestire, la variabilità dei casi possibili aumenta fortemente e diventa più complicato anche distinguere i casi leciti da quelli illeciti. Sulla base di queste complicazioni, ci si è chiesto se SDN abbia delle problematiche di sicurezza e come potrebbe essere usato per la sicurezza. Per rispondere a questo interrogativo si è fatta una revisione della letteratura a riguardo, indicando, nel capitolo 3, alcune delle soluzioni che sono state studiate. Successivamente si sono chiariti gli strumenti che vengono utilizzati per la creazione e la gestione di queste reti (capitolo 4) ed infine (capitolo 5) si è provato ad implementare un caso di studio per capire quali sono i problemi da affrontare a livello pratico. Successivamente verranno descritti tutti i passaggi individuati in maniera dettagliata ed alla fine si terranno alcune conclusioni sulla base dell’esperienza svolta.


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La tesi analizza un emergente paradigma di rete, Software Defined Network, evidenziandone i punti di forza e mettendone quindi in luce i conseguenti vantaggi, le potenzialità, le limitazioni, l’attuabilità e i benefici, nonché eventuali punti di debolezza.


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Questa tesi di rassegna si pone l'obiettivo di esaminare i motivi che hanno portato alla progettazione del modello Software Defined Networking e analizzarne le caratteristiche principali. L'obiettivo è stato raggiunto attraverso un'analisi attenta dello stato dell'arte, in cui sono state evidenziate le problematiche dell'architettura tradizionale e i requisiti delle reti di nuova generazione che hanno portato i progettisti di rete a riconsiderare il modello attualmente diffuso. Dopo aver scritto in modo approfondito delle caratteristiche e dei benefici di SDN, è stata posta l'enfasi sul protocollo OpenFlow riconosciuto come fattore abilitante del modello oggetto della tesi. Infine sono state analizzate le soluzioni, che si ispirano a SDN, di tre colossi dell'informatica quali HP, Google e Cisco.