894 resultados para Darts (Game)
Este trabalho desenvolve um novo modelo Fuzzy-DEA-Game (FDG) para apoiar o estabelecimento de estratégias de produção. Esse modelo combina a Análise Envoltória de Dados (DEA) com conceitos da Teoria dos Conjuntos Fuzzy e do Jogo da Barganha de Nash. O modelo permite uma avaliação da eficiência produtiva e econômica dos produtos, o que pode resultar num portfólio de produtos mais rentáveis e de interesse do mercado consumidor. O modelo foi aplicado em uma empresa do segmento de energia. Os resultados obtidos com a aplicação do modelo FDG mostraram-se aderentes à realidade da empresa estudada e forneceram metas para a redução dos níveis de recursos (entradas) necessários para a fabricação dos produtos e para aumento dos níveis de resultados (saídas) oriundos da comercialização desses produtos. Como resultado adicional importante, o modelo FDG permitiu a identificação dos produtos do portfólio que são mais sensíveis à ocorrência de incerteza.
Th The purpose of this article is to share the implementation of workgroup activities: a game of learning supported by web technology; Effective educational strategies that encourage a dynamic combination of being flexible, individualized and personalized must be the aim of every school; The blended-learning plays an important role; In this article we describe an online collaborative game which uses an inside and outside collaboration in order to promote the motivation and effective learning; Pedagogical strategies, that use technologies appropriately, in higher education, can promote active learning, centered on students and thus valuing their personal experiences and participation;
In this paper is presented a Game Theory based methodology to allocate transmission costs, considering cooperation and competition between producers. As original contribution, it finds the degree of participation on the additional costs according to the demand behavior. A comparative study was carried out between the obtained results using Nucleolus balance and Shapley Value, with other techniques such as Averages Allocation method and the Generalized Generation Distribution Factors method (GGDF). As example, a six nodes network was used for the simulations. The results demonstrate the ability to find adequate solutions on open access environment to the networks.
No decorrer do projeto SELEAG foi desenvolvido um jogo de aventura gráfica educativo com o propósito de ensinar história, cultura e relações sociais aos alunos. Este jogo foi avaliado em contexto de sala de aula em diversos países, obtendo resultados positivos. No entanto, por motivos técnicos, alguns dos objetivos propostos pelo projeto não puderam ser devidamente explorados, como permitir que o jogo fosse extensível por outros educadores ou suportar a colaboração online entre os jogadores. Nomeadamente, as ferramentas utilizadas para desenvolver o jogo eram demasiado complicadas para serem utilizadas fora da equipa de desenvolvimento, o que limitou a extensibilidade do projeto, e tornou impossível que educadores sem conhecimentos de programação fossem também capazes de traduzir os seus conteúdos educativos para este formato. Além disso, apesar do jogo possuir algumas funcionalidades de colaboração online, toda a interação era efetuada externamente ao jogo, através de um fórum de mensagens, o que demonstrou ser pouco motivante para os jogadores, pois muitos deles nem se aperceberam que havia uma componente de colaboração no jogo. O objetivo desta tese incide sobre estes dois problemas, e consistiu em desenvolver um editor e motor de jogo com uma interface simples de utilizar, que não necessita de conhecimentos prévios de programação, e que permite criar jogos de aventura gráfica com uma componente de colaboração online verdadeiramente embebida na jogabilidade. A aplicação desenvolvida foi testada por um conjunto de utilizadores de diversas áreas, tendo-se obtido resultados que demonstram a acessibilidade e simplicidade da mesma, independentemente do nível de experiência prévio de programação do utilizador. A componente de colaboração online foi também muito bem recebida pelos utilizadores, os quais demonstraram bastante interesse em ver jogos de aventura gráfica com componente de colaboração online serem desenvolvidos no futuro.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Económicas e Empresariais, 8 de Janeiro de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.
The TIMEMESH game, developed in the scope of the European Project SELEAG, is an educational game for learning history, culture and social relations. It is supported by an extensible, online, multi-language, multi-player, collaborative and social platform for sharing and acquiring knowledge of the history of European regions. The game has been already used, with remarkable success, in different European countries like Portugal, Spain, England, Slovenia, Estonia and Belgium.
Serious games are starting to attain a higher role as tools for learning in various contexts, but in particular in areas such as education and training. Due to its characteristics, such as rules, behavior simulation and feedback to the player's actions, serious games provide a favorable learning environment where errors can occur without real life penalty and students get instant feedback from challenges. These challenges are in accordance with the intended objectives and will self-adapt and repeat according to the student’s difficulty level. Through motivating and engaging environments, which serve as base for problem solving and simulation of different situations and contexts, serious games have a great potential to aid players developing professional skills. But, how do we certify the acquired knowledge and skills? With this work we intend to propose a methodology to establish a relationship between the game mechanics of serious games and an array of competences for certification, evaluating the applicability of various aspects in the design and development of games such as the user interfaces and the gameplay, obtaining learning outcomes within the game itself. Through the definition of game mechanics combined with the necessary pedagogical elements, the game will ensure the certification. This paper will present a matrix of generic skills, based on the European Framework of Qualifications, and the definition of the game mechanics necessary for certification on tour guide training context. The certification matrix has as reference axes: skills, knowledge and competencies, which describe what the students should learn, understand and be able to do after they complete the learning process. The guides-interpreters welcome and accompany tourists on trips and visits to places of tourist interest and cultural heritage such as museums, palaces and national monuments, where they provide various information. Tour guide certification requirements include skills and specific knowledge about foreign languages and in the areas of History, Ethnology, Politics, Religion, Geography and Art of the territory where it is inserted. These skills are communication, interpersonal relationships, motivation, organization and management. This certification process aims to validate the skills to plan and conduct guided tours on the territory, demonstrate knowledge appropriate to the context and finally match a good group leader. After defining which competences are to be certified, the next step is to delineate the expected learning outcomes, as well as identify the game mechanics associated with it. The game mechanics, as methods invoked by agents for interaction with the game world, in combination with game elements/objects allows multiple paths through which to explore the game environment and its educational process. Mechanics as achievements, appointments, progression, reward schedules or status, describe how game can be designed to affect players in unprecedented ways. In order for the game to be able to certify tour guides, the design of the training game will incorporate a set of theoretical and practical tasks to acquire skills and knowledge of various transversal themes. For this end, patterns of skills and abilities in acquiring different knowledge will be identified.
Serious games are games where the entertainment aspect is not the most relevant motivation or objective. TimeMesh is an online, multi-language, multiplayer, collaborative and social game platform for sharing and acquiring knowledge of the history of European regions. As such it is a serious game with educational characteristics. This article evaluates the use of TimeMesh with students of 13 and 14 years-old. It shows that this game is already a significant learning tool about European citizenship.
Electricity markets are complex environments, involving a large number of different entities, with specific characteristics and objectives, making their decisions and interacting in a dynamic scene. Game-theory has been widely used to support decisions in competitive environments; therefore its application in electricity markets can prove to be a high potential tool. This paper proposes a new scenario analysis algorithm, which includes the application of game-theory, to evaluate and preview different scenarios and provide players with the ability to strategically react in order to exhibit the behavior that better fits their objectives. This model includes forecasts of competitor players’ actions, to build models of their behavior, in order to define the most probable expected scenarios. Once the scenarios are defined, game theory is applied to support the choice of the action to be performed. Our use of game theory is intended for supporting one specific agent and not for achieving the equilibrium in the market. MASCEM (Multi-Agent System for Competitive Electricity Markets) is a multi-agent electricity market simulator that models market players and simulates their operation in the market. The scenario analysis algorithm has been tested within MASCEM and our experimental findings with a case study based on real data from the Iberian Electricity Market are presented and discussed.
The IEEE 802.15.4 Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol is an enabling technology for time sensitive wireless sensor networks thanks to its Guaranteed-Time Slot (GTS) mechanism in the beacon-enabled mode. However, the protocol only supports explicit GTS allocation, i.e. a node allocates a number of time slots in each superframe for exclusive use. The limitation of this explicit GTS allocation is that GTS resources may quickly disappear, since a maximum of seven GTSs can be allocated in each superframe, preventing other nodes to benefit from guaranteed service. Moreover, the GTSs may be only partially used, resulting in wasted bandwidth. To overcome these limitations, this paper proposes i-GAME, an implicit GTS Allocation Mechanism in beacon-enabled IEEE 802.15.4 networks. The allocation is based on implicit GTS allocation requests, taking into account the traffic specifications and the delay requirements of the flows. The i-GAME approach enables the use of a GTS by multiple nodes, while all their (delay, bandwidth) requirements are still satisfied. For that purpose, we propose an admission control algorithm that enables to decide whether to accept a new GTS allocation request or not, based not only on the remaining time slots, but also on the traffic specifications of the flows, their delay requirements and the available bandwidth resources. We show that our proposal improves the bandwidth utilization compared to the explicit allocation used in the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol standard. We also present some practical considerations for the implementation of i-GAME, ensuring backward compatibility with the IEEE 801.5.4 standard with only minor add-ons.
This technical report describes the implementation details of the Implicit GTS Allocation Mechanism (i-GAME), for the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol. The i-GAME was implemented in nesC/TinyOS for the CrossBow MICAz mote, over our own implementation of the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol stack. This document provides the implementation details, including a description of the i-GAME software interfaces.
This paper presents a methodology to establish investment and trading strategies of a power generation company. These strategies are integrated in the ITEM-Game simulator in order to test their results when played against defined strategies used by other players. The developed strategies are focused on investment decisions, although trading strategies are also implemented to obtain base case results. Two cases are studied considering three players with the same trading strategy. In case 1, all players also have the same investment strategy driven by a market target share. In case 2, player 1 has an improved investment strategy with a target share twice of the target of players 2 and 3. Results put in evidence the influence of the CO2 and fuel prices in the company investment decision. It is also observed the influence of the budget constraint which might prevent the player to take the desired investment decision.
We show that a self-generated set of combinatorial games, S. may not be hereditarily closed but, strong self-generation and hereditary closure are equivalent in the universe of short games. In [13], the question "Is there a set which will give a non-distributive but modular lattice?" appears. A useful necessary condition for the existence of a finite non-distributive modular L(S) is proved. We show the existence of S such that L(S) is modular and not distributive, exhibiting the first known example. More, we prove a Representation Theorem with Games that allows the generation of all finite lattices in game context. Finally, a computational tool for drawing lattices of games is presented. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.