59 resultados para Danggui Buxue decoction


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The use of furanocoumarins, which are photosensitizing compounds, combined with exposure to UV-A radiation is a common treatment for vitiligo, psoriasis, and a number of other skin diseases. Although furanocoumarins plus UV-A treatment is highly effective, several studies have shown that exposure to high doses increases the risk to development of cutaneus carcinoma. Several Dorstenia species are used in folk medicine, mainly against skin diseases, because of the presence of biologically active compounds. We present here analysis of the chemical composition of furanocoumarins from infusion and decoction of Carapia (Dorstenia species), which is used in Brazil against several diseases. We have employed high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) procedures for the quantitative determination of psoralen, bergapten, and isopimpinellin. The contents of furanocoumarins revealed an insignificant difference between infusion and decoction. Dorstenia tubicina and D. asaroides contained psoralen and bergapten only in the rhizomes, whereas D. vitifolia shows solely isopimpinellin in both rhizomes and aerial parts.


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Plants that possess a diuretic effect are widely used by people in the treatment of some important diseases as edema and hypertension. The objective of this work was to study the effects of pitanga and jambos aqueous extracts (AE) about the arterial pressure (AP) and urinary flow (V) in normotensive and anesthetized rats. The AE were prepared for the decoction method and administrated for intragastric way in different concentrations: 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%. These concentrations corresponded respectively at doses of 56, 94, 145, 172 mg of pitanga dried extract /Kg and 44, 73, 83, 95 mg of jambos dried extract/Kg. The animals were divided in nine groups with seven individuals (n=7): control (C), P-10%, P-15%, P-20%, P-25%, J-10%, J-15%, J-20% and J-25%. The rats were anesthetized (hypnol 3%) and submitted to tracheotomy. The left carotide artery was catheterized to measure the AP through a mercury manometer, in periods of 15 minutes. The bladder was catheterized for urine collection and to measure the V, in periods of 30 minutes. The experimental protocol was divided in four periods of 30 minutes each: basal (to evaluate of the basal parameters) and experimental (Exp) 1, 2 and 3 (after the administration of the AE). The results were analyzed for ANOVA and Tukey (X±SD, p<0.05). In the C group did have not alteration of the AP basal but the V basal increased. In the experimental groups (AE of P and J) had significative decline in the AP basal: 34% (P-10%), 20% (P-15%), 21% (P-20%), 31% (P-25%), 24% (J-10%), 20% (J-15%) 16% (J-20%) and 29% (J-25%). Moreover, the administration of AE increased the V basal in: 280% (P-15%) and 192% (J-20%). The results showed that the plants evaluated are hypotensive and diuretic.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O presente trabalho apresenta os resultados da pesquisa etnográfica (baseada na perspectiva da participação observante) realizada junto à religião denominada União do Vegetal (UDV), tendo como locus a Região Metropolitana de Belém (PA). Uma religião de origem amazônica, a UDV está classificada como uma das três principais Linhas das Religiões da Ayahuasca, as quais, entre outras similaridades, têm em comum o uso do chá enteógeno derivado da decocção de duas espécies vegetais: o cipó Banisteriopsis caapi (mariri) e a folha Psychotria virídis (chacrona). Apresentando como recorte metodológico questões relativas ao uso da oralidade como modo exclusivo de transmissão dos ensinos, assim como os aspectos e configurações da memória para esse grupo, a pesquisa objetivou investigar de que modo essas categorias e suas inter-relações contribuem para a configuração da cosmovisão desse grupo – como uma forma de contribuir ao quadro das pesquisas sobre religiões e práticas religiosas na Amazônia.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ayahuasca is a hallucinogenic brew traditionally used by Northwestern Amazonian indigenous groups for therapeutic purposes. It is prepared by the decoction of Banisteriopsis caapi with the leaves of Psychotria viridis. Banisteriopsis caapi contains β-carbolines that are inhibitors of monoamine oxidase and P. viris is rich in dimethyltryptamine, a 5-HT(1A/2A/2C) agonist. Acute ayahuasca administration produces moderate cardiovascular effects in healthy volunteers, but information regarding long-term use is lacking. This study investigated the effects of ayahuasca (2-4 mL/kg) in the rat aorta after acute and chronic (14 days) administration. Ayahuasca caused flattening and stretching of vascular smooth muscle cells and changes in the arrangement and distribution of collagen and elastic fibers. Chronic treatment with the higher dose significantly increased media thickness and the ratio of media thickness to lumen diameter. More research is needed on the cardiovascular function of long-term ayahuasca consumers.


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The aim of this work was to analyze the acute oral toxicity and the effects on intestinal motility of the extract obtained through decoction 20% (m/v) of Endopleura uchi, popularly known as "uxi-amarelo", a native plant from the Brazilian Amazon. The plant is used indiscriminately against several diseases: arthritis, cholesterol, diabetes, ulcers, myomas, and intestinal illnesses in general, among others. The present results show that there were no significant alterations in intestinal motility and that the extract does not present signs of toxicity, showing its safety for consumption purposes.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA


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Introduction: Among all cancer types leukemia represents the leading cause of cancer death in man younger than 40 years. Single-target drug therapy has generally been highly ineffective in treating complex diseases such as cancer. A growing interest has been directed toward multi-target drugs able to hit multiple targets. In this context, plant products, based on their intrinsic complexity, could represent an interesting and promising approach. Aim of the research followed during my PhD was to indentify and study novel natural compounds for the treatment of acute leukemias. Two potential multi-target drugs were identified in Hemidesmus indicus and piperlongumine. Methodology/Principal Findings: A variety of cellular assays and flow cytometry were performed on different cell lines. We demonstrated that Hemidesmus modulates many components of intracellular signaling pathways involved in cell viability and proliferation and alters gene and protein expression, eventually leading to tumor cell death, mediated by a loss of mitochondrial transmembrane potential, raise of [Ca2+]i, inhibition of Mcl-1, increasing Bax/Bcl-2 ratio, and ROS formation. Moreover, we proved that the decoction causes differentiation of HL-60 and regulates angiogenesis of HUVECs in hypoxia and normoxia, by the inhibition of new vessel formation and the processes of migration/invasion. Clinically relevant observations are that its cytotoxic activity was also recorded in primary cells from acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients. Moreover, both Hemidesmus and piperlongumine showed a selective action toward leukemic stem cell (LSC). Conclusions: Our results indicate the molecular basis of the anti-leukemic effects of Hemidesmus indicus and indentify the mitochondrial pathways, [Ca2+]i, cytodifferentiation and angiogenesis inhibition as crucial actors in its anticancer activity. The ability to selectively hit LSC showed by Hemidesmus and piperlongumine enriched the knowledge of their anti-leukemic activity. On these bases, we conclude that Hemidesmus and piperlongumine can represent a valuable strategy in the anticancer pharmacology.


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Introduction According to the Swiss Health Survey 2007, 1.7% of the adult population use traditional Chinese medicine (including Chinese herbal medicine, but excluding acupuncture). In contrast to conventional drugs, that contain single chemically defined substances, prescriptions of Chinese herbs are mixtures of up to 40 ingredients (parts of plants, fungi, animal substances and minerals). Originally they were taken in the form of decoctions, but nowadays granules are more popular. Medium daily dosages of granules range between 8 to 12g. In a recent work we identified the most commonly used Chinese herbs (all ingredients are referred to as herbs for reasons of simplicity) and classical formulas (mixtures). Here we present a short overview and the example of suan zao ren (Ziziphi Spinosae Semen), which is used in the treatment of insomnia and anxiety and contains saponins that have been shown to increase sleep in animal studies. Material and Methods A random sample of 1,053 prescriptions was drawn from the database of Lian Chinaherb AG, Switzerland, and analysed according to the most frequently used individual herbs and classical formulas. Cluster analysis (Jaccard similarity coefficient, complete linkage method) was applied to identify common combinations of herbs. Results The most frequently used herbs were dang gui (Angelicae Sinensis Radix), fu ling (Poria), bai shao (Paeoniae Radix Alba), and gan cao (Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma); the most frequently used classical formulas were gui pi tang (Restore the Spleen Decoction) and xiao yao san (Rambling Powder). The average number of herbs per prescription was 12.0, and the average daily dosage of granules was 8.7g. 74.3% of the prescriptions were for female, 24.8% for male patients. Suan zao ren was present in 14.2% of all prescriptions. These prescriptions contained on average 13.7 herbs, and the daily dosage of granules was 8.9g. Suan zao ren was more frequently prescribed by practitioners of non-Asian than of Asian origin but equally often for female and male patients. Cluster analysis grouped suan zao ren with yuan zhi (Polygalae Radix), bai zi ren (Platycladi Semen), sheng di huang (Rehmanniae Radix) and dan shen (Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix et Rhizoma). Discussion Prescriptions including suan zao ren contained on average slightly more herbs than other prescriptions. This might be due to the fact that two of the three most popular classical formulas with suan zao ren are composed of 13 and 12 herbs with the possibility of adding more ingredients when necessary. Cluster analysis resulted in the clustering of suan zao ren with other herbs of the classical formula tian wang bu xin dan (Emperor of Heaven’s Special Pill to Tonify the Heart), indicating the use of suan zao ren for the treatment of insomnia and irritability. Unfortunately, the diagnoses of the patients were unavailable and thus correlations between use of suan zao ren and diseases could not be analysed.


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Copy of correspondence responding to a November 16, 1652, letter from Odell regarding his daughter's illness, which Winthrop speculates is hemiplegia. According to Winthrop, "The cure depends upon the knowledge of the right cause, and not only that but the constand and due aplication of such things as may conduce them thereto, which is difficult to doe at a distance." Winthrop further writes that he did not at present have medicine to send for her condition, but recommends "some general things that might be helpfull." These included keeping the child warm with fox or rabbit furs, an ointment consisting of herbs, wax, castor oil, worm grease, fox grease, or an ointment of balsam. Winthrop writes he has sent an ointment, but does not specify its ingredients. His other suggestions for treatment include cupping without scarification, and an decoction containing sarsaparilla, guaiacum, and spirit of rosemary.