61 resultados para DSMC
Onset and evolution of the Rayleigh-Benard (R-B) convection are investigated using the Information Preservation (IP) method. The information velocity and temperature are updated using the Octant Flux Splitting (OFS) model developed by Masters & Ye based on the Maxwell transport equation suggested by Sun & Boyd. Statistical noise inherent in particle approaches such as the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method is effectively reduced by the IP method, and therefore the evolutions from an initial quiescent fluid to a final steady state are shown clearly. An interesting phenomenon is observed: when the Rayleigh number (Ra) exceeds its critical value, there exists an obvious incubation stage. During the incubation stage, the vortex structure clearly appears and evolves, whereas the Nusselt number (Nu) of the lower plate is close to unity. After the incubation stage, the vortex velocity and Nu rapidly increase, and the flow field quickly reaches a steady, convective state. A relation of Nu to Ra given by IP agrees with those given by DSMC, the classical theory and experimental data.
Gas film lubrication of a three-dimensional flat read-write head slider is calculated using the information preservation (IP) method and the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method, respectively. The pressure distributions on the head slider surface at different velocities and flying heights obtained by the two methods are in excellent agreement. IP method is also employed to deal with head slider with three-dimensional complex configuration. The pressure distribution on the head slider surface and the net lifting force obtained by the IP method also agree well with those of DSMC method. Much less (of the order about 10(2) less) computational time (the sum of the time used to reach a steady stage and the time used in sampling process) is needed by the IP method than the DSMC method and such an advantage is more remarkable as the gas velocity decreases.
Two important issues in electron beam physical vapor deposition (EBPVD) are addressed. The first issue is a validity condition of the classical cosine law widely used in the engineering context. This requires a breakdown criterion of the free molecular assumption on which the cosine law is established. Using the analytical solution of free molecular effusion flow, the number of collisions (N-c) for a particle moving from an evaporative source to a substrate is estimated that is proven inversely proportional to the local Knudsen number at the evaporation surface. N-c = 1 is adopted as a breakdown criterion of the free molecular assumption, and it is verified by experimental data and DSMC results. The second issue is how to realize the uniform distributions of thickness and component over a large-area thin film. Our analysis shows that at relatively low evaporation rates the goal is easy achieved through arranging the evaporative source positions properly and rotating the substrate.
MEMS中气体流动因特征尺度小而是稀薄气体的领域,本文首先介绍处理低速稀薄气体流动的一些方法:线化Boltzmann方程,Lattice Boltzmann方法,加滑移边界的Navier-Stoks方程,以及DSMC方法,并讨论它们模拟MEMS中过渡领域低速流动所遇到的困难。信息保存法克服了流速低使得信息噪声比小引起统计模拟的困难,已成功模拟了一些一维和二维问题。MEMS中流速低和大的长宽比的特点还引起出入口边界条件相互影响需要协调的问题,通过微槽道流动的算例,在模拟中采用守恒形式的质量守恒方程和超松弛法成功地解决了这一问题。处理有温度变化的MEMS流动问题和跨越领域的混合算法是重要的问题,本文用信息保存法也进行了有益的尝试。
本文用直接模拟Monte Carlo(DSMC)方法和信息保存(IP)方法模拟了矩形,六边形和半圆形截面的过渡领域Poiseuille流动。DSM方法和IP方法结果相互之间较好的符合,而IP方法的计算效率比DSMC方法的计算效率高得多。由这两种方法得到的质量流率与Hasegawa和Sone等人的BGK模型结果相符。通过用这两种方法对于不同宽高比矩形截面的计算,给出了侧壁面对质量流率和沿中心线的速度分布的影响。
本文利用直接模拟Monte Carlo位置元(DSMC-PE)方案模拟了跨大气层飞行器姿态控制相关的两个典型的稀薄气体流动,真空轴对称射流冲击平板和楔形垂直相交平板稀薄气体绕流。真空轴对称射流在附近平板表面的压力、剪应力和热流分布的计算结果,与Legge(1991)和D(?)ring(1990)的测量数据一致;楔形垂直相交平板表面压力分布计算结果,与Allegre和Raffin(1992)实验数据的比较,也令人满意。上述计算表明,DSMC-PE是处理航天领域稀薄气流的有力工具。
This book elucidates the methods of molecular gas dynamics or rarefied gas dynamics which treat the problems of gas flows when the discrete molecular effects of the gas prevail under the circumstances of low density, the emphases being stressed on the basis of the methods, the direct simulation Monte Carlo method applied to the simulation of non-equilibrium effects and the frontier subjects related to low speed microscale rarefied gas flows. It provides a solid basis for the study of molecular gas dynamics for senior students and graduates in the aerospace and mechanical engineering departments of universities and colleges. It gives a general acquaintance of modern developments of rarefied gas dynamics in various regimes and leads to the frontier topics of non-equilibrium rarefied gas dynamics and low speed microscale gas dynamics. It will be also of benefit to the scientific and technical researchers engaged in aerospace high altitude aerodynamic force and heating design and in the research on gas flow in MEMS
[1] Molecular structure and energy states | (21) | ||
[2] Some basic concepts of kinetic theory | (51) | ||
[3] Interaction of molecules with solid surface | (131) | ||
[4] Free molecular flow | (159) | ||
[5] Continuum models | (191) | ||
[6] Transitional regime | (231) | ||
[7] Direct simulation Monte-Carlo (DSMC) method | (275) | ||
[8] Microscale slow gas flows, information preservation method | (317) | ||
[App. I] Gas properties | (367) | ||
[App. II] Some integrals | (369) | ||
[App. III] Sampling from a prescribed distribution | (375) | ||
[App. IV] Program of the couette flow | (383) | ||
Subject Index | (399) |
通常的气体动力学方法,当气体分子的平均自由程与流场特征长度相比不可忽略时,不再适用,要采用稀薄气体动力学的方法。这适用于航天飞行器在高空飞行时受的力和热,也适用于微机电系统和真空系统等离子体材料加工等21世纪技术前沿领域。本书系统、简明地阐述稀薄气体动力学方法,给出方法的基础并着重介绍直接模拟Monte Carlo(DSMC)方法以及与低速稀薄气体流动相关的前沿课题。全书共分7章。前两章是作为学科的基础引入的,第1章以空气为对象对于分子能态结构、能态分布以极小篇幅作了简要概括的叙述,以作为了解稀薄气流非平衡现象物理基础的初步。第2章对包括双体碰撞、Boltzmann方程以及气体的平衡态等分子动理论的基础做了必要的讨论,其中包括了对唯像论分子相互作用模型、变径硬球(VHS)、变径软球(VSS)和概括化硬球(GHS)等模型的介绍。第3章讨论了各种分子和表面的相互作用模型,包括反映细致平衡的互易原理和基于此原理的CLL模型的阐述。第4章讨论自由分子流。第5章讨论应用于滑流领域的各连续介质方程及滑流边界条件,一些简单解以及热泳问题。第6章则较全面、概括地介绍了求解过程领域中的各种解析和数值方法。第7章介绍了直接模拟Monte Carlo(DSMC)方法,讨论了非平衡流动及低速稀薄流动等前沿课题,包括处理内能松弛、化学反应的方法、用于复杂流场通用软件的方法、低速稀薄流动的信息保存(IP)方法等。 本书适合高等学校力学一航空航天专业高年级学生、研究生及从事气动力学和航天研究的科研人员参考阅读。
通常的气体动力学方法,当气体分子的平均自由程与流场特征长度相比不可忽略时,不再适用,要采用稀薄气体动力学的方法。这适用于航天飞行器在高空飞行时受的力和热,也适用于微机电系统和真空系统等离子体材料加工等21世纪技术前沿领域。本书系统、简明地阐述稀薄气体动力学方法,给出方法的基础并着重介绍直接模拟Monte Carlo(DSMC)方法以及与低速稀薄气体流动相关的前沿课题。
第1节 稀薄气体动力学的提出
第2节 气体的分子模型
第3节 分子平均自由程
第4节 流动的领域划分
第5节 非平衡现象与稀薄气体动力学
第6节 相似准则
第1章 分子结构与能态
第1节 双原子分子
第2节 分子的能态分布
第3节 分子的内能、内自由度和内能分布函数
第2章 分子动理论基础
第1节 速度分布函数
第2节 宏观量的表达
第3节 分子的双体碰撞模型
第4节 碰撞截面与分子模型
第5节 Boltzmann方程
第6节 碰撞积分与气体分子的总碰撞数
第7节 碰撞积分的计算
第8节 Maxwell输运方程——矩方程
第9节 Maxwell分布
第10节 气体的平衡态
第11节 8速度气体模型
第12节 混合气体
第3章 分子表面相互作用
第1节 引言
第2节 镜面反射与漫反射,适应系数
第3节 互易性原理
第4节 CLL分子表面相互作用模型
第4章 自由分子流
第1节 气体中的分子数目通量和动量通量
第2节 作用于物体的气动力
第3节 表面元素的热传导
第4节 自由分子流出与热流逸
第5节 Couette流动与平板间的传热问题
第6节 无碰撞Boltzmann方程的通解,非定常流动
第5章 连续介质模型
第1节 引言
第2节 基本方程
第3节 滑流边界条件
第4节 一些简单问题的求解
第5节 热蠕动与热泳
第6章 过渡领域
第1节 概述
第2节 线化的BoltzmanN方程
第3节 矩方法
第4节 模型方程
第5节 有限差分法
第6节 间断纵坐标方法
第7节 积分方法
第8节 直接模拟方法
第7章 直接模拟Monte方法
第1节 引言
第2节 碰撞的取样
第3节 DSMC方法求解问题实例
第4节 内能的激发与松弛
第5节 化学反应的模拟
第6节 复杂流场的计算,位置元方法
第7节 微尺度低速气体流动,信息保存法
附录I 气体的性质和分子性质
附录II 分布函数求矩遇到的积分
附录III 具有给定分布的随机数的取样
附录IV Couette问题程序
The present paper employs the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method to study the Rayleigh-Benard flows, where the temperature ratio of the upper to lower plate is fixed to 0.1. For a Knudsen number (Kn) of 0.01, as the Rayleigh number (Ra) increases, the flow changes from the thermal conductive state to the convective state at about Ra=1700, and the calculated relation of heat flux through the lower plate versus Ra is in good agreement with classical experimental and theoretical results. For Kn=0.05, the thermal conductive state remains stable, and the increase of Ra cannot trigger thermal instability.
The direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method is a widely used approach for flow simulations having rarefied or nonequilibrium effects. It involves heavily to sample instantaneous values from prescribed distributions using random numbers. In this note, we briefly review the sampling techniques typically employed in the DSMC method and present two techniques to speedup related sampling processes. One technique is very efficient for sampling geometric locations of new particles and the other is useful for the Larsen-Borgnakke energy distribution.
This paper presents exact density, velocity and temperature solutions for two problems of collisionless gas flows around a flat plate or a spherical object. At any point off the object, the local velocity distribution function consists of two pieces of Maxwellian distributions: one for the free stream which is characterized by free stream density, temperature and average velocity, n0, T0, U0; and the other is for the wall and it is characterized by density at wall and wall temperature, nw,Tw. Directly integrating the distribution functions leads to complex but exact flowfield solutions. To validate these solutions, we perform numerical simulations with the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method. In general, the analytical and numerical results are virtually identical. The evaluation of these analytical solutions only requires less than one minute while the DSMC simulations require several days.
The micro-scale gas flows are usually low-speed flows and exhibit rarefied gas effects. It is challenging to simulate these flows because traditional CFD method is unable to capture the rarefied gas effects and the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method is very inefficient for low-speed flows. In this study we combine two techniques to improve the efficiency of the DSMC method. The information preservation technique is used to reduce the statistical noise and the cell-size relaxed technique is employed to increase the effective cell size. The new cell-size relaxed IP method is found capable of simulating micro-scale gas flows as shown by the 2D lid-driven cavity flows.
本论文中采用IP方法模拟硬盘读写头的气膜润滑问题,并选择耗时但精准的DSMC方法作为该问题中IP方法的检验标准,IP方法计算得到的读写头表面压力分布及读写头所受净升力为读写头的设计提供可靠的参考数据。 首先,将读写头复杂表面简化为平面并假定尺寸为微米(远小于真实的毫米),微米尺寸时可以得到DSMC的模拟结果用于比较。IP法对该问题的模拟结果与DSMC的模拟结果完全吻合。 其次,选定一个真实的读写头表面几何,但仍然假定尺寸为微米。IP法在该问题的应用过程中遇到四点困难,我们提出或采取了相应的解决办法。在复杂表面几何的读写头气膜润滑问题中,IP法的模拟结果与DSMC的模拟结果也相符一致。 最后完成真实几何、真实尺寸(毫米)的读写头气膜润滑问题的模拟,这也是本论文的最终研究目标。IP法模拟该问题时需要采用大网格,为此我们构造二维检验模型验证了大网格的合理性。 真实几何读写头气膜润滑问题的模拟结果表明,在流场的局部区域压力沿着高度方向变化显著,这意味着读写头问题的传统计算方法(即概括性雷诺方程)在该局部区域不成立,故用它计算得到的结果值得认真检验,但文献中尚未给出过这类检验。这正是该论文的研究背景和采用新方法(IP方法)的原因。 本论文研究的问题属于过渡领域、低速流动问题,故本论文还介绍了该领域另外一种粒子模拟方法(LVDSMC方法)以及我们对该方法提出的一些改进。 关键词:硬盘读写头,气膜润滑,概括性雷诺方程,IP方法,DSMC方法,过渡领域,LVDSMC方法
最近,Homolle和Hadjiconstantinu提出了新的粒子模拟方法———LVDSMC方法[1],该方法采用了减少方差的思想从而提高了低速流动问题中的计算效率。本文针对LVDSMC方法提出两点改进:第一,除了方法中原来已采用的偏差粒子,在计算近自由分子流问题时建议额外地采用一些辅助粒子,从而可以约束计算过程中原始算法在生成偏差粒子时计算误差的累积效应;第二,提出一个可选的用于计算潜在Maxwell Boltzmann分布函数中的速度参数的增量,从而使得表面的应力及热流的计算变得简单。