Various stocks of Drosophila mauritiana and D. sechellia were found to be infected with Wolbachia, a Rickettsia-like bacterium that is known to cause cytoplasmic incompatibility and other reproductive abnormalities in arthropods. Testing for the expression of cytoplasmic incompatibility in these two species showed partial incompatibility in D. sechellia but no expression of incompatibility in D. mauritiana. To determine whether absence of cytoplasmic incompatibility in D. mauritiana was due to either the bacterial or host genome, we transferred bacteria from D. mauritiana into an uninfected strain of D. simulans, a host species known to express high levels of incompatibility with endogenous Wolbachia. We also performed the reciprocal transfer of the natural D. simulans Riverside infection into a tetracycline-treated stock of D. mauritiana. In each case, the ability to express incompatibility was unaltered by the different host genetic background. These experiments indicate that in D. simulans and D. mauritiana expression of the cytoplasmic incompatibility phenotype is determined by the bacterial strain and that D. mauritiana harbors a neutral strain of Wolbachia.
Inherited rickettsial symbionts of the genus Wolbachia occur commonly in arthropods and have been implicated in the expression of parthenogenesis, feminization and cytoplasmic incompatibility phenomena in their respective hosts. Here we use purified Wolbachia from the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, to replace the natural infection of Drosophila simulans by means of embryonic microinjection techniques. The transferred Wolbachia infection behaves like a natural Drosophila infection with regard to its inheritance, cytoskeleton interactions and ability to induce incompatibility when crossed with uninfected flies. The transinfected flies are bidirectionally incompatible with all other naturally infected strains of Drosophila simulans, however, and as such represent a unique crossing type. The successful transfer of this symbiont between distantly related hosts suggests that it may be possible to introduce this agent experimentally into arthropod species of medical and agricultural importance in order to manipulate natural populations genetically.
Cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) in Drosophila simulans is related to infection of the germ line by a rickettsial endosymbiont (genus Wolbachia). Wolbachia were transferred by microinjection of egg cytoplasm into uninfected eggs of both D. simulans and D. melanogaster to generate infected populations. Transinfected strains of D. melanogaster with lower densities of Wolbachia than the naturally infected D. simulans strain did not express high levels of CI. However, transinfected D. melanogaster egg cytoplasm, transferred back into D. simulans, generated infected populations that expressed CI at levels near those of the naturally infected strain. A transinfected D. melanogaster line selected for increased levels of CI expression also displayed increased symbiont densities. These data suggest that a threshold level of infection is required for normal expression of CI and that host factors help determine the density of the symbiont in the host.
Cytoplasmic incompatibility is known to occur between strains of both Drosophila simulans and D. melanogaster. Incompatibility is associated with the infection of Drosophila with microorganismal endosymbionts. This paper reports survey work conducted on strains of D. simulans and D. melanogaster from diverse geographical locations finding that infected populations are relatively rare and scattered in their distribution. The distribution of infected populations of D. simulans appears to be at odds with deterministic models predicting the rapid spread of the infection through uninfected populations. Examination of isofemale lines from four localities in California where populations appear to be polymorphic for the infection failed to find evidence for consistent assortative mating preferences between infected and uninfected populations that may explain the basis for the observed polymorphism.
Cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) describes the phenomenon whereby eggs fertilized by sperm from insects infected with a rickettsial endosymbiont fail to hatch. Unidirectional CI between conspecific populations of insects is a well documented phenomenon. Bidirectional CI has, however, only been described in mosquito populations, and recently between closely related species of parasitic wasps, where it is of interest as both an unusual form of reproductive isolation and as a potential means of insect population suppression. Here we report on the first known example of bidirectional CI between conspecific populations of Drosophila simulans. Further, we show that defects as early as the first cleavage division are associated with CI. This observation suggests that the cellular basis of CI involves disruption of processes before or during zygote formation and that CI arises from defects in the structure and/or function of the sperm during fertilization.
We wish to alert people studying early embryonic development in the fruit-fly Drosophila melanogaster of the possible presence of commensal parasites in some stocks.
The cut gene of Drosophila melanogaster is an identity selector gene that establishes the program of development and differentiation of external sense organs. Mutations in the cut gene cause a transformation of the external sense organs into chordotonal organs, originally assessed by the use of immunostaining methods [Bodmer et al. (1987): Cell, 51:293-307]. Because of evidence that axonal projections of the transformed neurons within the central nervous system are not completely switched in cut mutants, the transformation of the four cells making up a sense organ was reassessed using single-cell staining with fluorescent dye and differential interface contrast (DIC) microscopy of the embryo and larva. The results provide strong evidence that all cells of the sense organs are completely transformed, exhibiting the morphologies and organelles characteristic of chordotonal sense organs. A comparison of the structures of external sense organs and chordotonal organs indicates that a number of the differences could be due to the degree of development of common structures, and that cut or downstream genes modulate effector genes that are normally utilized in both receptor types. The possible derivation of insect chordotonal and external sense organs from a receptor type found in crustaceans is discussed in the light of arthropod phylogenetics and the molecular genetics of sense organ development. (C) 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The complete nucleotide sequence of the genomic RNA from the insect picorna-like virus Drosophila C virus (DCV) was determined. The DCV sequence predicts a genome organization different to that of other RNA virus families whose sequences are known. The single-stranded positive-sense genomic RNA is 9264 nucleotides in length and contains two large open reading frames (ORFs) which are separated by 191 nucleotides. The 5' ORF contains regions of similarities with the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, helicase and protease domains of viruses from the picornavirus, comovirus and sequivirus families. The 3' ORF encodes the capsid proteins as confirmed by N-terminal sequence analysis of these proteins. The capsid protein coding region is unusual in two ways: firstly the cistron appears to lack an initiating methionine and secondly no subgenomic RNA is produced, suggesting that the proteins may be translated through internal initiation of translation from the genomic length RNA. The finding of this novel genome organization for DCV shows that this virus is not a member of the Picornaviridae as previously thought, but belongs to a distinct and hitherto unrecognized virus family.
I investigated the genetic relationship between male and female components of the mate recognition system and how this relationship influenced the subsequent evolution of the two traits, in a series of replicate populations of interspecific hybrids. Thirty populations of hybrids between Drosophila serrata and Drosophila birchii were established and maintained for 24 generations. At the fifth generation after hybridization, the mating success of hybrid individuals with the D. serrata parent was determined. The genetic correlation between male and female components of the male recognition system, as a consequence of pleiotropy or tight physical linkage, was found to be significant but low (r = 0.388). This result suggested that pleiotropy may play only a minor role in the evolution of mate recognition in this system. At the twenty-fourth generation after hybridization, the mating success of the hybrids was again determined. The evolution of male and female components was investigated by analyzing the direction of evolution of each hybrid line with respect to its initial position in relation to the genetic regression. Male and female components appeared to converge on a single equilibrium point, rather than evolving along trajectories with slope equal to the genetic regression, toward a line of equilibria.
If sexual selection is to result in speciation, traits involved in mate choice within species need to be capable of producing sexual isolation between species. We investigated the association between mate choice and sexual isolation using interspecific hybrids between two sibling species, Drosophila serrata and Drosophila birchii. A perfuming experiment demonstrated that olfaction was involved in the sexual isolation between the two species. A quantitative genetic analysis using 30 populations of hybrids between the two species indicated that mating success in hybrid individuals was predominately determined by cuticular hydrocarbons; the average genetic correlation between mating success and cuticular hydrocarbon profile was 0.84, and in some instances exceeded 0.95. Multivariate analysis of the cuticular hydrocarbons of the two species revealed that there were three independent blends of cuticular hydrocarbons that separated three levels of organization: species, sex, and sex within species. The hydrocarbons used by hybrids in mate choice included those that separated the two species, demonstrating that species-specific characters may be used in mate choice within populations. The interspecific reciprocal cross had a major effect on which cuticular hydrocarbons were associated with mating success, indicating that the expression of the cuticular hydrocarbons was strongly sex linked.
We developed a system for time-lapse observation of identified neurons in the central nervous system (CNS) of the Drosophila embryo. Using this system, we characterize the dynamics of filopodia and axon growth of the motorneuron RP2 as it navigates anteriorly through the CNS and then laterally along the intersegmental nerve (ISN) into the periphery. We find that both axonal extension and turning occur primarily through the process of filopodial dilation. In addition, we used the GAL4-UAS system to express the fusion protein Tau-GFP in a subset of neurons, allowing us to correlate RP2's patterns of growth with a subset of axons in its environment. In particular, we show that RP2's sharp lateral turn is coincident with the nascent ISN. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Reverse transcription coupled with polymerase chain reaction and restriction enzyme analysis was used to characterize 12 Drosophila C virus isolates from geographically different regions. A 1.2-kb fragment was amplified from cDNA and profiles from digestion with 20 restriction enzymes were generated. Analysis of the restriction fragment data gave estimates of nucleotide divergence of 0-10% between isolates. The isolates were grouped on the basis of genetic distance estimates derived from the restriction data. For the isolates from which a single genotype could be purified, a geographical pattern in the distribution of viral genotypes was identified. The 4 Moroccan isolates were very closely related to each other, differing in only 1 restriction profile. The 2 Australian isolates were each other's closest relatives, as were the 2 isolates first recovered in France. The PCR-RFLP technique used in this study has provided us with a simple procedure which can be used to characterize DCV isolates. A single enzyme, Tag I, generated 5 distinct and diagnostic restriction fragment patterns, which allowed easy assignment of isolates to one of the five viral genotypes identified in this study. (C) 1999 Academic Press.
Life histories are generally assumed to evolve via antagonistic pleiotropy (negative genetic correlations) among traits, and trade-offs between life-history traits are typically studied using either phenotypic manipulations or selection experiments. We investigated the trade-off between egg size and fecundity in Drosophila melanogaster by examining both the phenotypic and genetic relationships between these traits after artificial selection for large and small eggs, relative to female body size. Egg size responded strongly to selection in both directions, increasing in the large-egg selected lines and decreasing in the small-egg selected lines. Phenotypic correlations between egg size and fecundity in the large-egg selected lines were negative, but no relationship between these traits occurred in either the control or small-egg selected lines. There was no negative genetic correlation between egg size and fecundity. Total reproductive allocation decreased in the small-egg selected lines but did not increase in the large-egg lines. Our results have three implications. First, our selection procedure may have forced females selected for large eggs into a physiological trade-off not reflected in a negative genetic correlation between these traits. Second, the lack of a negative genetic correlation between egg size and number suggests that the phenotypic trade-off frequently observed between egg size and number in other organisms may not evolve over the short term via a direct genetic trade-off whereby increases in egg size are automatically accompanied by decreased fecundity. Finally, total reproductive allocation may not evolve independently of egg size as commonly assumed.
The surfaces of non-geniculate coralline algae (NCA) are known to induce the settlement and metamorphosis of disparate marine taxa. In this study we investigate the responsiveness of larvae of Herdmania curvata (Ascidiacea: Stolidobranchia) to three species of NCA (Neo-goniolithon brassica-florida, Hydrolithon onkodes, and Lithothamnium prolifer) that cohabit the slope and crest of Heron Reef, Great Barrier Reef. H. curvata larvae were first exposed to these NCA at or within 2 h of hatching, which is 1 to 2 h prior to attaining competence, and then cultured continuously with the NCA for 12 to 14 h. Rates of settlement and metamorphosis of H, curvata cultured in laboratory chambers in the presence of the different NCA were significantly lower than spontaneous rates in seawater. The limited settlement in treatments containing NCA were confined entirely to the chamber periphery, and settlement never occurred on the surface of the NCA. The inhibitory effect was dose-dependent and was stronger in H. brassica-florida and H. onkodes than in L. prolifer. Larvae that did not settle in treatments with NCA had rounded anterior trunks and, in extreme cases, kinked tails with rounded and dissociated tail muscle cells. In some individuals, we observed the anterior chemosensory papillae being sloughed off the larval body. Morphological analysis of trunk ectodermal and mesenchymal nuclei of larvae cultured in the presence of the NCA revealed that general necrotic cell death was occurring. Importantly, H. curvata larvae that were exposed to NCA could not subsequently be induced to metamorphose in KCl-elevated seawater, whereas larvae not exposed to NCA metamorphosed at high rates in KCl-elevated seawater.