364 resultados para DNAK CHAPERONE


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Many Gram-negative bacteria use the chaperone-usher pathway to express adhesive surface structures, such as fimbriae, in order to mediate attachment to host cells. Periplasmic chaperones are required to shuttle fimbrial subunits or pilins through the periplasmic space in an assembly-competent form. The chaperones cap the hydrophobic surface of the pilins through a donor-strand complementation mechanism. FaeE is the periplasmic chaperone required for the assembly of the F4 fimbriae of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli. The FaeE crystal structure shows a dimer formed by interaction between the pilin-binding interfaces of the two monomers. Dimerization and tetramerization have been observed previously in crystal structures of fimbrial chaperones and have been suggested to serve as a self-capping mechanism that protects the pilin-interactive surfaces in solution in the absence of the pilins. However, thermodynamic and biochemical data show that FaeE occurs as a stable monomer in solution. Other lines of evidence indicate that self-capping of the pilin-interactive interfaces is not a mechanism that is conservedly applied by all periplasmic chaperones, but is rather a case-specific solution to cap aggregation-prone surfaces.


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Chaperones are ubiquitous conserved proteins critical in stabilization of new proteins, repair/removal of defective proteins and immunodominant antigens in innate and adaptive immunity. Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammatory infection associated with infection by Porphyromonas gingivalis that culminates in the destruction of the supporting structures of the teeth. We previously reported studies of serum antibodies reactive with the human chaperone Hsp90 in gingivitis, a reversible form of gingival disease confined to the oral soft tissues. In those studies, antibodies were at their highest levels in subjects with the best oral health. We hypothesized that antibodies to the HSP90 homologue of P. gingivalis (HtpG) might be associated with protection/resistance against destructive periodontitis.


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Background: Male infertility is a common cause of reproductive failure in humans. In mice, targeted deletions of the genes coding for FKBP6 or FKBP52, members of the FK506 binding protein family, can result in male infertility. In the case of FKBP52, this reflects an important role in potentiating Androgen Receptor (AR) signalling in the prostate and accessory glands, but not the testis. In infertile men, no mutations of FKBP52 or FKBP6 have been found so far, but the gene for FKBP-like (FKBPL) maps to chromosome 6p21.3, an area linked to azoospermia in a group of Japanese patients.


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We identified nine small-molecule hit compounds of Heat shock 70 kDa protein 5 (HSPA5) from cascade in silico screening based on the binding modes of the tetrapeptides derived from the peptide substrate or inhibitors of Escherichia coli HSP70. Two compounds exhibit promising inhibition activities from cancer cell viability and tumor inhibition assays. The binding modes of the hit compounds provide a platform for development of selective small molecule inhibitors of HSPA5. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Wilms tumor suppressor WT1 encodes a zinc finger transcription factor that is expressed in glomerular podocytes during a narrow window in kidney development. By immunoprecipitation and protein microsequencing analysis, we have identified a major cellular protein associated with endogenous WT1 to be the inducible chaperone Hsp70. WT1 and Hsp70 are physically associated in embryonic rat kidney cells, in primary Wilms tumor specimens and in cultured cells with inducible expression of WT1. Colocalization of WT1 and Hsp70 is evident within podocytes of the developing kidney, and Hsp70 is recruited to the characteristic subnuclear clusters that contain WT1. The amino-terminal transactivation domain of WT1 is required for binding to Hsp70, and expression of that domain itself is sufficient to induce expression of Hsp70 through the heat shock element (HSE). Substitution of a heterologous Hsp70-binding domain derived from human DNAJ is sufficient to restore the functional properties of a WT1 protein with an amino-terminal deletion, an effect that is abrogated by a point mutation in DNAJ that reduces binding to Hsp70. These observations indicate that Hsp70 is an important cofactor for the function of WT1, and suggest a potential role for this chaperone during kidney differentiation.


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BACKGROUND: The androgen receptor (AR) is a major drug target in prostate cancer (PCa). We profiled the AR-regulated kinome to identify clinically relevant and druggable effectors of AR signaling.

METHODS: Using genome-wide approaches, we interrogated all AR regulated kinases. Among these, choline kinase alpha (CHKA) expression was evaluated in benign (n = 195), prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) (n = 153) and prostate cancer (PCa) lesions (n = 359). We interrogated how CHKA regulates AR signaling using biochemical assays and investigated androgen regulation of CHKA expression in men with PCa, both untreated (n = 20) and treated with an androgen biosynthesis inhibitor degarelix (n = 27). We studied the effect of CHKA inhibition on the PCa transcriptome using RNA sequencing and tested the effect of CHKA inhibition on cell growth, clonogenic survival and invasion. Tumor xenografts (n = 6 per group) were generated in mice using genetically engineered prostate cancer cells with inducible CHKA knockdown. Data were analyzed with χ(2) tests, Cox regression analysis, and Kaplan-Meier methods. All statistical tests were two-sided.

RESULTS: CHKA expression was shown to be androgen regulated in cell lines, xenografts, and human tissue (log fold change from 6.75 to 6.59, P = .002) and was positively associated with tumor stage. CHKA binds directly to the ligand-binding domain (LBD) of AR, enhancing its stability. As such, CHKA is the first kinase identified as an AR chaperone. Inhibition of CHKA repressed the AR transcriptional program including pathways enriched for regulation of protein folding, decreased AR protein levels, and inhibited the growth of PCa cell lines, human PCa explants, and tumor xenografts.

CONCLUSIONS: CHKA can act as an AR chaperone, providing, to our knowledge, the first evidence for kinases as molecular chaperones, making CHKA both a marker of tumor progression and a potential therapeutic target for PCa.


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Transthyretin amyloidosis is a conformational pathology characterized by the extracellular formation of amyloid deposits and the progressive impairment of the peripheral nervous system. Point mutations in this tetrameric plasma protein decrease its stability and are linked to disease onset and progression. Since non-mutated transthyretin also forms amyloid in systemic senile amyloidosis and some mutation bearers are asymptomatic throughout their lives, non-genetic factors must also be involved in transthyretin amyloidosis. We discovered, using a differential proteomics approach, that extracellular chaperones such as fibrinogen, clusterin, haptoglobin, alpha-1-anti-trypsin and 2-macroglobulin are overrepresented in transthyretin amyloidosis. Our data shows that a complex network of extracellular chaperones are over represented in human plasma and we speculate that they act synergistically to cope with amyloid prone proteins. Proteostasis may thus be as important as point mutations in transthyretin amyloidosis.


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Le repliement des protéines est un processus cellulaire crucial impliquant plusieurs protéines dont la calnexine, une chaperone du réticulum endoplasmique. Notre laboratoire et un autre groupe avons démontré que la calnexine est essentielle à la viabilité de la levure Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Dans le cadre d’études structure-fonction portant sur cette protéine, nous avons découvert un phénomène permettant la viabilité des cellules en absence de la calnexine. Cet état, nommé Cin pour calnexine independence, est induit par un mutant de la calnexine dépourvu du domaine central hautement conservé (Δhcd_Cnx1p). La caractérisation de l’état Cin a révélé plusieurs caractéristiques particulières telle la dominance, sa transmission de façon non-Mendélienne à la progéniture méïotique et sa transmission par des extraits protéiques dépourvus d’acides nucléiques. Toutes ces propriétés suggèrent donc que l’état Cin est médié via un élément de type prion. Le gène cif1+, pour calnexin independence factor, a été isolé lors de criblages visant à identifier des gènes impliqués dans l’état Cin. Il encode pour une protéine orpheline dont la surexpression induit de façon stable un état de viabilité en l’absence de la calnexine. Cet état diffère génétiquement et phénotypiquement de l’état Cin induit par le mutant Δhcd_Cnx1p préalablement caractérisé, ce qui suggère deux voies parallèles de signalisation du phénomène Cin. Une caractérisation exhaustive de Cif1p a permis de démontrer qu’il ne s’agissait pas du prion responsable de l’état Cin, malgré que cette protéine possède certaines propriétés typiques des prions in vitro. Finalement, Cif1p est une protéine nucléolaire dont la bonne localisation est essentielle à sa capacité à induire l’état Cin. Ceci suggère une interaction entre la fonction essentielle de la calnexine et une fonction exécutée dans le nucléole. Lors d’études visant à élucider la fonction cellulaire de Cif1p, il a été établi qu’elle interagissait avec certaines protéines de la grosse sous-unité du ribosome telle la protéine L3. Cependant, Cif1p ne co-sédimente pas avec des sous-unités ribosomales assemblées, des ribosomes ou des polysomes. De plus, des cellules contenant une délétion génomique de cif1 voient leur contenu en ribosomes perturbé lors de la phase stationnaire. Il semble donc que Cif1p joue un rôle dans la biosynthèse des ribosomes lors de la phase stationnaire. Ce rôle spécifique à cette phase de croissance coincide avec un clivage de la portion N-terminale de Cif1p, clivage qui a lieu lors de l’entrée des cellules en phase stationnaire. De plus, des études effectuées récemment dans notre laboratoire proposent que la calnexine joue un rôle important dans la signalisation de l’apoptose, et ce particulièrement en phase stationnaire. Ainsi, une voie impliquant Cif1p, sa fonction nucléolaire dans la biosynthèse des ribosomes en phase stationnaire, la calnexine et la médiation de l’apoptose semble se dessiner. D’autres travaux, notamment sur la fonction exacte de Cif1p, le rôle de son clivage et les autres composantes impliquées dans le phénomène Cin nous permettront de dessiner un portrait plus complet de cette voie cellulaire inédite.


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This thesis describes several important advancements in the understanding of the assembly of outer membrane proteins of Gram-negative bacteria like Escherichia coli. A first study was performed to identify binding regions in the trimeric chaperone Skp for outer membrane proteins. Skp is known to facilitate the passage of unfolded outer membrane proteins (OMPs) through the periplasm to the outer membrane (OM). A gene construct named “synthetic chaperone protein (scp)” gene was used to express a fusion protein (Scp) into the cytoplasm of E. coli. The scp gene was used as a template to design mutants of Scp suitable for structural and functional studies using site-directed spectroscopy. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) was used to identify distances in Skp-OmpA complexes that separate regions in Scp and in outer membrane protein A (OmpA) from E. coli. For this study, single cysteine (Cys) mutants and single Cys - single tryptophan (Trp) double mutants of Scp were prepared. For FRET experiments, the cysteines were labeled with the tryptophan fluorescence energy acceptor IAEDANS. Single Trp mutants of OmpA were used as fluorescence energy donors. In the second part of this thesis, the function of BamD and the structure of BamD-Scp complexes were examined. BamD is an essential component of the β-barrel assembly machinery (BAM) complex of the OM of Gram-negative bacteria. Fluorescence spectroscopy was used to probe the interactions of BamD with lipid membranes and to investigate the interactions of BamD with possible partner proteins from the periplasm and from the OM. A range of single cysteine (Cys) and single tryptophan (Trp) mutants of BamD were prepared. A very important conclusion from the extensive FRET study is that the essential lipoprotein BamD interacts and binds to the periplasmic chaperone Skp. BamD contains tetratrico peptide repeat (TPR) motifs that are suggested to serve as docking sites for periplasmic chaperones such as Skp.


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Periplasmic chaperone/usher machineries are used for assembly of filamentous adhesion organelles of Gram-negative pathogens in a process that has been suggested to be driven by folding energy. Structures of mutant chaperone-subunit complexes revealed a final folding transition (condensation of the subunit hydrophobic core) on the release of organelle subunit from the chaperone-subunit pre-assembly complex and incorporation into the final fibre structure. However, in view of the large interface between chaperone and subunit in the pre-assembly complex and the reported stability of this complex, it is difficult to understand how final folding could release sufficient energy to drive assembly. In the present paper, we show the X-ray structure for a native chaperone-fibre complex that, together with thermodynamic data, shows that the final folding step is indeed an essential component of the assembly process. We show that completion of the hydrophobic core and incorporation into the fibre results in an exceptionally stable module, whereas the chaperone-subunit preassembly complex is greatly destabilized by the high-energy conformation of the bound subunit. This difference in stabilities creates a free energy potential that drives fibre formation.


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alpha B-Crystallin is a ubiquitous small heat-shock protein (sHsp) renowned for its chaperone ability to prevent target protein aggregation. It is stress-inducible and its up-regulation is associated with a number of disorders, including those linked to the deposition of misfolded proteins, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. We have characterised the formation of amyloid fibrils by human alpha B-crystallin in detail, and also that of alpha A-crystallin and the disease-related mutant R120G (alpha B-crystallin. We find that the last 12 amino acid residues of the C-terminal region of alpha B-crystallin are predicted from their physico-chemical properties to have a very low propensity to aggregate. H-1 NMR spectroscopy reveals that this hydrophilic C-terminal region is flexible both in its solution state and in amyloid fibrils, where it protrudes from the fibrillar core. We demonstrate, in addition, that the equilibrium between different protofilament assemblies can be manipulated and controlled in vitro to select for particular alpha B-crystallin amyloid morphologies. Overall, this study suggests that there could be a fine balance in vivo between the native functional sHsp state and the formation of amyloid fibrils. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The chaperone/usher pathway assembles surface virulence organelles of Gram-negative bacteria, consisting of fibers of linearly polymerized protein subunits. Fiber subunits are connected through 'donor strand complementation': each subunit completes the immunoglobulin (Ig)-like fold of the neighboring subunit by donating the seventh β-strand in trans. Whereas the folding of Ig domains is a fast first-order process, folding of Ig modules into the fiber conformation is a slow second-order process. Periplasmic chaperones separate this process in two parts by forming transient complexes with subunits. Interactions between chaperones and subunits are also based on the principle of donor strand complementation. In this study, we have performed mutagenesis of the binding motifs of the Caf1M chaperone and Caf1 capsular subunit from Yersinia pestis and analyzed the effect of the mutations on the structure, stability, and kinetics of Caf1M-Caf1 and Caf1-Caf1 interactions. The results suggest that a large hydrophobic effect combined with extensive main-chain hydrogen bonding enables Caf1M to rapidly bind an early folding intermediate of Caf1 and direct its partial folding. The switch from the Caf1M-Caf1 contact to the less hydrophobic, but considerably tighter and less dynamic Caf1-Caf1 contact occurs via the zip-out-zip-in donor strand exchange pathway with pocket 5 acting as the initiation site. Based on these findings, Caf1M was engineered to bind Caf1 faster, tighter, or both faster and tighter. To our knowledge, this is the first successful attempt to rationally design an assembly chaperone with improved chaperone function.


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Many virulence organelles of Gram-negative bacterial pathogens are assembled via the chaperone/ usher pathway. The chaperone transports organelle subunits across the periplasm to the outer membrane usher, where they are released and incorporated into growing fibers. Here, we elucidate the mechanism of the usher-targeting step in assembly of the Yersinia pestis F1 capsule at the atomic level. The usher interacts almost exclusively with the chaperone in the chaperone:subunit complex. In free chaperone, a pair of conserved proline residues at the beginning of the subunit-binding loop form a ‘‘proline lock’’ that occludes the usher-binding surface and blocks usher binding. Binding of the subunit to the chaperone rotates the proline lock away from the usher-binding surface, allowing the chaperone-subunit complex to bind to the usher. We show that the proline lock exists in other chaperone/usher systems and represents a general allosteric mechanism for selective targeting of chaperone:subunit complexes to the usher and for release and recycling of the free chaperone.