985 resultados para DNA methyltransferase inhibitor


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The chloroethylnitrosourea (CNU) alkylating agents are commonly used for cancer chemotherapy, but their usefulness is limited by severe bone marrow toxicity that causes the cumulative depletion of all hematopoietic lineages (pancytopenia). Bone marrow CNU sensitivity is probably due to the inefficient repair of CNU-induced DNA damage; relative to other tissues, bone marrow cells express extremely low levels of the O6-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) protein that repairs cytotoxic O6-chloroethylguanine DNA lesions. Using a simplified recombinant retroviral vector expressing the human MGMT gene under control of the phosphoglycerate kinase promoter (PGK-MGMT) we increased the capacity of murine bone marrow-derived cells to repair CNU-induced DNA damage. Stable reconstitution of mouse bone marrow with genetically modified, MGMT-expressing hematopoietic stem cells conferred considerable resistance to the cytotoxic effects of 1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (BCNU), a CNU commonly used for chemotherapy. Bone marrow harvested from mice transplanted with PGK-MGMT-transduced cells showed extensive in vitro BCNU resistance. Moreover, MGMT expression in mouse bone marrow conferred in vivo resistance to BCNU-induced pancytopenia and significantly reduced BCNU-induced mortality due to bone marrow hypoplasia. These data demonstrate that increased DNA alkylation repair in primitive hematopoietic stem cells confers multilineage protection from the myelosuppressive effects of BCNU and suggest a possible approach to protecting cancer patients from CNU chemotherapy-related toxicity.


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Recognition of a specific DNA sequence by a protein is probably the best example of macromolecular interactions leading to various events. It is a prerequisite to understanding the basis of protein-DNA interactions to obtain a better insight into fundamental processes such as transcription, replication, repair, and recombination. DNA methyltransferases with varying sequence specificities provide an excellent model system for understanding the molecular mechanism of specific DNA recognition. Sequence comparison of cloned genes, along with mutational analyses and recent crystallographic studies, have clearly defined the functions of various conserved motifs. These enzymes access their target base in an elegant manner by flipping it out of the DNA double helix. The drastic protein-induced DNA distortion, first reported for HhaI DNA methyltransferase, appears to be a common mechanism employed by various proteins that need to act on bases. A remarkable feature of the catalytic mechanism of DNA (cytosine-5) methyltransferases is the ability of these enzymes to induce deamination of the target cytosine in the absence of S-adenosyl-L-methionine or its analogs. The enzyme-catalyzed deamination reaction is postulated to be the major cause of mutational hotspots at CpG islands responsible for various human genetic disorders. Methylation of adenine residues in Escherichia coli is known to regulate various processes such as transcription, replication, repair, recombination, transposition, and phage packaging.


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Genomic sequences of Helicobacter pylori strains 26695, J99, HPAGI and G27 have revealed an abundance of restriction and modification genes. hp0050, which encodes an N6 adenine DNA methyltransferase, was cloned, overexpressed and purified to near homogeneity. It recognizes the sequence 5'-GRRG-3' (where R is A or G) and, most intriguingly, methylates both adenines when R is A (5'-GAAG-3'). Kinetic analysis suggests a nonprocessive (repeated-hit) mechanism of methylation in which HP0050 methyltransferase methylates one adenine at a time in the sequence 5'-GAAG-3'. This is the first report of an N6 adenine DNA methyltransferase that methylates two adjacent residues on the same strand. Interestingly, HP0050 homologs from two clinical strains of H. pylori (PG227 and 128) methylate only 5'-GAGG-3' compared with 5'-GRRG-3' in strain 26695. HP0050 methyltransferase is highly conserved as it is present in more than 90% of H. pylori strains. Inactivation of hp0050 in strain PG227 resulted in poor growth, suggesting its role in the biology of H. pylori. Collectively, these findings provide impetus for exploring the role(s) of this conserved DNA methyltransferase in the cellular processes of H. pylori.


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The DNA-binding properties of the EcoP15I DNA methyltransferase (M . EcoP15I; MTase) were studied using electrophoretic mobility shift assays. We show by molecular size-exclusion chromatography and dimethyl suberimidate crosslinking that M . EcoP15I is a dimer in solution. While M . EcoP15I binds approx. threefold more tightly to its recognition sequence, 5'-CAGCAG-3', than to non-specific sequences in the presence of AdoMet or its analogs, the discrimination between specific and non-specific sequences significantly increases in presence of ATP. These results suggest for the first time a role for ATP in DNA recognition by type-III restriction-modification enzymes. Furthermore, we show that although c2 EcoPI mutant MTases are defective in AdoMet binding, they are still able to bind DNA in a sequence-specific manner.


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A vast amount of literature has accumulated on the characterization of DNA methyltransferases. The HhaI DNA methyltransferase, a C5-cytosine methyltransferase, has been the subject of investigation for the last 2 decades. Biochemical and kinetic characterization have led to an understanding of the catalytic and kinetic mechanism of the methyltransfer reaction. The HhaI methyltransferase has also been subjected to extensive structural analysis, with the availability of 12 structures with or without a cofactor and a variety of DNA substrates. The mechanism of base flipping, first described for the HhaI methyltransferase, is conserved among all DNA methyltransferases and is also found to occur in numerous DNA repair enzymes. Studies with other methyltransferase reveal a significant structural and functional similarity among different types of methyltransferases. This review aims to summarize the available information on the HhaI DNA methyltransferase.


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Cytosine methylation is important for transposon silencing and epigenetic regulation of endogenous genes, although the extent to which this DNA modification functions to regulate the genome is still unknown. Here we report the first comprehensive DNA methylation map of an entire genome, at 35 base pair resolution, using the flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana as a model. We find that pericentromeric heterochromatin, repetitive sequences, and regions producing small interfering RNAs are heavily methylated. Unexpectedly, over one-third of expressed genes contain methylation within transcribed regions, whereas only approximately 5% of genes show methylation within promoter regions. Interestingly, genes methylated in transcribed regions are highly expressed and constitutively active, whereas promoter-methylated genes show a greater degree of tissue-specific expression. Whole-genome tiling-array transcriptional profiling of DNA methyltransferase null mutants identified hundreds of genes and intergenic noncoding RNAs with altered expression levels, many of which may be epigenetically controlled by DNA methylation.


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An enzyme responsive nanoparticle system that uses a DNA-gold nanoparticle (AuNP) assembly as the substrate has been developed for the simple, sensitive, and universal monitoring of restriction endonucleases in real time. This new assay takes advantage of the palindromic recognition sequence of the restriction nucleases and the unique optical properties of AuNPs and is simpler than the procedure previously described by by Xu et al. (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 2007, 46, 3468-3470). Because it involves only one type of ssDNA modified AuNPs, this assay can be directed toward most of the endonucleases by simply changing the recognition sequence found within the linker DNA. In addition, the endonuclease activity could be quantitatively analyzed by the value of the reciprocal of hydrolysis half time (t(1/2)(-1). Furthermore, our new design could also be applied to the assay of methyltransferase activity since the methylation of DNA inhibits its cleavage by the corresponding restriction endonuclease, and thus, this new methodology can be easily adapted to high-throughput screening of methyltransferase inhibitors.


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BACKGROUND: Cilengitide is a selective integrin inhibitor that is well tolerated and has demonstrated biologic activity in patients with recurrent malignant glioma. The primary objectives of this randomized phase 2 trial were to determine the safety and efficacy of cilengitide when combined with radiation and temozolomide for patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma multiforme and to select a dose for comparative clinical testing. METHODS: In total, 112 patients were accrued. Eighteen patients received standard radiation and temozolomide with cilengitide in a safety run-in phase followed by a randomized phase 2 trial with 94 patients assigned to either a 500 mg dose group or 2000 mg dose group. The trial was designed to estimate overall survival benefit compared with a New Approaches to Brain Tumor Therapy (NABTT) Consortium internal historic control and data from the published European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) trial EORTC 26981. RESULTS: Cilengitide at all doses studied was well tolerated with radiation and temozolomide. The median survival was 19.7 months for all patients, 17.4 months for the patients in the 500 mg dose group, 20.8 months for patients in the 2000 mg dose group, 30 months for patients who had methylated O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) status, and 17.4 months for patients who had unmethylated MGMT status. For patients aged ≤70 years, the median survival and survival at 24 months was superior to what was observed in the EORTC trial (20.7 months vs 14.6 months and 41% vs 27%, respectively; P = .008). CONCLUSIONS: Cilengitide was well tolerated when combined with standard chemoradiation and may improve survival for patients newly diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme regardless of MGMT methylation status. The authors concluded that, from an efficacy and safety standpoint, future trials of this agent in this population should use the 2000 mg dose. Cancer 2012. © 2012 American Cancer Society.


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DNA methyltransferases of type Dnmt2 are a highly conserved protein family with enigmatic function. The aim of this work was to characterize DnmA, the Dnmt2 methyltransferase in Dictyostelium discoideum, and further to investigate its implication in DNA methylation and transcriptional gene silencing. The genome of the social amoeba Dictyostelium encodes DnmA as the sole DNA methyltransferase. The enzyme bears all ten characteristic DNA methyltransferase motifs in its catalytic domain. The DnmA mRNA was found by RT-PCR to be expressed during vegetative growth and down regulated during development. Investigations using fluorescence microscopy showed that both DnmA-myc and DnmA-GFP fusions predominantly localised to the nucleus. The function of DnmA remained initially unclear, but later experiment revealed that the enzyme is an active DNA methyltransferase responsible for all DNA (cytosine) methylation in Dictyostelium. Neither in gel retardation assays, nor by the yeast two hybrid system, clues on the functionality of DnmA could be obtained. However, immunological detection of the methylation mark with an α - 5mC antibody gave initial evidence that the DNA of Dictyostelium was methylated. Furthermore, addition of 5-aza-cytidine as demethylating agent to the Dictyostelium medium and subsequent in vitro incubation of the DNA isolated from these cells with recombinant DnmA showed that the enzyme binds slightly better to this target DNA. In order to investigate further the function of the protein, a gene knock-out for dnmA was generated. The gene was successfully disrupted by homologous recombination, the knock-out strain, however, did not show any obvious phenotype under normal laboratory conditions. To identify specific target sequences for DNA methylation, a microarray analysis was carried out. Setting a threshold of at least 1.5 fold for differences in the strength of gene expression, several such genes in the knock-out strain were chosen for further investigation. Among the up-regulated genes were the ESTs representing the gag and the RT genes respectively of the retrotransposon skipper. In addition Northern blot analysis confirmed the up-regulation of skipper in the DnmA knock-out strain. Bisufite treatment and sequencing of specific DNA stretches from skipper revealed that DnmA is responsible for methylation of mostly asymmetric cytosines. Together with skipper, DIRS-1 retrotransposon was found later also to be methylated but was not present on the microarray. Furthermore, skipper transcription was also up-regulated in strains that had genes disrupted encoding components of the RNA interference pathway. In contrast, DIRS 1 expression was not affected by a loss of DnmA but was strongly increased in the strain that had the RNA directed RNA polymerase gene rrpC disrupted. Strains generated by propagating the usual wild type Ax2 and the DnmA knock-out cells over 16 rounds in development were analyzed for transposon activity. Northern blot analysis revealed activation for skipper expression, but not for DIRS-1. A large number of siRNAs were found to be correspondent to the DIRS-1 sequence, suggesting concerted regulation of DIRS-1 expression by RNAi and DNA methylation. In contrast, no siRNAs corresponding to the standard skipper element were found. The data show that DNA methylation plays a crucial role in epigenetic gene regulation in Dictyostelium and that different, partially overlapping mechanisms control transposon silencing for skipper and DIRS-1. To elucidate the mechanism of targeting the protein to particular genes in the Dictyostelium genome, some more genes which were up-regulated in the DnmA knock-out strain were analyzed by bisulfite sequencing. The chosen genes are involved in the multidrug response in other species, but their function in Dictyostelium is uncertain. Bisulfite data showed that two of these genes were methylated at asymmetrical C-residues in the wild type, but not in DnmA knock-out cells. This suggested that DNA methylation in Dictyostelium is involved not only in transposon regulation but also in transcriptional silencing of specific genes.


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Obwohl die DNA Methyltransferase 2 (Dnmt2) hoch konserviert ist und zu der am weitesten verbreiteten eukaryotischen MTase-Familie gehört, ist ihre biologische Funktion nach wie vor unklar. Nachdem lange Zeit keine DNA Methylierungsaktivität nachgewiesen werden konnte, wurde vor einigen Jahren über geringe Mengen an 5-Methylcytosin (5mC) in Retroelementen der “Dnmt2-only”-Organismen D. melanogaster, D. discoideum und E. histolytica berichtet (Kunert et al. 2003; Fisher et al. 2004; Kuhlmann et al. 2005; Phalke et al. 2009). Als kurze Zeit später robuste Methylierung der tRNAAsp durch humane Dnmt2 gezeigt wurde (Goll et al. 2006), wurde zunächst eine Dualspezifität des Enzyms vorgeschlagen (Jeltsch et al. 2006). Neuere Daten zum 5mC-Status verschiedener „Dnmt2-only“-Organismen bilden Anlass für kontroverse Diskussionen über Ausmaß und Bedeutung der DNA Methyltransferaseaktivität von Dnmt2 (Schaefer et al. 2010a; Krauss et al. 2011). Die vorliegende Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Identifizierung neuer RNA Substrate des Dnmt2-Homologs DnmA aus D. discoideum sowie die biologische Bedeutung der tRNA-Methylierung durch Dnmt2. Wie in anderen Organismen beschrieben, fungiert auch DnmA als tRNAAsp(GUC) MTase in vitro und in vivo. Zusätzlich konnte in vitro tRNAGlu(UUC) als neues Substrat der Dnmt2-Homologe aus D. discoideum und dem Menschen identifiziert werden. In einem Kooperationsprojekt wurde außerdem auch tRNAAsp-Methylierungsaktivität für das Dnmt2-Homolog aus S. pombe (Pmt1) nachgewiesen. Crosslink-RNA-Immunopräzipitationen (RNA-CLIP) mit anschließender Next-Generation-Sequenzierung der mit DnmA assoziierten RNAs zeigen, dass DnmA mit tRNA Fragmenten interagiert, die sich vom Anticodonloop bis in den T-loop erstrecken. Neben der tRNAAsp(GUC) und tRNAGlu(UUC/CUC) sind Fragmente der tRNAGly(GCC) verstärkt angereichert. Inwiefern diese Fragmente eine biologische Funktion haben oder spezifische Degradationsprodukte darstellen, ist noch ungeklärt. Interessanterweise sind von einigen tRNAs wenige Sequenzen von antisense-Fragmenten in den RNA-CLIP Daten zu finden, die etwas kürzer, jedoch exakt komplementär zu den genannten sense-Fragmenten sind. Besonders stark sind diese Fragmente der tRNAGlu(UUC) vertreten. In einem weiteren RNA-CLIP Experiment wurden U-snRNAs, snoRNA und intergenische Sequenzen mit DnmA angereichert. Bei nachfolgenden in vitro Methylierungsstudien konnte ausschließlich die U2-snRNA als potentielles Nicht-tRNA-Substrat der hDnmt2 und DnmA identifiziert werden. Da tRNA Modifikationen im Anticodonloop die Codonerkennung beeinflussen können, wurde ein System etabliert um die Translationseffizienz eines GFP-Reportergens in Wildtyp- und dnmAKO-Zellen zu messen. In D. discoideum wird das Aspartat-Codon GAU ca. zehnmal häufiger genutzt als das GAC Codon, allerdings ist nur eine tRNAAsp(GUC) im Genom der Amöbe kodiert. Aus diesem Grund wurde zusätzlich die Frage adressiert, inwiefern die DnmA-abhängige Methylierung dieser tRNA das „Wobbling“ beeinflusst. Dazu wurde dem Reportergen jeweils eine (GAU)5- und (GAC)5-Leadersequenz vorgeschaltet. Entgegen der Annahme wurde der (GAC)5-Leader in beiden Stämmen etwas effizienter translatiert. Insgesamt zeigte der dnmAKO-Stamm eine leicht erhöhte Translationseffizienz der Reportergene. Vergleichende Analysen zur Aufnahme von Fremd-DNA zeigten signifikant reduzierte Transformationseffizienzen mit einem integrierenden Plasmid in dnmAKO-Zellen. Ein weiterer dnmAKO-Stamm zeigte diesen Effekt jedoch nicht, wobei bei derselben Mutante eine deutlich reduzierte Aufnahme eines extrachromosomalen Plasmids zu verzeichnen war. Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von DnmA auf die Regulation des Retroelements skipper ergaben keinen Zusammenhang zwischen der Generierung kleiner RNAs und der erhöhten Transkription des Retrotransposons in dnmAKO-Zellen (Kuhlmann et al. 2005). Durch Kompensationsversuche sowie Experimente mit einer weiteren dnmAKO-Mutante konnte die Mobilisierung des Retrotransposons nicht eindeutig als DnmA-Funktion eingeordnet werden. In einem weiteren Projekt wurden die Bindung des m5C-bindenden Proteins EhMLBP aus E. histolytica an DNA mittels Rasterkraftmikroskopie abgebildet (Lavi et al. 2006). Neben vermutlich unspezifischen Endbindungsereignissen konnte eine bevorzugte Bindungsstelle des Proteins an LINE DNA (long intersperesed nuclear element) identifiziert werden. Möglicherweise fällt diese mit einem von zwei A/T-reichen Bereichen der LINE DNA zusammen, von denen vermutet wird, dass diese für die Bindung von EhMLBP an DNA von Bedeutung sind. Insgesamt bestätigen die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit die tRNAAsp Methylierungsaktivität als konservierte Dnmt2-Funktion. Darüber hinaus erweitern sie das Substratspektrum der Dnmt2-Methyltransferasen im Bereich der tRNA. Außerdem wird erstmals ein potentielles Nicht-tRNA Substrat vorgeschlagen. Zusätzlich geben neu entdeckte Phänotypen Hinweise auf vielfältige zelluläre Dnmt2-Funktionen.


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Los gliomas malignos representan una de las formas más agresivas de los tumores del sistema nervioso central (SNC). De acuerdo con la clasificación de los tumores cerebrales de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), los astrocitomas han sido categorizados en cuatro grados, determinados por la patología subyacente. Es así como los gliomas malignos (o de alto grado) incluyen el glioma anaplásico (grado III) así como el glioblastoma multiforme (GBM, grado IV),estos últimos los más agresivos con el peor pronóstico (1). El manejo terapéutico de los tumores del SNC se basa en la cirugía, la radioterapia y la quimioterapia, dependiendo de las características del tumor, el estadio clínico y la edad (2),(3), sin embargo ninguno de los tratamientos estándar es completamente seguro y compatible con una calidad de vida aceptable (3), (4). En general, la quimioterapia es la primera opción en los tumores diseminados, como el glioblastoma invasivo y el meduloblastoma de alto riesgo o con metástasis múltiple, pero el pronóstico en estos pacientes es muy pobre (2),(3). Solamente nuevas terapias dirigidas (2) como las terapias anti-angiogénicas (4); o terapias génicas muestran un beneficio real en grupos limitados de pacientes con defectos moleculares específicos conocidos (4). De este modo, se hace necesario el desarrollo de nuevas terapias farmacológicas para atacar los tumores cerebrales. Frente a las terapias los gliomas malignos son con frecuencia quimioresistentes, y esta resistencia parece depender de al menos dos mecanismos: en primer lugar, la pobre penetración de muchas drogas anticáncer a través de la barrera hematoencefálica (BBB: Blood Brain Barrier), la barrera del fluido sangre-cerebroespinal (BCSFB: Blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier) y la barrera sangre-tumor (BTB: blood-tumor barrier). Dicha resistencia se debe a la interacción de la droga con varios transportadores o bombas de eflujo de droga ABC (ABC: ATP-binding cassette) que se sobre expresan en las células endoteliales o epiteliales de estas barreras. En segundo lugar, estos transportadores de eflujo de drogas ABC propios de las células tumorales confieren un fenotipo conocido como resistencia a multidrogas (MDR: multidrug resistance), el cual es característico de varios tumores sólidos. Este fenotipo también está presente en los tumores del SNC y su papel en gliomas es objeto de investigación (5). Por consiguiente el suministro de medicamentos a través de la BBB es uno de los problemas vitales en los tratamientos de terapia dirigida. Estudios recientes han demostrado que algunas moléculas pequeñas utilizadas en estas terapias son sustratos de la glicoproteína P (Pgp: P-gycoprotein), así como también de otras bombas de eflujo como las proteínas relacionadas con la resistencia a multidrogas (MRPs: multidrug resistance-related proteins (MRPs) o la proteína relacionada con cáncer de seno (BCRP: breast-cancer resistance related protein)) que no permiten que las drogas de este tipo alcancen el tumor (1). Un sustrato de Pgp y BCRP es la DOXOrubicina (DOXO), un fármaco utilizado en la terapia anti cáncer, el cual es muy eficaz para atacar las células del tumor cerebral in vitro, pero con un uso clínico limitado por la poca entrega a través de la barrera hematoencefálica (BBB) y por la resistencia propia de los tumores. Por otra parte las células de BBB y las células del tumor cerebral tienen también proteínas superficiales, como el receptor de la lipoproteína de baja densidad (LDLR), que podría utilizarse como blanco terapéutico en BBB y tumores cerebrales. Es asi como la importancia de este estudio se basa en la generación de estrategias terapéuticas que promuevan el paso de las drogas a través de la barrera hematoencefalica y tumoral, y a su vez, se reconozcan mecanismos celulares que induzcan el incremento en la expresión de los transportadores ABC, de manera que puedan ser utilizados como blancos terapéuticos.Este estudio demostró que el uso de una nueva estrategia basada en el “Caballo de Troya”, donde se combina la droga DOXOrubicina, la cual es introducida dentro de un liposoma, salvaguarda la droga de manera que se evita su reconocimiento por parte de los transportadores ABC tanto de la BBB como de las células del tumor. La construcción del liposoma permitió utilizar el receptor LDLR de las células asegurando la entrada a través de la BBB y hacia las células tumorales a través de un proceso de endocitosis. Este mecanismo fue asociado al uso de estatinas o drogas anticolesterol las cuales favorecieron la expresión de LDLR y disminuyeron la actividad de los transportadores ABC por nitración de los mismos, incrementando la eficiencia de nuestro Caballo de Troya. Por consiguiente demostramos que el uso de una nueva estrategia o formulación denominada ApolipoDOXO más el uso de estatinas favorece la administración de fármacos a través de la BBB, venciendo la resistencia del tumor y reduciendo los efectos colaterales dosis dependiente de la DOXOrubicina. Además esta estrategia del "Caballo de Troya", es un nuevo enfoque terapéutico que puede ser considerado como una nueva estrategia para aumentar la eficacia de diferentes fármacos en varios tumores cerebrales y garantiza una alta eficiencia incluso en un medio hipóxico,característico de las células cancerosas, donde la expresión del transportador Pgp se vió aumentada. Teniendo en cuenta la relación entre algunas vías de señalización reconocidas como moduladores de la actividad de Pgp, este estudio presenta no solo la estrategia del Caballo de Troya, sino también otra propuesta terapéutica relacionada con el uso de Temozolomide más DOXOrubicina. Esta estrategia demostró que el temozolomide logra penetrar la BBB por que interviene en la via de señalización de la Wnt/GSK3/β-catenina, la cual modula la expresión del transportador Pgp. Se demostró que el TMZ disminuye la proteína y el mRNA de Wnt3 permitiendo plantear la hipótesis de que la droga al disminuir la transcripción del gen Wnt3 en células de BBB, incrementa la activación de la vía fosforilando la β-catenina y conduciendo a disminuir la β-catenina nuclear y por tanto su unión al promotor del gen mdr1. Con base en los resultados este estudio permitió el reconocimiento de tres mecanismos básicos relacionados con la expresión de los transportadores ABC y asociados a las estrategias empleadas: el primero fue el uso de las estatinas, el cual condujo a la nitración de los transportadores disminuyendo su actividad por la via del factor de transcripción NFκB; el segundo a partir del uso del temozolomide, el cual metila el gen de Wnt3 reduciendo la actividad de la via de señalización de la la β-catenina, disminuyendo la expresión del transportador Pgp. El tercero consistió en la determinación de la relación entre el eje RhoA/RhoA quinasa como un modulador de la via (no canónica) GSK3/β-catenina. Se demostró que la proteína quinasa RhoA promovió la activación de la proteína PTB1, la cual al fosforilar a GSK3 indujo la fosforilación de la β-catenina, lo cual dio lugar a su destrucción por el proteosoma, evitando su unión al promotor del gen mdr1 y por tanto reduciendo su expresión. En conclusión las estrategias propuestas en este trabajo incrementaron la citotoxicidad de las células tumorales al aumentar la permeabilidad no solo de la barrera hematoencefálica, sino también de la propia barrera tumoral. Igualmente, la estrategia del “Caballo de Troya” podría ser útil para la terapia de otras enfermedades asociadas al sistema nervioso central. Por otra parte estos estudios indican que el reconocimiento de mecanismos asociados a la expresión de los transportadores ABC podría constituir una herramienta clave en el desarrollo de nuevas terapias anticáncer.


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There is species divergence in control of DNA methylation during preimplantation development. The exact pattern of methylation in the bovine embryo has not been established nor has its regulation by gender or maternal signals that regulate development such as colony stimulating factor 2 (CSF2). Using immunofluorescent labeling with anti-5-methylcytosine and embryos produced with X-chromosome sorted sperm, it was demonstrated that methylation decreased from the 2-cell stage to the 6-8 cell stage and then increased thereafter up to the blastocyst stage. In a second experiment, embryos of specific genders were produced by fertilization with X- or Y-sorted sperm. The developmental pattern was similar to the first experiment, but there was stage × gender interaction. Methylation was greater for females at the 8-cell stage but greater for males at the blastocyst stage. Treatment with CSF2 had no effect on labeling for DNA methylation in blastocysts. Methylation was lower for inner cell mass cells (i.e., cells that did not label with anti-CDX2) than for trophectoderm (CDX2-positive). The possible role for DNMT3B in developmental changes in methylation was evaluated by determining gene expression and degree of methylation. Steady-state mRNA for DNMT3B decreased from the 2-cell stage to a nadir for D 5 embryos >16 cells and then increased at the blastocyst stage. High resolution melting analysis was used to assess methylation of a CpG rich region in an intronic region of DNMT3B. Methylation percent decreased between the 6-8 cell and the blastocyst stage but there was no difference in methylation between ICM and TE. Results indicate that DNA methylation undergoes dynamic changes during the preimplantation period in a manner that is dependent upon gender and cell lineage. Developmental changes in expression of DNMT3B are indicative of a possible role in changes in methylation. Moreover, DNMT3B itself appears to be under epigenetic control by methylation. © 2013 Dobbs et al.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is characterized by fibrosis of the skin and internal organs. The present study was undertaken to examine the effects of ciprofloxacin, a fluoroquinolone antibiotic implicated in matrix remodeling, on dermal and lung fibroblasts obtained from SSc patients. Dermal and lung fibroblasts from SSc patients and healthy subjects were treated with ciprofloxacin. Western blotting was used to analyze protein levels and RT-PCR was used to measure in RNA expression. The pharmacologic inhibitor UO126 was used to block Erk1/2 signaling. SSc dermal fibroblasts demonstrated a significant decrease in collagen type I mRNA and protein levels after antibiotic treatment, while healthy dermal fibroblasts were less sensitive to ciprofloxacin, downregulating collagen only at the protein levels. Connective tissue growth factor (CCN2) gene expression was significantly reduced and matrix metalloproteinase (MMPI) levels were enhanced after ciprofloxacin treatment to a similar extent in healthy and SSc fibroblasts. Ciprofloxacin induced Erk1/2 phosphorylation, and Erk1/2 blockade completely prevented MMP1 upregulation. However. Smad1 and Smad3 activation in response to TGF beta was not affected. The expression of friend leukemia integration factor 1 (Fli1). a transcriptional repressor of collagen, was increased after treatment with ciprofloxacin only in SSc fibroblasts, and this was accompanied by a decrease in the levels of DNA methyltransferase 1 (Dnmt1). Similar effects were observed in SSc-interstitial lung disease (ILD) lung fibroblasts. In summary, our study demonstrates that ciprofloxacin has antifibrotic actions in SSc dermal and lung fibroblasts via the downregulation of Dnmt1, the upregulation of Fli1 and induction of MMPI gene expression via an Erk1/2-dependent mechanism. Thus, our data suggest that ciprofloxacin may he an attractive therapy for SSc skin and lung fibrosis.


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Abstract Background The integrity of DNA molecules is fundamental for maintaining life. The DNA repair proteins protect organisms against genetic damage, by removal of DNA lesions or helping to tolerate them. DNA repair genes are best known from the gamma-proteobacterium Escherichia coli, which is the most understood bacterial model. However, genome sequencing raises questions regarding uniformity and ubiquity of these DNA repair genes and pathways, reinforcing the need for identifying genes and proteins, which may respond to DNA damage in other bacteria. Results In this study, we employed a bioinformatic approach, to analyse and describe the open reading frames potentially related to DNA repair from the genome of the alpha-proteobacterium Caulobacter crescentus. This was performed by comparison with known DNA repair related genes found in public databases. As expected, although C. crescentus and E. coli bacteria belong to separate phylogenetic groups, many of their DNA repair genes are very similar. However, some important DNA repair genes are absent in the C. crescentus genome and other interesting functionally related gene duplications are present, which do not occur in E. coli. These include DNA ligases, exonuclease III (xthA), endonuclease III (nth), O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (ada gene), photolyase-like genes, and uracil-DNA-glycosylases. On the other hand, the genes imuA and imuB, which are involved in DNA damage induced mutagenesis, have recently been described in C. crescentus, but are absent in E. coli. Particularly interesting are the potential atypical phylogeny of one of the photolyase genes in alpha-proteobacteria, indicating an origin by horizontal transfer, and the duplication of the Ada orthologs, which have diverse structural configurations, including one that is still unique for C. crescentus. Conclusion The absence and the presence of certain genes are discussed and predictions are made considering the particular aspects of the C. crescentus among other known DNA repair pathways. The observed differences enlarge what is known for DNA repair in the Bacterial world, and provide a useful framework for further experimental studies in this organism.