95 resultados para DGT


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Tissue engineering offers a paradigm shift in the treatment of back pain. Engineered intervertebral discs could replace degenerated tissue and overcome the limitations of current treatments, which substantially alter the biomechanical properties of the spine. The centre of the disc, the nucleus pulposus, is an amorphous gel with a large bound water content and it can resist substantial compressive loads. Due to similarities in their compositions, hydrogels have frequently been considered as substitutes for the nucleus pulposus. However, there has been limited work characterising the time-dependent mechanical behaviour of hydrogel scaffolds for nucleus pulposus tissue engineering. Poroelastic behaviour, which plays a key role in nutrient transport, is of particular importance. Here, we investigate the time-dependent mechanical properties of gelatin and agar hydrogels and of gelatin-agar composites. The time-dependent properties of these hydrogels are explored using viscoelastic and poroelastic frameworks. Several gel formulations demonstrate comparable equilibrium elastic behaviour to the nucleus pulposus under unconfined compression, but permeability values that are much greater than those of the native tissue. A range of time-dependent responses are observed in the composite gels examined, presenting the opportunity for targeted design of custom hydrogels with combinations of mechanical properties optimized for tissue engineering applications. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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The composite nature of mineralized natural materials is achieved through both the microstructural inclusion of an organic component and an overall microstructure that is controlled by templating onto organic macromolecules. A modification of an existing laboratory technique is developed for the codeposition of a CaCO3-gelatin composite with a controllable organic content. First, calibration curves are developed to determine the organic content of a CaCO3-gelatin composite from infrared spectra. Second, a CaCO3-gelatin composite is deposited on either glass coverslips or demineralized eggshell membranes using an automated alternating soaking process. Electron microscopy images and use of the infrared spectra calibration curves show that by altering the amount of gelatin in the ionic growth solutions, the final organic component of the mineral can be regulated over the range of 1-10%, similar to that of natural eggshell. © 2012 Materials Research Societ.


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Hydrogels have applications in drug delivery, mechanical actuation, and regenerative medicine. When hydrogels are deformed, load-relaxation arising from fluid flow - poroelasticity - and from rearrangement of the polymer network - viscoelasticity - is observed. The physical mechanisms are different in that poroelastic relaxation varies with experimental length-scale while viscoelastic does not. Here, we show that poroviscoelastic load-relaxation is the product of the two individual responses. The difference in length-scale dependence of the two mechanisms can be exploited to uniquely determine poroviscoelastic properties from simultaneous analysis of multi-scale indentation experiments, providing insight into hydrogel physical behavior. © 2013 American Institute of Physics.


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Polymeric fibrous scaffolds have been considered as replacements for load-bearing soft tissues, because of their ability to mimic the microstructure of natural tissues. Poor toughness of fibrous materials results in failure, which is an issue of importance to both engineering and medical practice. The toughness of fibrous materials depends on the ability of the microstructure to develop toughening mechanisms. However, such toughening mechanisms are still not well understood, because the detailed evolution at the microscopic level is difficult to visualize. A novel and simple method was developed, namely, a sample-taping technique, to examine the detailed failure mechanisms of fibrous microstructures. This technique was compared with in situ fracture testing by scanning electron microscopy. Examination of three types of fibrous networks showed that two different failure modes occurred in fibrous scaffolds. For brittle cracking in gelatin electrospun scaffolds, the random network morphology around the crack tip remained during crack propagation. For ductile failure in polycaprolactone electrospun scaffolds and nonwoven fabrics, the random network deformed via fiber rearrangement, and a large number of fiber bundles formed across the region in front of the notch tip. These fiber bundles not only accommodated mechanical strain, but also resisted crack propagation and thus toughened the fibrous scaffolds. Such understanding provides insight for the production of fibrous materials with enhanced toughness. © 2013 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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New materials are needed to replace degenerated intervertebral disc tissue and to provide longer-term solutions for chronic back-pain. Replacement tissue potentially could be engineered by seeding cells into a scaffold that mimics the architecture of natural tissue. Many natural tissues, including the nucleus pulposus (the central region of the intervertebral disc) consist of collagen nanofibers embedded in a gel-like matrix. Recently it was shown that electrospun micro- or nano-fiber structures of considerable thickness can be produced by collecting fibers in an ethanol bath. Here, randomly aligned polycaprolactone electrospun fiber structures up to 50 mm thick are backfilled with alginate hydrogels to form novel composite materials that mimic the fiber-reinforced structure of the nucleus pulposus. The composites are characterized using both indentation and tensile testing. The composites are mechanically robust, exhibiting substantial strain-to-failure. The method presented here provides a way to create large biomimetic scaffolds that more closely mimic the composite structure of natural tissue. © 2012 Materials Research Society.


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Biomineralized composite materials found in nature have a compromise of good mechanical properties and relatively small embodied energies in the process of their formation. The Alternate Soaking Process (ASP) is a laboratory technique that has only recently been applied to replicating composite biomineralization. The nexus of the ASP - heterogeneous nucleation - makes it ideal for replicating biominerals where the mineral is templated onto an organic substrate, such as occurs in avian eggshell. Here we demonstrate the deposition of a calcium carbonate gelatin composite on either glass cover slips or demineralized eggshell membranes using an automated ASP. SEM images and FTIR spectra of the resulting mineral show that by altering the amount of gelatin in the growth solutions the final organic component can be controlled accurately in the range of 1-10%, similar to that of natural eggshell. This study shows for the first time the co-precipitation of a CaCO3 - gelatin composite by an ASP and that the organic fraction of this mineral can be tuned to mimic that of natural biomineralized composites. © 2012 Materials Research Society.


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Mechanically robust and biomimicking scaffolds are needed for structural engineering of tissues such as the intervertebral disc, which are prone to failure and incapable of natural healing. Here, the formation of thick, randomly aligned polycaprolactone electrospun fibre structures infiltrated with alginate is reported. The composites are characterised using both indentation and tensile testing and demonstrate substantially different tensile and compressive moduli. The composites are mechanically robust and exhibit large strains-to-failure, exhibiting toughening mechanisms observed in other composite material systems. The method presented here provides a way to create large-scale biomimetic scaffolds that more closely mimic the composite structure of natural tissue, with tuneable tensile and compressive properties via the fibre and matrix phases, respectively. © 2014 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


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研究海洋沉积有机物的早期成岩过程是海洋地球化学的重要内容,也是研究全球碳循环不可缺少的核心课题。本文通过模拟有机物在沉积物-海水界面的降解实验,研究了海洋藻类有机物在富含粘土沉积物中不同氧化还原条件下的降解过程及有机物稳定碳同位素比值的变化。通过为期245天的培养实验,我们分析测定了总有机碳(TOC)、脂肪酸、长链烷烃的含量随时间的变化以及总有机碳和单一脂肪酸化合物同位素组成的变化。结果表明粘土、沉积物氧化还原环境、微生物活动,化合物分子结构、有机物来源等是影响有机物降解的重要因素。藻类有机物在富含粘土沉积物中的降解是一个快速过程,其降解速率可以用简单的早期成岩公式(-dGt / dt = ∑kiGi)很好的描述。应用该模型计算了脂肪酸和长链烷烃的降解速率常数。其中脂肪酸的降解速率常数为0.011-0.119 d-1,低于已报道的用未添加粘土的海洋沉积物培养实验得到的速率常数值。该研究实验显示,粘土对沉积有机物有一定的吸附作用,从而对有机物的降解过程起到不同程度的保护作用。长链烷烃的降解速率常数比脂肪酸稍高,为0.013-0.158 d-1,该值与已报道的经水体降解后沉降到海洋沉积物中残余长链烷烃的降解速率常数相当。TOC,脂肪酸和长链烷烃的降解在氧化环境下比在还原环境下快。脂肪酸和长链烷烃的降解不仅受到环境因素的影响,其自身分子结构特征也是很重要的控制因素。脂肪酸化合物双键数目越多,降解的越快;长链烷烃的碳链越短,降解越快。沉积有机物的早期成岩过程对总有机碳及不同化合物的稳定碳同位素比值具有不同的影响。在245天的培养实验过程中,总有机碳稳定同位素比值(δ13C)有所降低,但变化范围不大且受环境影响较小。而几种主要脂肪酸的δ13C值有不同程度的变化趋势。14:0和16:1的δ13C值降低,18:1的δ13C值升高,而16:0和20:5的δ13C值基本保持不变。因此,在利用沉积物中的生物标志化合物碳稳定同位素研究有机物来源及古海洋生物地球化学过程时,应考虑到早期成岩作用对其同位素比值的影响。


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The biogeochemistry of arsenic (As) in sediments is regulated by multiple factors such as particle size, dissolved organic matter (DOM), iron mobilization, and sediment binding characteristics, among others. Understanding the heterogeneity of factors affecting As deposition and the kinetics of mobilization, both horizontally and vertically, across sediment depositional environments was investigated in Sundarban mangrove ecosystems, Bengal Delta, Bangladesh. Sediment cores were collected from 3 different Sundarbans locations and As concentration down the profiles were found to be more associated with elevated Fe and Mn than with organic matter (OM). At one site chosen for field monitoring, sediment cores, pore and surface water, and in situ diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) measurements (which were used to model As sediment pore-water concentrations and resupply from the solid phase) were sampled from four different subhabitats. Coarse-textured riverbank sediment porewaters were high in As, but with a limited resupply of As from the solid phase compared to fine-textured and high organic matter content forest floor sediments, where porewater As was low, but with much higher As resupply. Depositional environment (overbank verses forest floor) and biological activity (input of OM from forest biomass) considerably affected As dynamics over very short spatial distances in the mosaic of microhabitats that constitute a mangrove ecosystem.


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Agroecological zones within Bangladesh with low levels of arsenic in groundwater and soils produce rice that is high in arsenic with respect to other producing regions of the globe. Little is known about arsenic cycling in these soils and the labile fractions relevant for plant uptake when flooded. Soil porewater dynamics of field soils (n = 39) were recreated under standardized laboratory conditions to investigate the mobility and interplay of arsenic, Fe, Si, C, and other elements, in relation to rice grain element composition, using the dynamic sampling technique diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT). Based on a simple model using only labile DGT measured arsenic and dissolved organic carbon (DOC), concentrations of arsenic in Aman (Monsoon season) rice grain were predicted reliably. DOC was the strongest determinant of arsenic solid-solution phase partitioning, while arsenic release to the soil porewater was shown to be decoupled from that of Fe. This study demonstrates the dual importance of organic matter (OM), in terms of enhancing arsenic release from soils, while reducing bioavailability by sequestering arsenic in solution.


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The bioavailability of soil arsenic (As) is determined by its speciation in soil solution, i.e., arsenite [As(III)] or arsenate [As(V)]. Soil bioavailability studies require suitable methods to cope with small volumes of soil solution that can be speciated directly after sampling, and thereby minimise any As speciation change during sample collection. In this study, we tested a self-made microcartridge to separate both As species and compared it to a commercially available cartridge. In addition, the diffusive gradient in thin films technique (DGT), in combination with the microcartridges, was applied to synthetic solutions and to a soil spiked with As. This combination was used to improve the assessment of available inorganic As species with ferrihydrite(FH)-DGT, in order to validate the technique for environmental analysis, mainly in soils. The self-made microcartridge was effective in separating As(III) from As(V) in solution with detection by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) in volumes of only 3 ml. The DGT study also showed that the FH-based binding gels are effective for As(III) and As(V) assessment, in solutions with As and P concentrations and ionic strength commonly found in soils. The FH-DGT was tested on flooded and unflooded As spiked soils and recoveries of As(III) and As(V) were 85–104% of the total dissolved As. This study shows that the DGT with FH-based binding gel is robust for assessing inorganic species of As in soils.


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In wetland-adapted plants, such as rice, it is typically root apexes, sites of rapid entry for water/nutrients, where radial oxygen losses (ROLs) are highest. Nutrient/toxic metal uptake therefore largely occurs through oxidized zones and pH microgradients. However, the processes controlling the acquisition of trace elements in rice have been difficult to explore experimentally because of a lack of techniques for simultaneously measuring labile trace elements and O2/pH. Here, we use new diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT)/planar optode sandwich sensors deployed in situ on rice roots to demonstrate a new geochemical niche of greatly enhanced As, Pb, and Fe(II) mobilization into solution immediately adjacent to the root tips characterized by O2 enrichment and low pH. Fe(II) mobilization was congruent to that of the peripheral edge of the aerobic root zone, demonstrating that the Fe(II) mobilization maximum only developed in a narrow O2 range as the oxidation front penetrates the reducing soil. The Fe flux to the DGT resin at the root apexes was 3-fold higher than the anaerobic bulk soil and 27 times greater than the aerobic rooting zone. These results provide new evidence for the importance of coupled diffusion and oxidation of Fe in modulating trace metal solubilization, dispersion, and plant uptake.


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A novel diffusive gradients in thin film probe developed comprises diffusive gel layer of silver iodide (AgI) and a back-up Microchelex resin gel layer. 2D high-resolution images of sulfide and trace metals were determined respectively on the AgI gel by densitometric analysis and on the Microchelex resin layer with laser-ablation-inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS).We investigated the validity of the analytical procedures used for the determination of sulfide and trace metals. We found low relative standard deviations on replicate measurements, linear trace-metal calibration curves between the LA-ICP-MS signal and the true trace-metal concentration in the resin gel, and a good agreement of the sulfide results obtained with the AgI resin gel and with other analytical methods. The method was applied on anoxic sediment pore waters in an estuarine and marine system. Simultaneous remobilization of sulfide and trace metals was observed in the marine sediment.


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Understanding the labile status of phosphorus (P) in sediments is crucial for managing a eutrophic lake, but it is hindered by lacking in situ data particularly on a catchment scale. In this study, we for the first time characterized in situ labile P in sediments with the Zr-oxide diffusive gradients in thin films (Zr-oxide DGT) technique at a two-dimensional (2D), submillimeter resolution in a large eutrophic lake (Lake Taihu, China, with an area of 2338km2). The concentration of DGT-labile P in the sediment profiles showed strong variation mostly ranging from 0.01 to 0.35mgL-1 with a considerable number of hotspots. The horizontal heterogeneity index of labile P varied from 0.04 to 4.5. High values appeared at the depths of 0-30mm, likely reflecting an active layer of labile P under the sediment-water interface (SWI). Concentration gradients of labile P were observed from the high-resolution 1D DGT profiles in both the sediment and overlying water layers close to the SWI. The apparent diffusion flux of P across the SWI was calculated between -21 and 65ngcm-2d-1, which showed that the sediments tended to be a source and sink of overlying water P in the algal- and macrophyte-dominated regions, respectively. The DGT-labile P in the 0-30mm active layer showed a better correlation with overlying water P than the labile P measured by ex situ chemical extraction methods. It implies that in situ, high-resolution profiling of labile P with DGT is a more reliable approach and will significantly extend our ability in in situ monitoring of the labile status of P in sediments in the field.