993 resultados para DENTAL COMPOSITES


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Objectives. The null hypothesis was that mechanical testing systems used to determine polymerization stress (sigma(pol)) would rank a series of composites similarly. Methods. Two series of composites were tested in the following systems: universal testing machine (UTM) using glass rods as bonding substrate, UTM/acrylic rods, "low compliance device", and single cantilever device ("Bioman"). One series had five experimental composites containing BisGMA:TEGDMA in equimolar concentrations and 60, 65, 70, 75 or 80 wt% of filler. The other series had five commercial composites: Filtek Z250 (3M ESPE), Filtek A110 (3M ESPE), Tetric Ceram (Ivoclar), Heliomolar (Ivoclar) and Point 4 (Kerr). Specimen geometry, dimensions and curing conditions were similar in all systems. sigma(pol) was monitored for 10 min. Volumetric shrinkage (VS) was measured in a mercury dilatometer and elastic modulus (E) was determined by three-point bending. Shrinkage rate was used as a measure of reaction kinetics. ANOVA/Tukey test was performed for each variable, separately for each series. Results. For the experimental composites, sigma(pol) decreased with filler content in all systems, following the variation in VS. For commercial materials, sigma(pol) did not vary in the UTM/acrylic system and showed very few similarities in rankings in the others tests system. Also, no clear relationships were observed between sigma(pol) and VS or E. Significance. The testing systems showed a good agreement for the experimental composites, but very few similarities for the commercial composites. Therefore, comparison of polymerization stress results from different devices must be done carefully. (c) 2012 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objectives. The C-Factor has been used widely to rationalize the changes in shrinkage stress occurring at the tooth/resin-composite interfaces. Experimentally, such stresses have been measured in a uniaxial direction between opposed parallel walls. The situation of adjoining cavity walls has been neglected. The aim was to investigate the hypothesis that: within stylized model rectangular cavities of constant volume and wall thickness, the interfacial shrinkage-stress at the adjoining cavity walls increases steadily as the C-Factor increases. Methods. Eight 3D-FEM restored Class I 'rectangular cavity' models were created by MSC.PATRAN/MSC.Marc, r2-2005 and subjected to 1% of shrinkage, while maintaining constant both the volume (20 mm(3)) and the wall thickness (2 mm), but varying the C-Factor (1.9-13.5). An adhesive contact between the composite and the teeth was incorporated. Polymerization shrinkage was simulated by analogy with thermal contraction. Principal stresses and strains were calculated. Peak values of maximum principal (MP) and maximum shear (MS) stresses from the different walls were displayed graphically as a function of C-Factor. The stress-peak association with C-Factor was evaluated by the Pearson correlation between the stress peak and the C-Factor. Results. The hypothesis was rejected: there was no clear increase of stress-peaks with C-Factor. The stress-peaks particularly expressed as MP and MS varied only slightly with increasing C-Factor. Lower stress-peaks were present at the pulpal floor in comparison to the stress at the axial walls. In general, MP and MS were similar when the axial wall dimensions were similar. The Pearson coefficient only expressed associations for the maximum principal stress at the ZX wall and the Z axis. Significance. Increase of the C-Factor did not lead to increase of the calculated stress-peaks in model rectangular Class I cavity walls. (C) 2011 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objectives: To evaluate the effect of additives on the water sorption characteristics of Bis-GMA based copolymers and composites containing TEGDMA, CH(3)Bis-GMA or CF(3)Bis-GMA. Material and methods: Fifteen experimental copolymers and corresponding composites were prepared combining Bis-GMA and TEGDMA, CH(3)Bis-GMA or CF(3)Bis-GMA, with aldehyde or diketone (24 and 32 mol%) totaling 30 groups. For composites, barium aluminosilicate glass and pyrogenic silica was added to comonomer mixtures. Photopolymerization was effected by 0.2 wt% each of camphorquinone and N,N-dimethyl-p-toluidine. Specimen densities in dry and water saturated conditions were obtained by Archimedes' method. Water sorption and desorption were evaluated in a desorption-sorption-desorption cycle. Water uptake (%WU), water desorption (%WD), equilibrium solubility (ES; mu g/mm(3)), swelling (f) and volume increase (%V) were calculated using appropriate equations. Results: All resins with additives had increased %WU and ES. TEGDMA-containing systems presented higher %WU, %WD, ES, f and %V values, followed by resins based on CH(3)Bis-GMA and CF(3)Bis-GMA. Conclusions: Aldehyde and diketone led to increases in the water sorption characteristics of experimental resins.


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The cytotoxicity of dental composites has been attributed to the release of residual monomers from polymerized adhesive systems due to degradation processes or the incomplete polymerization of materials. 2-Hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) is one of the major components released from dental adhesives. Cytotoxic effects due to high concentrations of HEMA have already been investigated, but the influence of minor toxic concentrations for long-term exposition on specific proteins such as type I collagen and tenascin has not been studied in depth. The objective of this project was to study the effect of minor toxic concentrations of HEMA on human gingival fibroblasts (HGFs) and human pulp fibroblasts (HPFs), investigating modification in cell morphology, cell viability, and the influence on type I collagen and tenascin proteins. Different concentrations of the resin monomer and different times of exposition were tested on both cell lines. The cell vitality was determined by MTT assay, and high-resolution scanning electron microscopy analysis was performed to evaluate differences in cell morphology before and after treatment. To evaluate the variability in the expression and synthesis of procollagen α1 type I and tenascin proteins on HGFs and HPFs treated with HEMA at different concentrations immunofluorescence, RT-PCR and western blot analysis, were carried out. The treatments on HGFs with 3mmol/L HEMA, showed a strong reduction of procollagen α1 type I protein at 72h and 96h, demonstrating that HEMA interferes both with the synthesis of the procollagen α1 type I protein and its mRNA expression. The results obtained on HPFs treated with different concentrations of HEMA ranging from 0,5mmol/L to 3mmol/L and for different exposition times showed a strong reduction in cell viability in specimens treated for 96h and 168h, while immunofluorescence and western blotting analysis demonstrated a reduction of procollagen α1 type I and an overexpression of tenascin protein. In conclusion, our results showed that the concentrations of HEMA we tested, effect the normal cell production and activity, such as the synthesis of some dental extracellular matrix proteins.


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Amalgamersatz:Neue Wege zur Herstellung von Dentalkompositen mit geringem Polymerisationsschrumpf auf (Meth-)Acrylat-Basis Aufgrund der ästhetischen und gesundheitlichen Bedenken wird seit Jahrzehnten nach einer Alternative für Amalgam als Zahnfüllmaterial gesucht. Der größte Nachteil von organischen Monomeren liegt in der Volumenkontraktion während der Aushärtung, welche sich negativ auf die Materialeigenschaften auswirkt. Aus diesem Grund war das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit, eine Minimierung des Schrumpfes bei der radikalischen Polymerisation zu erreichen. Dazu wurden verschiedene, zum Teil neue, (Meth-)Acrylate synthetisiert und auf ihre Einsetzbarkeit als Bestandteil von Dentalkompositen geprüft.Um die Volumenkontraktion während der Polymerisation zu minimieren, wurde die Beweglichkeit der polymerisierbaren Gruppe eingeschränkt. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wurden dazu flüssigkristalline Substanzen eingesetzt. Durch Mischen von flüssigkristallinen Diacrylaten konnte eine Mesophase im gewünschten Temperaturintervall von 25 bis 35 °C erhalten werden. Der Einsatz dieser Flüssigkristalle zeigte einen positiven Einfluss auf den Polymerisationsschrumpf. Zudem wurden neue Monomere synthetisiert, deren Methacrylgruppe in direkter Nachbarschaft zum Mesogen angebunden wurde, um die Stabilität der erhaltenen Polymere zu erhöhen.Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde die Beweglichkeit der polymerisierbaren Gruppe durch eine Fixierung an einem starren Kern reduziert. Als Grundkörper wurden Polyphenole, enzymatisch polymerisierte Phenole und ߖCyclodextrin verwendet. Bei den modifizierten Polyphenolen auf Basis von Gallussäure und 3,5-Dihydroxybenzoesäure konnte eine leichte Reduzierung des Polymerisationsschrumpfes erreicht werden. Mit HRP (Horseradish Peroxidase) katalysierten enzymatisch polymerisierten Phenole konnte dagegen nicht photochemisch vernetzt werden, da diese Oligomere in Lösung gefärbt vorlagen. Zudem zeigten die freien, phenolischen Hydroxygruppen eine sehr geringe Reaktivität. Die besten Ergebnisse wurden mit modifizierten ߖCyclodextrinen als Komponente einer Komposite erreicht. Dabei wurde in einem Fall sogar eine leichte Volumenexpansion während der Polymerisation erzielt.


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Due to their excellent aesthetics, photopolymers have been extensively used in several dentistry applications. However, several problems are reported, e.g. low mechanical and abrasion resistance, shrinkage during polymerization, etc. Properties of the final restorations are intrinsically related to the polymerization stage, which can be conveniently studied by photocalorimetry. In the present work the polymerization reaction and the filler content of different photocurable commercial dental methacrylate-based composites were studied by means of photocalorimetry and thermogravimetry, respectively. The results show that the values of curing rate, the heat of polymerization and the filler content vary significantly from one composite to another.


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Because the recommendation to use flowables for posterior restorations is still a matter of debate, the objective of this study was to determine in a nationwide survey in Germany how frequently, for what indications, and for what reasons, German dentists use flowable composites in posterior teeth. In addition, the acceptance of a simplified filling technique for posterior restorations using a low stress flowable composite was evaluated. Completed questionnaires from all over Germany were returned by 1,449 dentists resulting in a response rate of 48.5%; 78.6% of whom regularly used flowable composites for posterior restorations. The most frequent indications were cavity lining (80.1%) and small Class I fillings (74.2%). Flowables were less frequently used for small Class II fillings (22.7%) or other indications (13.6%). Most frequent reasons given for the use of flowables in posterior teeth were the prevention of voids (71.7%) and superior adaptation to cavity walls (72.9%), whereas saving time was considered less important (13.8%). Based on the subjective opinion of the dentists the simplified filling technique seemed to deliver advantages compared to the methods used to date particularly with regard to good cavity adaptation and ease of use. In conclusion, resin composites are the standard material type used for posterior restorations by general dental practitioners in Germany and most dentists use flowable composites as liners.


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Materiais compósitos restauradores representam um dos mais bem sucedidos biomateriais na pesquisa moderna, na substituição do tecido biológico em aparência e função. Nesta linha, a porcelana feldspática tem sido largamente usada em odontologia devido suas interessantes qualidades como estabilidade de cor, propriedades estéticas, elevada durabilidade mecânica, biocompatibilidade, baixa condutividade térmica e elevada resistência ao desgaste. Entretanto, este material é frágil e pode falhar em ambiente oral devido ao micro-vazamento, baixa resistência à tração, descolagem ou fratura. Assim, para melhorar as propriedades mecânicas da porcelana, a zircônia parcialmente estabilizada com Ítria (Y-TZP) pode ser uma boa alternativa para fortalecer e produzir infraestruturas totalmente cerâmicas (coroas e próteses parciais fixas). Portanto, este estudo tem por objetivo avaliar as propriedades mecânicas e características microestruturais da porcelana reforçada com zircônia (3Y-TZP) em diferentes conteúdos e as variáveis que afetam as propriedades mecânicas destes materiais. O estudo de caracterização revelou que a zircônia comercial apresenta melhores resultados quando comparada com a zircônia sintetizada pelo CPM. Assim, os estudos seguintes utilizaram a zircônia comercial para todos os testes requeridos. As partículas de zircônia apresentam elevadas propriedades mecânicas quando comparadas a zircônia aglomerada. Os diferentes conteúdos revelam que as propriedades mecânicas dos compósitos aumentam com o aumento do conteúdo volumétrico até 30% vol.% (198,5Mpa), ou seja, maior resistência à flexão quando comparada com os outros compósitos. Do mesmo modo, a resistência ao desgaste para os compósitos com (30%, vol.% de zircônia) apresenta valores superiores quando comparado aos demais compósitos. Na adesão cerâmico-cerâmico a porcelana exibe elevada adesão para a superfície de zircônia porosa quando comparada a superfície rugosa. Os furos superficiais (PZ) e aplicação de compósitos com camada intermediária (RZI) na zircônia causam separadamente uma melhoria da resistência ao cisalhamento da zircônia-porcelana quando comparados as amostras convencionais de zircônia-porcelana (RZ), embora não sejam estatisticamente significativas (p>0.05). A presença de uma camada intermediaria produz um aumento significativo na força de ligação (~55%) em relação as amostras convencionais (RZ). Portanto, a correta a correta configuração e tratamento superficial podem produzir subestruturas com qualidade e força de ligação adequadas aos requisitos odontológicos.


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Damaged articulating joints can be repaired or replaced with synthetic biomaterials, which can release wear debris due to articulation, leading to the osteolysis. In a recent work, it has been shown that it is possible to achieve a better combination of flexural strength/fracture toughness as well as in vitro bioactivity and cytocompatibility properties in spark plasma sintered hydroxyapatite-titanium (HA-Ti) composites. Although hydroxyapatite and titanium are well documented for their good biocompatibility, nanosized hydroxyapatite (HA) and titanium (Ti) particles can cause severe toxicity to cells. In order to address this issue, fretting wear study of HA-Ti composites under dry and wet (1x SBF, supplemented with 5 g l(-1) bovine serum albumin (BSA)) condition was performed to assess the wear resistance as well as wear debris formation, in vitro. The experimental results reveal one order of magnitude lower wear rate for HA-10 wt% Ti (7.5 x 10(-5) mm(3) N-1 m(-1)) composite than monolithic HA (3.9 x 10(-4) mm(3) N-1 m(-1)) in simulated body fluid. The difference in the tribological properties has been analyzed in the light of phase assemblages and mechanical properties. Overall, the results suggest the potential use of HA-Ti composites over existing HA-based biocomposites in orthopedic as well as dental applications.


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The present work reports the impact of sintering conditions on the phase stability in hydroxyapatite (HA) magnetite (Fe3O4) bulk composites, which were densified using either pressureless sintering in air or by rapid densification via hot pressing in inert atmosphere. In particular, the phase abundances, structural and magnetic properties of the (1-x)HA-xFe(3)O(4) (x = 5, 10, 20, and 40 wt %) composites were quantified by corroborating results obtained from Rietveld refinement of the X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and Mossbauer spectroscopy. Post heat treatment phase analysis revealed a major retention of Fe3O4 in argon atmosphere, while it was partially/completely oxidized to hematite (alpha-Fe2O3) in air. Mossbauer results suggest the high-temperature diffusion of Fe3+ into hydroxyapatite lattice, leading to the formation of Fe-doped HA. A preferential occupancy of Fe3+ at the Ca(1) and Ca(2) sites under hot-pressing and conventional sintering conditions, respectively, was observed. The lattice expansion in HA from Rietveld analysis correlated well with the amounts of Fe-doped HA determined from the Mossbauer spectra. Furthermore, hydroxyapatite in the monoliths and composites was delineated to exist in the monoclinic (P2(1)/b) structure as against the widely reported hexagonal (P6(3)/m) crystal lattice. The compositional similarity of iron doping in hydroxyapatite to that of tooth enamel and bone presents HA-Fe3O4 composites as potential orthopedic and dental implant materials.


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This work was aimed at the study of some physical properties of two current light-cured dental resin composites, Rok (hybrid) and Ice (nanohydrid). As filler they both contain strontium aluminosilicate particles, however, with different size distribution, 40 nm-2.5 mum for Rok and 10 nm-1 mum for Ice. The resin matrix of Rok consists of UDMA, that of Ice of UDMA, Bis-EMA and TEGDMA. Degree of conversion was determined by FT-IR analysis. The flexural strength and modulus were measured using a three-point bending set-up according to the ISO-4049 specification. Sorption, solubility and volumetric change were measured after storage of composites in water or ethanol/water (75 vol%) for 1 day, 7 or 30 days. Thermogravimetric analysis was performed in air and nitrogen atmosphere from 30 to 700 degrees C. Surface roughness and morphology of the composites was studied by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The degree of conversion was found to be 56.9% for Rok and 61.0% for Ice. The flexural strength of Rok does not significantly differ from that of Ice, while the flexural modulus of Rok is higher than that of Ice. The flexural strengths of Rok and Ice did not show any significant change after immersion in water or ethanol solution for 30 days. The flexural modulus of Rok and Ice did not show any significant change either after immersion in water for 30 days, while it decreased significantly, even after 1 day immersion, in ethanol solution. Ice sorbed a higher amount of water and ethanol solution than Rok and showed a higher volume increase. Thermogravimetric analysis showed that Rok contains about 80 wt% inorganic filler and Ice about 75 wt%.


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Purpose: The aim of the present paper was to determine the effect of different types of ionizing radiation on the bond strength of three different dentin adhesive systems. Materials and Methods: One hundred twenty specimens of 60 human teeth (protocol number: 032/2007) sectioned mesiodistally were divided into 3 groups according to the adhesives systems used: SB (Adper Single Bond Plus), CB (Clearfil SE Bond) and AP (Adper Prompt Self-Etch). The adhesives were applied on dentin and photo-activated using LED (Lec 1000, MMoptics, 1000 mW/cm(2)). Customized elastomer molds (0.5 mm thickness) with three orifices of 1.2 mm diameter were placed onto the bonding areas and filled with composite resin (Filtek Z-250), which was photo-activated for 20 s. Each group was subdivided into 4 Subgroups for application of the different types of ionizing radiation: ultraviolet radiation (UV), diagnostic x-ray radiation (DX), therapeutic x-ray radiation (TX) and without irradiation (control group, CG). Microshear tests were carried out (Instron, model 4411), and afterwards the modes of failure were evaluated by optical and scanning electron microscope and classified using 5 scores: adhesive failure, mixed failures with 3 significance levels, and cohesive failure. The results of the shear bond strength test were submitted to ANOVA with Tukey`s test and Dunnett`s test, and the data from the failure pattern evaluation were analyzed with the Mann Whitney test (p = 0.05). Results: No change in bond strength of CB and AP was observed after application of the different radiation types, only SB showed increase in bond strength after UV (p = 0.0267) irradiation. The UV also changed the failure patterns of SB (p = 0.0001). Conclusion: The radio-induced changes did not cause degradation of the restorations, which means that they can be exposed to these types of ionizing radiation without weakening the bond strength.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of low-dose therapeutic ionizing radiation on different aesthetic dental materials. Forty five specimens (n = 45) of three different aesthetic restorative materials were prepared and randomly divided into five groups: G1 (control group); G2, G3, G4, G5 experimental groups irradiated respectively with 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 1.00 Gy of gamma radiation by the (60)Co teletherapy machine. Chemical analyses were performed using a FT-IR Nicolet 520 spectrophotometer with reflectance diffuse technique. Even a minimal exposition at ionizing radiation in therapeutic doses can provide chemical changes on light-cured composite resins. The three studied restorative materials showed changes after exposure at gamma radiation, however the increase of the radiation dose did not contribute to an increase in this effect.