53 resultados para DEHYDRATASE PRPD


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The emergence of strains of Plasmodium falciparum resistant to the commonly used antimalarials warrants the development of new antimalarial agents. The discovery of type II fatty acid synthase (FAS) in Plasmodium distinct from the FAS in its human host (type I FAS) opened up new avenues for the development of novel antimalarials. The process of fatty acid synthesis takes place by iterative elongation of butyryl-acyl carrier protein (butyryl-ACP) by two carbon units, with the successive action of four enzymes constituting the elongation module of FAS until the desired acyl length is obtained. The study of the fatty acid synthesis machinery of the parasite inside the red blood cell culture has always been a challenging task. Here, we report the in vitro reconstitution of the elongation module of the FAS of malaria parasite involving all four enzymes, FabB/F (β-ketoacyl-ACP synthase), FabG (β-ketoacyl-ACP reductase), FabZ (β-ketoacyl-ACP dehydratase), and FabI (enoyl-ACP reductase), and its analysis by matrix-assisted laser desorption-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). That this in vitro systems approach completely mimics the in vivo machinery is confirmed by the distribution of acyl products. Using known inhibitors of the enzymes of the elongation module, cerulenin, triclosan, NAS-21/91, and (–)-catechin gallate, we demonstrate that accumulation of intermediates resulting from the inhibition of any of the enzymes can be unambiguously followed by MALDI-TOF MS. Thus, this work not only offers a powerful tool for easier and faster throughput screening of inhibitors but also allows for the study of the biochemical properties of the FAS pathway of the malaria parasite.


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The crystal structure of beta-hydroxyacyl acyl carrier protein dehydratase of Plasmodium falciparum (PfFabZ) has been determined at a resolution of 2.4 angstrom. PfFabZ has been found to exist as a homodimer (d-PfFabZ) in the crystals of the present study in contrast to the reported hexameric form (h-PfFabZ) which is a trimer of dimers crystallized in a different condition. The catalytic sites of this enzyme are located in deep narrow tunnel-shaped pockets formed at the dimer interface. A histidine residue from one subunit of the dimer and a glutamate residue from the other subunit lining the tunnel form the catalytic dyad in the reported crystal structures. While the position of glutamate remains unaltered in the crystal structure of d-PffabZ compared to that in b-PfFabZ, the histidine residue takes up an entirely different conformation and moves away from the tunnel leading to a His-Phe cis-trans peptide flip at the histidine residue. In addition, a loop in the vicinity has been observed to undergo a similar flip at a Tyr-Pro peptide bond. These alterations not only prevent the formation of a hexamer but also distort the active site geometry resulting in a dimeric form of FabZ that is incapable of substrate binding. The dimeric state and an altered catalytic site architecture make d-PfFabZ distinctly different from the FabZ structures described so far. Dynamic light scattering and size exclusion chromatographic studies clearly indicate a pH-related switching of the dimers to active hexamers. (c) 2006 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserv.


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Liver δ-aminolaevulate (ALA) synthetase and ALA dehydratase are induced to a greater extent in 3,5-diethoxy carbonyl-1,4-dihydrocollidine (DDC) injected mice as compared to the allyl isopropyl acetamide (AIA) injected rats. DDC treated mice do not show an increase in porphobilinogen (PEG) levels commensurate with the increase in ALA levels and the two enzyme activities, but accumulate enormous quantities of protoporphyrin in the liver. Normal mouse liver has an inherent greater capacity to convert PBG to porphyrins as compared to that of the rat. This together with the inhibition of iron incorporation into protoporphyrin in vivo at later stages of DDC administration can account for the large accumulation of protoporphyrin in these animals.


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The O-repeating unit of the Escherichia coli O7-specific lipopolysaccharide is made of galactose, mannose, rhamnose, 4-acetamido-4,6-dideoxyglucose, and N-acetyglucosamine. We have recently characterized the genes involved in the biosynthesis of the sugar precursor GDP-mannose occurring in the E. coli O7:K1 strain VW187 (C. L. Marolda and M. A. Valvano, J. Bacteriol. 175:148-158, 1993). In the present study, we identified and sequenced the rfbBDAC genes encoding the enzymes for the biosynthesis of another precursor, dTDP-rhamnose. These genes are localized on the upstream end of the rfbEcO7 region, and they are strongly conserved compared with similar genes found in various enteric and nonenteric bacteria. Upstream of rfbB we identified a DNA segment containing the rfb promoter and a highly conserved untranslated leader sequence also present in the promoter regions of other surface polysaccharide gene clusters. Also, we have determined that rfbB and rfbA have homologs, rffG (o355) and rffH (o292), respectively, located on the rff cluster, which is involved in the synthesis of enterobacterial common antigen. We provide biochemical evidence that rffG and rffH encode dTDP-glucose dehydratase and glucose-1-phosphate thymidylyltransferase activities, respectively, and we also show that rffG complemented the rfbB defect in the O7+ cosmid pJHCV32. We also demonstrate that rffG is distinct from rffE and map the rffE gene to the second gene of the rff cluster.


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Les infections à Salmonella Enteritidis chez les humains sont associées à la consommation d’œufs ou d’ovoproduits contaminés. La vaccination est un outil utilisé pour diminuer les risques d’infection à SE chez la volaille, mais avec des résultats variables. Au Canada deux bactérines, MBL SE4C et Layermune, sont couramment utilisées pour lutter contre SE. Cependant, leur efficacité n’a pas été complètement déterminée chez les poules pondeuses plus âgées. Par ailleurs, la capacité de ces vaccins à prévenir la transmission verticale et horizontale n’a pas encore été étudiée. L’objectif principal de cette étude était d’évaluer l’effet des deux bactérines sur la réponse immunitaire chez les poules pondeuses, de vérifier la protection conférée par ces vaccins contre l’infection expérimentale à SE, et d’identifier des protéines immunogènes afin de développer un vaccin sous-unitaire. Les oiseaux ont été vaccinés avec deux protocoles d’immunisation en cours d’élevage (soit à 12 et 18, ou à 16 semaines d’âge). Le groupe contrôle a été injecté avec la solution saline. Les oiseaux ont été inoculés per os avec 2 x 109 CFU de la souche SE lysotype 4 à 55 ou à 65 semaines d’âge. Les anticorps (IgG et IgA) ont été mesurés à différents temps avec un ELISA maison en utilisant l’antigène entier de SE. La phagocytose, flambée oxydative, les populations des splénocytes B et T ont été analysées en utilisant la cytométrie en flux. Les signes cliniques, l’excrétion fécale, la contamination des jaunes d’œufs et l’invasion des salmonelles dans les organes ont été étudiés pour évaluer l’efficacité de protection. La transmission horizontale a aussi été étudiée en évaluant l’infection à SE chez les oiseaux mis en contact avec les oiseaux inoculés. Les protéines immunogènes ont été identifiées par SDS-PAGE et Western blot à l’aide d’antisérums prélevés suite à la vaccination et/ou à l’infection expérimentale/naturelle, puis caractérisées par la spectrométrie de masse. Le protocole de vaccination avec deux immunisations a généré un niveau élevé de séroconversion à partir de 3 jusqu’à 32-34 semaines post-vaccination par rapport à celui avec une seule immunisation (p < 0.02), mais il n’y avait plus de différence entre les groupes à 54 et 64 semaines d’âge. Il n’y a pas eu de corrélation entre les niveaux d’IgG et les taux d’isolement des salmonelles dans les organes et des jaunes d’œuf. La production des IgA n’a été observée que chez les oiseaux vaccinés avec 2 injections de MBL SE4C (p ≤ 0.04). Après l’infection expérimentale, la production des IgA a été significativement plus élevée aux jours 1 et 7 p.i dans l’oviducte des oiseaux vaccinés (sauf pour le groupe vacciné avec 2 injections de Layermune) par comparaison avec le groupe contrôle (p ≤ 0.03). Seule la bactérine MBL SE4C a eu un effet protecteur contre la contamination des jaunes d’œuf chez les oiseaux infectés. Ce vaccin réduit partiellement en utilisant deux immunisations, le taux d’excrétion fécale des salmonelles chez les oiseaux inoculés et les oiseaux horizontalement infectés (p ≤ 0.02). Cinq des protéines identifiées par la spectrométrie de masse sont considérées comme des protéines potentiellement candidates pour une étude plus approfondie de leur immonogénicité: Lipoamide dehydrogenase, Enolase (2-phosphoglycerate dehydratase) (2-phospho-D-glycerate hydro-lyase), Elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu), Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) et DNA protection during starvation protein. En général, les bactérines ont induit une immunité humorale (IgG et IgA) chez les poules pondeuses. Cette réponse immunitaire a protégé partiellement les oiseaux quant à l’élimination des salmonelles, la contamination des jaunes d’œuf, ainsi que la transmission horizontale. Dans cette étude, la bactérine MBL SE4C (avec deux immunisations) s’est montrée plus efficace pour protéger les oiseaux que la bactérine Layermune. Nos résultats apportent des informations objectives et complémentaires sur le potentiel de deux bactérines pour lutter contre SE chez les poules pondeuses. Étant donné la protection partielle obtenue en utilisant ces vaccins, l’identification des antigènes immunogènes a permis de sélectionner des protéines spécifiques pour l’élaboration éventuelle d’un vaccin plus efficace contre SE chez les volailles.


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The reactions of PbR(2)(OAc)(2) (R=Me, Ph) with 3-(2-thienyl)-2-sulfanylpropenoic acid (H(2)tSpa) in methanol or ethanol afforded complexes [PbR(2)(tspa)] that electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and IR data suggest are polymeric. X-ray studies showed that [PbPh(2)(tspa)(dmso)] center dot dmso, crystallized from a solution of [PbPh(2)(tspa)] in dmso, is dimeric, and that [HQ](2)[PbPh(2)(tspa)(2)] (Q=diisopropylamine), obtained after removal of [PbPh(2)(tspa)] from a reaction including Q, contains the monomeric anion [PbPh(2)(tSpa)(2)](2-). In the solid state the lead atoms are O,S-chelated by the tspa ligands in all these products, and in the latter two have distorted octahedral coordination environments. NMR data suggest that tspa(2-) remains coordinated to PbR(2)(2+) in solution in dmso. Neither thiamine nor thiamine diphosphate reacted with PbMe(2)(NO(3))(2) in D(2)O. Prior addition of H(2)tSpa protected LLC center dot PK1 renal proximal tubule cells against PbMe(2)(NO(3))(2); thiamine had no statistically significant effect by itself, but greatly potentiated the action of H(2)tSpa. Administration of either H(2)tspa or thiamine to male albino Sprague-Dawley rats dosed 30 min previously with PbMe(2)(NO(3))(2) was associated with reduced inhibition of delta-ALAD by the organolead compound, and with lower lead levels in kidney and brain, but joint administration of both H(2)tspa and thiamine only lowered lead concentration in the kidney.


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We evaluated the in vitro antioxidant effect of alkyl-organotellurides A-D on lipid peroxidation and protein carbonylation in rat liver homogenates. The thiol oxidase and thiol peroxidase-like activities of compounds were investigated. delta-Aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (delta-ALA-D) activity was determined in rat liver homogenates. Compounds A-D protected against lipid peroxidation induced by Fe(2+)/EDTA and sodium nitroprusside (SNP). According to the confidence limits of the IC(50) values of compounds A-D, the IC(50) values for organotellurides followed the order: C (0.30 mu M) <= B (0.40 mu M) < D (0.68 mu M) < A (2.90 mu M), for Fe(2+)/EDTA, and B (0.21 mu M) <= C (0.33 mu M) < D (0.43 mu M) < A (1.21 mu M) for SNP-induced lipid peroxidation. Compounds A-D reduced protein carbonyl content to control levels. The results demonstrated an inverse correlation between thiol oxidase and delta-ALA-D activities. This study supports an antioxidant effect of organotellurides A-D on rat liver.


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NO plays diverse roles in physiological and pathological processes, occasionally resulting in opposing effects, particularly in cells subjected to oxidative stress. NO mostly protects eukaryotes against oxidative injury, but was demonstrated to kill prokaryotes synergistically with H2O2. This could be a promising therapeutic avenue. However, recent conflicting findings were reported describing dramatic protective activity of NO. The previous studies of NO effects on prokaryotes applied a transient oxidative stress while arbitrarily checking the residual bacterial viability after 30 or 60min and ignoring the process kinetics. If NO-induced synergy and the oxidative stress are time-dependent, the elucidation of the cell killing kinetics is essential, particularly for survival curves exhibiting a "shoulder" sometimes reflecting sublethal damage as in the linear-quadratic survival models. We studied the kinetics of NO synergic effects on H2O2-induced killing of microbial pathogens. A synergic pro-oxidative activity toward gram-negative and gram-positive cells is demonstrated even at sub-μM/min flux of NO. For certain strains, the synergic effect progressively increased with the duration of cell exposure, and the linear-quadratic survival model best fit the observed survival data. In contrast to the failure of SOD to affect the bactericidal process, nitroxide SOD mimics abrogated the pro-oxidative synergy of NO/H2O2. These cell-permeative antioxidants, which hardly react with diamagnetic species and react neither with NO nor with H2O2, can detoxify redox-active transition metals and catalytically remove intracellular superoxide and nitrogen-derived reactive species such as (•)NO2 or peroxynitrite. The possible mechanism underlying the bactericidal NO synergy under oxidative stress and the potential therapeutic gain are discussed.


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The pattern of global gene expression in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium bacteria harvested from the chicken intestinal lumen (cecum) was compared with that of a late-log-phase LB broth culture using a whole-genome microarray. Levels of transcription, translation, and cell division in vivo were lower than those in vitro. S. Typhimurium appeared to be using carbon sources, such as propionate, 1,2-propanediol, and ethanolamine, in addition to melibiose and ascorbate, the latter possibly transformed to D-xylulose. Amino acid starvation appeared to be a factor during colonization. Bacteria in the lumen were non- or weakly motile and nonchemotactic but showed upregulation of a number of fimbrial and Salmonella pathogenicity island 3 (SPI-3) and 5 genes, suggesting a close physical association with the host during colonization. S. Typhimurium bacteria harvested from the cecal mucosa showed an expression profile similar to that of bacteria from the intestinal lumen, except that levels of transcription, translation, and cell division were higher and glucose may also have been used as a carbon source. © 2011, American Society for Microbiology.


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Biomarkers as lipid peroxidation, metallothionein and delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase were determined in Cathorops spixii to compare the biological responses of this fish from estuaries with distinct anthropogenic influence. Three areas were selected in two estuaries in accordance with the levels of contamination for the polluted (Santos/So Vicente) and with the hydrodynamic characteristics for the non-polluted (Canan,ia) estuary. Water characteristics and mercury levels in C. spixii confirmed a high human influence in the polluted system. In general, the biomarkers showed differences between the estuaries, suggesting disturbances in the specific cell mechanisms due to the presence of multiple xenobiotics in the contaminated system. Therefore, these biomarkers are recommended to promote more accurate information about the exposure to pollutants. Additionally, the study of the effect of the multiple xenobiotics on resident species such as the benthic fish C. spixii can favor a better assessment of the environmental quality of these systems.


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Interest in the proper neuropathological and molecular characterization of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) has increased since asymptomatic and atypical cases were detected in the cattle population by active disease surveillance. In this respect we investigated a total of 95 confirmed BSE cases originating from different active and passive surveillance categories (clinical suspects, emergency-slaughter, fallen stock and routinely slaughter) in Switzerland for their neuropathological and molecular phenotype. We looked for measurable differences between these categories in lesion profile, severity of spongiform change, degree of astrocytosis as well as immunohistochemical and molecular patterns of the disease-associated isoform of the prion protein (PrPd) in the caudal brainstem. Our results indicate significantly higher intensities of spongiform change in clinically affected compared to asymptomatic BSE cases. Similar effects were in trend observed for the intensities of PrPd deposition and astrocytosis, whereas the frequencies of morphological PrPd types and the molecular patterns in Western immunoblot were not different. Importantly, none of the animals included in this study revealed features of atypical BSE. Taken together, this study suggests that both clinically affected as well as asymptomatic Swiss BSE cases in cattle share the neuropathological and molecular phenotype of classical BSE and that asymptomatic classical BSE cases are at a pre-clinical stage of the disease rather than representing a true sub-clinical form of BSE.


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A vestigial, nonphotosynthetic plastid has been identified recently in protozoan parasites of the phylum Apicomplexa. The apicomplexan plastid, or “apicoplast,” is indispensable, but the complete sequence of both the Plasmodium falciparum and Toxoplasma gondii apicoplast genomes has offered no clue as to what essential metabolic function(s) this organelle might perform in parasites. To investigate possible functions of the apicoplast, we sought to identify nuclear-encoded genes whose products are targeted to the apicoplast in Plasmodium and Toxoplasma. We describe here nuclear genes encoding ribosomal proteins S9 and L28 and the fatty acid biosynthetic enzymes acyl carrier protein (ACP), β-ketoacyl-ACP synthase III (FabH), and β-hydroxyacyl-ACP dehydratase (FabZ). These genes show high similarity to plastid homologues, and immunolocalization of S9 and ACP verifies that the proteins accumulate in the plastid. All the putatively apicoplast-targeted proteins bear N-terminal presequences consistent with plastid targeting, and the ACP presequence is shown to be sufficient to target a recombinant green fluorescent protein reporter to the apicoplast in transgenic T. gondii. Localization of ACP, and very probably FabH and FabZ, in the apicoplast implicates fatty acid biosynthesis as a likely function of the apicoplast. Moreover, inhibition of P. falciparum growth by thiolactomycin, an inhibitor of FabH, indicates a vital role for apicoplast fatty acid biosynthesis. Because the fatty acid biosynthesis genes identified here are of a plastid/bacterial type, and distinct from those of the equivalent pathway in animals, fatty acid biosynthesis is potentially an excellent target for therapeutics directed against malaria, toxoplasmosis, and other apicomplexan-mediated diseases.


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Chorismate mutase acts at the first branchpoint of aromatic amino acid biosynthesis and catalyzes the conversion of chorismate to prephenate. Comparison of the x-ray structures of allosteric chorismate mutase from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae with Escherichia coli chorismate mutase/prephenate dehydratase suggested conserved active sites between both enzymes. We have replaced all critical amino acid residues, Arg-16, Arg-157, Lys-168, Glu-198, Thr-242, and Glu-246, of yeast chorismate mutase by aliphatic amino acid residues. The resulting enzymes exhibit the necessity of these residues for catalytic function and provide evidence of their localization at the active site. Unlike some bacterial enzymes, yeast chorismate mutase has highest activity at acidic pH values. Replacement of Glu-246 in the yeast chorismate mutase by glutamine changes the pH optimum for activity of the enzyme from a narrow to a broad pH range. These data suggest that Glu-246 in the catalytic center must be protonated for maximum catalysis and restricts optimal activity of the enzyme to low pH.


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We engineered a full-length (8.3-kbp) cDNA coding for fatty acid synthase (FAS; EC from the human brain FAS cDNA clones we characterized previously. In the process of accomplishing this task, we developed a novel PCR procedure, recombinant PCR, which is very useful in joining two overlapping DNA fragments that do not have a common or unique restriction site. The full-length cDNA was cloned in pMAL-c2 for heterologous expression in Escherichia coli as a maltose-binding protein fusion. The recombinant protein was purified by using amylose-resin affinity and hydroxylapatite chromatography. As expected from the coding capacity of the cDNA expressed, the chimeric recombinant protein has a molecular weight of 310,000 and reacts with antibodies against both human FAS and maltose-binding protein. The maltose-binding protein-human FAS (MBP-hFAS) catalyzed palmitate synthesis from acetyl-CoA, malonyl-CoA, and NADPH and exhibited all of the partial activities of FAS at levels comparable with those of the native human enzyme purified from HepG2 cells. Like the native HepG2 FAS, the products of MBP-hFAS are mainly palmitic acid (>90%) and minimal amounts of stearic and arachidic acids. Similarly, a human FAS cDNA encoding domain I (β-ketoacyl synthase, acetyl-CoA and malonyl-CoA transacylases, and β-hydroxyacyl dehydratase) was cloned and expressed in E. coli using pMAL-c2. The expressed fusion protein, MBP-hFAS domain I, was purified to apparent homogeneity (Mr 190,000) and exhibited the activities of the acetyl/malonyl transacylases and the β-hydroxyacyl dehydratase. In addition, a human FAS cDNA encoding domains II and III (enoyl and β-ketoacyl reductases, acyl carrier protein, and thioesterase) was cloned in pET-32b(+) and expressed in E. coli as a fusion protein with thioredoxin and six in-frame histidine residues. The recombinant fusion protein, thioredoxin-human FAS domains II and III, that was purified from E. coli had a molecular weight of 159,000 and exhibited the activities of the enoyl and β-ketoacyl reductases and the thioesterase. Both the MBP and the thioredoxin-His-tags do not appear to interfere with the catalytic activity of human FAS or its partial activities.