62 resultados para DEFIBRILLATOR
RESUMO - A Terapêutica de Ressincronização Cardíaca (TRC) apresenta benefícios significativos na classe funcional, função ventricular, hospitalização e mortalidade. É uma técnica com custos elevados e, com os actuais métodos de selecção de doentes, a taxa de não-respondedores ronda os 30%. Objectivo: Compreender se a inclusão da dessincronia mecânica (DM) na selecção de doentes para TRC contribui para a sua relação custo-efectividade, na perspectiva do Serviço Nacional de Saúde português. Metodologia: Estudo prospectivo baseado em coortes histórias de 12 meses de dois grupos submetidos a TRC com desfibrilhador, o grupo de intervenção com doentes seleccionados com inclusão da DM (n=133) e o de controlo com selecção baseada exclusivamente nas recomendações internacionais (n=71). Reuniram-se dados clínicos e de custos nos 12 meses subsequentes à implantação, para cálculo do rácio custo-efectividade incremental (RCEI). Resultados: O grupo de intervenção apresentou uma sobrevivência de 91% e o de controlo de 93%, aos 12 meses (p=0,335). O grupo de intervenção apresentou 60 re-internamentos e o de controlo 46 re-internamentos por qualquer causa aos 12 meses (p=0,032), com RCEI=6.886,09€/re-internamento evitado. O grupo de intervenção apresentou 19 re-internamentos e o de controlo apresentou 31 re-internamentos por Insuficiência Cardíaca (IC) descompensada aos 12 meses (p<0,001), com RCEI=2.686,26€/re-internamento por IC descompensada evitado. Relativamente à melhoria da classe funcional e da fracção de ejecção não foi possível estabelecer associações com custos (p>0,05). Conclusão: É seguro afirmar que recomendar a selecção com inclusão da DM, nos hospitais com capacidade instalada, é um passo positivo na redução de custos com re-internamentos de doentes com TRC.
AIMS: Estimates of the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) in patients with life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias related to coronary artery disease (CAD) have rarely been reported despite it has become the basis for determining patient's eligibility for prophylactic defibrillator. We aimed to determine the extent and distribution of reduced LVEF in patients with sustained ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation. METHODS AND RESULTS: 252 patients admitted for ventricular arrhythmia related to CAD were included: 149 had acute myocardial infarction (MI) (Group I, 59%), 54 had significant chronic obstructive CAD suggestive of an ischaemic arrhythmic trigger (Group II, 21%) and 49 patients had an old MI without residual ischaemia (Group III, 19%). 34% of the patients with scar-related arrhythmias had an LVEF > or =40%. Based on pre-event LVEF evaluation, it can be estimated that less than one quarter of the whole study population had a known chronic MI with severely reduced LVEF. In Group III, the proportion of inferior MI was significantly higher than anterior MI (81 vs. 19%; absolute difference, -62; 95% confidence interval, -45 to -79; P < or = 0.0001), though median LVEF was higher in inferior MI (0.37 +/- 10 vs. 0.29 +/- 10; P = 0.0499). CONCLUSION: Patients included in defibrillator trials represent only a minority of the patients at risk of sudden cardiac death. By applying the current risk stratification strategy based on LVEF, more than one third of the patients with old MI would not have qualified for a prophylactic defibrillator. Our study also suggests that inferior scars may be more prone to ventricular arrhythmia compared to anterior scars.
Les nouvelles technologies médicales contribuent aux dépenses en santé qui ne cessent de croître, alors que les budgets se trouvent limités. L’évaluation économique des technologies devraient permettre d’identifier quelles sont celles qui sont les plus rentables. Malgré cela, plusieurs technologies dont le rapport coût-efficacité reste plutôt limite ou défavorable sont utilisées en médecine moderne et remboursées par notre système public de santé. Ce mémoire se concentre sur deux technologies en santé cardiovasculaire dont le rapport coût-efficacité est plutôt limite mais qui sont fréquemment utilisées au Canada; les tuteurs médicamentés ou pharmaco-actifs et les défibrillateurs cardiaques implantables (DCI). Nous avons fait une évaluation contingente de ces technologies dans le but d’examiner si ce type d’évaluation économique complémentaire pouvait procurer un point de vue nouveau sur la valeur économique et sociétaire des ces technologies. Les résultats de ces deux évaluations indiquent que les patients accordent une grande importance aux bénéfices que procurent ces deux technologies. Nos résultats soutiennent les politiques de santé actuelles de rembourser de façon libérale ces deux technologies.
Le taux de mortalité chez les patients à risque d’arythmies cardiaques menaçantes à la vie a été considérablement réduit grâce au défibrillateur cardiaque implantable (DCI). Toutefois, des préoccupations uniques face au DCI, y compris les chocs que l’appareil peut déclencher, sont susceptibles de provoquer des symptômes d'anxiété et une limitation perçue des activités chez les porteurs de DCI. Ces réactions émotives et modifications de comportement peuvent affecter l’acceptation du patient envers le DCI. Cette étude pilote randomisée avec groupe contrôle (n=15 /groupe) visait à examiner la faisabilité et l'acceptabilité d'une intervention infirmière individualisée de même que ses effets préliminaires sur l’anxiété, le fonctionnement dans les activités de la vie quotidienne et l’acceptation du DCI auprès de nouveaux porteurs de DCI. L'intervention infirmière, basée sur la théorie du Human Caring et teintée d’une approche cognitive comportementale, ciblait les préoccupations individuelles face au DCI. À partir des préoccupations identifiées, l’infirmière intervenait en mettant l'accent sur les croyances contraignantes du patient, qui pouvaient mener à de l’anxiété et des comportements d'évitement. Après randomisation, les patients du groupe intervention (GI) ont participé à un premier entretien en face-à-face avant le congé hospitalier. Subséquemment, deux entretiens se sont faits par téléphone, à environ 7 et 14 jours suite au congé hospitalier. Les résultats soutiennent la faisabilité et l’acceptabilité du devis de l’étude et de l’intervention évaluée. De plus, ils soulignent le potentiel de l’intervention à diminuer les sentiments anxieux chez les participants du GI. Les résultats de cette étude pilote offrent des pistes de recherches futures et permettront de guider la pratique clinique.
La posible asociación entre el desarrollo de fibrilación auricular (FA) con la presencia de cardiopatía chagásica en una población portadora de dispositivos cardiacos de estimulación no está descrita. Se presenta un estudio de tipo cohorte retrospectivo realizado en la FCI que recopila las principales características clínicas de una población de pacientes con cardiopatía de variada etiología y portadores de dispositivos cardiacos buscando evaluar la incidencia de FA en presencia de cardiomiopatía de origen chagásico y no chagásico. A la fecha no se cuenta con una base de datos institucional ni regional que contenga las variables analizadas. Durante los 5 meses que duró la construcción de la base de datos se incluyeron 99 sujetos de investigación. Se implantaron 42 marcapasos bicamerales, 39 cardiodesfibriladores bicamerales, 6 dispositivos correspondientes cardiodesfibrilador con función de resincronización cardiaca, 2 resincronizadores cardiacos sin función de cardiodesfibrilador y 7 cardiodesfibriladores unicamerales. De los 99 sujetos recolectados se presentaron 8 desenlaces (FA de novo) y de esos solamente 1 pertenece al grupo de pacientes con cardiomiopatía chagásica. Este número reducido de desenlaces no permitió desarrollar un modelo de regresión de Cox y ni otros tipos de análisis estadísticos planteados en el protocolo inicial debido al bajo número de casos y pobre poder estadístico. Esta dificultad es inherente a la naturaleza del problema a estudiar y al corto tiempo de seguimiento. Por lo anterior no se puede establecer si existe una relación entre la presencia de serología positiva para infección por T. Cruzi y la presencia de FA de novo.
Background: Equations to predict maximum heart rate (HRmax) in heart failure (HF) patients receiving beta-adrenergic blocking (BB) agents do not consider the cause of HF. We determined equations to predict HRmax in patients with ischemic and nonischemic HF receiving BB therapy. Methods and Results: Using treadmill cardiopulmonary exercise testing, we studied HF patients receiving BB therapy being considered for transplantation from 1999 to 2010. Exclusions were pacemaker and/or implantable defibrillator, left ventricle ejection fraction (LVEF) >50%, peak respiratory exchange ratio (RER) <1.00, and Chagas disease. We used linear regression equations to predict HRmax based on age in ischemic and nonischemic patients. We analyzed 278 patients, aged 47 +/- 10 years, with ischemic (n = 75) and nonischemic (n = 203) HF. LVEF was 30.8 +/- 9.4% and 28.6 +/- 8.2% (P = .04), peak VO2 16.9 +/- 4.7 and 16.9 +/- 5.2 mL kg(-1) min(-1) (P = NS), and the HRmax 130.8 +/- 23.3 and 125.3 +/- 25.3 beats/min (P = .051) in ischemic and nonischemic patients, respectively. We devised the equation HRmax = 168 - 0.76 x age (R-2 = 0.095; P = .007) for ischemic HF patients, but there was no significant relationship between age and HRmax in nonischemic HF patients (R-2 = 0.006; P = NS). Conclusions: Our study suggests that equations to estimate HRmax should consider the cause of HF. (J Cardiac Fail 2012;18:831-836)
Background: There are no available statistical data about sudden cardiac death in Brazil. Therefore, this study has been conducted to evaluate the incidence of sudden cardiac death in our population and its implications. Methods: The research methodology was based on Thurstone's Law of Comparative Judgment, whose premise is that the more an A stimulus differs from a B stimulus, the greater will be the number of people who will perceive this difference. This technique allows an estimation of actual occurrences from subjective perceptions, when compared to official statistics. Data were collected through telephone interviews conducted with Primary and Secondary Care physicians of the Public Health Service in the Metropolitan Area of Sao Paulo (MASP). Results: In the period from October 19, 2009, to October 28, 2009, 196 interviews were conducted. The incidence of 21,270 cases of sudden cardiac death per year was estimated by linear regression analysis of the physicians responses and data from the Mortality Information System of the Brazilian Ministry of Health, with the following correlation and determination coefficients: r = 0.98 and r2= 0.95 (95% confidence interval 0.81.0, P < 0.05). The lack of waiting list for specialized care and socioadministrative problems were considered the main barriers to tertiary care access. Conclusions: The incidence of sudden cardiac death in the MASP is high, and it was estimated as being higher than all other causes of deaths; the extrapolation technique based on the physicians perceptions was validated; and the most important bureaucratic barriers to patient referral to tertiary care have been identified. (PACE 2012; 35:13261331)
A desfibrilação precoce na ressuscitação cardiopulmonar (RCP) recebe crescente destaque quanto à prioridade e rapidez. Este é um relato de experiência da implantação de um programa de capacitação em RCP, utilizando o desfibrilador em uma universidade privada. O programa em manobras básicas de RCP foi baseado nas diretrizes mundiais, envolvendo um curso teórico com demonstração prática das manobras de RCP com desfibrilador, treinamento prático individual, avaliação teórica e prática. Quanto ao desempenho dos alunos na avaliação prática, a média das pontuações obtidas pelos alunos na 1ª Etapa foi de 26,4 pontos e na 2ª Etapa a média aumentou para 252,8 pontos, já na Avaliação teórica na 1ª Etapa foi de 3,06 pontos e na 2ª Etapa a média aumentou para 9,0 pontos. A implantação desse tipo de programas contribui para a aquisição efetiva de conhecimento (teórico) e da habilidade (prática) nos atendimentos a vítimas de PCR.
Background Decreased exercise capacity, and reduction in peak oxygen uptake are present in most patients affected by hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) . In addition an abnormal blood pressure response during a maximal exercise test was seen to be associated with high risk for sudden cardiac death in adult patients affected by HCM. Therefore exercise test (CPET) has become an important part of the evaluation of the HCM patients, but data on its role in patients with HCM in the pediatric age are quite limited. Methods and results Between 2004 and 2010, using CPET and echocardiography, we studied 68 children (mean age 13.9 ± 2 years) with HCM. The exercise test was completed by all the patients without adverse complications. The mean value of achieved VO2 max was 31.4 ± 8.3 mL/Kg/min which corresponded to 77.5 ± 16.9 % of predicted range. 51 patients (75%) reached a subnormal value of VO2max. On univariate analysis the achieved VO2 as percentage of predicted and the peak exercise systolic blood pressure (BP) Z score were inversely associated with max left ventricle (LV) wall thickness, with E/Ea ratio, and directly related with Ea and Sa wave velocities No association was found with the LV outflow tract gradient. During a mean follow up of 2.16 ± 1.7 years 9 patients reached the defined clinical end point of death, transplantation, implanted cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) shock, ICD implantation for secondary prevention or myectomy. Patients with peak VO2 < 52% or with peak systolic BP Z score < -5.8 had lower event free survival at follow up. Conclusions Exercise capacity is decreased in patients with HCM in pediatric age and global ventricular function seems being the most important determinant of exercise capacity in these patients. CPET seems to play an important role in prognostic stratification of children affected by HCM.
Patients with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) have an ongoing risk of sudden incapacitation that might cause harm to others while driving a car. Driving restrictions vary across different countries in Europe. The most recent recommendations for driving of ICD patients in Europe were published in 1997 and focused mainly on patients implanted for secondary prevention. In recent years there has been a vast increase in the number of patients with an ICD and in the percentage of patients implanted for primary prevention. The EHRA task force on ICD and driving was formed to reassess the risk of driving for ICD patients based on the literature available. The recommendations are summarized in the following table and are further explained in the document, (Table see text). Driving restrictions are perceived as difficult for patients and their families, and have an immediate consequence for their lifestyle. To increase the adherence to the driving restrictions, adequate discharge of education and follow-up of patients and family are pivotal. The task force members hope this document may serve as an instrument for European and national regulatory authorities to formulate uniform driving regulations.
As the population ages, recurrent ventricular tachycardia (VT) is increasingly encountered in elderly patients with ischemic heart disease. Radiofrequency catheter ablation is useful for reducing VT therapy in patients with an implantable defibrillator. The utility of radiofrequency catheter ablation in the elderly is not well defined.
Catheter ablation of ventricular tachycardia (VT) is effective and particularly useful in patients with frequent defibrillator interventions. Various substrate modification techniques have been described for unmappable or hemodynamically intolerable VT. Noninducibility is the most frequently used end point but is associated with significant limitations, so the optimal end point remains unclear. We hypothesized that elimination of local abnormal ventricular activities (LAVAs) during sinus rhythm or ventricular pacing would be a useful and effective end point for substrate-based VT ablation. As an adjunct to this strategy, we used a new high-density mapping catheter and frequently used epicardial mapping.
Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) implantation is the only established therapy for primary or secondary prevention of sudden cardiac death in patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM). Ineffectiveness of shock therapy for the termination of potentially fatal ventricular arrhythmias in ICD recipients is rare in the presence of appropriate arrhythmia detection by the device. We report the case of a 48-year-old woman with HCM and a single chamber ICD, who received five inefficient high-energy (35 Joules) shocks for the termination of an appropriately detected episode of Ventricular Tachycardia (VT). The episode was safely terminated with a subsequent application of Antitachycardia Pacing (ATP) by the device. At the following ICD control, an acceptable defibrillation threshold was detected.
Patients with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) have an ongoing risk of sudden incapacitation that might cause harm to others while driving a car. Driving restrictions vary across different countries in Europe. The most recent recommendations for driving of ICD patients in Europe were published in 1997 and focused mainly on patients implanted for secondary prevention. In recent years there has been a vast increase in the number of patients with an ICD and in the percentage of patients implanted for primary prevention. The EHRA task force on ICD and driving was formed to reassess the risk of driving for ICD patients based on the literature available. The recommendations are summarized in the following table and are further explained in the document. [table: see text] Driving restrictions are perceived as difficult for patients and their families, and have an immediate consequence for their lifestyle. To increase the adherence to the driving restrictions, adequate discharge of education and follow-up of patients and family are pivotal. The task force members hope this document may serve as an instrument for European and national regulatory authorities to formulate uniform driving regulations.