804 resultados para DEAD-SPACE


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Changes in the cultures and spaces of death during the Victorian era reveal the shifting conceptualisations and mobilisations of class in this period. Using the example of Brookwood Necropolis, established 1852 in response to the contemporary burial reform debate, the paper explores tensions within the sanitary reform movement, 1853–1903. Whilst reformist ideology grounded the cemetery's practices in a discourse of inclusion, one of the consequences of reform was to reinforce class distinctions. Combined with commercial imperatives and the modern impulse towards separation of living and dead, this aspect of reform enacted a counter-discourse of alienation. The presence of these conflicting strands in the spaces and practices of the Necropolis and their changes during the time period reflect wider urban trends.


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Model predictive control (MPC) applications in the process industry usually deal with process systems that show time delays (dead times) between the system inputs and outputs. Also, in many industrial applications of MPC, integrating outputs resulting from liquid level control or recycle streams need to be considered as controlled outputs. Conventional MPC packages can be applied to time-delay systems but stability of the closed loop system will depend on the tuning parameters of the controller and cannot be guaranteed even in the nominal case. In this work, a state space model based on the analytical step response model is extended to the case of integrating time systems with time delays. This model is applied to the development of two versions of a nominally stable MPC, which is designed to the practical scenario in which one has targets for some of the inputs and/or outputs that may be unreachable and zone control (or interval tracking) for the remaining outputs. The controller is tested through simulation of a multivariable industrial reactor system. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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El entorno espacial actual hay un gran numero de micro-meteoritos y basura espacial generada por el hombre, lo cual plantea un riesgo para la seguridad de las operaciones en el espacio. La situación se agrava continuamente a causa de las colisiones de basura espacial en órbita, y los nuevos lanzamientos de satélites. Una parte significativa de esta basura son satélites muertos, y fragmentos de satélites resultantes de explosiones y colisiones de objetos en órbita. La mitigación de este problema se ha convertido en un tema de preocupación prioritario para todas las instituciones que participan en operaciones espaciales. Entre las soluciones existentes, las amarras electrodinámicas (EDT) proporcionan un eficiente dispositivo para el rápido de-orbitado de los satélites en órbita terrestre baja (LEO), al final de su vida útil. El campo de investigación de las amarras electrodinámicas (EDT) ha sido muy fructífero desde los años 70. Gracias a estudios teóricos, y a misiones para la demostración del funcionamiento de las amarras en órbita, esta tecnología se ha desarrollado muy rápidamente en las últimas décadas. Durante este período de investigación, se han identificado y superado múltiples problemas técnicos de diversa índole. Gran parte del funcionamiento básico del sistema EDT depende de su capacidad de supervivencia ante los micro-meteoritos y la basura espacial. Una amarra puede ser cortada completamente por una partícula cuando ésta tiene un diámetro mínimo. En caso de corte debido al impacto de partículas, una amarra en sí misma, podría ser un riesgo para otros satélites en funcionamiento. Por desgracia, tras varias demostraciones en órbita, no se ha podido concluir que este problema sea importante para el funcionamiento del sistema. En esta tesis, se presenta un análisis teórico de la capacidad de supervivencia de las amarras en el espacio. Este estudio demuestra las ventajas de las amarras de sección rectangular (cinta), en cuanto a la probabilidad de supervivencia durante la misión, frente a las amarras convencionales (cables de sección circular). Debido a su particular geometría (longitud mucho mayor que la sección transversal), una amarra puede tener un riesgo relativamente alto de ser cortado por un único impacto con una partícula de pequeñas dimensiones. Un cálculo analítico de la tasa de impactos fatales para una amarra cilindrica y de tipo cinta de igual longitud y masa, considerando el flujo de partículas de basura espacial del modelo ORDEM2000 de la NASA, muestra mayor probabilidad de supervivencia para las cintas. Dicho análisis ha sido comparado con un cálculo numérico empleando los modelos de flujo el ORDEM2000 y el MASTER2005 de ESA. Además se muestra que, para igual tiempo en órbita, una cinta tiene una probabilidad de supervivencia un orden y medio de magnitud mayor que una amarra cilindrica con igual masa y longitud. Por otra parte, de-orbitar una cinta desde una cierta altitud, es mucho más rápido, debido a su mayor perímetro que le permite capturar más corriente. Este es un factor adicional que incrementa la probabilidad de supervivencia de la cinta, al estar menos tiempo expuesta a los posibles impactos de basura espacial. Por este motivo, se puede afirmar finalmente y en sentido práctico, que la capacidad de supervivencia de la cinta es bastante alta, en comparación con la de la amarra cilindrica. El segundo objetivo de este trabajo, consiste en la elaboración de un modelo analítico, mejorando la aproximación del flujo de ORDEM2000 y MASTER2009, que permite calcular con precisión, la tasa de impacto fatal al año para una cinta en un rango de altitudes e inclinaciones, en lugar de unas condiciones particulares. Se obtiene el numero de corte por un cierto tiempo en función de la geometría de la cinta y propiedades de la órbita. Para las mismas condiciones, el modelo analítico, se compara con los resultados obtenidos del análisis numérico. Este modelo escalable ha sido esencial para la optimización del diseño de la amarra para las misiones de de-orbitado de los satélites, variando la masa del satélite y la altitud inicial de la órbita. El modelo de supervivencia se ha utilizado para construir una función objetivo con el fin de optimizar el diseño de amarras. La función objectivo es el producto del cociente entre la masa de la amarra y la del satélite y el numero de corte por un cierto tiempo. Combinando el modelo de supervivencia con una ecuación dinámica de la amarra donde aparece la fuerza de Lorentz, se elimina el tiempo y se escribe la función objetivo como función de la geometría de la cinta y las propietades de la órbita. Este modelo de optimización, condujo al desarrollo de un software, que esta en proceso de registro por parte de la UPM. La etapa final de este estudio, consiste en la estimación del número de impactos fatales, en una cinta, utilizando por primera vez una ecuación de límite balístico experimental. Esta ecuación ha sido desarollada para cintas, y permite representar los efectos tanto de la velocidad de impacto como el ángulo de impacto. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que la cinta es altamente resistente a los impactos de basura espacial, y para una cinta con una sección transversal definida, el número de impactos críticos debidos a partículas no rastreables es significativamente menor. ABSTRACT The current space environment, consisting of man-made debris and tiny meteoroids, poses a risk to safe operations in space, and the situation is continuously deteriorating due to in-orbit debris collisions and to new satellite launches. Among these debris a significant portion is due to dead satellites and fragments of satellites resulted from explosions and in-orbit collisions. Mitigation of space debris has become an issue of first concern for all the institutions involved in space operations. Bare electrodynamic tethers (EDT) can provide an efficient mechanism for rapid de-orbiting of defunct satellites from low Earth orbit (LEO) at end of life. The research on EDT has been a fruitful field since the 70’s. Thanks to both theoretical studies and in orbit demonstration missions, this technology has been developed very fast in the following decades. During this period, several technical issues were identified and overcome. The core functionality of EDT system greatly depends on their survivability to the micrometeoroids and orbital debris, and a tether can become itself a kind of debris for other operating satellites in case of cutoff due to particle impact; however, this very issue is still inconclusive and conflicting after having a number of space demonstrations. A tether can be completely cut by debris having some minimal diameter. This thesis presents a theoretical analysis of the survivability of tethers in space. The study demonstrates the advantages of tape tethers over conventional round wires particularly on the survivability during the mission. Because of its particular geometry (length very much larger than cross-sectional dimensions), a tether may have a relatively high risk of being severed by the single impact of small debris. As a first approach to the problem, survival probability has been compared for a round and a tape tether of equal mass and length. The rates of fatal impact of orbital debris on round and tape tether, evaluated with an analytical approximation to debris flux modeled by NASA’s ORDEM2000, shows much higher survival probability for tapes. A comparative numerical analysis using debris flux model ORDEM2000 and ESA’s MASTER2005 shows good agreement with the analytical result. It also shows that, for a given time in orbit, a tape has a probability of survival of about one and a half orders of magnitude higher than a round tether of equal mass and length. Because de-orbiting from a given altitude is much faster for the tape due to its larger perimeter, its probability of survival in a practical sense is quite high. As the next step, an analytical model derived in this work allows to calculate accurately the fatal impact rate per year for a tape tether. The model uses power laws for debris-size ranges, in both ORDEM2000 and MASTER2009 debris flux models, to calculate tape tether survivability at different LEO altitudes. The analytical model, which depends on tape dimensions (width, thickness) and orbital parameters (inclinations, altitudes) is then compared with fully numerical results for different orbit inclinations, altitudes and tape width for both ORDEM2000 and MASTER2009 flux data. This scalable model not only estimates the fatal impact count but has proved essential in optimizing tether design for satellite de-orbit missions varying satellite mass and initial orbital altitude and inclination. Within the frame of this dissertation, a simple analysis has been finally presented, showing the scalable property of tape tether, thanks to the survivability model developed, that allows analyze and compare de-orbit performance for a large range of satellite mass and orbit properties. The work explicitly shows the product of tether-to-satellite mass-ratio and fatal impact count as a function of tether geometry and orbital parameters. Combining the tether dynamic equation involving Lorentz drag with space debris impact survivability model, eliminates time from the expression. Hence the product, is independent of tether de-orbit history and just depends on mission constraints and tether length, width and thickness. This optimization model finally led to the development of a friendly software tool named BETsMA, currently in process of registration by UPM. For the final step, an estimation of fatal impact rate on a tape tether has been done, using for the first time an experimental ballistic limit equation that was derived for tapes and accounts for the effects of both the impact velocity and impact angle. It is shown that tape tethers are highly resistant to space debris impacts and considering a tape tether with a defined cross section, the number of critical events due to impact with non-trackable debris is always significantly low.


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This study evaluated the sealing ability of different lengths of remaining root canal filling and post space preparation against coronal leakage of Enterococcus faecalis. Forty-one roots of maxillary incisors were biomechanically prepared, maintaining standardized canal diameter at the middle and coronal thirds. The roots were autoclaved and all subsequent steps were undertaken in a laminar flow chamber. The canals of 33 roots were obturated with AH Plus sealer and gutta-percha. The root canal fillings were reduced to 3 predetermined lengths (n=11): G1=6 mm, G2=4 mm and G3=2 mm. The remaining roots served as positive and negative controls. Bacterial leakage test apparatuses were fabricated with the roots attached to Eppendorf tubes keeping 2 mm of apex submerged in BHI in glass flasks. The specimens received an E. faecalis inoculum of 1 x 107 cfu/mL every 3 days and were observed for bacterial leakage daily during 60 days. Data were submitted to ANOVA, Tukey's test and Fisher's test. At 60 days, G1 (6 mm) and G2 (4 mm) presented statistically similar results (p>0.05) (54.4% of specimens with bacterial leakage) and both groups differed significantly (p<0.01) from G3 (2 mm), which presented 100% of specimens with E. faecalis leakage. It may be concluded that the shortest endodontic obturation remnant leaked considerably more than the other lengths, although none of the tested conditions avoids coronal leakage of E. faecalis.


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The hygienic behavior of honey bees is based on a two-step process, including uncapping and removing diseased, dead, damaged, or parasitized brood inside the cell. We evaluated during periods of 1 h the time that hygienic and non-hygienic colonies of Africanized honey bees spend to detect, uncap and remove pin-killed brood using comb inserts with transparent walls placed in observation hives. We observed that hygienic colonies are significantly faster in detecting, uncapping and removing dead brood in the cells (P < 0.001).


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Using series solutions and time-domain evolutions, we probe the eikonal limit of the gravitational and scalar-field quasinormal modes of large black holes and black branes in anti-de Sitter backgrounds. These results are particularly relevant for the AdS/CFT correspondence, since the eikonal regime is characterized by the existence of long-lived modes which (presumably) dominate the decay time scale of the perturbations. We confirm all the main qualitative features of these slowly damped modes as predicted by Festuccia and Liu [G. Festuccia and H. Liu, arXiv:0811.1033.] for the scalar-field (tensor-type gravitational) fluctuations. However, quantitatively we find dimensional-dependent correction factors. We also investigate the dependence of the quasinormal mode frequencies on the horizon radius of the black hole (brane) and the angular momentum (wave number) of vector- and scalar-type gravitational perturbations.


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Reproductive failures are still common grounds for complaint by commercial swine producers. Porcine parvovirus (PPV) is associated with different clinical reproductive signs. The aim of the present study was to investigate PPV fetal infection at swine farms having ongoing reproductive performance problems. The presence of virus in fetal tissues was determined by nested-polymerase chain reaction assay directed to the conserved NS1 gene of PPV in aborted fetuses, mummies and stillborns. Fetuses show a high frequency of PPV infection (96.4%; N = 28). In 60.7% of the fetuses, PPV were detected in all tissue samples (lung, heart, thymus, kidney, and spleen). Viral infection differed among fetal tissues, with a higher frequency in the lung and heart (P < 0.05). Fetuses with up to 99 days of gestational age and from younger sows showed a higher frequency of PPV (P < 0.05). No significant difference in the presence of PPV was detected among the three clinical presentations. The results suggest that PPV remains an important pathogenic agent associated with porcine fetal death.


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In Apis mellifera, hygienic behavior involves recognition and removal of sick, damaged or dead brood from capped cells. We investigated whether bees react in the same way to grouped versus isolated damaged capped brood cells. Three colonies of wild-type Africanized honey bees and three colonies of Carniolan honey bees were used for this investigation. Capped worker brood cells aged 12 to 14 days old were perforated with the pin-killing method. After making holes in the brood cells, the combs were placed back into the hives; 24 h later the number of cleaned cells was recorded in areas with pin-killed and control brood cells. Four repetitions were made in each colony. Isolated cells were more frequently cleaned than grouped cells, though variance analysis showed no significant difference (P = 0.1421). Carniolan bees also were somewhat, though not significantly more hygienic than Africanized honey bees (P = 0.0840). We conclude that honey bees can detect and remove both isolated and grouped dead brood. The tendency towards greater hygienic efficiency directed towards grouped pin-killed brood may be a consequence of a greater concentration of volatiles emanating from the wounds in the dead pupae.


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SEVERAL MODELS OF TIME ESTIMATION HAVE BEEN developed in psychology; a few have been applied to music. In the present study, we assess the influence of the distances travelled through pitch space on retrospective time estimation. Participants listened to an isochronous chord sequence of 20-s duration. They were unexpectedly asked to reproduce the time interval of the sequence. The harmonic structure of the stimulus was manipulated so that the sequence either remained in the same key (CC) or travelled through a closely related key (CFC) or distant key (CGbC). Estimated times were shortened when the sequence modulated to a very distant key. This finding is discussed in light of Lerdahl's Tonal Pitch Space Theory (2001), Firmino and Bueno's Expected Development Fraction Model (in press), and models of time estimation.


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Certain areas of the city of Sao Paulo, as many others around the world, including in Lisbon, Barcelona and Buenos Aires, have been going through a process of requalification, in special the ones commonly known as old and/or traditional city. Regarding Sao Paulo, some exceptional actions have been taken downtown with investments in rehabilitation/requalification of areas that concentrated the historical, urbanistic and cultural heritages, such as Praca da S and its cathedral, as well as the revaluation/rehabilitation projects of other squares like Praca da Republica, other areas as the previously called Cracolandia (due to high consumption/deal of crack), known today as Nova Luz, besides propositions to reevaluate areas already modified, such as Vale do Anhangabau. In all propositions to modify sites, it is firstly underlined its deterioration, litter and the presence of low-income populations (passer-bys, street vendors or residents), generally stigmatized as ""potential suspects"", emphasizing danger and lack of security in those places. This belief, which has become consensual, results in that: public as well as private companies promote the rehabilitation of the areas basing their reasoning in the necessity of adding value to the existing urban heritage, although, as it will be discussed in this paper, part of this heritage might be destroyed in this very process, under the allegation that upon completion, the action would allow the social, cultural and economical revaluation/requalification of the area. This paper is intended to provide a contribution to this discussion.


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Much of social science literature about South African cities fails to represent its complex spectrum of sexual practices and associated identities. The unintended effects of such representations are that a compulsory heterosexuality is naturalised in, and reiterative with, dominant constructions of blackness in townships. In this paper, we argue that the assertion of discreet lesbian and gay identities in black townships of a South African city such as Cape Town is influenced by the historical racial and socio-economic divides that have marked urban landscape. In their efforts to recoup a positive sense of gendered personhood, residents have constructed a moral economy anchored in reproductive heterosexuality. We draw upon ethnographic data to show how sexual minorities live their lives vicariously in spaces they have prised open within the extant sex/gender binary. They are able to assert the identities of moffie and man-vrou (mannish woman) without threatening the dominant ideology of heterosexuality.


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In this paper, the CoRoT Exoplanet Science Team announces its 14th discovery. Herein, we discuss the observations and analyses that allowed us to derive the parameters of this system: a hot Jupiter with a mass of 7.6 +/- 0.6 Jupiter masses orbiting a solar-type star (F9V) with a period of only 1.5 d, less than 5 stellar radii from its parent star. It is unusual for such a massive planet to have such a small orbit: only one other known higher mass exoplanet orbits with a shorter period.


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We report the detection of CoRoT-18b, a massive hot Jupiter transiting in front of its host star with a period of 1.9000693 +/- 0.0000028 days. This planet was discovered thanks to photometric data secured with the CoRoT satellite combined with spectroscopic and photometric ground-based follow-up observations. The planet has a mass M(p) = 3.47 +/- 0.38 M(Jup), a radius R(p) = 1.31 +/- 0.18 R(Jup), and a density rho(p) = 2.2 +/- 0.8 g cm(-3). It orbits a G9V star with a mass M(*) = 0.95 +/- 0.15 M(circle dot), a radius R(*) = 1.00 +/- 0.13 R(circle dot), and a rotation period P(rot) = 5.4 +/- 0.4 days. The age of the system remains uncertain, with stellar evolution models pointing either to a few tens Ma or several Ga, while gyrochronology and lithium abundance point towards ages of a few hundred Ma. This mismatch potentially points to a problem in our understanding of the evolution of young stars, with possibly significant implications for stellar physics and the interpretation of inferred sizes of exoplanets around young stars. We detected the RossiterMcLaughlin anomaly in the CoRoT-18 system thanks to the spectroscopic observation of a transit. We measured the obliquity psi = 20 degrees +/- 20 degrees +/- (sky-projected value lambda = -10 degrees +/- 20 degrees), indicating that the planet orbits in the same way as the star is rotating and that this prograde orbit is nearly aligned with the stellar equator.


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We report the discovery by the CoRoT space mission of a transiting brown dwarf orbiting a F7V star with an orbital period of 3.06 days. CoRoT-15b has a radius of 1.12(-0.15)(+0.30) R(Jup) and a mass of 63.3 +/- 4.1 M(Jup), and is thus the second transiting companion lying in the theoretical mass domain of brown dwarfs. CoRoT-15b is either very young or inflated compared to standard evolution models, a situation similar to that of M-dwarf stars orbiting close to solar-type stars. Spectroscopic constraints and an analysis of the lightcurve imply a spin period in the range 2.9-3.1 days for the central star, which is compatible with a double-synchronisation of the system.


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The CoRoT exoplanet science team announces the discovery of CoRoT-11b, a fairly massive hot-Jupiter transiting a V = 12.9 mag F6 dwarf star (M(*) = 1.27 +/- 0.05 M(circle dot), R(*) = 1.37 +/- 0.03 R(circle dot), T(eff) = 6440 +/- 120 K), with an orbital period of P = 2.994329 +/- 0.000011 days and semi-major axis a = 0.0436 +/- 0.005 AU. The detection of part of the radial velocity anomaly caused by the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect shows that the transit-like events detected by CoRoT are caused by a planet-sized transiting object in a prograde orbit. The relatively high projected rotational velocity of the star (upsilon sin i(star) = 40 +/- 5 km s(-1)) places CoRoT-11 among the most rapidly rotating planet host stars discovered so far. With a planetary mass of M(p) = 2.33 +/- 0.34 M(Jup) and radius R(p) = 1.43 +/- 0.03 R(Jup), the resulting mean density of CoRoT-11b (rho(p) = 0.99 +/- 0.15 g/cm(3)) can be explained with a model for an inflated hydrogen-planet with a solar composition and a high level of energy dissipation in its interior.