955 resultados para D2 RECEPTORS
Phytotherapies have offered alternative sources of therapy for migraine and gained much importance in prophylactic treatment. Sapindus trifoliatus is a medium-sized deciduous tree growing wild in south India that belongs to the family Sapindaceae. The pericarp is reported for various medicinal properties. A thick aqueous solution of the pericarp is used for the treatment of hemicrania, hysteria or epilepsy in folklore medicine. We have investigated the antihyperalgesic effects of the lyophilized aqueous extract of S. trifoliatus in animal models predictive of experimental migraine models using morphine withdrawal-induced hyperalgesia on the hot-plate test and on 0.3% acetic acid-induced abdominal constrictions in adult male Swiss albino mice. The extract significantly (N = 10, P < 0.05) increased the licking latency in the hot-plate test when administered ip at 10 mg/kg (6.70 ± 0.39 s in saline control vs 18.76 ± 0.96 s in S. trifoliatus-treated animals) and significantly (N = 10, P < 0.001) reduced the abdominal constrictions when administered ip at 2 and 10 mg/kg (40.20 ± 1.36 in saline control vs 30.20 ± 1.33 and 23.00 ± 0.98 for 2 and 10 mg/kg, ip, respectively, in S. trifoliatus-treated animals). Furthermore, when administered ip at 20 and 100 mg/kg, the extract significantly (N = 10, P < 0.05) inhibited the apomorphine-induced climbing behavior in mice (climbing duration 15.75 ± 5.0 min for saline control vs 11.4 ± 1.28 and 3.9 ± 1.71 min for 20 and 100 mg/kg, respectively, in S. trifoliatus-treated animals). In receptor radioligand-binding studies, the extract exhibited affinity towards D2 receptors. The findings suggest that dopamine D2 antagonism could be the mechanism involved in the antihyperalgesic activity of the aqueous extract of S. trifoliatus.
La voie mésocorticolimbique est constitutée d’un ensemble d’éléments nerveux issus de l’aire tegmentaire ventrale mésencéphalique et projettant vers des régions corticales et sous-corticales. Les neurones à dopamine (DA) qui en font partie modulent plusieurs fonctions cognitives dont l’attention, l’apprentissage et la récompense. L’activité nerveuse des cellules à DA augmente lorsque l’organisme anticipe et reçoit une récompense, ainsi qu’au cours de la phase d’apprentissage des comportements d’appétence. Or, si l’activité dopaminergique de la voie mésocorticolimbique est désordonnée, voire aberrante, des stimuli neutres deviennent saillants et prennent une signification erronée. Cette anomalie fonctionnelle du système dopaminergique pourrait être à l’origine des symptômes psychotiques observés dans la schizophrénie. Cette hypothèse est renforcée par le fait que les médicaments antipsychotiques efficaces ont tous une activité antagoniste aux récepteurs à DA de type 2 (D2); les antipsychotiques dits classiques (i.e. halopéridole) possèdent une forte affinité pour les récepteurs D2 tandis que les antipsychotiques dits atypiques (i.e. clozapine) présentent une plus forte affinité pour les récepteurs à sérotonine de type 2a (5-HT2a) que pour les récepteurs D2. Les antipsychotiques atypiques semblent plus efficaces contre les symptômes négatifs (i.e. anhédonie) de la schizophrénie et induisent moins d’effets moteurs extrapyramidaux et de dysphorie que les antipsychotiques classiques. Il a été proposé que l’efficacité des antipsychotiques atypiques soit expliqué par leur double action antagoniste aux récepteurs 5-HT2a et D2. Afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes de ces médicaments, nous avons étudié leurs effets sur la récompense en utilisant le modèle d’autostimulation intracérébrale (ASI) chez le rongeur. Le but de la première étude était d’évaluer l’effet d’un antagoniste sélectif des récepteurs 5-HT2a, le M100907, sur la récompense et sur l’atténuation de la récompense induite par l’halopéridole. L’hypothèse était que l’atténuation de la récompense induite par l’ajout du M100907 à l’halopéridole serait similaire à celle induite par la clozapine. Dans une seconde étude, l’effet sur la récompense d’un agoniste partiel aux récepteurs D2, l’OSU-6162, a été caractérisé sous deux conditions : i) en condition de base et ii) lorsque la neurotransmission dopaminergique est altérée par l’administration systémique de quinpirole, un agoniste des récepteurs D2/D3. Les hypothèses étaient que l’OSU-6162 i) atténuerait la récompense induite par la stimulation et ii) empêcherait l’atténuation et la facilitation de la récompense induites par le quinpirole. Les données obtenues montrent que le M100907 n’altère pas la récompense par lui-même mais réduit l’atténuation de la récompense induite par l’halopéridole. La co-administration du M100907 et de l’halopéridole induit une atténuation de la récompense d’amplitude similaire à celle induite par la clozapine, ce qui suggère que l’activité antagoniste aux récepteurs 5-HT2a de la clozapine contribue à son efficacité. Les données de la seconde étude montrent que l’OSU-6162 atténue la récompense, de manière dose-dépendante, ainsi que la facilitation, mais pas l’atténuation de la récompense induite par le quinpirole. Cette dernière observation suggère que l’OSU-6162 agit comme un antagoniste fonctionnel aux récepteurs D2 post-synaptiques. Un ensemble de données suggèrent que le comportement d’ASI constitue un modèle valide permettant d’évaluer l’efficacité antipsychotique potentielle de nouvelles molécules. Le comportement d’ASI est atténué par les antipsychotiques cliniquement efficaces mais est peu ou pas modifié par des molécules dépourvues d’activité antipsychotique. Les données obtenues dans cette thèse permettent de supposer que l’OSU-6162 possède une activité antipsychotique de nature atypique, et cela sans altérer la neurotransmission sérotoninergique.
Les antipsychotiques sont utilisés en clinique depuis plus de 50 ans pour pallier aux symptômes de la schizophrénie. Malgré une recherche intensive, les mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires responsables de l’effet clinique de cette médication demeurent encore nébuleux. Ces drogues sont reconnues comme des antagonistes des récepteurs D2 de la dopamine et peuvent moduler la transcription génique dans le striatum. Au cours des recherches qui ont mené à l'écriture de cette thèse, nous avons exploré l’expression de Nur77, un facteur de transcription de la famille des récepteurs nucléaires, afin de caractériser le rôle de la dopamine, la sérotonine, l’adénosine et le glutamate dans la régulation génique contrôlée par les antagonistes D2. En premier lieu, nous avons examiné l’impact de la co-administration d’agents sérotonergiques et adrénergiques sur l’expression de l’ARNm de Nur77 induite par l’halopéridol, un antipsychotique de première génération. Nous avons observé que le 8-OH-DPAT et le MDL11939 préviennent partiellement l’induction de Nur77 dans le striatum. Au contraire, l’idazoxan potentialise l’effet de l’halopéridol sur l’expression de Nur77 alors que le prazosin reste sans effet. Ces résultats démontrent que l’expression striatale de Nur77 induite par l’halopéridol peut être modulée à la baisse avec un agoniste 5-HT1A ou un antagoniste 5-HT2A. Par la suite, nous avons évalué dans divers paradigmes expérimentaux l’effet de l’éticlopride, un antagoniste spécifique D2, afin d’explorer davantage le mécanisme de l’effet transcriptionnel des antagonistes D2. Étonnamment, la suppression de l’isoforme D2L chez la souris D2L KO ne réduit pas la réponse de l’éticlopride dans le striatum. Par contre, une lésion corticale avec l’acide iboténique bloque l’effet de l’éticlopride sur la transcription de Nur77, suggérant un rôle du glutamate. La combinaison d’un antagoniste des récepteurs métabotropes du glutamate de types 5 (mGluR5) et d’un antagoniste des récepteurs de l’adénosine A2A abolit complètement l’augmentation de la transcription de Nur77 induit par l’éticlopride dans le striatum. La modulation directe de l’expression striatale de Nur77 par les récepteurs mGluR5 et A2A a été confirmée dans un modèle de cultures organotypiques de tranches cérébrales. Ces résultats démontrent clairement que la modulation de l’expression génique dans le striatum, à la suite d’un traitement avec un antagoniste D2 pourrait être indépendante d’une interaction directe avec les récepteurs D2 post-synaptiques, et reposerait plutôt sur son interaction avec les récepteurs D2 hétérosynaptiques des afférences corticostriées et l’activation subséquente des récepteurs post-synaptiques du glutamate et de l’adénosine. En résumé, nos résultats suggèrent que l’interaction des antipsychotiques atypiques avec les récepteurs 5-HT2A et 5-HT1A pourrait expliquer la différence dans le patron d’expression génique induit par ces drogues en comparaison avec les antipsychotiques typiques. De plus, nos résultats révèlent un nouveau mécanisme d’action des antagonistes D2 et supportent un rôle primordial du glutamate et de l’adénosine dans les effets des antipsychotiques de première génération.
Cette thèse vise à mieux comprendre le rôle du facteur de transcription Nur77 au sein des fonctions physiologiques et pathologiques des voies de neurotransmission dopaminergiques des gaglions de la base. Nous basant sur une implication motrice de Nur77 au sein des dyskinésies induites à la L-DOPA (LIDs), nous avons voulu tester in vivo son implication éventuelle dans les phénomènes moteurs et de sensibilisation associés à l’amphétamine ainsi qu’une implication possible du récepteur nucléaire aux rétinoïdes RXR dont nous avons déjà démontré une implication dans les effets moteurs des antipsychotiques. Un deuxième volet de la recherche à consisté en l’étude de l’implication des extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) et de la protéine kinase C (PKC) dans l’induction de l’ARNm des membres de la famille des Nurs suite à l’activation des cascades de signalisation des récepteurs dopamiergiques D1 et D2 in vivo pour une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes physiopatholoiques liés aux désordres dopaminergiques. Pour ce faire, nous avons, premièrement, soumis des souris sauvages et Nur77-/- à un paradigme de sensibilisation à l’amphétamine ainsi qu’a différents agonistes antagonistes RAR/RXR afin de tester l’implication de Nur77 et d’un éventuel complexe Nur77/RXR dans les effets de l’amphétamine. Deuxièmement, soumis des souris sauvages à une combinaison d’agonistes D1/D2 ou une injection d’antagoniste D2 avec ou sans inhibiteur (ERK1/2 ou PKC) afin de tester l’implication de ces kinases sur l’induction de l’ARNm des membres de la famille des Nurs par hybridation in situ. Nous avons ainsi pu démontrer 1- un rôle moteur de Nur77 dans les effets liés à l’amphétamine notamment avec une absence de stéréotypies et un allongement de la durée de la phase de locomotion chez les souris Nur77-/-; ainsi qu’un rôle éventuel du complexe potentiel Nur77/RXR dans les D1 à mieux définir. 2- un rôle des kinases ERKs et PKCs dans les cascades de signalisation des récepteurs dopaminergiques D1 et D2 menant à l’induction des ARNms de Nur77, Nor-1 et Nurr-1. En perspective, ces résultats nous ouvrent la voie vers une implication éventuelle de Nur77 dans les mécanismes d’apprentissage que sont le Long Terme Potentiation (LTP) et la Long Terme Depotentialisation (LTD) liés aux LIDs et à l’amphétamine.
Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder associated with insulin deficiency, which not.only affects the carbohydrate metabolism but also is associated with various central and peripheral complications. Chronic hyperglycemia during diabetes mellitus is a major initiator of diabetic microvascular complications like retinopathy, neuropathy, The central nervous system (CNS) neurotransmitters play an important role in the regulation of glucose homeostasis. These neurotransmitters mediate rapid intracellular communications not only within the central nervous system but also in the peripheral tissues. They exert their function through receptors present in both neuronal and non neuronal cell surface that trigger second messenger signaling pathways. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that has been implicated in various central neuronal degenerative disorders like Parkinson's disease and behavioral diseases like Schizophrenia. Dopamine is synthesised from tyrosine, stored in vesicles in axon terminals and released when the neuron is depolarised. Dopamine interacts with specific membrane receptors to produce its effect. Dopamine plays an important role both centrally and peripherally. The recent identification of five dopamine receptor subtypes provides a basis for understanding dopamine's central and peripheral actions . Dopamine receptors are classified into two major groups : DA D1 like and DA D2 like. Dopamine D1 like receptors consists of DA D1 and DA D5 receptors . Dopamine D2 like receptors consists of DA D2, DA D3 and DA D4 receptors. Stimulation of the DA D1 receptor gives rise to increased production of cAMP. Dopamine D2 receptors inhibit cAMP production, but activate the inositol phosphate second messenger system . Impairment of central dopamine neurotransmission causes muscle rigidity, hormonal regulation , thought disorder and cocaine addiction. Peripheral dopamine receptors mediate changes in blood flow, glomerular filtration rate, sodium excretion and catecholamine release. The dopamine D2 receptors increased in the corpus striatum and cerebral cortex but decreased in the hypothalamus and brain stem indicating their involvement in regulating insulin secretion. Dopamine D2 receptor which has a stimulatory effecton insulin secretion decreased in the pancreatic islets during diabetes. Our in vitro studies confirmed the stimulatory role of dopamine D2 receptors in stimulation of glucose induced insulin secretion. A detailed study at the molecular level on the mechanisms involved in the role of dopamine in insulin secretion, its functional modification could lead to therapeutic interventions that will have immense clinical importance.
In the present study, the effects of 5-HT, GABA and Bone Marrow Cells infused intranigrally to substantia nigra individually and in combinations on unilateral rotenone infused Parkinsonism induced rats. Scatchard analysis of DA, DA D1 and D2 receptors in the corpus striatum, cerebral cortex, cerebellum, brain stem and hippocampus showed a significant increase in the Brain regions of rotenone infused rat compared to control. Real Time PCR amplification of DA D1, D2, Bax and ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase were up regulated in the brain regions of rotenone infused rats compared to control. Gene expression studies of -Synuclien, cGMP and Cyclic AMP response element-binding protein showed a significant down regulation in Rotenone infused rats compared to control. Behavioural studies were carried out to confirm the biochemical and molecular studies.Our study demonstrated that BMC administration alone cannot reverse the above said molecular changes occurring in PD rat. 5-HT and GABA acting through their specific receptors in combination with bone marrow cells play a crucial role in the functional recovery of PD rats. 5-HT, GABA and Bone marrow cells treated PD rats showed significant reversal to control in DA receptor binding and gene expression. 5-HT and GABA have co-mitogenic property. Proliferation and differentiation of cells re-establishing the connections in Parkinson's disease facilitates the functional recovery. Thus, it is evident that 5-HT and GABA along with BMC to rotenone infused rats renders protection against oxidative, related motor and cognitive deficits which makes them clinically significant for cellbased therapy. The BMC transformed to neurons when co-transplanted with 5-HT and GABA which was confirmed with PKH2GL and nestin. These newly formed neurons have functional significance in the therapeutic recovery of Parkinson’s disease.
Rats with unilateral lesion of the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) have been used as a model of Parkinson`s disease. Depending on the lesion protocol and on the drug challenge, these rats rotate in opposite directions. The aim of the present study was to propose a model to explain how critical factors determine the direction of these turns. Unilateral lesion of the SNpc was induced with 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) or 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP). Separate analysis showed that neither the type of neurotoxin nor the site of lesion along the nigrostriatal. pathway was able to predict the direction of the turns these rats made after they were challenged with apomorphine. However, the combination of these two factors determined the magnitude of the lesion estimated by tyrosine-hydroxylase immunohistochemistry and HPLC-ED measurement of striatal dopamine. Very small lesions did Dot cause turns, medium-size lesions caused ipsiversive turns, and large lesions caused contraversive turns. Large-size SNpc lesions resulted in an increased binding of [H-3] raclopride to D2 receptors, while medium-size lesions reduced the binding of [H-3]SCH-23390 D1 receptors in the ipsilateral striatum. These results are coherent with the model proposing that after challenged with a dopamine receptor agonist, unilaterally SNpc-lesioned rats rotate toward the side with the weaker activation of dopamine receptors. This activation is weaker on the lesioned side in animals with small SNpc lesions due to the loss of dopamine, but stronger in animals with large lesions due to dopamine receptor supersensitivity. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Neuropeptide S (NPS) is an endogenous 20-aminoacid peptide which binds a G protein-coupled receptor named NPSR. This peptidergic system is involved in the modulation of several biological functions, such as locomotion, anxiety, nociception, food intake and motivational behaviors. Studies have shown the participation of NPSR receptors in mediating the hyperlocomotor effects of NPS. A growing body of evidence suggests the participation of adenosinergic, dopaminergic and CRF systems on the hyperlocomotor effects of NPS. Considering that little is known about the role of dopaminergic system in mediating NPS-induced hyperlocomotion, the present study aims to investigate the locomotor actions of intracerebroventricular (icv) NPS in mice pretreated with α-metil-p-tirosine (AMPT, inhibitor of dopamine synthesis), reserpine (inhibitor of dopamine vesicle storage) or sulpiride (D2 receptor antagonist) in the open field test. A distinct group of animals received the same pretreatments described above (AMPT, reserpine or sulpiride) and the hyperlocomotor effects of methylphenidate (dopamine reuptake inhibitor) were investigated in the open field. NPS and methylphenidate increased the mouse locomotor activity. AMPT per se did not change the locomotion of the animals, but it partially reduced the hyperlocomotion of methylphenidate. The pretreatment with AMPT did not affect the psychostimulant effects of NPS. Both reserpine and sulpiride inhibited the stimulatory actions of NPS and methylphenidate. These findings show that the hyperlocomotor effects of methylphenidate, but not NPS, were affected by the pretreatment with AMPT. Furthermore, methylphenidate- and NPS-induced hyperlocomotion was impaired by reserpine and sulpiride pretreatments. Together, data suggests that NPS can increase locomotion even when the synthesis of catecholamines was impaired. Additionally, the hyperlocomotor effects of NPS and methylphenidate depend on monoamines vesicular storaged, mainly dopamine, and on the activation of D2 receptors. The psychostimulant effects of NPS via activation of dopaminergic system display clinical significance on the treatment of diseases which involves dopaminergic pathways, such as Parkinson s disease and drug addiction
Dopamine (DA) is known as a primary regulator of prolactin secretion (PRL) and angiotensin II (Ang II) has been recognized as one brain inhibitory factor of this secretion. In this work, estrogen-primed or unprimed ovariectornized rats were submitted to the microinjection of saline or Ang II after previous microinjection of saline or of da antagonist (haloperidol, sulpiride or SCH) both in the medial preoptic area (MPOA). Our study of these interactions has shown that 1) estrogen-induced PRL secretion is mediated by Ang II and da actions in the MPOA, i.e. very high plasma PRL would be prevented by inhibitory action of Ang II, while very low levels would be prevented in part by stimulatory action of da through D-2 receptors, 2) the inhibitory action of Ang II depends on estrogen and is mediated in part by inhibitory action of da through D, receptors and in other part by inhibition of stimulatory action of da through D2 receptors.
The medicinal plants constitute a rich source of biologically active compounds used for the treatment of many psychiatric disorders, such as anxiety disorders and depression. Generalized anxiety disorder has increased significantly, being the second most prevalent disorder in care facilities to public health. Depression is considered a chronic and common psychiatric disorder that affects 350 million people of all ages around the world. In this context, the pharmacological intervention conduits have been employed, effective, although leave to be desired when observed adverse effects. The genus Passiflora is commonly commercially known by its fruit, but is also widely used in traditional Brazilian medicine. Passiflora edulis displays considerable morphological variability. This plant produces two types of fruit: Purple (Passiflora edulis Sims fo. edulis) and yellow (Passiflora edulis fo. flavicarpa Degener). This study investigated the central effects of aqueous extract of the leaves of the two varieties of the species Passiflora edulis in tests used to assess behavior related to anxiety and depression, as well as investigating the potential effect of the antidepressant-like fractions of edulis fo. edulis and neuropharmacological mechanisms responsible for this action. To conduct this study used male Swiss mice (2 months old, weighing 30-35 g). The animals received the aqueous extract of the leaves of the two species of Passiflora: edulis fo. edulis (100, 300, 1000 mg / kg) and fractions ethyl acetate, butanol and aqueous waste (25, 50, 75, 100 mg / kg) and edulis fo. flavicarpa (30, 100, 300, 1000 mg / kg) or saline by gavage 60 minutes prior to the maze tests at high cross the open field test, test forced swim test and sedation induced by thiopental. To investigate the mechanism of action of the activity of antidepressant type of fractions the following drugs were used: PCPA (inhibitor of 5-HT synthesis) AMPT (inhibitor of catecholamine synthesis), DSP-4 (noradrenergic neurotoxin) and Sulpiride (antagonist selective dopamine D2 receptor). They were used as a standard positive control, fluoxetine and nortriptyline. The results of the phytochemical profile show very different characteristics to the aqueous extract of the varieties of Passiflora edulis "flavicarpa" and "edulis". The aqueous extracts of both varieties of Passiflora edulis share anxiolytic activity type (edulis fo. edulis 300 mg/kg; edulis fo. flavicarpa 300 and 1000 mg/kg) and antidepressant (edulis fo. edulis 300 mg/kg; edulis fo flavicarpa 1000 mg/kg), while the effect hipolocomotor/sedative was only seen for edulis fo. edulis (1000 mg/kg). Both fractions ethyl acetate, butanol aqueous extract edulis fo. edulis showed activity type antidepressant at a dose of 50 mg/kg in the forced swim test. The data suggest that the effect of antidepressant-like fractions edulis fo. edulis involves catecholaminergic and serotonergic neurotransmission, particularly dopaminergic, there is seen that pre-treatment DSP-4 is not affected antidepressant action of fractions as was dependent activation of dopamine D2 receptors.
The medicinal plants constitute a rich source of biologically active compounds used for the treatment of many psychiatric disorders, such as anxiety disorders and depression. Generalized anxiety disorder has increased significantly, being the second most prevalent disorder in care facilities to public health. Depression is considered a chronic and common psychiatric disorder that affects 350 million people of all ages around the world. In this context, the pharmacological intervention conduits have been employed, effective, although leave to be desired when observed adverse effects. The genus Passiflora is commonly commercially known by its fruit, but is also widely used in traditional Brazilian medicine. Passiflora edulis displays considerable morphological variability. This plant produces two types of fruit: Purple (Passiflora edulis Sims fo. edulis) and yellow (Passiflora edulis fo. flavicarpa Degener). This study investigated the central effects of aqueous extract of the leaves of the two varieties of the species Passiflora edulis in tests used to assess behavior related to anxiety and depression, as well as investigating the potential effect of the antidepressant-like fractions of edulis fo. edulis and neuropharmacological mechanisms responsible for this action. To conduct this study used male Swiss mice (2 months old, weighing 30-35 g). The animals received the aqueous extract of the leaves of the two species of Passiflora: edulis fo. edulis (100, 300, 1000 mg / kg) and fractions ethyl acetate, butanol and aqueous waste (25, 50, 75, 100 mg / kg) and edulis fo. flavicarpa (30, 100, 300, 1000 mg / kg) or saline by gavage 60 minutes prior to the maze tests at high cross the open field test, test forced swim test and sedation induced by thiopental. To investigate the mechanism of action of the activity of antidepressant type of fractions the following drugs were used: PCPA (inhibitor of 5-HT synthesis) AMPT (inhibitor of catecholamine synthesis), DSP-4 (noradrenergic neurotoxin) and Sulpiride (antagonist selective dopamine D2 receptor). They were used as a standard positive control, fluoxetine and nortriptyline. The results of the phytochemical profile show very different characteristics to the aqueous extract of the varieties of Passiflora edulis "flavicarpa" and "edulis". The aqueous extracts of both varieties of Passiflora edulis share anxiolytic activity type (edulis fo. edulis 300 mg/kg; edulis fo. flavicarpa 300 and 1000 mg/kg) and antidepressant (edulis fo. edulis 300 mg/kg; edulis fo flavicarpa 1000 mg/kg), while the effect hipolocomotor/sedative was only seen for edulis fo. edulis (1000 mg/kg). Both fractions ethyl acetate, butanol aqueous extract edulis fo. edulis showed activity type antidepressant at a dose of 50 mg/kg in the forced swim test. The data suggest that the effect of antidepressant-like fractions edulis fo. edulis involves catecholaminergic and serotonergic neurotransmission, particularly dopaminergic, there is seen that pre-treatment DSP-4 is not affected antidepressant action of fractions as was dependent activation of dopamine D2 receptors.
The human striatum is a heterogeneous structure representing a major part of the dopamine (DA) system’s basal ganglia input and output. Positron emission tomography (PET) is a powerful tool for imaging DA neurotransmission. However, PET measurements suffer from bias caused by the low spatial resolution, especially when imaging small, D2/3 -rich structures such as the ventral striatum (VST). The brain dedicated high-resolution PET scanner, ECAT HRRT (Siemens Medical Solutions, Knoxville, TN, USA) has superior resolution capabilities than its predecessors. In the quantification of striatal D2/3 binding, the in vivo highly selective D2/3 antagonist [11C] raclopride is recognized as a well-validated tracer. The aim of this thesis was to use a traditional test-retest setting to evaluate the feasibility of utilizing the HRRT scanner for exploring not only small brain regions such as the VST but also low density D2/3 areas such as cortex. It was demonstrated that the measurement of striatal D2/3 binding was very reliable, even when studying small brain structures or prolonging the scanning interval. Furthermore, the cortical test-retest parameters displayed good to moderate reproducibility. For the first time in vivo, it was revealed that there are significant divergent rostrocaudal gradients of [11C]raclopride binding in striatal subregions. These results indicate that high-resolution [11C]raclopride PET is very reliable and its improved sensitivity means that it should be possible to detect the often very subtle changes occurring in DA transmission. Another major advantage is the possibility to measure simultaneously striatal and cortical areas. The divergent gradients of D2/3 binding may have functional significance and the average distribution binding could serve as the basis for a future database. Key words: dopamine, PET, HRRT, [11C]raclopride, striatum, VST, gradients, test-retest.
Dopamine D1, dopamine D2, and adenosine A2A receptors are highly expressed in striatal medium-sized spiny neurons. We have examined, in vivo, the influence of these receptors on the state of phosphorylation of the dopamine- and cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein of 32 kDa (DARPP-32). DARPP-32 is a potent endogenous inhibitor of protein phosphatase-1, which plays an obligatory role in dopaminergic transmission. A dose-dependent increase in the state of phosphorylation of DARPP-32 occurred in mouse striatum after systemic administration of the D2 receptor antagonist eticlopride (0.1–2.0 mg/kg). This effect was abolished in mice in which the gene coding for the adenosine A2A receptor was disrupted by homologous recombination. A reduction was also observed in mice that had been pretreated with the selective A2A receptor antagonist SCH 58261 (10 mg/kg). The eticlopride-induced increase in DARPP-32 phosphorylation was also decreased by pretreatment with the D1 receptor antagonist SCH 23390 (0.125 and 0.25 mg/kg) and completely reversed by combined pretreatment with SCH 23390 (0.25 mg/kg) plus SCH 58261 (10 mg/kg). SCH 23390, but not SCH 58261, abolished the increase in DARPP-32 caused by cocaine (15 mg/kg). The results indicate that, in vivo, the state of phosphorylation of DARPP-32 and, by implication, the activity of protein phosphatase-1 are regulated by tonic activation of D1, D2, and A2A receptors. The results also underscore the fact that the adenosine system plays a role in the generation of responses to dopamine D2 antagonists in vivo.
Treball de recerca realitzat per alumnes d’ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l’any 2008. Les alteracions del receptor de dopamina D2 són responsables de molts desordres neuronals que condueixen a malalties com el Parkinson, l’esquizofrènia i l’addicció a drogues. L’objectiu ha estat determinar quina espècie animal és més adient per substituir el teixit humà en l’estudi d’aquest receptor. Per dur a terme aquest estudi s’ha treballat amb nou espècies animals diferents en les quals s’ha relacionat, en funció de l’espècie, la concentració de receptor, la seva afinitat pels lligands agonistes i antagonistes, la seva relació evolutiva... El mètode més utilitzat per a la determinació i la quantificació de receptors hormonals als laboratoris d’investigació de les indústries farmacèutiques és la unió de radiolligands a membranes. Entre aquests experiments, els més emprats són els de desplaçament, en els quals el fàrmac no marcat competeix i desplaça el radiolligand dels centres d’unió del receptor i, tot seguit, es mesura la radioactivitat de la mostra amb un comptador de radioactivitat. Per fer aquest treball també ha calgut calcular la concentració de proteïnes per espectrofotometria i emprar tècniques d’homogeneïtzació i centrifugació. Després d’haver analitzat la concentració, l’afinitat i la relació filogenètica del receptor D2 de cada una de les espècies analitzades, es pot concloure que l’espècie ideal per estudiar aquest receptor, quan no es disposa de mostra humana, és un altre mamífer, i entre els estudiats es consideraria millor la vaca, ja que permet obtenir una gran quantitat de teixit, presenta un contingut apreciable de receptor i la seva afinitat per la dopamina és molt elevada.
Objective: Converging evidence speak in favor of an abnormal susceptibility to oxidative stress in schizophrenia. A decreased level of glutathione (GSH), the principal non-protein antioxidant and redox regulator, was observed both in cerebrospinal-fluid and prefrontal cortex of schizophrenia patients (Do et al., 2000). Results: Schizophrenia patients have an abnormal GSH synthesis most likely of genetic origin: Two independent case-control studies showed a significant association between schizophrenia and a GAG trinucleotide repeat (TNR) polymorphism in the GSH key synthesizing enzyme glutamate-cysteine-ligase (GCL) catalytic subunit (GCLC) gene. The most common TNR genotype 7/7 was more frequent in controls, whereas the rarest TNR genotype 8/8 was three times more frequent in patients. The disease-associated genotypes correlated with a decrease in GCLC protein expression, GCL activity and GSH content. Such a redox dysregulation during development could underlie the structural and functional anomalies in connectivity: In experimental models, GSH deficit induced anomalies similar to those observed in patients. (a) morphology: In animal models with GSH deficit during the development we observed in prefrontal cortex a decreased dendritic spines density in pyramidal cells and an abnormal development of parvalbumine (but not of calretinine) immunoreactive GABA interneurones in anterior cingulate cortex. (b) physiology: GSH depletion in hippocampal slices induces NMDA receptors hypofunction and an impairment of long term potentiation. In addition, GSH deficit affected the modulation of dopamine on NMDA-induced Ca 2+ response in cultured cortical neurons. While dopamine enhanced NMDA responses in control neurons, it depressed NMDA responses in GSH-depleted neurons. Antagonist of D2-, but not D1-receptors, prevented this depression, a mechanism contributing to the efficacy of antipsychotics. The redox sensitive ryanodine receptors and L-type calcium channels underlie these observations. (c) cognition: Developing rats with low [GSH] and high dopamine lead deficit in olfactory integration and in object recognition which appears earlier in males that females, in analogy to the delay of the psychosis onset between man and woman. Conclusion: These clinical and experimental evidence, combined with the favorable outcome of a clinical trial with N-Acetyl Cysteine, a GSH precursor, on both the negative symptoms (Berk et al., submitted) and the mismatch negativity in an auditory oddball paradigm supported the proposal that a GSH synthesis impairment of genetic origin represent, among other factors, one major risk factor in schizophrenia.