484 resultados para Cycladophora davisiana


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Radiolaria are present in frequencies ranging from rare to abundant and with generally moderate to good preservation quality in Leg 104 sediments younger than 22 Ma. Preservation degrades in progressively younger sediments, and upper Pliocene to mid-Pleistocene radiolaria were found only at Site 644, where sporadic assemblages of moderate to poorly preserved specimens persist to approximately 0.75 Ma. Radiolaria are essentially absent in Leg 104 recovery older than basal Miocene. The stratigraphic ranges of 55 taxa of radiolaria are documented in 451 samples from the biosiliceous recoveries of Holes 642B, 642C, 642D, 643A, and 644A. The stratigraphic ranges of 25 of these species are used as boundary criteria for a new system of 28 Neogene zones and subzones that are used to characterize approximately 72% of the past 22 m.y. of sedimentation on the Vriring Plateau. This new scheme is intended to supercede the NRS zones provisionally proposed in the Leg 104 Initial Reports. The applicability of this regional biozonation beyond the Wring and Iceland Plateaus is not presently known. The radiolaria biostratigraphy serves as a basis for inferring a sequence of hiatuses and faunal overturns that may be associated with sea-level low stands and consequent cold-water isolation of the Norwegian Sea. Twenty-one new taxa are described as follows: Actinomma henningsmoeni, Actinomma livae, Actinomma mirabile, Actinomma plasticum, Ceratocyrtis broeggeri, Ceratocyrtis manumi, Ceratocyrtis stoermeri, Clathrospyris vogti, Corythospyris hispida, Corythospyris jubata sverdrupi, Corythospyris reuschi, Crytocapsella ampullacea, Cyrocapsella kladaros, Gondwanaria japonica kiaeri, Hexalonche esmarki, Larcospira bulbosa, Phormospyris thespios, Pseudodicytophimus amundseni, Spongotrochus vitabilis, Spongurus cauleti, and Tessarastrum thiedei.


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To assess the relationship of radiolarian production, species distribution in water and surface sediment to water-mass characteristics, biological productivity and export regimes in the Sea of Okhotsk (SOk) we accomplished a quantitative analysis of radiolarian assemblages obtained from 35 surface-sediment samples and 115 plankton samples recording the radiolarian depth distribution in the upper 1000 m of the water column at 23 locations. This study augments the knowledge on the autecological demands of radiolarians dwelling in a specific hydrographic and biological environment, and extracts new information on the significance of radiolarians for the assessment of past oceanographic and climatic development in high latitudes. Highest radiolarian accumulation rates and seasonal radiolarian standing stocks are encountered in the western part of the SOk close to Sakhalin, marking the environmental conditions in this area as most favorable for radiolarian production. Maximum standing stocks occur during summer, indicating that the radiolarian signal preserved in the sediment record is mainly produced during this season when the mesopelagic biomass is at highest activity. We identified seven radiolarian species and groups related to specific water-mass characteristics, depth habitats, and productivity regimes. Of those, Dictyophimus hirundo and Cycladophora davisiana are most prominent in the Sea of Okhotsk Intermediate Water (200-1000 m), the latter representing an indicator of the occurrence of cold and well ventilated intermediate/deep water and enhanced export of organic matter from a highly productive ocean surface. While Antarctissa (?) sp. 1 is typically related to the cold-water Sea of Okhotsk Dicothermal Layer (SODL), ranging between 50 and 150 m water depth, the surface waters above the SODL affected by strong seasonal variability are inhabited predominantly by taxa belonging to the Spongodiscidae, having a broad environmental tolerance. Taxa only found in the sediment record show that the plankton study did not cover all assemblages occurring in the modern SOk. This accounts for an assemblage restricted to the western Kurile Basin and apparently related to environmental conditions influenced by North Pacific and Japan Sea waters. Other important taxa include species of the Plagoniidae group, representing the most prominent contributors to the SOk plankton and surface sediments. These radiolarians show a more opportunistic occurrence and are indicative of high nutrient supply in a hydrographic environment characterized by pronounced stratification enhancing heterotrophic activity and phytodetritus export.


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In the present work Quaternary radiolarian assemblages from the Southwest Pacific were investigated due to their importance for correlation and identification of climatic changes. The studied Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1123 (Leg 181) is situated on the northern flanks of the Chatham Rise, 1100 kilometres offshore eastern New Zealand and in a water depth o f 3290 metres. It is situated just north of the Subtropical Convergence (STC) in temperate climatic conditions, influenced by the cold deep Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC) and by the subtropical East Cape Current (ECC) in shallow water depths. A continuous record of 79 sediment samples from this site with a temporal resolution of ~15,000 years provided a medium-resolution record of radiolarian assemblages through the Quaternary. This allowed investigations on how radiolarian assemblages are influenced by climatic variations at obliquity and eccentricity bandwidth, with periodic variations of 40,000, 100,000 and 400,000 years, respectively. Emphasis was given to changes in radiolarian assemblages through the Mid-Pleistocene climate transition (MPT) that marks a fundamental reorganisation in Earth's climate system by change from 40,000 to 100,000 year cycles. Glacial and interglacial variations in oceanography were investigated. Especially the influence of the DWBC was examined due to its input of deep and cold waters to the Pacific Ocean, which plays an important role in Earth's climate system. 167 radiolarian counting groups were examined concerning variations in radiolarian abundance, preservation, diversity, the relative abundance of orders, families, and selected species in order to detect influences of past climatic variations in the Southwest Pacific. No significant changes in radiolarian assemblages were found in coincidence with the onset of the MPT. Investigations led to the recognition of four characteristic phases within the last 1.2 million years. Within one of these phases (Phase Ill), about 160,000 years after the onset of the MPT, fundamental changes in radiolarian assemblages occurred. Investigations yielded highest diversity and highest numbers of nassellarians in abundant samples, whereas sparse samples were mostly poorly preserved and were dominated by spumellarians. Abundance of certain radiolarian families in interglacials or glacials indicated their usefulness as indicators for climatic conditions at Site 1123. Trends o f selected taxa within these families supported the significance of warm- or cool-water preference of these families. Use of 67 radiolarian species as climate indicators showed abundance of warm-water assemblages within interglacials, whereas abundance of cool-water species was increased within glacials. Depth distributional patterns of 52 radiolarian species indicated a strong influence of shallow waters, possibly the EEC, within interglacials and increased influence of deep and intermediate waters, possibly of southern-sourced character and the DWBC in glacial stages.


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Site 1237 is located on Nazca Ridge ~140 km off the coast of Peru and thus within the offshore region of the Peru-Chile Current. A total of 83 samples were used to provide an initial radiolarian biostratigraphic framework for Site 1237; radiolarians are present to Sample 202-1237B-19H-2, 58-60 cm (186.45 meters composite depth [mcd]) and are of good to fair abundance and preservation. Site 1237 is influenced by both subtropical and northward-transported southern latitude waters, has 55 ash layers within the uppermost 166 m, and has minimal to gross reworking. Shipboard paleomagnetic results showed that the upper 200 m spanned the last 12 m.y., and in the upper 100 mcd, the paleomagnetic inclination pattern could be directly correlated to the geomagnetic polarity timescale (GPTS). Tropical biostratigraphy was used to establish the zonal boundaries for Site 1237, and the paleomagnetic and radiolarian stratigraphy were well correlated.


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Well preserved middle Miocene to Recent radiolarians were recovered from several sites in the Weddell Sea by ODP (Ocean Drilling Program) Leg 113. Low rates of sedimentation, hiatuses, and poor core recovery in some sites are offset by the nearly complete recovery of a late middle Miocene to late Pliocene section at Site 689 on the Maud Rise. Although a hiatus within the latest Miocene exists, this site still provides an excellent reference section for Antarctic biostratigraphy. A detailed radiolarian stratigraphy for the middle Miocene to late Pliocene of Site 689 is given, together with supplemental stratigraphic data from ODP Leg 113 Sites 690, 693, 695, 696, and 697. A refined Antarctic zonation for the middle Miocene to Recent is presented, based on the previous zonations of Hays (1965), Chen (1975), Weaver (1976b), and Keany (1979). The late Miocene radiolarian Acrosphaera australis n. sp. is described and used to define the A. australis zone, ranging from the first appearance of the nominate species to the last appearance of Cycladophora spongothorax (Chen) Lombari and Lazarus 1988. The species Botryopera deflandrei Petrushevskaya 1975 is transferred to Antarctissa deflandrei (Petrushevskaya) n. comb.