211 resultados para Cvs


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Neutral and niche theories give contrasting explanations for the maintenance of tropical tree species diversity. Both have some empirical support, but methods to disentangle their effects have not yet been developed. We applied a statistical measure of spatial structure to data from 14 large tropical forest plots to test a prediction of niche theory that is incompatible with neutral theory: that species in heterogeneous environments should separate out in space according to their niche preferences. We chose plots across a range of topographic heterogeneity, and tested whether pairwise spatial associations among species were more variable in more heterogeneous sites. We found strong support for this prediction, based on a strong positive relationship between variance in the spatial structure of species pairs and topographic heterogeneity across sites. We interpret this pattern as evidence of pervasive niche differentiation, which increases in importance with increasing environmental heterogeneity.


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Long-term surveys of entire communities of species are needed to measure fluctuations in natural populations and elucidate the mechanisms driving population dynamics and community assembly. We analysed changes in abundance of over 4000 tree species in 12 forests across the world over periods of 6-28years. Abundance fluctuations in all forests are large and consistent with population dynamics models in which temporal environmental variance plays a central role. At some sites we identify clear environmental drivers, such as fire and drought, that could underlie these patterns, but at other sites there is a need for further research to identify drivers. In addition, cross-site comparisons showed that abundance fluctuations were smaller at species-rich sites, consistent with the idea that stable environmental conditions promote higher diversity. Much community ecology theory emphasises demographic variance and niche stabilisation; we encourage the development of theory in which temporal environmental variance plays a central role.


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Con el objeto de determinar la producción de biomasa forrajera, la composición botánica, su calidad nutritiva (proteína) y analizar el uso y la proyección de uso de dos cultivares del pasto de Brachiaria hrízantha, durante el periodo lluvioso del año 2005. Se llevo a acabo el presente estudio en la finca las Mercedes propiedad de la Universidad Nacional Agraria, la cual se ubica en el Km 1O de la carretera norte. Una de las actividades productivas de la finca es la explotación lechera con un área aproximada de 30 manzanas de pasto. Se utilizó las aras de pasto Brachiaria con dos cultivares (la Libertad y Multo),donde se realizaron cortes cada 15 días, se determinó la producción de biomasa total fresca y seca, así como la producción de la fracción de la planta hoja y tallo, así mismo se determinó la relación entre estos para cada uno de los cultivares evaluados, así como entre ellos, además se realizó análisis de calidad (nitrógeno - proteína), en el laboratorio de suelo de la UNA Para la determinación de la biomas se utilizó parte del programa Rotanal, en la toma de datos de campo se empleó el método de doble muestreo, al igual que para la determinación de la composición botánica. Finalmente se realizó un análisis sobre el uso de las pastura de Brachiaria en estudio y la proyección de futuro de su uso, Se encontró que la producción de biomasa fresca y seca del Cv mulato supero a la Libertad, la producción de hojas también fue mayor en el Cv mulato y la relación hoja tallo, los contenidos de nitrógeno también resultaron ser superiores en el Cv mulato. La composición botánica fue dominada en rangos mayores de 95% por la especies de pasto en estudio, el restante por algunas especies de leguminosas como Mimosa púdica (dormilona) y de malezas como Sida Spp (escoba lisa). El análisis de uso permitió determinar que las pasto Brachiaria brizantha Cvs la Libertad y mulato han sido subutilizado, manteniéndose cargas que pueden ser duplicadas con el rendimiento que este pasto presenta en ambos cultivares, además de que la producción de estos cultivares podrían mejorar si se les proporciona un mejor manejo de fertilización.


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La Argentina vive, desde hace unos años, un claro desplazamiento de la ganadería hacia zonas marginales, en las cuales imperan condiciones edáficas y climáticas que son generadoras de estrés para una amplia cantidad de forrajeras utilizadas. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el rendimiento de Panicum virgatum (L.). Esta especie forrajera de metabolismo C4 fue descrita como tolerante a condiciones marginales de crecimiento. Fueron evaluados los cvs. Shawnee y Trailblazer. El experimento se condujo en dos ambientes: I) en el predio perteneciente a la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de la Universidad Católica Argentina (Lat.34°34´S, 58°26´O) en el cual se evaluó el rendimiento de ambas variedades sembradas a una distancia de 17,5 cm entre hileras y II) en Luján (Buenos Aires, Lat.34°32´S, 59°16´O) en un suelo Argiudol típico, evaluando solamente al cv. Shawnee a dos distintos distanciamientos entre hileras (17,5 y 35 cm). Ambos sitios experimentales se prepararon según un sistema de labranza convencional. Las siembras se efectuaron los días 3 y 5 de octubre de 2008 (ambiente 1 y 2 respectivamente) en forma manual y con un distanciamiento dentro de la hilera de 5cm y una profundidad de 1cm. El arreglo experimental consistió en un DCA con tres repeticiones. Los datos obtenidos se analizaron mediante un Análisis de la Varianza. Se tomó como criterio de defoliación una altura del follaje de 60cm y dejando una altura remanente de 15cm luego del corte En el ambiente 1, el rendimiento acumulado no difirió estadísticamente entre los genotipos estudiados en las dos campañas evaluadas. Durante el primer año, la producción (expresada en kg MS ha-1 ± EEM) del cv. Shawnee fue de 6.293,33 ± 673,42 mientras que el cv. Trailblazer produjo 5.072,38 ± 1.011,85. En cambio, durante el segundo año se observó un marcado incremento en la producción acumulada registrándose valores de 10.590,48 ± 638,31 y 8.857,14 ± 2187,41 para los cv Trailblazer y Shawnee respectivamente. En el ambiente 2, no se observaron diferencias en el rendimiento del cultivo sembrado a 17,5cm o 35 cm de distancia entre hileras. En efecto, con una separación de 17.5 cm se registró una producción de 8.302,85 ± 342,92 y 26.095,24 ± 3780,99 (año 1 y 2 respectivamente) mientras que a 35 cm se observaron 6.054,28± 1.216,01 y 29.428,57± 5.735,67 (año 1 y 2 respectivamente).Se observó la formación de estructuras reproductivas en ambos genotipos demostrando la adaptabilidad de esta especie a nuestra latitud. Los resultados presentados señalan la utilidad de continuar la evaluación de esta especie incluyendo su evaluación en ambientes donde la misma sea capaz de expresar la tolerancia a los factores abióticos generadores de estrés y su respuesta a otras variables de manejo agronómico.


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Con el objeto de contribuir a un mejor uso y manejo de dos cultivares del pasto Brachiaria brizantha (La Libertad y Mulato), durante el periodo lluvioso del año 2005, se llevo a cabo un estudio en la finca las Mercedes propiedad de la UNA. La finca las Mercedes, se ubica en las coordenadas 12°09’28’’ latitud norte y 86°10’16’’ longitud oeste. Para el estudio se utilizaron áreas de pasto de Brachiaria, 2.8 ha con el cultivar la libertad y 2.1 ha con el cultivar Mulato. Se realizaron cortes cada 15 días, en un área de 0.35 ha para cada cultivar, en la cual se determinó la producción de biomasa total fresca y seca, así como la producción de la fracción de la planta (hoja y tallo), y la relación entre estos. Se realizó además análisis de calidad (nitrógeno proteico). En la toma de datos de campo, se empleo el método de doble muestreo. Para la determinación de la composición botánica se utilizó el método de rango de peso seco o comparativo. Finalmente se realizó un análisis sobre el uso de la pastura Brachiaria y la proyección de su uso futuro, encontrándose que el cv Mulato presentó mejor producción de biomasa seca (635 kg / ms /ha / corte) y producción de hojas (5156 kg/ ms /ha /corte), relación hoja tallo de 1.2, así como contenido de nitrógeno proteico (4.2). Según el estudio de composición botánica, la mayor (P<0.05) cobertura correspondió al pasto brachiaria con rangos mayores al 95%. Le siguen algunas algunas especies leguminosas como Mimosa púdica (dormilona) y arvenses como Sida spp (escoba lisa). El análisis de uso permitió determinar que las pasto Brachiaria brizantha cvs La Libertad y Mulato han sido subutilizado, manteniéndose cargas que pueden ser duplicadas. Además de que la producción de estos cultivares podrían mejorar si se les proporciona una mejor fertilización.


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We investigated within- and between-reader precision in estimating age for northern offshore spotted dolphins and possible effects on precision from the sex and age-class of specimens. Age was estimated from patterns of growth layer groups i n the dentine and cementum of the dolphins' teeth. Each specimen was aged at least three times by each of two persons. Two data samples were studied. The first comprised 800 of each sex from animals collected during 1973-78. The second included 45 females collected during 1981. There were significant, generally downward trends through time in the estimates from multiple readings of the 1973-78 data. These trends were slight, and age distributions from last readings and mean estimates per specimen appeared to be homogeneous. The largest factor affecting precision in the 1973-78 data set was between-reader variation. In light of the relatively high within-reader precision (trends considered), the consistent between-reader differences suggest a problem of accuracy rather than precision for this series. Within-reader coefficients of variation averaged approximately 7% and 11%. Pooling the data resulted i n an average coefficient of variation near 16%. Within- and between-reader precision were higher for the 1981 sample, and the data homogeneous over both factors. CVs averaged near 5% and 6% for the two readers. These results point to further refinements in reading the 1981 series. Properties of the 1981 sample may be partly responsible for greater precision: by chance there were proportionately fewer older dolphins included, and preparation and selection criteria were probably more stringent. (PDF contains 35 pages.)


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Biomass indices, from commercial catch per unit of effort (CPUE) or random trawl surveys, are commonly used in fisheries stock assessments. Uncertainty in such indices, often ex-pressed as a coefficient of variation (CV), has two components: observation error, and annual variation in catchability. Only the former can be estimated directly. As a result, the CVs used for these indices either ignore the annual-variation component or assume a value for it (often implicitly). Two types of data for New Zealand stocks were examined: 48 sets of residuals and catchability estimates from stock assessments using either CPUE or trawl survey indices; and biomass estimates from 17 time series of trawl surveys with between 4 and 25 species per time series. These data show clear evidence of significant annual variation in catchability. With the trawl survey data, catchability was detectably extreme for many species in about one year in six. The assessment data suggest that this annual variability typically has a CV of about 0.2. For commercial CPUE the variability is slightly less, and a typical total CV (including both components) of 0.15 to 0.2. This is much less than the values of 0.3 to 0.35 that have commonly been assumed in New Zealand. Some estimates of catchability are shown to be implausible.


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Silica-based functionalized terbium fluorescent nanoparticles were prepared, characterized and developed as a fluorescence probe for antibody labeling and time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay. The nanoparticles were prepared in a water-in-oil (W/O) microemulsion containing a strongly fluorescent Tb3+ chelate. N,N.N-1,N-1-12,6-bis(3'-aminomethyl-1'-pyrazolyl)phenylpyridine] tetrakis(acetate)-Tb3+ (BPTA-Tb3+), Triton X-100, octanol, and cyclohexane by controlling copolymerization of tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) and 3-[2-(2- aminoethylamino)-ethylamino]propyl-trimethoxysilane (AEPS) with ammonia water. The characterizations by transmission electron microscopy and fluorometric quantum methods show that the nanoparticles are spherical and uniform in size, 45 +/- 3 nm in diameter, strongly fluorescent with fluorescence yield of 10% and a long fluorescence lifetime of 2.0 ms. The amino groups directly introduced to the nanoparticle's surface by using AEPS in the preparation made the surface modification and bioconjugation of the nanoparticles easier. The nanoparticle-labeled anti-human alpha-fetoprotein antibody was prepared and used for time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay of (x-fetoprotein (AFP) in human serum samples. The assay response is linear from 0.10 ng ml(-1) to about 100 ng ml(-1) with the detection limit of 0.10 ng ml(-1). The coefficient variations (CVs) of the method are less than 9.0%. and the recoveries are in the range of 84-98% for human serum sample measurements. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A one-step method was developed to fabricate conductive graphene/SnO2 (GS) nanocomposites in acidic solution. Graphite oxides were reduced by SnCl2 to graphene sheets in the presence of HCl and urea. The reducing process was accompanied by generation of SnO2 nanoparticles. The structure and composition of GS nanocomposites were confirmed by means of transmission electron microscopy, x-ray photoelectron and Raman spectroscopy. Moreover, the ultracapacitor characteristics of GS nanocomposites were studied by cyclic voltammograms (CVs) and electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The CVs of GS nanocomposites are nearly rectangular in shape and the specific capacitance degrades slightly as the voltage scan rate is increased. The EIS of GS nanocomposites presents a phase angle close to p/2 at low frequency, indicating a good capacitive behavior.


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A layer-by-layer (LbL) adsorption and polymerization method was developed for the controllable preparation of polypyrrole (PPy) nanoparticles within ultrathin films. By repetitive adsorption of pyrrole and subsequent polymerization with 12-molybdophosphoric acid, the polyelectrolyte multilayer films containing PPy nanoparticles were fabricated. UV-visible absorption spectrocopy, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy (AFM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and cyclic voltammograras (CVs) were used to characterize the PPy nanoparticles and their multilayer thin films. UV-visible spectra indicate that the growth of PPy nanoparticles was regular and occurred within the polyelectrolyte films. The size of prepared PPy nanoparticles was found by TEM to increase with the increasing of polymerization cycles. The electrochemistry behavior of the multilayer thin films was studied in detail on ITO. The results suggest that the LbL adsorption and polymerization method developed herein provides an effective way to prepare PPy nanoparticles in the polymer matrix.


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We described here a new method for the determination of total calcium in plasma. The method is based on the precipitation of calcium with excess oxalate and the measurement of residual oxalate by flow injection analysis with Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) electrochemiluminescent detection. It has the advantages of extremely stable reagent, user-friendly instrument, high selectivity, good analytical recovery, wide dynamic range, and nice correlation with atomic absorption spectroscopy. The calibration plot for calcium is linear over a concentration range from 0.5 mmol L-1 to 4.8 mmol L-1, which is wider than those obtained by most other methods. The analytical recoveries for plasma calcium are 98.4-101.2% with coefficients of variation (CVs) of 1.96-2.52%. The within-day CVs range from 0.76% to 0.95%, and between-day CVs were from 1.12% to 1.46%. The time for each injection is one minute. Because the proposed method can be readily carried out on increasingly popular instruments for Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) ECL immunoassays and DNA probe assays, Ru(bpy)32+ ECL method is suitable for routine clinical analysis of calcium.


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Surface replacement reaction of thiol-derivatized, single-stranded oligonucleotide (HS-ssDNA) by mercaptohexanol (MCH) is investigated in order to reduce surface density of the HS-ssDNA adsorbed to Au(111) surface. Cyclic voltammograms (CVs) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) are employed to assess the composition and state of these mixed monolayers. It is found that each CV of mixed self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) only shows a single reductive desorption peak, which suggests that the resulted, mixed SAMs do not form discernable phase-separated domains. The peak potential gradually shifts to negative direction and the peak area increases step by step over the whole replacement process. By analyzing these peak areas, it is concluded that two MCH molecules will replace one HS-ssDNA molecule and relative coverage can also be estimated as a function of exposing time. The possible mechanism of the replacement reaction is also proposed. The DNA surface density exponentially reduces with the exposing time increasing, in other words, the replacement reaction is very fast in the first several hours and then gradually slows down. Moreover, the morphological change in the process is also followed by STM.


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Background: Capillary electrophoresis (CE) with tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) [Ru(bpy)(3)(2+)]-electro-generated chemiluminescence (ECL) detection is a promising method for clinical analysis. In this study, a method combining CE with Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) ECL (CE-ECL) detection that can be applied to amine-containing clinical species was developed, and the performance of CE-ECL as a quantitative method for determination of sulpiride in human plasma or urine was evaluated. Methods: Sulpiride was separated by capillary zone electrophoresis in uncoated fused-silica capillaries [510 cm x 25 mum (i.d.)] filled with phosphate buffer (pH 8.0 and a driving voltage of +15 kV, with end-column Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) ECL detection. A platinum disc electrode was used as working electrode. Sulpiride in human plasma or urine samples (100 muL) was extracted by a double-step liquid-liquid extraction procedure, dried under nitrogen at 35 degreesC in a water bath, and reconstituted with 100 muL of filtered water. The extraction solvent was ethyl acetate-dichloromethane (5:1 by volume). Results: Under optimum conditions (pH 8.0 phosphate buffer, injection for 6 s at 10 kV, and +1.2 V as detection potential), separation of sulpiride was accomplished within 4 min. The calibration curve was linear over a concentration range of 0.05-25.0 mumol/L, and the limit of detection was 2.9 x 10(-8) mol/L for sulpiride. Intra- and interday CVs for ECL intensities were <6%. Extraction recoveries of sulpiride were 95.6-101% with CVs of 2.9-6.0%. The method was,clinically validated for patient plasma and urine samples. Conclusions: CE combined with Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) ECL is reproducible, precise, selective, and enables the analysis of sulpiride in human plasma and urine. It thus is of value for rapid and efficient analysis of amine-containing analytes of clinical interest.


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The electrochemical behaviours of three kinds of soluble polyimides were investigated for the first time. It was observed that the cyclic voltammograms(CVS) of these polyimides in nonaqueous solutions are obviously different from that of the poly-imide films casted on surfaces of glass carbon electrode(GCEs) in aqueous solutions.


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The effects of temperature and food availability on the life history strategy of the planktonic copepod Calanus sinicus in the southern Yellow Sea in summer were studied in this paper. The fifth copepodite stage (CV) dominates the population in the central part of the southern Yellow Sea, where the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass (YSCWM) occurs below the thermocline. Incubation experiments were conducted on CV C. sinicus caught from the YSCWM to examine the effects of temperature and food availability. Temperature at the surface (27degreesC) is lethal to CVs regardless of food availability. At the temperature in the middle of the thermocline (18degreesC), survival time of the specimens depends on food availability, being similar to20 days in treatments without extra food supply. At the temperature in the YSCWM (9degreesC), most animals survive at the end of 27 day incubation even in treatments without food supply. Developmental rate of CVs at 9degreesC without extra food supply is extremely low. The increase of either temperature or food supply promotes the developmental rate of CVs. According to these results, the surface layers with high temperature and low food abundance are detrimental for the survival and reproduction of C. sinicus. Low temperature and low food availability in the YSCWM help CV to maintain a much lower developmental rate and higher survival rate. The ecological trait of C. sinicus in the southern Yellow Sea in summer cannot be sufficiently explained solely by the effects of temperature.