870 resultados para Curriculum approaches
Starting with the research question, "How can the Primary School Curriculum be developed so as to spark Children's Engineering Imaginations from an early age?" this paper sets out to critically analyse the issues around embedding Engineering in the Primary School Curriculum from the age of 5 years. Findings from an exploratory research project suggest that in order to promote the concept of Engineering Education to potential university students (and in doing so begin to address issues around recruitment / retention within Engineering) there is a real need to excite and engage children with the subject from a young age. Indeed, it may be argued that within today's digital society, the need to encourage children to engage with Engineering is vital to the future sustainable development of our society. Whilst UK Government policy documents highlight the value of embedding Engineering into the school curriculum there is little or no evidence to suggest that Engineering has been successfully embedded into the elementary level school curriculum. Building on the emergent findings of the first stage of a longitudinal study, this paper concludes by arguing that Engineering could be embedded into the curriculum through innovative pedagogical approaches which contextualise project-based learning experiences within more traditional subjects including science, history, geography, literacy and numeracy.
This study explores the ongoing pedagogical development of a number of undergraduate design and engineering programmes in the United Kingdom. Observations and data have been collected over several cohorts to bring a valuable perspective to the approaches piloted across two similar university departments while trialling a number of innovative learning strategies. In addition to the concurrent institutional studies the work explores curriculum design that applies the principles of Co-Design, multidisciplinary and trans disciplinary learning, with both engineering and product design students working alongside each other through a practical problem solving learning approach known as the CDIO learning initiative (Conceive, Design Implement and Operate) [1]. The study builds on previous work presented at the 2010 EPDE conference: The Effect of Personality on the Design Team: Lessons from Industry for Design Education [2]. The subsequent work presented in this paper applies the findings to mixed design and engineering team based learning, building on the insight gained through a number of industrial process case studies carried out in current design practice. Developments in delivery also aligning the CDIO principles of learning through doing into a practice based, collaborative learning experience and include elements of the TRIZ creative problem solving technique [3]. The paper will outline case studies involving a number of mixed engineering and design student projects that highlight the CDIO principles, combined with an external industrial design brief. It will compare and contrast the learning experience with that of a KTP derived student project, to examine an industry based model for student projects. In addition key areas of best practice will be presented, and student work from each mode will be discussed at the conference.
Current views of the nature of knowledge and of learning suggest that instructional approaches in science education pay closer attention to how students learn rather than on teaching. This study examined the use of approaches to teaching science based on two contrasting perspectives in learning, social constructivist and traditional, and the effects they have on students' attitudes and achievement. Four categories of attitudes were measured using the Upper Secondary Attitude Questionnaire: Attitude towards school, towards the importance of science, towards science as a career, and towards science as a subject in school. Achievement was measured by average class grades and also with a researcher/teacher constructed 30-item test that involved three sub-scales of items based on knowledge, and applications involving near-transfer and far-transfer of concepts. The sample consisted of 202 students in nine intact classrooms in chemistry at a large high school in Miami, Florida, and involved two teachers. Results were analyzed using a two-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) with a pretest in attitude as the covariate for attitudes and prior achievement as the covariate for achievement. A comparison of the adjusted mean scores was made between the two groups and between females and males. ^ With constructivist-based teaching, students showed more favorable attitude towards science as a subject, obtained significantly higher scores in class achievement, total achievement and achievement on the knowledge sub-scale of the knowledge and application test. Students in the traditional group showed more favorable attitude towards school. Females showed significantly more positive attitude towards the importance of science and obtained significantly higher scores in class achievement. No significant interaction effects were obtained for method of instruction by gender. ^ This study lends some support to the view that constructivist-based approaches to teaching science is a viable alternative to traditional modes of teaching. It is suggested that in science education, more consideration be given to those aspects of classroom teaching that foster closer coordination between social influences and individual learning. ^
This study explored the relative value of behavioral and cognitive psychology as the basis of instruction for underprepared college students enrolled in developmental reading courses. Specifically this study examined the effects of a metacognitive strategy-based instructional approach (MSIA) modeling a metacognitive self-questioning technique (MSQT) versus a traditional skills-based instructional approach (SIA) on the Nelson-Denny reading comprehension scores of college developmental readers and whether there were significant differences in achievement based on instructional method used and on the sex of students. The sample consisted of 100 college developmental reading students who were enrolled in six intact sections of a reading course (REA0002). Participants completed a pretest of the comprehension subtest of the Nelson-Denny Reading Test (Form G). Three of these classes (n = 49) were taught using metacognitive-strategy instruction and three classes (n = 51) were instructed using skills-based instruction. They then received a semester of instruction intended to improve their reading comprehension. At the end of the semester, participants completed a post-test of the Nelson-Denny Reading Comprehension Test (Form H). A two (Between) x one (Within) Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was utilized to test each of the hypotheses of this study. Results showed that there were no significant differences in reading comprehension between the groups receiving the different instructional treatments and no differences in reading comprehension between the men and women participants. Based on the findings, implications for research and recommendations for future research were discussed.
The written text, and approaches to reading it, serves well as an analogy for the classroom space as a "text" that teachers are able to compose; and students are able to read, interpret meaning(s) of, and make responses to and about (Rosenblatt, 1988). Researchers point to ways in which the classroom can be conceptualized as a text to be evoked, experienced, and read (Freire & Macedo, 1987; Powell, 2009; Rosenblatt, 1988; Spears-Bunton & Powell, 2009).^ The present study analyzed secondary data including: 10 transcripts of teacher talks and six self-reports retrieved from the program evaluation archives of DOR Foundation. The data described six teachers' classroom experiences subsequent to professional development centered on Goma character education curriculum that was used during a summer youth program located in South Georgia. Goma, an acronym that stands for Goal, Objective, Method, and Attitude, is a character education paradigm derived from The Inclusive Community Building Ellison Model, the theoretical framework used for this study. The Model identifies conflict resolution as one of its five foci (Hunt, Howard, & Rice, 1998). Hunt (2006) conceived Goma as part of a 7-Step unitary process, also named the 7-Step pathway, to demonstrate how conflict resolution is accomplished within a variety of contexts.^ Analysis of the data involved: (a) a priori coding of teacher talks transcripts using the components of the Goma 7-Step pathway as coding categories, (b) emergent coding of teacher talks transcripts for the types of experiences teachers evidenced, and (c) emergent coding of teachers' self-reports for categories of teachers' instructional activities. Results of the study showed positive influence of Goma curriculum on participating teachers and their instructional practices. Teachers were shown to have had cognitive, instructional, emotional, and social experiences that were most evident when they reported changes in their attitudes toward their students, themselves, and their instructional practices. The present study provided implications for classroom teachers wherein all aspects of teachers' instructional practices can be guided by principles of positive character; and can be used to help compose the kinds of "texts" that may likely contribute to a classroom character culture.^
Negli ultimi anni la teoria dei network è stata applicata agli ambiti più diversi, mostrando proprietà caratterizzanti tutti i network reali. In questo lavoro abbiamo applicato gli strumenti della teoria dei network a dati cerebrali ottenuti tramite MRI funzionale “resting”, provenienti da due esperimenti. I dati di fMRI sono particolarmente adatti ad essere studiati tramite reti complesse, poiché in un esperimento si ottengono tipicamente più di centomila serie temporali per ogni individuo, da più di 100 valori ciascuna. I dati cerebrali negli umani sono molto variabili e ogni operazione di acquisizione dati, così come ogni passo della costruzione del network, richiede particolare attenzione. Per ottenere un network dai dati grezzi, ogni passo nel preprocessamento è stato effettuato tramite software appositi, e anche con nuovi metodi da noi implementati. Il primo set di dati analizzati è stato usato come riferimento per la caratterizzazione delle proprietà del network, in particolare delle misure di centralità, dal momento che pochi studi a riguardo sono stati condotti finora. Alcune delle misure usate indicano valori di centralità significativi, quando confrontati con un modello nullo. Questo comportamento `e stato investigato anche a istanti di tempo diversi, usando un approccio sliding window, applicando un test statistico basato su un modello nullo pi`u complesso. Il secondo set di dati analizzato riguarda individui in quattro diversi stati di riposo, da un livello di completa coscienza a uno di profonda incoscienza. E' stato quindi investigato il potere che queste misure di centralità hanno nel discriminare tra diversi stati, risultando essere dei potenziali bio-marcatori di stati di coscienza. E’ stato riscontrato inoltre che non tutte le misure hanno lo stesso potere discriminante. Secondo i lavori a noi noti, questo `e il primo studio che caratterizza differenze tra stati di coscienza nel cervello di individui sani per mezzo della teoria dei network.
This work applies a hybrid approach in solving the university curriculum-based course timetabling problem as presented as part of the 2nd International Timetabling Competition 2007 (ITC2007). The core of the hybrid approach is based on an artificial bee colony algorithm. Past methods have applied artificial bee colony algorithms to university timetabling problems with high degrees of success. Nevertheless, there exist inefficiencies in the associated search abilities in term of exploration and exploitation. To improve the search abilities, this work introduces a hybrid approach entitled nelder-mead great deluge artificial bee colony algorithm (NMGD-ABC) where it combined additional positive elements of particle swarm optimization and great deluge algorithm. In addition, nelder-mead local search is incorporated into the great deluge algorithm to further enhance the performance of the resulting method. The proposed method is tested on curriculum-based course timetabling as presented in the ITC2007. Experimental results reveal that the proposed method is capable of producing competitive results as compared with the other approaches described in literature
The written text, and approaches to reading it, serves well as an analogy for the classroom space as a “text” that teachers are able to compose; and students are able to read, interpret meaning(s) of, and make responses to and about (Rosenblatt, 1988). Researchers point to ways in which the classroom can be conceptualized as a text to be evoked, experienced, and read (Freire & Macedo, 1987; Powell, 2009; Rosenblatt, 1988; Spears-Bunton & Powell, 2009). The present study analyzed secondary data including: 10 transcripts of teacher talks and six self-reports retrieved from the program evaluation archives of DOR Foundation. The data described six teachers’ classroom experiences subsequent to professional development centered on Goma character education curriculum that was used during a summer youth program located in South Georgia. Goma, an acronym that stands for Goal, Objective, Method, and Attitude, is a character education paradigm derived from The Inclusive Community Building Ellison Model, the theoretical framework used for this study. The Model identifies conflict resolution as one of its five foci (Hunt, Howard, & Rice, 1998). Hunt (2006) conceived Goma as part of a 7-Step unitary process, also named the 7-Step pathway, to demonstrate how conflict resolution is accomplished within a variety of contexts. Analysis of the data involved: (a) a priori coding of teacher talks transcripts using the components of the Goma 7-Step pathway as coding categories, (b) emergent coding of teacher talks transcripts for the types of experiences teachers evidenced, and (c) emergent coding of teachers’ self-reports for categories of teachers’ instructional activities. Results of the study showed positive influence of Goma curriculum on participating teachers and their instructional practices. Teachers were shown to have had cognitive, instructional, emotional, and social experiences that were most evident when they reported changes in their attitudes toward their students, themselves, and their instructional practices. The present study provided implications for classroom teachers wherein all aspects of teachers’ instructional practices can be guided by principles of positive character; and can be used to help compose the kinds of “texts” that may likely contribute to a classroom character culture.
We investigated how participants associated with each other and developed community in a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) about Rhizomatic Learning (Rhizo14). We compared learner experiences in two social networking sites (SNSs), Facebook and Twitter. Our combination of thematic analysis of qualitative survey data with analysis of participant observation, activity data, archives and visualisation of SNS data enabled us to reach a deeper understanding of participant perspectives and explore SNS use. Community was present in the course title and understood differently by participants. In the absence of explanation or discussion about community early in the MOOC, a controversy between participants about course expectations emerged that created oppositional discourse. Fall off in activity in MOOCs is common and was evident in Rhizo14. As the course progressed, fewer participants were active in Facebook and some participants reported feelings of exclusion. Despite this, activity in Facebook increased overall. The top 10 most active participants were responsible for 47% of total activity. In the Rhizo14 MOOC, both community and curriculum were expected to emerge within the course. We suggest that there are tensions and even contradictions between ‘Community Is the Curriculum’ and Deleuze and Guattari's principles of the rhizome, mainly focussed on an absence of heterogeneity. These tensions may be exacerbated by SNSs that use algorithmic streams. We propose the use of networking approaches that enable negotiation and exchange to encourage heterogeneity rather than emergent definition of community.
Among the various ways of adopting the biographical approach, we used the curriculum vitaes (CVs) of Brazilian researchers who work as social scientists in health as our research material. These CVs are part of the Lattes Platform of CNPq - the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, which includes Research and Institutional Directories. We analyzed 238 CVs for this study. The CVs contain, among other things, the following information: professional qualifications, activities and projects, academic production, participation in panels for the evaluation of theses and dissertations, research centers and laboratories and a summarized autobiography. In this work there is a brief review of the importance of autobiography for the social sciences, emphasizing the CV as a form of autobiographical practice. We highlight some results, such as it being a group consisting predominantly of women, graduates in social sciences, anthropology, sociology or political science, with postgraduate degrees. The highest concentration of social scientists is located in Brazil's southern and southeastern regions. In some institutions the main activities of social scientists are as teachers and researchers with great thematic diversity in research.
The reproductive capacity between Triatoma lenti and Triatoma sherlocki was observed in order to verify the fertility and viability of the offspring. Cytogenetic, morphological and morphometric approaches were used to analyze the differences that were inherited. Experimental crosses were performed in both directions. The fertility rate of the eggs in crosses involving T. sherlocki females was 65% and 90% in F1 and F2 offspring, respectively. In reciprocal crosses, it was 7% and 25% in F1 and F2 offspring, respectively. The cytogenetic analyses of the male meiotic process of the hybrids were performed using lacto-acetic orcein, C-banding and Feulgen techniques. The male F1 offspring presented normal chromosome behavior, a finding that was similar to those reported in parental species. However, cytogenetic analysis of F2 offspring showed errors in chromosome pairing. This post-zygotic isolation, which prevents hybrids in nature, may represent the collapse of the hybrid. This phenomenon is due to a genetic dysregulation that occurs in the chromosomes of F1. The results were similar in the hybrids from both crosses. Morphological features, such as color and size of connexive and the presence of red-orange rings on the femora, were similar to T. sherlocki, while wins size was similar to T. lenti in F1 offspring. The eggshells showed characteristics that were similar to species of origin, whereas the median process of the pygophore resulted in intermediate characteristics in the F1 and a segregating pattern in F2 offspring. Geometric morphometric techniques used on the wings showed that both F1 and F2 offspring were similar to T. lenti. These studies on the reproductive capacity between T. lenti and T. sherlocki confirm that both species are evolutionarily closed; hence, they are included in the brasiliensis subcomplex. The extremely reduced fertility observed in the F2 hybrids confirmed the specific status of the species that were analyzed.
Reasons for the iniquities of caries, globally recognized, may be related to how Cariology has been taught in dental schools. In Brazil, the most important universities, when considering healthcare teaching, are the public ones. The objective of this study was to identify the insertion of the contents of Cariology in the course flowcharts of public dental schools in the country. The survey was conducted in 2013 seeking to identify the realities of different geographical regions, aimed to the census of public dental schools. It was performed a documentary analysis of the menus of disciplines, identifying the following issues: number of dental schools that include content related to Cariology in their curricula; average total workload undergraduate courses and disciplines that contemplate the theme; distribution of disciplines in professional training cycles (basic, clinical and public health); existence of discipline and/or a specific department; verification of bibliographic indication directly related to Cariology. The response rate was 93.6%. All dental schools recommended specific books, and none of them had a Department of Cariology. All dental schools in the country contemplated content related to Cariology in their disciplines, distributed in specific disciplines (except for the Northern region) and disciplines in the three cycles of learning (basic, clinical and public health), with larger workload in the clinical cycle. Although public dental schools in Brazil demonstrated commitment to contemplating the content related to Cariology in their disciplines, the emphasis on the clinical cycle may not be promoting the integrated formation of students, which could be contributing to reflect the inequalities of the disease in the country.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
The use of neuromodulation as a treatment for major depressive disorder (MDD) has recently attracted renewed interest due to development of other non-pharmacological therapies besides electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), deep brain stimulation (DBS), and vagus nerve stimulation (VNS). METHOD: We convened a working group of researchers to discuss the updates and key challenges of neuromodulation use for the treatment of MDD. RESULTS: The state-of-art of neuromodulation techniques was reviewed and discussed in four sections: [1] epidemiology and pathophysiology of MDD; [2] a comprehensive overview of the neuromodulation techniques; [3] using neuromodulation techniques in MDD associated with non-psychiatric conditions; [4] the main challenges of neuromodulation research and alternatives to overcome them. DISCUSSION: ECT is the first-line treatment for severe depression. TMS and tDCS are strategies with a relative benign profile of side effects; however, while TMS effects are comparable to antidepressant drugs for treating MDD; further research is needed to establish the role of tDCS. DBS and VNS are invasive strategies with a possible role in treatment-resistant depression. In summary, MDD is a chronic and incapacitating condition with a high prevalence; therefore clinicians should consider all the treatment options including invasive and non-invasive neuromodulation approaches.