920 resultados para Cultivares Cabernet Sauvignon (vinífera tinta)
BACKGROUND: It is widely accepted that red wines constitute one of the most important sources of dietary polyphenolic antioxidants. However, it is still not known how some variables such as variety, vintage, country of origin, and retail price are associated with the antioxidant activity and sensory profile of South American red wines. In this regard, 80 samples produced in Brazil, Chile and Argentina were assessed in relation to their sensory properties, color and in vitro antioxidant activity, and results were subjected to multivariate statistical techniques. RESULTS: Samples were grouped in clusters, characterized by high, intermediate and low in vitro antioxidant activity, sensory properties and prices. It was possible to observe that wines with high antioxidant activity were associated to high retail prices and overall perception of sensory quality. CONCLUSION: South American wines produced from Vitis vinifera such as Syrah, Malbec and Cabernet Sauvignon had higher in vitro antioxidant activity and also higher sensory quality than wines produced from Vitis labrusca. This result was independent of vintage (2002-2010), corroborating the idea that the same grape varietal, even when produced in different years, displays similar sensory characteristics and antioxidant activity. (C) 2011 Society of Chemical Industry
The objective of this work was to evaluate rootstock influence on agronomical, ecophysiological and qualitative characteristics of 'Syrah' vines managed by double pruning. Grapevines were grafted onto 'SO4', '110 Richter' and '1103 Paulsen' rootstocks and trained in vertical shoot position, with no irrigation. Ecophysiological characteristics, yield and composition of ripe grapes were evaluated in three crop seasons (2007, 2008 and 2010). Rootstocks did not affect pre-dawn water potential, with values close to -0.2 MPa, indicating that there was no soil water deficit at the end of ripening (June). There was also no significant effect of rootstocks on yield. The rootstock '1103 Paulsen' induced lower vegetative growth, lower photosynthetic rate and the best results for berry maturation for crop seasons with lower amount of rainfall. The rootstocks '110 Richter' and 'SO4' showed higher vigor under the meteorological conditions of 2010 and the greatest photosynthetic rates in the same period. Meteorological conditions significantly affected technological and phenolic ripeness, with best results observed in drought years. The '1103 Paulsen' rootstock provides better balance between vigor and yield, increasing grape quality.
It is well known that the best grape quality can occur only through the achievement of optimal source/sink ratio. Vine balance is in fact a key parameter in controlling berry sugar, acidity and secondary metabolites content (Howell, 2001; Vanden Heuvel et al., 2004). Despite yield reduction and quality improvement are not always strictly related, cluster thinning is considered a technique which could lead to improvement in grape sugar and anthocyanin composition (Dokoozlian and Hirschfelt, 1995; Guidoni et al., 2002). Among several microclimatic variables which may impact grape composition, the effect of cluster light exposure and temperature, which probably act in synergistic and complex way, has been widely explored showing positive even sometimes contradictory results (Spayd et al., 2001; Tarara et al., 2008). Pre-bloom and véraison defoliation are very efficient techniques in inducing cluster microclimatic modification. Furthermore pre-bloom defoliation inducing a lower berry set percentage On these basis the aim of the first experiment of the thesis was to verify in cv Sangiovese the effects on ripening and berry composition of management techniques which may increase source/sink ratio and /or promote light incidence on berries throughout grape ripening. An integrated agronomic, biochemical and microarray approach, aims to understand which mechanisms are involved in berry composition and may be conditioned in the berries during ripening in vines submitted to three treatments. In particular the treatments compared were: a) cluster thinning (increasing in source/sink ratio) b) leaf removal at véraison (increasing cluster light exposure) c) pre-bloom defoliation (increasing source sink ratio and cluster light exposure). Vine response to leaf removal at véraison was further evaluated in the second experiment on three different varieties (Cabernet Sauvignon, Nero d’Avola, Raboso Piave) chosen for their different genetic traits in terms of anthocyanin amount and composition. The integrated agronomic, biochemical and microarray approach, employed in order to understand those mechanisms involved in berry composition of Sangiovese vines submitted to management techniques which may increase source/sink ratio and induce microclimatic changes, bring to interesting results. This research confirmed the main role of source/sink ratio in conditioning sugars metabolism and revealed also that carbohydrates availability is a crucial issue in triggering anthocyanin biosynthesis. More complex is the situation of pre-bloom defoliation, where source/sink and cluster light increase effects are associated to determine final berry composition. It results that the application of pre-bloom defoliation may be risky, as too much dependent on seasonal conditions (rain and temperature) and physiological vine response (leaf area recovery, photosynthetic compensation, laterals regrowth). Early induced stress conditions could bring cluster at véraison in disadvantage to trigger optimal berry ripening processes compared to untreated vines. This conditions could be maintained until harvest, if no previously described physiological recovery occurs. Certainly, light exposure increase linked to defoliation treatments, showed a positive and solid effect on flavonol biosynthesis, as in our conditions temperature was not so different among treatments. Except the last aspects, that could be confirmed also for véraison defoliation, microclimatic changes by themselves seemed not able to induce any modification in berry composition. Further studies are necessary to understand if the peculiar anthocyanic and flavonols composition detected in véraison defoliation could play important role in both color intensity and stability of wines.
Grape berry is considered a non climacteric fruit, but there are some evidences that ethylene plays a role in the control of berry ripening. This PhD thesis aimed to give insights in the role of ethylene and ethylene-related genes in the regulation of grape berry ripening. During this study a small increase in ethylene concentration one week before véraison has been measured in Vitis vinifera L. ‘Pinot Noir’ grapes confirming previous findings in ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’. In addition, ethylene-related genes have been identified in the grapevine genome sequence. Similarly to other species, biosynthesis and ethylene receptor genes are present in grapevine as multi-gene families and their expression appeared tissue or developmental specific. All the other elements of the ethylene signal transduction cascade were also identified in the grape genome. Among them, there were ethylene response factors (ERF) which modulate the transcription of many effector genes in response to ethylene. In this study seven grapevine ERFs have been characterized and they showed tissue and berry development specific expression profiles. Two sequences, VvERF045 and VvERF063, seemed likely involved in berry ripening control due to their expression profiles and their sequence annotation. VvERF045 was induced before véraison and was specific of the ripe berry, by sequence similarity it was likely a transcription activator. VvERF063 displayed high sequence similarity to repressors of transcription and its expression, very high in green berries, was lowest at véraison and during ripening. To functionally characterize VvERF045 and VvERF063, a stable transformation strategy was chosen. Both sequences were cloned in vectors for over-expression and silencing and transferred in grape by Agrobacterium-mediated or biolistic-mediated gene transfer. In vitro, transgenic VvERF045 over-expressing plants displayed an epinastic phenotype whose extent was correlated to the transgene expression level. Four pathogen stress response genes were significantly induced in the transgenic plants, suggesting a putative function of VvERF045 in biotic stress defense during berry ripening. Further molecular analysis on the transgenic plants will help in identifying the actual VvERF045 target genes and together with the phenotypic characterization of the adult transgenic plants, will allow to extensively define the role of VvERF045 in berry ripening.
Il seguente elaborato prende le mosse da un progetto, denominato Nutrid’Uva, promosso e attivamente concretizzato dall’azienda bresciana “Cascina Belmonte” di concerto con il laboratorio del Campus di Scienze Alimentari di Cesena (Università di Bologna). In particolare, si è voluta sperimentare l’applicazione di processi innovativi per la produzione di succo d’uva bio e bevande a base di succo d’uva bio proveniente da uve biologiche coltivate nell’areale della Valténesi (sponda occidentale del Garda), stabilizzati mediante l’uso di alte pressioni idrostatiche e senza trattamento termico. In questi termini, il presente lavoro ha l’obiettivo di: delineare il quadro generale in cui si inserisce il progetto, arricchendolo con spunti tratti dalle pratiche di processo seguite in loco; determinare il contenuto delle classi polifenoliche presenti nei campioni di alcuni succhi sottoposti a differenti tecnologie di macerazione in confronto all’abituale processo di lavorazione aziendale (vitigni ibridi diretti produttori, Barbera, Merlot, Cabernet). Si è proceduto dunque attraverso l’analisi spettrofotometrica delle principali classi di composti fenolici e dell’attività antiossidante.
El proyecto propone estudiar el efecto del estrés hídrico sobre distintos aspectos fisiológicos de la vid. El estudio se desarrollará en tres objetivos principales: 1) Fisiología comparada de tres variedades criollas (Cereza, Criolla Grande, Pedro Giménez) y tres europeas ( Cabernet sauvignon, Malbec y Chardonnay) bajo condiciones de campo; 2) Evaluación a nivel local de la técnica de secado parcial de raíces (PRD) y 3) Relación entre el estrés hídrico, la concentración de ABA y la síntesis de polifenoles en uvas tintas. En todos los objetivos se determinarán parámetros de crecimiento ( long. de brotes, área foliar, peso de frutos, peso de poda) y aspectos relacionados con el estado hídrico (potencial agua, osmótico, conductancia estomática, eficiencia de uso de agua (EUA). En el último objetivo se efectuarán además determinaciones de contenido de ABA y perfil de polifenoles. En cada uno de ellos se pretende obtener explicación respecto a los mecanismos fisiológicos implicados en cada caso.
Para determinar la influencia del manejo del suelo sobre el microclima de la canopia se estableció un experimento en un viñedo de Cabernet Sauvignon conducido en doble cordón de pitones en espladero alto. Se aplicaron tres tratamientos: Testigo (TR)-suelo sin maleza; (CVP)-cobertura de suelo espontánea y control del desarrollo vegetativo por desbrozado y (CA)-cobertura de flora espontánea y control del desarrollo vegetativo con aplicación de herbicida de contacto desecante. Se midió la radiación fotosintéticamente activa (PAR), la composición espectral de la radiación directa y reflejada, y la temperatura a nivel de racimos en el interior de la canopia. El TR reflejó más radiación en la zona del UV y del visible. El CVP reflejó entre un 8 y 9%, el CA entre el 16 y 18% y el TR entre 18 y 19%. En la radiación reflejada, la relación rojo/rojo lejano fue mayor en CA y TR, mientras que la relación azul/rojo fue mayor en CVP. La temperatura en el interior de la canopia fue mayor en TR (30,8°C) que en CVP (26,7°C). La utilización de coberturas vegetales de raíces superficiales y permanentemente desbrozadas sería de utilidad para reducir la radiación reflejada y la temperatura de la canopia sin competir con el viñedo por agua y nutrimentos.
Para determinar la influencia del manejo del suelo sobre la composición de la uva y el vino se estableció un experimento en un viñedo de Cabernet Sauvignon conducido en doble cordón de pitones en espaldero alto. Se aplicaron tres tratamientos: TR-suelo sin maleza; CVP-cobertura de suelo espontánea y control del desarrollo vegetativo por desbrozado y CA-cobertura de flora espontánea y control del desarrollo vegetativo con aplicación de herbicida de contacto desecante. En la uva se determinó el contenido de azúcar, acidez total, pH y la composición fenólica (índice de polifenoles totales (IPT), grado de polimerización, flavonoles, flavan-3-oles, antocianos y proantocianidoles). Se elaboraron vinos que fueron evaluados físico-química y sensorialmente por jueces expertos. CVP tuvo el mayor contenido de antocianas y TR el de flavonoles, flavan-3-oles, proantocianidoles, IPT y grado de polimerización; CA presentó valores intermedios. Los vinos del tratamiento TR tuvieron mayor contenido de alcohol y menor de acidez total, con el color rojo (DO520) más bajo y una intensidad colorante más pequeña. Los vinos de CA y TR resultaron más amargos, más astringentes y más ásperos, y los de CVP tuvieron mayor carácter varietal. Resultó útil el empleo de coberturas de raíces superficiales y permanentemente desbrozadas para provocar cierta disminución en los valores de radiación reflejada y de la temperatura de la canopia. Las elevadas temperaturas y alta radiación solar son perjudiciales para la uva, porque aumentan la producción de quercetina y afectan el metabolismo y la degradación de antocianos.
En las últimas décadas, la actividad vitivinícola de la provincia de Mendoza (Argentina) apunta a mejorar la calidad de sus uvas y sus vinos, para optimizar las condiciones de competencia en el plano internacional. En Mendoza, desde 1999 la Fundación Instituto de Desarrollo Rural (IDR) se propuso determinar el comportamiento agronómico y la caracterización fenológica de las variedades de vid de mayor utilización en la elaboración de vinos en todas las zonas productivas de la provincia. A partir de 2005 y mediante un convenio específico con la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, se realizaron, en esta Institución, los análisis físicos y químicos con el objetivo de describir los mostos de variedades viníferas blancas y tintas. Este proceso permitió generar una herramienta para el desarrollo de estrategias de optimización de calidad de los productos. Se estudiaron las variedades Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah, Malbec y Bonarda y se realizó una caracterización zonal empleando los Índices de Tonietto (IF), de Winkler (IW) y de Huglin (IH). Los resultados de los análisis físico-químicos de los mostos de variedades tintas durante las cosechas 2005, 2006 y 2007 muestran que existe correlación inversa entre los índices climáticos estudiados y los contenidos de antocianos y polifenoles. Se observa también que las variedades de ciclo largo, como Bonarda, encuentran limitantes importantes en zonas frías para alcanzar contenidos de azúcar comercialmente aceptables (mínimo 220 g/L).
Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron comparar la eficiencia de diferentes solventes en la extracción de compuestos fenólicos a partir de las semillas de vid; evaluar la actividad antioxidante a través del poder reductor de los extractos obtenidos y analizar el proceso de extracción a diferentes temperaturas, utilizando el solvente más eficiente. Se emplearon semillas de vid cv. Cabernet Sauvignon provenientes de vinificaciones. Los solventes ensayados y las temperaturas de tratamiento fueron los siguientes: agua destilada a 90°C, alcohol metílico al 70% a 30°C, acetona al 75% a 30°C y alcohol etílico al 20% a 30°C. La concentración de los compuestos fenólicos fue determinada por el método de Folin-Ciocalteu. La actividad antioxidante se determinó midiendo el poder reductor, por el método de Oyaizu. El agua a 90°C fue el solvente más eficiente para la extracción de compuestos fenólicos de las semillas de la vid (12,587 mg/g de materia seca). La acetona 75% a 30°C extrajo 7,268 mg de compuestos fenólicos / g de materia seca, el metanol al 70% a 30°C extrajo 0,963 mg de compuestos fenólicos / g de materia seca y el etanol al 20% a 30°C extrajo 0,799 mg de compuestos fenólicos / g de materia seca. Se estudió el proceso de extracción empleando agua a 60 y a 90°C. El agua a 90°C extrajo aproximadamente cinco veces más polifenoles que el agua a 60°C, después de cinco horas de tratamiento.
Inicialmente se realizó un estudio de mercado de la uva en el cual se detalla el tipo de uva con el cual se decide comenzar a trabajar y el precio de la misma, respondiendo por qué se llegó a esta conclusión y por qué la venta de ésta será destinada a la producción de vino. Como ello no constituye el objetivo principal de este trabajo, se ha decidido adjuntar a forma d e anexo dicho estudio. El proyecto a ser evaluado consiste en la construcción y explotación de una finca de uvas finas de variedad malbec, cabernet sauvignon, chardonnay, ancellotta y syrah. La misma se encontrará en la zona del Pedernal, provincia de San Juan, Argentina. La producción de uvas y la venta de la misma para la elaboración de vino constituirán la actividad principal de la empresa. El precio que se tomó como referencia para el calculo de los ingresos por venta fue de $4,50 por Kg. de uva. El tiempo de ejecución que se ha tomado para el proyecto es de 12 años, un periodo de tiempo no demasiado largo, pero suficiente como para poder alcanzar resultados significativos para la empresa. Se trabajará con flujos reales y, por lo tanto, con una tasa de descuento real. De manera de no modificar el comportamiento de los flujos de la Empresa por el efecto inflacionario. La tasa que se utilizó para descontar el Flujo Económico de Fondos, es la del costo de oportunidad de los fondos propios que posee la empresa antes de iniciar este proyecto, 2, 40% anual. Esta tasa surge de tomar en cuenta la tasa anual de los Bonos del Tesoro de los Estados Unidos a 20 años, la cual es considerada como una inversión libre de riesgo, es decir que no hay riesgo de que no se pague.
The applicability of a portable NIR spectrometer for estimating the °Brix content of grapes by non-destructive measurement has been analysed in field. The NIR spectrometer AOTF-NIR Luminar 5030, from Brimrose, was used. The spectrometer worked with a spectral range from 1100 to 2300 nm. A total of 600 samples of Cabernet Sauvignon grapes, belonging to two vintages, were measured in a non-destructive way. The specific objective of this research is to analyse the influence of the statistical treatment of the spectra information in the development of °Brix estimation models. Different data pretreatments have been tested before applying multivariate analysis techniques to generate estimation models. The calibration using PLS regression applied to spectra data pretreated with the MSC method (multiplicative scatter correction) has been the procedure with better results. Considering the models developed with data corresponding to the first campaign, errors near to 1.35 °Brix for calibration (SEC = 1.36) and, about 1.50 °Brix for validation (SECV = 1.52) were obtained. The coefficients of determination were R2 = 0.78 for the calibration, and R2 = 0.77 for the validation. In addition, the great variability in the data of the °Brix content for the tested plots was analysed. The variation of °Brix on the plots was up to 4 °Brix, for all varieties. This deviation was always superior to the calculated errors in the generated models. Therefore, the generated models can be considered to be valid for its application in field. Models were validated with data corresponding to the second campaign. In this sense, the validation results were worse than those obtained in the first campaign. It is possible to conclude in the need to realize an adjustment of the spectrometer for each season, and to develop specific predictive models for every vineyard.
A field study in three vineyards in southern Queensland (Australia) was carried out to develop predictive models for individual leaf area and shoot leaf area of two cultivars (Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz) of grapevines (Vitis Vinifera L.). Digital image analysis was used to measure leaf vein length and leaf area. Stepwise regressions of untransformed and transformed models consisting of up to six predictor variables for leaf area and three predictor variables for shoot leaf area were carried out to obtain the most efficient models. High correlation coefficients were found for log10 transformed individual leaf and shoot leaf area models. The significance of predictor variables in the models varied across vineyards and cultivars, demonstrating the discontinuous and heterogeneous nature of vineyards. The application of this work in a grapevine modeling environment and in a dynamic vineyard management context are discussed. Sample sizes for quantification of individual leaf areas and areas of leaves on shoots are proposed based on target margins of errors of sampled data.
O presente trabalho teve como objectivo identificar a influência da variedade e o impacto da fermentação maloláctica, no perfil em compostos fenólicos de baixa massa molecular de vinhos varietais do Alentejo. Para o efeito, foram doseados alguns compostos fenólicos (aldeído protocatéquico e ácidos gálico, protocatéquico, caftárico, vanílico, fertárico, siringico, cafeíco, p-coumárico, ferúlico e coutárico) em 81 vinhos varietais produzidos na Adega Experimental da Universidade de Évora, 48 da casta Trincadeira, e os restantes das castas Aragonez, Cabernet Sauvignon, Alfrocheiro, Castelão e Touriga Nacional. A análise dos dados obtidos, através do método da partição de variância, permitiu identificar a variedade como a variável que mais influência teve no perfil em compostos fenólicos de baixa massa molecular dos vinhos varietais
Fungal endophytes present in different asymptomatic grapevine plants (Vitis vinifera L.) located in different vineyards within Alentejo, a highly important viticulture region in Portugal, were identified in this study. Sampled grapevine plants included the three most representative cultivars in the region, Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Aragonez, growing under two different modes of management, conventional and biological. Sixteen fungal taxa were identified through sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer region. Total number of endophytic fungi isolated showed significant differences both in management mode and in cultivars, with higher numbers in grapevines under conventional mode and from Syrah cultivar. The composition of fungal endophytic communities did not show significant differences among cultivars, but differences were observed between fungal communities isolated from grapevines under biological or conventional modes. The most fungal taxa isolated from grapevines cultivated under biological mode were Alternaria alternata, Cladosporium sp., and Nigrospora oryzae, and under conventional mode Botrytis cinerea, Epicoccum nigrum, and Epicoccum sp. These differences suggest that the different products used in grapevine production have impacts in fungal endophytic composition. Further investigation of the identified fungi with respect to their antagonistic characteristics and potential use in plant protection to ensure food safety is now in course.