768 resultados para Cuidado integral em saúde


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Cancer has been affecting people all around the world; disregard sex, ethnicity or social class. Despite the fact it is not always deadly, to be diagnosed and treated of cancer brings a lot of physical, emotional and social suffering, specially for those with less economic resources. Considering the complexity of the problem, there has been perceived that medical treatment is not enough to support cancer patients. There is an increasing understanding about their necessity of integral care, supposed to be given by a multidisciplinary health care equip that can consider all the different aspects involved in the illness process. Everyone has a particular way of been ill or healthy, and gives different meanings to the experienced events. The starting point of the research was the contact with a called work `group of shelter', developed with cancer patients by a multidisciplinary health care equip working on the LIGA Norte Riograndense Contra o Câncer. The research goal is to identify meanings people give to the shelter they receive in the group and to understand the way they experience the disease. Considering it singularity of this process, one worked with individually half-structuralized interviews, carried through with nine patients of the chemotherapy clinics and suck, that they had passed for the experience of the group of shelter, having approached getting ill, the treatment, the shelter and the recreation of the psychosocial processes (or not) after all this process. It was chosen as focus of analysis the creation of psychosocial processes and production of felt of these social actors through its discourse analysis perspective, boarded in accordance with the following thematic axles: the experience of the cancer, the shelter and recreation of the psychosocial processes the life. It was found that shelter has an extensive meaning going beyond the the group and involving others besides the multidisciplinary health care equip, and being important to give each patient the best possible benefit. It was also identified the importance of other social actors, such as relatives, friends and neighbors; added of religious faith, mentioned by all interviewees. It is to be considered the recovering capacity shown by eight interviewees, demonstrated by changing the way of interacting with others, getting new values and behaviors, and demonstrating more wisdom. We can consider the possibility of making this strategy to become part of the everyday practices of others health services working with cancer patients, what we think can help to minimize their suffering


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Primary Health Care, especially in the family health strategy, it is expected that the joint assistance and actions of health promotion. The Ministry of health (BRAZIL, 2007) defines health education as an eyeshadow strategy of prevention and health promotion, based on reflective practices, which allow the user to their condition of historical, social and political subject, under the vision of an expanded clinic on the part of health professionals. In this sense, there are guidelines for it professionals to develop educational activities and that they can interfere in the health/disease process of the population, with a view to the development of autonomy of the subject. This research had as objective to understand in the light of the integrality of the care, as is the production of health education practices, within the framework of the family health strategy from ethnographic study in a family health unit (USF). The location of the research was the unit of USF Felipe Camarão II in West Health District, in the city of Natal, RN, Brazil, selected from preliminary mapping of educational practices deployed in units of health of the family of this municipality, based on criteria such as time-to-deployment of USF and sustainability of existing actions. Immersion in the field consisted of participant observation with journaling, held during the period of August 2012 to January 2013, in which she accompanied team work processes in clinical-welfare actions on the USF, in households and in educational activities of group character. The results presented in ethnographic description were analyzed based on the axes proposed by Ayres (2009) for identification of integrality in health practices:the axis of the needs; the axis of the purposes; the joint axis; and the axis of the interactionsThe evidence described from observation point the presence of each axle up health education practices developed by the teams, even incipient form, namely: articulation and appreciation of knowledge and practices of popular culture with local initiatives (Pastoril do Peixe Boi Encantado, Auto de Natal e Grupo Terapia e Arte); Clinical integration with health promotion actions and coordination of multidisciplinary knowledge, with professional-user link (course for pregnant women). However, a few challenges were identified to be faced in order to move forward in these practices in integral care: the need to break with the fragmentation of actions; strengthening teamwork; need for greater sustainability policy of collective actions; intersectoral work aimed at a better role of the State in the face of the health-disease process, adding to the action of individuals.The analysis produced from observation of the processes experienced indicates the need for a better recognition of local managers that actions similar to those that occur in the USF Felipe Camarão II enable advances in completeness as allows inclusion of actors involved in the processes of health work, and stimulate participation and shared responsibility in the fight for health-disease situations


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This work discusses the evaluation of the satisfaction of the users on the women health care focusing on the quality of the primary care in the State of Rio Grande do Norte-BR. The main objective of this research is evaluate the satisfaction of the users about the actions applied to women health in the primary health care in Rio Grande do Norte, observing the information available through the Programa de Melhoria do Acesso e da Qualidade da Atenção Básica (PMAQ-AB). The specific objectives are: the evaluation of aspects related to women health; the evaluation of the specific actions related to welcoming the pregnant and; the evaluation of the information related to the postpartum. This dissertation is characterized as an evaluative research made through a multicentric transversal study, using a quantitative approach, which is part of the External Evaluation of the PMAQ-AB in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, made by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Some secondary data of the interviews with the users who were in the Basic Health Units were used during the External Evaluation of the PMAQ-AB in Rio Grande do Norte. The sample was collected following these criteria: the users that were in the Basic Health Units to attend to any procedure; they must had used the services for at least one year; and they must had agreed to participate the research. The ones that were attending to the services for the first time and the ones that did not use the services for at least 12 months were excluded from the sample. To the data collection it was used a chart of variables/indicators with the following information to the analysis: Women Health Care, Specific Care of the Pregnant and Information about he postpartum. The descriptive analysis of the data were made through absolute and relative frequencies of the variables using the software Statistic Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) for Windows, version 22.0.0. The results show a positive picture of the satisfaction of the users about the actions of the primary healthcare in women health in the State of the Rio Grande do Norte. Another important analysis is the integration of the primary health care with other points of the Healthcare System aiming to reorient the Model of Healthcare as a starter of the access and quality of the services given to the users. Therefore, the evaluation of the satisfaction of the users in health care is essential among all the agents involved in the process of consolidation of the Unified Health System SUS. Also having the need of rethinking the professional practice, reorganizing the processes of work of the multiprofessional teams in health care, enabling financial resources, inputs and materials, planning and systematizing new actions of healthcare aiming to ensure a perfect health care to the people


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This research assumes that for changes in health practices directed to an integral care, is crucial humanization, participation and autonomy of service users. In this sense, the research had investigated the issue of humanization involving users of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in city of Mossoró, having as objectives: to analyze the perceptions of users on humanization in the production of health care in daily of Family Health Strategy, from these perceptions, identify elements featuring humanized and non-humanized in everyday practices related to production of health care; relate perceptions of users about humanization with the notions of extended clinic and social participation present in the National Humanization Policy (NHP); identify difficulties and potentialities in the production of health care from the perspective of humanization. It was a qualitative approach to data collection and it was used the methodology of Network Analysis of Everyday Life (NAEL), which allowed the questioning of health practices through an interactive discussion involving participants subjected. The analysis of data through the technique of content thematic analysis was performed and the results were interpreted related the Extended Clinic references and the users participation, related with the Gift Theory discussed by Marcel Mauss. The results indicated senses humanization linked to affection, reciprocity and honesty, highlighting as essential to humanized practices the trust, bonding, listening, dialogue and accountability. Were also mentioned other elements related to the organization of health services such as access and good functioning of the health services. The difficulties and potentialities show structural deficiencies of the health system and changes in the labor process. The participation of users deconstructing and reconstructing concepts remainder humanization in the production of health care is a key factor for the sedimentation of what is proposed in the HNP. Using the privileged space of the FHE to create more active people and understanding their needs and demands, is possible path to build a participative management


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A atenção primária à saúde é um importante cenário para o cuidado em saúde mental por suas características e pelo trabalho no território contribuir para a superação do modelo manicomial de atenção. Esta pesquisa partiu do questionamento sobre como acontece a atenção em saúde mental na atenção básica nas unidades em que se desenvolve a Residência de Medicina de Família e Comunidade em um município do sertão paraibano. Objetivou investigar as demandas de saúde mental e práticas de cuidado no contexto de ESF e da RMFC do município de Cajazeiras a partir do discurso dos profissionais ali inseridos e discutir estratégias de qualificação do cuidado em saúde mental nessa realidade. Utilizou-se abordagem qualitativa em que foram realizados grupos focais envolvendo profissionais de duas equipes da ESF e uma equipe de NASF. Os dados produzidos nos grupos foram analisados a partir do referencial da análise do discurso de inspiração foucaultiana. Como resultados evidenciou-se que os profissionais percebem a demanda em saúde mental na atenção básica principalmente na forma de sofrimento psíquico inespecífico e transtornos mentais graves. A atenção a essas pessoas não consegue superar a medicalização que é identificada por esses profissionais. A prática asilar persiste como alternativa para os casos de transtornos mentais graves, sendo limitada a incorporação do paradigma da desinstitucionalização como referencial para a prática profissional. Além disso, a relação com a rede de saúde encontra vários limites destacando-se a dificuldade de produção de continuidade e integralidade do cuidado. A partir disto, analisa-se a formação médica e sua capacidade de garantir o cuidado integral na atenção às demandas de saúde mental. No campo da pesquisa, dois modelos de formação se encontram. Os residentes participantes ou graduaram-se em Cuba ou em escola médica brasileira orientada pelas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais. Percebe-se então que a graduação, ao incorporar questões relativas à integralidade do cuidado, não é suficiente para gerar bons profissionais para o SUS. Considera-se necessário somar às mudanças na graduação a perspectiva da Educação Permanente em Saúde no mundo do trabalho, o envolvimento dos profissionais com a transformação das práticas de atenção à saúde e a construção da perspectiva da integralidade e da atenção psicossocial por dentro da Residência de Medicina de Família e Comunidade como importantes estratégias para a formação de médicos generalistas aptos para a atenção às demandas de saúde mental


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A percepção da condição bucal é um importante indicador de saúde, pois sintetiza a condição real de saúde, as respostas subjetivas, os valores e as expectativas culturais. O estudo avaliou a importância da saúde bucal segundo a percepção de pacientes internados em um hospital da cidade de Araçatuba (SP). Foi aplicado um questionário semi-estruturado para a coleta de dados e utilizado para análise estatística o programa Epi Info 2000. Os resultados mostraram que metade dos pacientes haviam realizado a última visita ao cirurgião-dentista em um período compreendido entre seis a doze meses devido a problemas periodontais (35%) e cárie dentária (20%). Observou-se que, embora todos os pacientes considerassem ter uma boa higiene bucal, o tratamento periodontal foi identificado como o de maior necessidade entre os pacientes (67,93%). A presença do cirurgião-dentista no corpo clínico hospitalar foi considerada por todos os entrevistados como fundamental para contribuir no cuidado integral à saúde dos pacientes hospitalizados. Quanto ao papel do dentista em um hospital, a grande maioria dos pacientes (90,63%) afirmou ser o cuidar dos dentes. Assim, conclui-se que todos os pacientes têm conhecimento do quão é importante a manutenção das condições adequadas de saúde bucal, principalmente em pacientes hospitalizados.


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Pesquisa qualitativa de abordagem Fenomenológica, que utilizou como referencial teórico-metodológico a filosofia de Martin Heidegger expressa em sua obra Ser e Tempo. Estudo realizado na Faculdade de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal do Pará no segundo semestre de 2013 e teve como objetivo revelar os sentidos e sentimentos que os docentes enfermeiros do segundo e do terceiro semestres do curso de graduação em enfermagem da UFPA expressam sobre a saúde mental no cotidiano de ser docente. Participaram dessa pesquisa nove enfermeiros docentes das atividades curriculares Introdução a Enfermagem (3) Atenção Integral a Saúde da Mulher, Criança e Adolescente (2), Atenção Integral a Saúde do Idoso (2), Processo Educativo I (1) e Exercício Profissional (1). O expresso pelos docentes foi captado por meio da entrevista fenomenológica agendada com cada docente e analisado pela instância ôntica que diz respeito à compreensão vaga e mediana. Cinco Unidades de Significados emergiram: US1 – saúde mental é fenômeno natural que se manifesta na liberdade para o modo de ser e estar com o outro numa relação equilibrada. US2 – a significação da saúde mental como essência das experiências vividas manifestada na possibilidade de acesso às coisas do mundo. US3 – saúde mental revela-se no cotidiano da prática em enfermagem nas diferentes fases da vida numa ocupação simplesmente dada. US4 – saúde mental manifestada no processo de formação como acontecimento secundário. US5 – o modo de ser docente em sua experiência de vida influencia as relações com o outro no processo de formação. O revelado no estudo, por meio do que foi falado, percebido e vivido, expressa que a preocupação com a saúde mental é um acontecimento, no entanto esta não se constitui como possibilidades, ou seja, não há uma ocupação antecipada da saúde mental como conteúdo formal desta ou daquela Atividade Curricular. É possível que o docente em seu modo de ser possa abrir-se ao novo, lançar-se no mundo e promover mudanças no cotidiano da formação de enfermeiros, ocupando-se da saúde mental, pois mesmo sem o conteúdo presente nos planos de ensino há o reconhecimento de sua existência e de sua importância na temporalidade da vida das pessoas.


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Tal estudo buscou compreender como vem sendo realizado o cuidado ao idoso em Unidade de Saúde da Família segundo a visão dos profissionais de saúde.MÉTODOS:Estudo qualitativo, com a análise fenomenológica social de Alfred Schutz.RESULTADOS:Foram entrevistados sete profissionais de nível superior por meio de questão norteadora. A análise possibilitou evidenciar: cuidados pautados em programas de saúde, com prejuízo da integralidade do cuidado e da clínica ampliada, e visão das necessidades e perspectivas do cuidado integral.CONCLUSÃO:O estudo revela a necessidade de avançarmos no cuidado ao idoso. Os profissionais reconhecem o envelhecimento da população e apontam a necessidade de capacitação para o cuidado. A educação dos trabalhadores se dá como ponto de partida para a mudança. Também é preciso que os gestores e o Estado organizem uma rede de cuidado que inclua a pessoa idosa, com ofertas de serviços de acordo com a demanda apresentada.


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Objetivou-se compreender como o idoso percebe o atendimento na atenção básica.Métodos: Trata-se de estudo qualitativo. Resultados: A análise possibilitou o emergir do tema central: A dualidade na percepção do atendimento na Atenção Básica, que foi analisada a partir de duas subcategorias. Revelou haver controvérsia na percepção do atendimento recebido, emergindo aspectos positivos e negativos. Os discursos pontuam demanda de ações individualizadas de cuidado, embora algumas vezes necessitem de cuidados complexos em saúde, não demandam cuidado em rede integrada. Conclusão: O estudo revela que, embora possa haver integralidade nas ações de uma equipe bem articulada, o cuidado integral à saúde poderá ser alcançado em rede, integrado em todos os espaços organizacionais do sistema de saúde, beneficiando, assim, os sujeitos dessas ações.


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Estudo qualitativo que objetivou analisar os motivos que levam o doente de tuberculose a abandonar o tratamento, em municípios da região metropolitana de João Pessoa-PB. Como referencial teórico utilizou-se a integralidade do cuidado. Os dados foram coletados no período de outubro a novembro de 2008, mediante entrevista semiestruturada. Participaram nove usuários que abandonaram o tratamento da tuberculose. Na identificação das unidades de significação, utilizou-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo. Os resultados mostram inconsistências relacionadas ao cuidado integral do doente, no que tange à diretriz doutrinária do Sistema Único da Saúde, à consideração do contexto sócio-cultural do usuário com tuberculose e às debilidades na continuidade da atenção, mediante inadequado acompanhamento do mesmo na rede de atenção à saúde. Esses aspectos, ao dificultarem a construção de uma rede de cuidado e apoio ao doente de tuberculose e sua família, contribuem para o abandono do tratamento da tuberculose.


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Crianças e adolescentes com HIV/AIDS necessitam de uma abordagem compreensiva e singular, pois particularidades como a revelação do diagnóstico, o estigma gerado pela doença, as consultas médicas frequentes, o uso diário de medicações e os seus efeitos colaterais são aspectos que necessitam ser avaliados, quando se trata da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde-QVRS. A inclusão da avaliação da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde dessa população, com instrumentos viáveis e padronizados, pode identificar parâmetros para um cuidado integral e de acordo com as necessidades individuais. A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo validar o instrumento do módulo específico do DISABKIDS® de mensuração da Qualidade de Vida Relacionada à Saúde de Crianças e Adolescentes brasileiros com HIV, denominado \"Viver com HIV\". Trata-se de um estudo metodológico, do tipo validação de instrumento para o qual utilizamos a adaptação metodológica descrita pelo projeto europeu DISABKIDS®. Participaram da validação de face e conteúdo 15 especialistas com formação diversificada na área da saúde, os quais foram convidados a analisar a importância dos itens selecionados e a adequação para a faixa etária e população, classificando-os de acordo com a relevância, clareza e aplicabilidade de seu conteúdo para a população em estudo. Na validação semântica, participaram 16 crianças e adolescentes e seus respectivos pais ou cuidadores que seguiam em tratamento em uma Unidade Especializada em Tratamento de Doenças Infecciosas de um hospital universitário do Estado de São Paulo. Esta etapa consistiu em analisar, em cada item do instrumento, os termos empregados, por meio de entrevistas com a população para a qual o instrumento se destinou. O instrumento foi validado e aceito tanto na validação de face e conteúdo quanto na semântica. A avaliação da qualidade de vida de crianças e adolescentes com HIV é primordial para melhor condução do tratamento, para isto, faz-se necessária à utilização de um instrumento adequado para a faixa etária e específico para a condição HIV. A avaliação da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde é primordial para o manejo de crianças e adolescentes com HIV, e o instrumento \"Viver com HIV\" poderá se constituir em uma ferramenta válida e confiável para mensuração da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde de crianças e adolescentes que vivem com HIV, podendo melhorar a qualidade da assistência em saúde e o acompanhamento dessa população


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Among the deviant a heteronormative ideal, transvestites are the ones that suffer abuse and discrimination. Have been found that health services often present themselves as places that maintains and reproduce such discrimination, which makes transvestites only sought medical care in the latter case. Based on the guidelines of the SUS and the National Humanization Policy as well as the inclusion and leadership of the users, we conducted a qualitative study seeking to understand the experience of transvestites in seeking health care within primary care in Natal-RN. We use as techno-methodological instruments in depth interview and workshop with use of "scenes". For interpretative analysis of the narratives we use to Hermeneutics-Dialectic. From the dialogue with the narrative we come to the following themes: 1) Understanding the meaning of being a transvestite; 2) The experience transvestite in search of health; 3) Transvestites and humanized health care. In the first point they reveal the daily struggle of transvestites between prejudice and the search for respect, as well as the meanings of being a transvestite, who appeared as: Being gay, being feminine, not transsexual and accept themselves as they are. In the second axis, expressed difficulties in access to and use of health services: the embarrassment by not using the social name; fear of going out during the day; the association of transvestites to HIV; and pain caused by discrimination from health professionals. It was also possible to identify simple demands such as illnesses from day to day, the demand for hormone therapy, which involves treatment needs as well as the vital need to have their rights XVII respected. The third axis, for the range of a humanized care identified that the respectful gaze guarantee their dignity and their right to health in a humane way, but it identified some necessary changes: Training of professionals, dialogue with the social movement, publicity campaigns and rapprochement with the transvestite. Finally, it is expected that the research will contribute to the field of knowledge know-how in health care transvestites, inside and outside of the university


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The Chronic Venous insufficiency is characterized as a set of physical changes including how most serious complication of venous ulcers, characterized by irregular and progressive loss of continuity of the skin. The occurrence of venous ulcers in people with chronic venous insufficiency generates dependence on them with health services, with long-term treatments that cause limitations and high-impact changes, affecting their quality of life, affecting the physical, psychological, social, cultural and spiritual as an important public health problem. This study aimed to describe the experience of having a venous ulcer, in the scenario of primary health care services to Health, which includes Primary Care Units and Family Health Strategy in the city of Natal / RN, based on the life histories of users. This is a qualitative study, exploratory and descriptive, with the Oral History of Life as a methodological framework. From the ponto zero was the recruitment of participants who formed the network, totaling six employees, of both sexes and aged between 57 and 79 years. After approval by the Research Ethics Committee - UFRN under the Protocol 653 788/2014 and CAAE 30408014.0.0000.5537 was held data collection, between the months of July and August, through interviews, using identification and characterization of the instrument employees and open questions. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, transcriadas and returned to employees for a conference. The narratives were subjected to Content thematic analysis technique, according to Bardin, allowing the construction of three themes that encompass categories, namely: Axis I - Perspectives on the changes: the impact wound in social relations (changes with ulcer venous, venous ulcer and social and family relationships); Axis II - Brands in body and soul: the story of being hurt (conceptions of the body injured; therapeutic itinerary in primary care services); and Axis III - Reconstruction of being hurt: coping mechanisms (redefinition of the wounded body, resilience to chronic wound). The impact of having a chronic venous ulcer generates impact of physical, psychological and social order. As aspects related to changes after the appearance of venous ulcers, survey participants reported the presence of pain, physical limitations, psychological distress, social and emotional isolation, incapacity, aesthetic discomfort and dependency on health services; the family was the aspect thatshowed no significant change after the occurrence of wound for most participants, an ally in the therapeutic process as a support network. The redefinition of the body and the wound are the main coping mechanism of chronic condition. The services in the Primary Care Network play a fundamental role in the rehabilitation of patients with venous ulcers, although there are difficulties in accessing appropriate treatment and need for expanded services, with permanent professional training of health teams and providing the resources managers to strengthen the comprehensive care of people with venous ulcers in Health Primary Care.


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Before the scenario full of criticism about a medical model that gives privilege to the diseases and not to the diseased, there are many arguments that defend the need of redeem the humanized relationship between doctor and patient. It became indispensable to mold during the medical graduation a professional capable of perform a special care, less instrumental and more humanized; however, even though the advances of the pedagogical program of the medical graduation, we still face numerous challenges in the process of molding. This study has as general goal to understand if the students medicine experience with the Integrative Community Therapy (TCI) at the Primary Attention – APS/Family Healthy Strategy-ESF, presents potential to configure itself while strategy of teaching-learning to the integral and humanized care. It was held a qualitative research with the students of the medical graduation from the tenth to the twelfth semester that had experience with the TCI, as part of the Boarding of Family and Community Medicine – MFC. We used interviews with script and we resorted to analyze the narratives to Gadamerian Hermeneutics. It was possible to find that before join the boarding of MFC, the students were unaware the TCI and their preconceptions lined up with depreciated character. The experience with the TCI enabled the reframing of the prejudices and the build of new concepts. Internship in ESF and participate of TCI revealed potential to learning of the humanized care by the practical exercise with experiences that privilege the built of ties; the autonomy of the patient; the fulfillment of the longitudinality at the care of the patient; the acknowledgment of the power of resilience of the patients, at the strength of the collective, at the pain sharing, at the strength of a good communication, at the gains of qualified listening exercise. The absence of models of what to do was replaced by experiences of pains and joys at the learning of becoming a doctor. The pains spoke of the structural difficulties (inputs), at the get along with the socials vulnerabilities of the users and the difficult of perform a good communication with the patients. The joys were experienced at the finding of the humanized care exercise. Questions as structural difficulties, low number of people with TCI degree, a shortly experience of with TCI, show up as limitations to its utilization as pedagogical tool. In turn, the reflective potential is capable of cause resignifications about the know-how before the pain of the other being very much present at the narratives, signaling the potential of the learning of TCI. Therefore, this study advocate that the participation of the students at the TCI, beyond the power of offering the students a teaching-learning strategy to the humanized care, represents the possibility of enlarge the horizons of those future doctors at a glance much more conscious of the difficulties and potential of a professional at the ESF, contributing to the graduation of more sensitized professionals and prepared to perform an integral and humanized approach of the person and his/her community, contributing to an APS/ESF more resolute and rewarding to everyone.