991 resultados para Critical Pathways


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Background. The Cooking and Active Leisure Tu y Alcia por la Salud (CAL-TAS) Program is a schoolbased pilot that addresses healthy lifestyle needs of Spanish secondary school students with initiatives that research has proven to improve dietary and physical activity behaviors. Objective. The objectives were to perform a Program Impact Pathways (PIP) analysis to describe key activities and processes of the CAL-TAS Program, identify Critical Quality Control Points (CCPs), and identify a suite of common indicators of healthy lifestyles to be applied across participant schools. Methods. The CAL-TAS Program designers and implementation team developed this PIP analysis through an iterative process and presented the results for feedback at the seven-country Healthy Lifestyles Program Evaluation Workshop held in Granada, Spain, 1314 September 2013, under the auspices of the Mondelz International Foundation. Results. The team identified three PIP CCPs: teachers motivation and training, changes in students knowledge of healthy lifestyles, and changes in students healthy lifestyle behavior. The selected indicators of the programs impact on healthy lifestyles are adequacy of food intake, level of knowledge of healthy lifestyles gained, and adequacy of physical activity level according to World Health Organization recommendations. A clear definition of impact indicators, as well as collection of accurate data on healthy lifestyle behaviors and knowledge, is essential to understanding the effectiveness of this program before it can be scaled up. Conclusions. CAL-TAS is an effective secondary school-based program encouraging healthy lifestyles. The PIP analysis was instrumental in identifying CCPs to sustain and improve the quality of the program. The team hopes to sustain and improve the program through these program evaluation recommendations.


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La signalisation par lestrogne a longtemps t considre comme jouant un rle critique dans le dveloppement et la progression des cancers hormono-dpendants tel que le cancer du sein. Deux tiers des cancers du sein expriment le rcepteur des estrognes (ER) qui constitue un lment indiscutable dans cette pathologie. Lacquisition dune rsistance endocrinienne est cependant un obstacle majeur au traitement de cette forme de cancer. Lmergence de cancers hormono-indpendants peut est produite par lactivation de ER en absence destrogne, lhypersensibilit du rcepteur aux faibles concentrations plasmique destrogne ainsi que lactivation de ER par des modulateurs slectifs. Lactivit du ER est fortement influence par lenvironnement cellulaire tel que lactivation de voie de signalisation des facteurs de croissances, la disponibilit de protines co-rgulatrices et des squences promotrices cibles. Prsentement, les tudes ont principalement considres le rle de ER, cependant avec la dcouverte de ER, notre comprhension de la diversit des mcanismes potentiels impliquant des rponses ER-dpendantes sest amliore. Lactivation des voies des kinases par les facteurs de croissance entrane le dveloppement dun phnotype tumoral rsistant aux traitements actuels. Nos connaissances des voies impliques dans lactivation de ER sont restreintes. ER est considr comme le sous-type dominant et corrle avec la plupart des facteurs de pronostic dans le cancer du sein. Le rle de ER reste imprcis. Les rsultats prsents dans cette thse ont pour objectif de mieux comprendre limplication de ER dans la prolifration cellulaire par ltude du comportement de ER et ER suite lactivation des voies de signalisation par les facteurs de croissance. Nous dmontrons que lactivation des rcepteurs de surfaces de la famille ErbB, spcifiquement ErbB2/ErbB3, inhibe lactivit transcriptionnelle de ER, malgr la prsence du coactivateur CBP, tout en activant ER. De plus, linhibition de ER est attribue un rsidu srine (Ser-255) situ dans la rgion charnire, absente dans ER. Des tudes supplmentaires de ErbB2/ErbB3 ont rvl quils activent la voie PI3K/Akt ciblant son tour la Ser-255. En effet, cette phosphorylation de ER par PI3K/Akt induit une augmentation de lubiquitination du rcepteur qui promeut sa dgradation par le systme ubiquitine-protasome. Cette dgradation est spcifique pour ER. De faon intressante, la dgradation par le protasome requiert la prsence du coactivateur CBP normalement requis pour lactivit transcriptionnelle des rcepteurs nuclaires. Malgr le fait que lactivation de la voie PI3K/Akt corrle avec une diminution de lexpression des gnes sous le contrle de ER, on observe une augmentation de la prolifration des cellules cancreuses. Linhibition de la dgradation de ER rduit cette prolifration excessive cause par le traitement avec Hrg1, un ligand de ErbB3. Un nombre croissant dvidences indique que les voies de signalisations des facteurs de croissance peuvent slectivement rguler lactivit transcriptionnelle de sous-types de ER. De plus, le ratio ER/ER dans les cancers du sein devient un outil de diagnostique populaire afin de dterminer la svrit dune tumeur. En conclusion, la caractrisation molculaire du couplage entre la signalisation des facteurs de croissance et la fonction des ERs permettra le dveloppement de nouveaux traitements afin de limiter lapparition de cellules tumorales rsistantes aux thrapies endocriniennes actuelles.


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Un remodelage vasculaire anormal est la base de la pathogense des maladies cardio-vasculaires (MCV) telles que lathrosclrose et lhypertension. Des dysfonctionnements au niveau de la migration, lhypertrophie et la prolifration des cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires (CMLV) sont des vnements cellulaires qui jouent un rle primordial dans le remodelage vasculaire. Linsulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), puissant facteur mitogne, contribue au dveloppement des MCV, notamment via lactivation des protines MAPK et PI3-K/PKB, composantes cls impliques dans les voies de croissance cellulaire. Ces molcules sont galement impliques dans la modulation de lexpression de nombreux facteurs de transcription, incluant le facteur Egr-1. Egr-1 est rgul la hausse dans diffrents types de maladies vasculaires impliquant les voies de signalisation de croissance et de stress oxydant qui par ailleurs peuvent tre dclenches par lIGF-1. Cependant, la question dune possible modulation de lexpression dEgr-1 dans les CMLV demeure inaborde; plus spcifiquement, la caractrisation de la voie de signalisation reliant laction dIGF-1 lexpression dEgr-1 reste tablir. Dans cette optique, lobjectif de cette tude a t dexaminer limplication de MAPK, PKB et des drivs ractifs de loxygne (DRO) dans lexpression dEgr-1 induite par lIGF-1 dans les CMLV. LIGF-1 a induit une augmentation marque du niveau protique de lEgr-1 en fonction du temps et de la concentration utiliss. Cette augmentation a t inhibe en fonction des doses dagents pharmacologiques qui ciblent les voies de signalisation de MAPK, PKB et DRO. De plus, lexpression du facteur de transcription, Egr-1, en rponse de lIGF-1, a t attnue suite un blocage pharmacologique des processus cellulaires responsables de la synthse dARN et de synthse protique. Pour conclure, on a dmontr que lIGF-1 stimule lexpression dEgr-1 via les voies de signalisation, impliquant ERK1/2/JNK, PI3K/PKB. On a galement propos que les DRO jouent un rle important dans ce processus. Dans lensemble, nous avons suggr un nouveau mcanisme par lequel lIGF-1 promeut la prolifration et lhypertrophie cellulaire, processus la base des anomalies vasculaires.


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Water table response to rainfall was investigated at six sites in the Upper, Middle and Lower Chalk of southern England. Daily time series of rainfall and borehole water level were cross-corretated to investigate seasonal variations in groundwater-level response times, based on periods of 3-month duration. The time tags (in days) yielding significant correlations were compared with the average unsaturated zone thickness during each 3-month period. In general, for cases when the unsaturated zone was greater than 18 m thick, the time tag for a significant water-level response increased rapidly once the depth to the water table exceeded a critical value, which varied from site to site. For shallower water tables, a linear relationship between the depth to the water table and the water-level response time was evident. The observed variations in response time can only be partially accounted for using a diffusive model for propagation through the unsaturated matrix, suggesting that some fissure flow was occurring. The majority of rapid responses were observed during the winter/spring recharge period, when the unsaturated zone is thinnest and the unsaturated zone moisture content is highest, and were more likely to occur when the rainfall intensity exceeded 5 mm/day. At some sites, a very rapid response within 24 h of rainfall was observed in addition to the longer term responses even when the unsaturated zone was up to 64 m thick. This response was generally associated with the autumn period. The results of the cross-correlation analysis provide statistical support for the presence of fissure flow and for the contribution of multiple pathways through the unsaturated zone to groundwater recharge. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3, of which there are two isoforms, GSK3alpha and GSK3beta) was originally characterized in the context of regulation of glycogen metabolism, though it is now known to regulate many other cellular processes. Phosphorylation of GSK3alpha(Ser21) and GSK3beta(Ser9) inhibits their activity. In the heart, emphasis has been placed particularly on GSK3beta, rather than GSK3alpha. Importantly, catalytically-active GSK3 generally restrains gene expression and, in the heart, catalytically-active GSK3 has been implicated in anti-hypertrophic signalling. Inhibition of GSK3 results in changes in the activities of transcription and translation factors in the heart and promotes hypertrophic responses, and it is generally assumed that signal transduction from hypertrophic stimuli to GSK3 passes primarily through protein kinase B/Akt (PKB/Akt). However, recent data suggest that the situation is far more complex. We review evidence pertaining to the role of GSK3 in the myocardium and discuss effects of genetic manipulation of GSK3 activity in vivo. We also discuss the signalling pathways potentially regulating GSK3 activity and propose that, depending on the stimulus, phosphorylation of GSK3 is independent of PKB/Akt. Potential GSK3 substrates studied in relation to myocardial hypertrophy include nuclear factors of activated T cells, beta-catenin, GATA4, myocardin, CREB, and eukaryotic initiation factor 2Bvarepsilon. These and other transcription factor substrates putatively important in the heart are considered. We discuss whether cardiac pathologies could be treated by therapeutic intervention at the GSK3 level but conclude that any intervention would be premature without greater understanding of the precise role of GSK3 in cardiac processes.


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Oxidized low-density lipoproteins (oxLDL) generated in the hyperlipidemic state may contribute to unregulated platelet activation during thrombosis. Although the ability of oxLDL to activate platelets is established, the underlying signaling mechanisms remain obscure. Weshow that oxLDL stimulate platelet activation through phosphorylation of the regulatory light chains of the contractile protein myosin IIa (MLC). oxLDL, but not native LDL, induced shape change, spreading, and phosphorylation of MLC (serine 19) through a pathway that was ablated under conditions that blocked CD36 ligation or inhibited Src kinases, suggesting a tyrosine kinasedependent mechanism. Consistent with this, oxLDL induced tyrosine phosphorylation of a number of proteins including Syk and phospholipase C g2. Inhibition of Syk, Ca21 mobilization, and MLC kinase (MLCK) only partially inhibited MLC phosphorylation, suggesting the presence of a second pathway. oxLDL activated RhoA and RhoA kinase (ROCK) to induce inhibitory phosphorylation of MLC phosphatase (MLCP). Moreover, inhibition of Src kinases prevented the activation of RhoA and ROCK, indicating that oxLDL regulates contractile signaling through a tyrosine kinasedependent pathway that induces MLC phosphorylation through the dual activation of MLCK and inhibition of MLCP. These data reveal new signaling events downstream of CD36 that are critical in promoting platelet aggregation by oxLDL.


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Future land use change (LUC) is an important component of the IPCC representative concentration pathways (RCPs), but in these scenarios' radiative forcing targets the climate impact of LUC only includes greenhouse gases. However, climate effects due to physical changes of the land surface can be as large. Here we show the critical importance of including non-carbon impacts of LUC when considering the RCPs. Using an ensemble of climate model simulations with and without LUC, we show that the net climate effect is very different from the carbon-only effect. Despite opposite signs of LUC, all the RCPs assessed here have a small net warming from LUC because of varying biogeophysical effects, and in RCP4.5 the warming is outside of the expected variability. The afforestation in RCP4.5 decreases surface albedo, making the net global temperature anomaly over land around five times larger than RCPs 2.6 and 8.5, for around twice the amount of LUC. Consequent changes to circulation in RCP4.5 in turn reduce Arctic sea ice cover. The small net positive temperature effect from LUC could make RCP4.5's universal carbon tax, which incentivizes retaining and growing forest, counter productive with respect to climate. However, there are spatial differences in the balance of impacts, and potential climate gains would need to be assessed against other environmental aims.


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Diabetic patients are more susceptible to infections, and their inflammatory response is impaired. This is restored by insulin treatment. In the present study, we investigated the effect of insulin on LPS-induced signaling pathways and mediators in the lung of diabetic rats. Diabetic male Wistar rats (alloxan, 42 mg/kg i.v., 10 days) and control rats received intratracheal instillation of LPS (750 mu g/0.4 mL) or saline. Some diabetic rats were given neutral protamine Hagedorn insulin (4 IU s.c.) 2 h before LPS. After 6 h, bronchoalveolar lavage was performed for the release of mediators, and lung tissue was homogenized for analysis of LPS-induced signaling pathways. Relative to control rats, diabetic rats exhibited a significant reduction in the LPS-induced phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (64%), p38 (70%), protein kinase B (67%), and protein kinase C alpha (57%) and delta (65%) and in the expression of iNOS (32%) and cyclooxygenase 2 (67%) in the lung homogenates. The bronchoalveolar lavage fluid concentrations of NO (47%) and IL-6 (49%) were also reduced in diabetic rats, whereas the cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant 2 (CINC-2) levels were increased 23%, and CINC-1 was not different from control animals. Treatment of diabetic rats with insulin completely or partially restored all these parameters. In conclusion, data presented show that insulin regulates mitogen-activated protein kinase, phosphatidylinositol 3`-kinase, protein kinase C pathways, expression of the inducible enzymes, cyclooxygenase 2 and iNOS, and levels of IL-6 and CINC-2 in LPS-induced lung inflammation in diabetic rats. These results suggest that the protective effect of insulin in sepsis could be due to modulation of cellular signal transduction factors.


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The inflammatory response is a protective process of the body to counteract xenobiotic penetration and injury, although in disease this response can become deregulated. There are endogenous biochemical pathways that operate in the host to keep inflammation under control. Here we demonstrate that the counter-regulator annexin 1 (AnxA1) is critical for controlling experimental endotoxemia. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) markedly activated the AnxA1 gene in epithelial cells, neutrophils, and peritoneal, mesenteric, and alveolar macrophages-cell types known to function in experimental endotoxemia. Administration of LPS to AnxA1-deficient mice produced a toxic response characterized by organ injury and lethality within 48 hours, a phenotype rescued by exogenous application of low doses of the protein. In the absence of AnxA1, LPS generated a deregulated cellular and cytokine response with a marked degree of leukocyte adhesion in the microcirculation. Analysis of LPS receptor expression in AnxA1-null macrophages indicated an aberrant expression of Toll-like receptor 4. In conclusion, this study has detailed cellular and biochemical alterations associated with AnxA1 gene deletion and highlighted the impact of this protective circuit for the correct functioning of the homeostatic response to sublethal doses of LPS. Copyright American Society for Investigative Pathology.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)


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The concept of resilience is often situated in a dominant discourse that reflects medical and developmentalist epistemology, in Western models, with the ideology of white people, and middle class hegemonic norms. Behavior that falls outside of the normal, or what is socially acceptable, is associated with riskiness and tacitly if not explicitly labeled as pathological, and then, not resilient. However, the context of social injustice of many young people at-risk can have drastic effects on them. When we offer institutions such as schools that do not understand their needs, they may refuse our services and some of them may engage in antisocial activities, since they are looking for personal validation, pathways to recognize themselves, and places and organizations that contribute to the building of their social identity. This paper analyses how the denial of support and resources for the wellbeing of young people can lead them to situations that are socially unacceptable, such as sexual exploitation and drug trafficking. The main argument is that these activities, in the absence of conventional mechanisms, may bring some benefit to the subjects. Benefits may be in material conditions, though strongly marked by issues of social inequality; or subjective, in gaining relationships with people outside the normative places and institutions for young people. Unconventional circumstances produce unconventional attitudes that are expressed in alternative forms of resilience.


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PURPOSE. To evaluate achromatic contrast sensitivity (CS) with magnocellular-(M) and parvocellular-(P) probing stimuli in type 2 diabetics, with (DR) or without (NDR) nonproliferative retinopathy. METHODS. Inferred M-and P-dominated responses were assessed with a modified version of the steady-/pulsed-pedestal paradigm (SP/PP) applied in 26 NDR (11 male; mean age, 55 +/- 9 years; disease duration, 5 +/- 4 years); 19 DR (6 male; mean age, 58 +/- 7 years; disease duration = 9 +/- 6 years); and 18 controls (CTRL; 12 male; mean age, 55 +/- 10 years). Thresholds were measured with pedestals at 7, 12, and 19 cd/m(2), and increment durations of 17 and 133 ms. The thresholds from the two stimulus durations were used to estimate critical durations (Tc) for each data set. RESULTS. Both DR and NDR patients had significant reduction in CS in both SP and PP paradigms in relation to CTRL (Kruskal-Wallis, P < 0.01). Patients` critical duration estimates for either paradigm were not significantly different from CTRL. CONCLUSIONS. The significant reduction of CS in both paradigms is consistent with losses of CS in both M and P pathways. The CS losses were not accompanied by losses in temporal processing speed in either diabetic group. Significant CS loss in the group without retinopathy reinforces the notion that neural changes associated with the cellular and functional visual loss may play an important role in the etiology of diabetic visual impairment. In addition, the results show that the SP/PP paradigm provides an additional tool for detection and characterization of the early functional damage due to diabetes. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2011; 52:1151-1155) DOI:10.1167/iovs.09-3705


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Abstract Background The implication of post-transcriptional regulation by microRNAs in molecular mechanisms underlying cancer disease is well documented. However, their interference at the cellular level is not fully explored. Functional in vitro studies are fundamental for the comprehension of their role; nevertheless results are highly dependable on the adopted cellular model. Next generation small RNA transcriptomic sequencing data of a tumor cell line and keratinocytes derived from primary culture was generated in order to characterize the microRNA content of these systems, thus helping in their understanding. Both constitute cell models for functional studies of microRNAs in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), a smoking-related cancer. Known microRNAs were quantified and analyzed in the context of gene regulation. New microRNAs were investigated using similarity and structural search, ab initio classification, and prediction of the location of mature microRNAs within would-be precursor sequences. Results were compared with small RNA transcriptomic sequences from HNSCC samples in order to access the applicability of these cell models for cancer phenotype comprehension and for novel molecule discovery. Results Ten miRNAs represented over 70% of the mature molecules present in each of the cell types. The most expressed molecules were miR-21, miR-24 and miR-205, Accordingly; miR-21 and miR-205 have been previously shown to play a role in epithelial cell biology. Although miR-21 has been implicated in cancer development, and evaluated as a biomarker in HNSCC progression, no significant expression differences were seen between cell types. We demonstrate that differentially expressed mature miRNAs target cell differentiation and apoptosis related biological processes, indicating that they might represent, with acceptable accuracy, the genetic context from which they derive. Most miRNAs identified in the cancer cell line and in keratinocytes were present in tumor samples and cancer-free samples, respectively, with miR-21, miR-24 and miR-205 still among the most prevalent molecules at all instances. Thirteen miRNA-like structures, containing reads identified by the deep sequencing, were predicted from putative miRNA precursor sequences. Strong evidences suggest that one of them could be a new miRNA. This molecule was mostly expressed in the tumor cell line and HNSCC samples indicating a possible biological function in cancer. Conclusions Critical biological features of cells must be fully understood before they can be chosen as models for functional studies. Expression levels of miRNAs relate to cell type and tissue context. This study provides insights on miRNA content of two cell models used for cancer research. Pathways commonly deregulated in HNSCC might be targeted by most expressed and also by differentially expressed miRNAs. Results indicate that the use of cell models for cancer research demands careful assessment of underlying molecular characteristics for proper data interpretation. Additionally, one new miRNA-like molecule with a potential role in cancer was identified in the cell lines and clinical samples.


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A large body of literature documents in both mice and Drosophila the involvement of Insulin pathway in growth regulation, probably due to its role in glucose and lipid import, nutrient storage, and translation of RNAs implicated in ribosome biogenesis (Vanhaesebroeck et al. 2001). Moreover several lines of evidence implicate this pathway as a causal factor in cancer (Sale, 2008; Zeng and Yee 2007; Hursting et al., 2007; Chan et al., 2008). With regards to Myc, studies in cell culture have implied this family of transcription factors as regulators of the cell cycle that are rapidly induced in response to growth factors. Myc is a potent oncogene, rearranged and overexpressed in a wide range of human tumors and necessary during development. Its conditional knock-out in mice results in reduction of body weight due to defect in cell proliferation (Trumpp et al. 2001). Evidence from in vivo studies in Drosophila and mammals suggests a critical function for myc in cell growth regulation (Iritani and Eisenman 1999; Johnston et al. 1999; Kim et al. 2000; de Alboran et al. 2001; Douglas et al. 2001). This role is supported by our analysis of Myc target genes in Drosophila, which include genes involved in RNA binding, processing, ribosome biogenesis and nucleolar function (Orain et al 2003, Bellosta et al., 2005, Hulf et al, 2005). The fact that Insulin signaling and Myc have both been associated with growth control suggests that they may interact with each other. However, genetic evidence suggesting that Insulin signaling regulates Myc in vivo is lacking. In this work we were able to show, for the first time, a direct modulation of dMyc in response to Insulin stimulation/silencing both in vitro and in vivo. Our results suggest that dMyc up-regulation in response to DILPs signaling occurs both at the mRNA and potein level. We believe dMyc protein accumulation after Insulin signaling activation is conditioned to AKT-dependent GSK3/sgg inactivation. In fact, we were able to demonstate that dMyc protein stabilization through phosphorylation is a conserved feature between Drosophila and vertebrates and requires multiple events. The final phosphorylation step, that results in a non-stable form of dMyc protein, ready to be degraded by the proteasome, is performed by GSK3/sgg kinase (Sears, 2004). At the same time we demonstrated that CKI family of protein kinase are required to prime dMyc phosphorylation. DILPs and TOR/Nutrient signalings are known to communicate at several levels (Neufeld, 2003). For this reason we further investigated TOR contribution to dMyc-dependent growth regulation. dMyc protein accumulates in S2 cells after aminoacid stimulation, while its mRNA does not seem to be affected upon TORC1 inhibition, suggesting that the Nutrient pathway regulates dMyc mostly post-transcriptionally. In support to this hypothesis, we observed a TORC1-dependent GSK3/sgg inactivation, further confirming a synergic effect of DILPs and Nutrients on dMyc protein stability. On the other hand, our data show that Rheb but not S6K, both downstream of the TOR kinase, contributes to the dMyc-induced growth of the eye tissue, suggesting that Rheb controls growth independently of S6K.. Moreover, Rheb seems to be able to regulate organ size during development inducing cell death, a mechanism no longer occurring in absence of dmyc. These observations suggest that Rheb might control growth through a new pathway independent of TOR/S6K but still dependent on dMyc. In order to dissect the mechanism of dMyc regulation in response to these events, we analyzed the relative contribution of Rheb, TOR and S6K to dMyc expression, biochemically in S2 cells and in vivo in morphogenetic clones and we further confirmed an interplay between Rheb and Myc that seems to be indipendent from TOR. In this work we clarified the mechanisms that stabilize dMyc protein in vitro and in vivo and we observed for the first time dMyc responsiveness to DILPs and TOR. At the same time, we discovered a new branch of the Nutrient pathway that appears to drive growth through dMyc but indipendently from TOR. We believe our work shed light on the mechanisms cells use to grow or restrain growth in presence/absence of growth promoting cues and for this reason it contributes to understand the physiology of growth control.


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Medulloblastoma (MB), the most common pediatric malignant brain cancer, typically arises as pathological result of deregulated developmental pathways, including the NOTCH signaling cascade. Unlike the evidence supporting a role for NOTCH receptors in MB development, the pathological functions of NOTCH ligands remain largely unexplored. By examining the expression in large cohorts of MB primary tumors, and in established in vitro MB models, this research study demonstrates that MB cells bear abnormal levels of distinct NOTCH ligands. We explored the potential association between NOTCH ligands and the clinical outcome of MB patients, and investigated the rational of inhibiting NOTCH signaling by targeting specific ligands to ultimately provide therapeutic benefits in MB. The research revealed a significant over-expression of ligand JAG1 in the vast majority of MBs, and proved that JAG1 mediates pro-proliferative signals via activation of NOTCH2 receptor and induction of HES1 expression, thus representing an attractive therapeutic target. Furthermore, we could identify a clinically relevant association between ligand JAG2 and the oncogene MYC, specific for MYC-driven Group 3 MB cases. We describe for the first time a mechanistic link between the oncogene MYC and NOTCH pathway in MB, by identifying JAG2 as MYC target, and by showing that MB cells acquire induced expression of JAG2 through MYC-induced transcriptional activation. Finally, the positive correlation of MYC and JAG2 also with aggressive anaplastic tumors and highly metastatic MB stages suggested that high JAG2 expression may be useful as additional marker to identify aggressive MBs.