994 resultados para Criminal enforcement


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The identification of criminal networks is not a routine exploratory process within the current practice of the law enforcement authorities; rather it is triggered by specific evidence of criminal activity being investigated. A network is identified when a criminal comes to notice and any associates who could also be potentially implicated would need to be identified if only to be eliminated from the enquiries as suspects or witnesses as well as to prevent and/or detect crime. However, an identified network may not be the one causing most harm in a given area.. This paper identifies a methodology to identify all of the criminal networks that are present within a Law Enforcement Area, and, prioritises those that are causing most harm to the community. Each crime is allocated a score based on its crime type and how recently the crime was committed; the network score, which can be used as decision support to help prioritise it for law enforcement purposes, is the sum of the individual crime scores.


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Segundo o Código de Processo Penal brasileiro, a Perícia é imprescindível, e não pode ser substituída pela confissão do acusado, nos crimes que deixem vestígios. Esta pesquisa inicia um estudo acerca da construção da identidade profissional do Perito Criminal Federal, o Perito que atua no âmbito da Polícia Federal no Brasil. A abordagem acadêmica foi adotada no sentido de serem identificadas as principais questões que contribuem na construção da identidade desse profissional. O objetivo principal do trabalho é o reconhecimento pelo Perito Criminal Federal do seu papel para a sociedade, de modo que se vislumbrem iniciativas que possam incentivar a busca de melhorias, de aprimoramento na formação e evolução dos profissionais, beneficiando não apenas a motivação e satisfação profissional, mas, sobretudo, a resposta que este produz para a sociedade. O resultado da pesquisa revelou que sua identidade, como a de qualquer profissional, está em constante metamorfose, e sofre a influência de sua história e verdades individuais e das influências do ambiente social e profissional. O estudo demonstrou que existem lacunas a serem preenchidas na visão do próprio profissional com relação ao retorno quanto ao resultado efetivo do seu trabalho, além da preocupação com o equilíbrio entre quantidade e qualidade na produção de Laudos Periciais Criminais. Observou-se ainda a existência de um ambiente organizacional desfavorável quanto ao cumprimento de leis e recomendações, internacionais e nacionais, que preconizam a necessidade de autonomia para a realização do trabalho pericial, de forma a garantir a prova isenta e neutra em busca da justiça. Também ficou nítida a necessidade de maior comunicação e discussão interna acerca da visão de futuro da profissão. É primordial para a efetivação de uma sociedade democrática, que respeita os direitos humanos e zela pela segurança pública, uma Perícia Criminal Federal consciente de sua identidade, efetiva, que possa atuar com motivação, celeridade e qualidade em prol da justiça para os cidadãos brasileiros.


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A presente pesquisa visa identificar o papel do Laudo de Perícia Criminal junto aos operadores do direito, bem como qual o grau de participação nas sentenças proferidas em âmbito judicial. Sabe-se que o Laudo de Perícia Criminal é um documento de cunho técnico-científico – produzido por perito criminal – com o objetivo de auxiliar à Justiça com seu conteúdo baseado no estudo de especialistas, sendo o Laudo de Perícia Criminal um dos meios de prova mais robustos utilizados pelo magistrado para proferir uma sentença judicial ou para uso dos jurados nos casos de crimes dolosos contra a vida. Parte do método de pesquisa foi qualitativo e, para a coleta de dados, utilizou-se de entrevista – mediante questionário – com operadores do direito (delegados de polícia, juízes de direito e promotores de justiça) que atuavam em processos de homicídio e/ou latrocínio e lotados nas cinco Regiões Administrativas que, em conjunto, abarcavam mais de 50% dos crimes dessas naturezas. Posteriormente passou-se à análise documental, onde foram verificados 172 (cento e setenta e dois) levantamentos de local e suas repercussões no âmbito judicial. Algumas conclusões em relação aos laudos foram apontadas: tais como sua intempestividade em alguns casos. Porém, foi possível abrir um novo olhar para o documento técnico que tanto auxilia a justiça criminal. Abordou-se, ainda, a falta de uma realimentação (feedback) de informações para os peritos criminais do Instituto de Criminalística, que acarreta problemas de ordem motivacional.


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One of the ways by which the legal system has responded to different sets of problems is the blurring of the traditional boundaries of criminal law, both procedural and substantive. This study aims to explore under what conditions does this trend lead to the improvement of society's welfare by focusing on two distinguishing sanctions in criminal law, incarceration and social stigma. In analyzing how incarceration affects the incentive to an individual to violate a legal standard, we considered the crucial role of the time constraint. This aspect has not been fully explored in the literature on law and economics, especially with respect to the analysis of the beneficiality of imposing either a fine or a prison term. We observed that that when individuals are heterogeneous with respect to wealth and wage income, and when the level of activity can be considered a normal good, only the middle wage and middle income groups can be adequately deterred by a fixed fines alone regime. The existing literature only considers the case of the very poor, deemed as judgment proof. However, since imprisonment is a socially costly way to deprive individuals of their time, other alternatives may be sought such as the imposition of discriminatory monetary fine, partial incapacitation and other alternative sanctions. According to traditional legal theory, the reason why criminal law is obeyed is not mainly due to the monetary sanctions but to the stigma arising from the community’s moral condemnation that accompanies conviction or merely suspicion. However, it is not sufficiently clear whether social stigma always accompanies a criminal conviction. We addressed this issue by identifying the circumstances wherein a criminal conviction carries an additional social stigma. Our results show that social stigma is seen to accompany a conviction under the following conditions: first, when the law coincides with the society's social norms; and second, when the prohibited act provides information on an unobservable attribute or trait of an individual -- crucial in establishing or maintaining social relationships beyond mere economic relationships. Thus, even if the social planner does not impose the social sanction directly, the impact of social stigma can still be influenced by the probability of conviction and the level of the monetary fine imposed as well as the varying degree of correlation between the legal standard violated and the social traits or attributes of the individual. In this respect, criminal law serves as an institution that facilitates cognitive efficiency in the process of imposing the social sanction to the extent that the rest of society is boundedly rational and use judgment heuristics. Paradoxically, using criminal law in order to invoke stigma for the violation of a legal standard may also serve to undermine its strength. To sum, the results of our analysis reveal that the scope of criminal law is narrow both for the purposes of deterrence and cognitive efficiency. While there are certain conditions where the enforcement of criminal law may lead to an increase in social welfare, particularly with respect to incarceration and stigma, we have also identified the channels through which they could affect behavior. Since such mechanisms can be replicated in less costly ways, society should first try or seek to employ these legal institutions before turning to criminal law as a last resort.


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Economic models of crime have focused primarily on the goal of deterrence; the goal of incapacitation has received much less attention. This paper adapts the standard deterrence model to incorporate incapacitation. When prison only is used, incapacitation can result in a longer or a shorter optimal prison term compared to the deterrence-only model. It is longer if there is underdeterrence, and shorter if there is overdeterrence. In contrast, when a fine is available and it is not constrained by the offender's wealth, the optimal prison term is zero. Since the fine achieves first-best deterrence, only efficient crimes are committed and hence, there is no gain from incapacitation.


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This study examines the challenges posed to European law by third country access to data held by private companies for the purposes of law enforcement. It pays particular attention to the implications for rule of law and fundamental rights of foreign authorities’ direct access to electronic information falling outside pre-established channels of supranational cooperation. A special focus is given to EU-US relations and the practical issues emerging in transatlantic relations covering mutual legal assistance and evidence gathering for law enforcement purposes in criminal proceedings.


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August 1978.


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"October 1999."


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Mode of access: Internet.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Driver and Pedestrian Programs, Washington, D.C.


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Ceased publication?


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Includes index.


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Prepared for the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, by the Bureau of the Census.


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Prepared for the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, by the Bureau of the Census.