68 resultados para Coturnix coturnix coturnix
Vitamin A deficiency is a serious public health problem in developing countries, and it causes death and blindness among children in the developing countries. The fortification of food could be an important source of vitamins to control deficiency. 60 Coturnix coturnix japonica quails were used in a randomized design with duration of seven weeks. The birds were assigned into five treatments with four repetitions. The objective was to evaluate the influence of the supplementation with different levels of retinyl palmitate (2,000 IU, 4,000 IU, 8,000IU and 16,000 IU) in quails under the levels of retinyl in egg yolks. The method used to dose retinyl in yolks of quail eggs was High Performance Liquid Chromatography and the enzymatic method to quantify the cholesterol concentration. The weight and production of eggs was significantly modified by the supplementation with retinyl in the birds. The results showed a gradual increase in the incorporation of retinyl in the egg yolk as a response to the supplementation, reaching values 384% higher than the control values. By the end of the supplementations a significant reduction in the concentrations of retinyl in the eggs yolk was observed. The most lasting supplementations were with 8,000 IU and 16,000 IU which lasted for three weeks. The cholesterol content in eggs was not significantly modified. The consumption of one egg enriched with 16000UI of retinol palmitate in the present study, by day, would probably reach 10 and 7,3% of the daily recommendations of this micronutrient for children of 1 to 3 years of age, and for 4 to 8 years, respectively. The nutritional value of eggs, related to the vitamin A, can be improved by supplementation of quails
Fringillidae is a large and diverse family of Passeriformes. So far, however, Fringillidae relationships deduced from morphological features and by a number of molecular approaches have remained unproven. Recently, much attention has been attracted to mitochondrial tRNA genes, whose sequence and secondary structural characteristics have shown to be useful for Acrodont Lizards and deep-branch phylogenetic studies. In order to identify useful phylogenetic markers and test Fringillidae relationships, we have sequenced three major clusters of mitochondrial tRNA genes from 15 Fringillidae, taxa. A coincident tree, with coturnix as outgroup, was obtained through Maximum-likelihood method using combined dataset of 11 mitochondrial tRNA gene sequences. The result was similar to that through Neighbor-joining but different from Maximum-parsimony methods. Phylogenetic trees constructed with stem-region sequences of 11 genes had many different topologies and lower confidence than with total sequences. On the other hand, some secondary structural characteristics may provide phylogenetic information on relatively short internal branches at under-genus level. In summary, our data indicate that mitochondrial tRNA genes can achieve high confidence on Fringillidae phylogeny at subfamily level, and stem-region sequences may be suitable only at above-family level. Secondary structural characteristics may also be useful to resolve phylogenetic relationship between different genera of Fringillidae with good performance.
Background: The Galliformes is a well-known and widely distributed Order in Aves. The phylogenetic relationships of galliform birds, especially the turkeys, grouse, chickens, quails, and pheasants, have been studied intensively, likely because of their close association with humans. Despite extensive studies, convergent morphological evolution and rapid radiation have resulted in conflicting hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships. Many internal nodes have remained ambiguous. Results: We analyzed the complete mitochondrial (mt) genomes from 34 galliform species, including 14 new mt genomes and 20 published mt genomes, and obtained a single, robust tree. Most of the internal branches were relatively short and the terminal branches long suggesting an ancient, rapid radiation. The Megapodiidae formed the sister group to all other galliforms, followed in sequence by the Cracidae, Odontophoridae and Numididae. The remaining clade included the Phasianidae, Tetraonidae and Meleagrididae. The genus Arborophila was the sister group of the remaining taxa followed by Polyplectron. This was followed by two major clades: ((((Gallus, Bambusicola) Francolinus) (Coturnix, Alectoris)) Pavo) and (((((((Chrysolophus, Phasianus) Lophura) Syrmaticus) Perdix) Pucrasia) (Meleagris, Bonasa)) ((Lophophorus, Tetraophasis) Tragopan))). Conclusions: The traditional hypothesis of monophyletic lineages of pheasants, partridges, peafowls and tragopans was not supported in this study. Mitogenomic analyses recovered robust phylogenetic relationships and suggested that the Galliformes formed a model group for the study of morphological and behavioral evolution.
在本研究中我们首次从雨蛙皮肤分泌液中分离得到了一种神经毒素(命名为Anntoxin)和一种干细胞自我更新支持因子(命名为AnSF)。随后,我们通过构建雨蛙皮肤cDNA 文库,利用特异引物筛选到Anntoxin 和AnSF 的cDNA 编码序列,前者的Gene Bank 登录号为FJ598043,后者还在等待分配登录号。Anntoxin 具有60 个氨基酸,是一种Kunitz 类型的丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂,构建Anntoxin 的3D-NMR 溶液结构,证实Anntoxin 不同于有三对二硫键(键组合模式:1-6,2-4,3-5)的Kunitz 类型丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂,它只有两对二硫键(组合模式:1-4,2-3)。AnSF 具有123 个氨基酸,在C 端具有和Calmadolin 同源的两个EF 手指结构,能够支持人类胚胎干细胞(hESC)和猴神经干细胞(rNSC)的自我更新。为了进行Anntoxin 的生物活性和结构分析,我们在体外成功表达了 Anntoxin,获得了大量的重组Anntoxin(rAnntoxin)。经过生物活性分析, rAnntoxin 和天然分离到的Anntoxin 生物活性相当,都具有很强的胰蛋白酶抑制剂活性。Anntoxin 是一种Kunitz 类型的丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂,和来源于芋螺(Cone Snail)的神经毒素Conkunitzin-S1,黑色眼镜蛇毒液(black cobra, Dendroaspis polylepis polylepis)的树突毒素δ-DaTX 或蛋白酶抑制剂K 分别具有32.8%和36.7%的相同序列,和鱼类(fish)来源的Stonustoxin 也有一定的同源性。利用膜片钳技术分别检测Anntoxin 对大鼠背根神经节(rat DRG)上Na+通道,K+通道,Ca2+通道的作用,结果证明Anntoxin 对河豚毒素敏感(TTX-S)的钠离子通道(Nav)有较强的抑制活性,对 K+通道,Ca2+通道作用不明显。随后我们在非洲爪蟾卵母细胞上表达几种典型和常用于测试对亚型K+通道作用的Kv1.1,Kv1.2,Kv1.3,Kv2.1 和 Kv4.2,Kv4.3,Anntoxin 对这些亚型K+通道上的K+电流都没有明显影响。我们成功构建了Anntoxin 的3D-NMR 溶液结构(NMR 号:PDB ID 2KCR, BMRB ID 16094),证实Anntoxin 具有典型的Kunitz 结构,由反向平行的 β–折叠片和α–螺旋及转角组成梨形结构。利用RT-PCR,WesternBlot 以及 ELISA 技术,发现在皮肤、脑、肝、胃和肠中都能检测Anntoxin mRNA 转录,但只在皮肤、脑、肝和胃中有蛋白表达,表达量分别为29.5、5.39、 4.80 和2.02 微克/克鲜重,可以看出Anntoxin 在皮肤中大量表达,是皮肤分泌液中非常重要的组成部分。因为皮肤是雨蛙接触外界的第一屏障,雨蛙的生存环境中存在很多潜在威胁,比如微生物、吸血昆虫、鸟类、爬行动物、哺乳动物等,所以Anntoxin 有可能是雨蛙适应环境的重要化学武器,于是我们测试了Anntoxin 对甜菜夜蛾幼虫(Laphygma exigua Hubner)、水蛇(Enhydris plumbea)、鹌鹑(Coturnix coturnix)、昆明小鼠(Kunming mice)的急性毒性,其LD50 分别为50,450,2500 和3000 微克/千克体重,说明在华西雨蛙皮肤中大量表达的Anntoxin 对几类潜在天敌确实有较强的杀灭作用。为了检测AnSF 的生物学活性,我们在体外成功表达了AnSF,获得了大量rAnSF。设计三个浓度梯度10、100 和500ng/ml,把AnSF 和hESC 共培养,发现在10~100 ng/ml 浓度时对hESC 的自我更新有支持作用;设计三个浓度梯度10、100 和500ng/ml,把AnSF 和rNSC 共培养,发现在 10ng/ml 时对rNSC 的自我更新有较强的支持作用。在超过500ng/ml 高浓度时,AnSF 对hESC 和rNSC 都有明显的细胞毒性作用,对rNSC 的毒性作用更明显。利用RT-PCR 技术,我们检测了雨蛙的皮肤、肌肉、肝脏、胰脏、胃、肠、心脏和脑,AnSF 只在皮肤中有少量表达。这表明AnSF 可能只参与雨蛙皮肤干细胞库的维持,保持皮肤内环境稳定,因为蛙类的皮肤细胞要负责产生大量活性物质参与先天免疫和抗氧化等重要的生理活动,需要经常更新,而AnSF 的存在可能保证雨蛙皮肤干细胞库容量稳定,不断分化出各种成熟的皮肤细胞来使皮肤能够得到足够和及时的更新,保证其功能的正常行使。所以AnSF 是维持华西雨蛙皮肤内环境稳定的重要物质。
The aim of this research was to determine the nutritional requirements of sodium for Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix Japonica) during the periods of 1 to 21 d and 22 to 40 d of age, as well as to evaluate the residual effect on egg production and densitometry bone traits from 41 to 63 d. Two experiments were developed. Experiment 1: 360 Japanese quail were used, from 1 to 21 d of age. Treatments consisted of 5 sodium levels (0.06, 0.12, 0.18, 0.24, and 0.30%). Experiment 2: 240 Japanese quail were used, from 22 to 40 d. Treatments consisted of 5 sodium levels (0.04, 0.12, 0.20, 0.28, and 0.36%). In both experiments, weight gain, final weight, and feed conversion presented a quadratic trend, whereas water intake presented a linear trend. Treatments did not affect the densitometry of bone traits, although they presented a quadratic influence on tibia ash, calcium, and calcium: phosphorus ratio. Therefore, the nutritional requirement of sodium for Japanese quail from 1 to 21 d and from 22 to 40 d is 0.222% and 0.253%, respectively.
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da Matricaria chamomila sobre o estresse de codornas japonesas na fase de recria (28 a 42 dias de idade). Foram utilizadas 192 codornas com 28 dias de idades, distribuídas em blocos casualizados e submetidas às dietas com 0, 250, 500 e 750mg de camomila/kg de ração, totalizando quatro tratamentos, com oito repetições e seis aves por parcela. Foram avaliados os parâmetros de desempenho (consumo diário de ração, conversão alimentar e ganho de peso), comportamentais (tempo em imobilidade tônica, ferimentos corporais e agressividade) e fisiológicos (concentração plasmática de corticosterona e relação heterófilo:linfócito). Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a camomila adicionada na dieta não foi capaz de alterar os parâmetros de desempenho, bem como os de comportamento e fisiológicos.
Foram utilizados dados de 288 codornas de corte (Coturnix coturnix coturnix) para avaliar a possibilidade de resumir a informação contida no complexo de variáveis originais, eliminando-se variáveis inexpressivas por meio da técnica de componentes principais. Foram registrados o peso vivo (PVIVO) e pesos do peito (PPEITO), das coxas (PCOXA), da gordura abdominal (GA), das vísceras comestíveis (fígado, moela e coração) (FIG, MOELA e CORA) e da carcaça eviscerada (PCEVIS). As carcaças foram secas e trituradas para a avaliação do teor matéria seca (MS), gordura (GORD) e proteína bruta (PB). Dos 11 componentes principais, sete (63,6%) apresentaram variância menor que 0,7 (autovalor inferior a 0,7), sendo sugeridas para descarte, respectivamente, em ordem de menor importância, para explicar a variação total das seguintes variáveis: PCEVIS, PPEITO, PCOXA, CORA, FIG MOELA e GORD. Com base nos resultados, recomenda-se manter as seguintes variáveis em experimentos futuros: PVIVO, MS, PB e GA.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objetivou-se estudar o efeito de diferentes planos alimentares, de acordo com os níveis de triptofano, sobre o desempenho e estresse (pela avaliação de parâmetros fisiológicos) de codornas japonesas (Coturnix coturnix japonica) nas fases de recria e postura. Cento e noventa e duas codornas japonesas na fase de recria (30 a 44 dias de idade) foram alojadas em gaiolas e distribuídas em um delineamento em blocos casualizados, com quatro planos de nutrição [0,27 (controle); 0,52; 0,77 ou 1,02% de triptofano], seis repetições e oito aves por parcela. Foram avaliados os parâmetros de desempenho (consumo de ração, ganho de médio peso, conversão alimentar e taxa de mortalidade) e os parâmetros fisiológicos das aves (relação heterófilo/linfócito e concentração de corticosterona no plasma sangüíneo). Outras 192 codornas japonesas na fase de postura (45 a 146 dias) foram distribuídas em delineamento de blocos ao acaso e submetidas a quatro planos de nutrição (0,23 [controle]; 0,48; 0,73 ou 0,98% de triptofano), com seis repetições e oito aves por parcela. Foram avaliados o consumo de ração, a produção de ovos, a conversão alimentar por dúzia de ovos, a taxa de mortalidade, a relação heterófilo/linfócito e a concentração de corticosterona no plasma. Os níveis de triptofano testados não afetaram o desempenho e os parâmetros fisiológicos de codornas japonesas nas fases de recria e postura.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Aiming at evaluating the influence of cyclic temperatures on the performance and egg quality of Japanese quails an experiment was carried out with 480 birds after egg production peak. Birds were housed in a bioclimatic chamber with automatic temperature control that contained two rooms, one maintained at thermoneutral temperature (21 ºC) and the other adjusted for the tested cyclic temperatures (24, 27, 30, 33 and 36 ºC at a time). Each room had a battery of five floors and ten cages, with a capacity of 24 birds per cage, totaling 240 birds per battery. Birds were fed iso-nutritious and iso-caloric diets. Data obtained under the tested cyclic temperatures were compared with those obtained under thermoneutral temperature. At the end of each experimental period (14 days) performance and egg quality parameters were evaluated. A completely randomized experimental design with two treatments (thermoneutral temperature and tested temperature) and ten replicates of 24 birds each. Cyclic increases of 27 ºC and higher in environmental temperature negatively affected bird performance, with reduced feed intake and consequent reductions in egg weight and mass. A cyclic increase of the environmental temperature to 36 ºC reduced the percentage of saleable eggs and egg production.