963 resultados para Costs and cost analysis


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The research and development costs of 68 randomly selected new drugs were obtained from a survey of 10 pharmaceutical firms. These data were used to estimate the average pre-tax cost of new drug development. The costs of compounds abandoned during testing were linked to the costs of compounds that obtained marketing approval. The estimated average out-of-pocket cost per new drug is 403 million US dollars (2000 dollars). Capitalizing out-of-pocket costs to the point of marketing approval at a real discount rate of 11% yields a total pre-approval cost estimate of 802 million US dollars (2000 dollars). When compared to the results of an earlier study with a similar methodology, total capitalized costs were shown to have increased at an annual rate of 7.4% above general price inflation.


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Background and Purpose-: Little is known about any variations in resource use and costs of care between stroke subtypes, especially nonhospital costs. The purpose of this study was to describe the patterns of resource use and to estimate the first-year and lifetime costs for stroke subtypes.

Methods-: A cost-of-illness model was used to estimate the total first-year costs and lifetime costs of stroke subtypes for all strokes (subarachnoid hemorrhages excluded) that occurred in Australia during 1997. For each subtype, average cost per case during the first year and the present value of average cost per case over a lifetime were calculated. Resource use data obtained in the North East Melbourne Stroke Incidence Study (NEMESIS) were used.

Results-: The present value of total lifetime costs for all strokes was Aus $1.3 billion (US $985 million). Total lifetime costs were greatest for ischemic stroke (72%; Aus $936.8 million; US $709.7 million), followed by intracerebral hemorrhage (26%; Aus $334.5 million; US $253.4 million) and unclassified stroke (2%; Aus $30 million; US $22.7 million). The average cost per case during the first year was greatest for total anterior circulation infarction (Aus $28 266). Over a lifetime, the present value of average costs was greatest for intracerebral hemorrhage (Aus $73 542), followed by total anterior circulation infarction (Aus $53 020), partial anterior circulation infarction (Aus $50 692), posterior circulation infarction (Aus $37 270), lacunar infarction (Aus $34 470), and unclassified stroke (Aus $12 031).

Conclusions-: First-year and lifetime costs vary considerably between stroke subtypes. Variation in average length of total hospital stay is the main explanation for differences in first-year costs.


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Background and Purpose—— Accurate information about resource use and costs of stroke is necessary for informed health service planning. The purpose of this study was to determine the patterns of resource use among stroke patients and to estimate the total costs (direct service use and indirect production losses) of stroke (excluding SAH) in Australia for 1997.

Methods—— An incidence-based cost-of-illness model was developed, incorporating data obtained from the North East Melbourne Stroke Incidence Study (NEMESIS). The costs of stroke during the first year after stroke and the present value of total lifetime costs of stroke were estimated.

The total first-year costs of all first-ever-in-a lifetime strokes (SAH excluded) that occurred in Australia during 1997 were estimated to be A$555 million (US$420 million), and the present value of lifetime costs was estimated to be A$1.3 billion (US$985 million). The average cost per case during the first 12 months and over a lifetime was A$18 956 (US$14 361) and A$44 428 (US$33 658), respectively. The most important categories of cost during the first year were acute hospitalization (A$154 million), inpatient rehabilitation (A$150 million), and nursing home care (A$63 million). The present value of lifetime indirect costs was estimated to be A$34 million.

Conclusions—— Similar to other studies, hospital and nursing home costs contributed most to the total cost of stroke (excluding SAH) in Australia. Inpatient rehabilitation accounts for {approx}27% of total first-year costs. Given the magnitude of these costs, investigation of the cost-effectiveness of rehabilitation services should become a priority in this community.


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Non-reimbursed ‘out of pocket’ costs to stroke patients have not been included in existing cost of illness studies. We aimed to determine the nature and magnitude of ‘out of pocket’ costs to stroke patients during the first year after stroke. ‘Out of pocket’ costs during the first year after stroke were documented for 165 persons registered in a community-based stroke incidence study during 1996/1997. Virtually all cases reported some ‘out of pocket’ costs. The average cost over 12 months was A$1110. The highest cost items were home modifications, aids and equipment. The most commonly incurred expense was for prescription medications. Total ‘out of pocket’ costs incurred by first-ever stroke patients in Australia in 1997 were estimated to be A$29 million or 5% of the total cost of stroke. The majority of ‘out of pocket’ costs relate to post-acute care aimed at minimising disability and handicap rather than to ‘acute’ healthcare.


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To determine whether bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL)-directed therapy for infants and young children with cystic fibrosis (CF), rather than standard therapy, was justified on the grounds of a decrease in average costs and whether the use of BAL reduced treatment costs associated with hospital admissions.


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This quantitative study aimed to identify the costs of the most frequent nursing activities in highly dependent hospitalized patients at a medical clinic. The non-probabilistic convenience sample corresponded to 607 observations regarding oral feeding activities (OF), blood pressure verification (BP)/heart rate (HR), body temperature checking (BTC), performance of intimate hygiene and management of feeding probe. The costs identified corresponded to R$2.40 (SD+/-2.64) for OF feeding; R$1.26 (SD+/-0.48) to verify the BP/HR; R$1.17 (SD+/-0.46) for BTC; R$15.59 (SD+/-8.62) to perform intimate hygiene and R$5.95 (SD+/-2.13) for management of feeding probe. This study will facilitate cost management, with a view to avoiding waste related to unnecessary resource consumption and establish a correlation between costs and care delivery results. Supported by Pro-Reitoria de Pesquisa, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil.


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Knowledge of hospital costs is highly important for public health decision-making. This study aimed to estimate direct hospital costs related to pneumococcal meningitis in children 13 years or younger in the city of Sao Jose dos Campos, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, from January 1999 to December 2008. Data were obtained from medical records. Hospital costs were calculated according to the mixed method for measurement of quantities of items with identified costs and value attribution to items consumed (micro-costing and gross-costing). All costs were calculated according to monetary values for November 2009 and in Brazilian currency (Real). Epi Info 3.5.1 was used for frequencies and means analysis. Forty-one cases were reported. Direct hospital costs varied from R$ 1,277.90 to R$ 19,887.56 (mean = R$ 5,666.43), or 10 to 20 times the mean cost of hospitalization for other diseases. Hospital staff labor was the highest cost, followed by medication, procedures, supplies, and lab tests.


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Detailed evaluation and cost analysis of a cranial contrast-enhanced MRI (c-ceMRI) in outpatients, inpatients, patients in an intensive care unit and children under anesthesia.


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OBJECTIVE: To estimate the costs and outcomes of rescreening for group B streptococci (GBS) compared to universal treatment of term women with history of GBS colonization in a previous pregnancy. STUDY DESIGN: A decision analysis model was used to compare costs and outcomes. Total cost included the costs of screening, intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis (IAP), treatment for maternal anaphylaxis and death, evaluation of well infants whose mothers received IAP, and total costs for treatment of term neonatal early onset GBS sepsis. RESULTS: When compared to screening and treating, universal treatment results in more women treated per GBS case prevented (155 versus 67) and prevents more cases of early onset GBS (1732 versus 1700) and neonatal deaths (52 versus 51) at a lower cost per case prevented ($8,805 versus $12,710). CONCLUSION: Universal treatment of term pregnancies with a history of previous GBS colonization is more cost-effective than the strategy of screening and treating based on positive culture results.


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We wished to determine whether changing our centre's practice of using Acticoat instead of Silvazine as our first-line burns dressing provided a better standard of care in terms of efficacy, cost and ease of use. A retrospective cohort study was performed examining 328 Silvazine treated patients from January 2000 to June 2001 and 241 Acticoat treated patients from July 2002 to July 2003. During those periods the respective dressings were used exclusively. There was no significant difference in age, %BSA and mechanism of burn between the groups. In the Silvazine group, 25.6% of children required grafting compared to 15.4% in the Acticoat group (p=0.001). When patients requiring grafting were excluded, the time taken for re-epithelialisation in the Acticoat group (14.9 days) was significantly less than that for the Silvazine group (18.3 days), p=0.047. There were more wounds requiring long term scar management in the Silvazine group (32.6%) compared to the Acticoat group (29.5%), however this was not significant. There was only one positive blood culture in each group, indicating that both Silvazine and Acticoat are potent antimicrobial agents. The use of Acticoat as our primary burns dressing has dramatically changed our clinical practice. Inpatients are now only 18% of the total admissions, with the vast majority of patients treated on an outpatient basis. In terms of cost, Acticoat was demonstrated to be less expensive over the treatment period than Silvazine . We have concluded that Acticoat is a safe, cost-effective, efficacious dressing that reduces the time for re-epithelialisation and the requirement for grafting and long term scar management, compared to Silvazine.


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O presente trabalho visa caracterizar os acidentes com envolvimento de motocicletas no perímetro urbano de Paranavaí-PR, em 2007, e estimar o impacto econômico das internações advindas destes, na perspectiva do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e para o Seguro obrigatório que cobre danos pessoais causados por veículos automotores de via terrestre (DPVAT). Trata-se de um estudo transversal, retrospectivo, que se baseia em buscas e análises das bases de dados do Serviço integrado de atendimento ao trauma e emergência (SIATE), do DPVAT e do Sistema de informações sobre internações do SUS (SIH-SUS), com vias a análise das variáveis: gênero, idade, tipo de acidente, condição da vítima no acidente, mês da ocorrência, gravidade, frequência de internação hospitalar, custo, componentes de custo, óbitos e tempo médio de permanência no SUS. A busca ocorreu, primeiramente, no sistema do SIATE para conhecer todos os acidentados com envolvimento de motocicletas no perímetro urbano de Paranavaí, no ano de 2007. De posse desses nomes, as buscas seguintes ocorreram no sistema interno do DPVAT e no SIH-SUS. O profissional do SIATE, no momento da abordagem da ocorrência julga a gravidade da vítima conforme códigos, sendo 1 para ferimentos leves, 2 para graves sem risco à vida, 3, graves com risco à vida e 4, os óbitos. A população estudada constou de 655 vítimas (440 homens e 215 mulheres), com média de idade de 29,5 anos, sendo que 598 (91,3%) saíram lesionadas e 11 (1,7%) vieram a óbito. O condutor de motocicleta foi o mais acometido e o tipo de acidente mais comum aconteceu entre um automóvel e uma motocicleta. Com relação à frequência da internação hospitalar (pelo SUS, DPVAT ou ambos), foi, em média, de 27% (177 de 655). Do total de vítimas internadas verificou-se que 106 tiveram cobertura do DPVAT, 58 do SUS e 13 de ambos. As internações pelo DPVAT geraram um custo total de R$ 191.423,43, custo médio de R$ 1.608,60 por internação. Com relação aos custos das internações do SUS, os referidos acidentes geraram o pagamento de R$ 42.342,20, perfazendo a média de R$ 450,44 por AIH e de R$ 596,37 por paciente. O custo médio da internação dos acidentes de trânsito com envolvimento de motocicletas foi de R$ 1.321,00, sendo que para o código 1 foi de R$ 885,00, para o código 2 de R$ 1.377,00 e para o código 3 de R$ 2.034,00. Portanto, foi possível caracterizar os acidentes e chegar a estimativas de quanto se gasta com as internações advindas destes, além disso, este é um indicativo claro da necessidade de adotar políticas públicas que priorizem a aplicação dos recursos financeiros e humanos na redução dos acidentes e da sua gravidade.


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Em 2004 o governo federal anunciou um novo mecanismo para melhorar o acesso da população brasileira aos medicamentos, chamado de "Programa Farmácia Popular do Brasil" (PFPB) que disponibiliza um rol de produtos subsidiados pelo governo, utilizando ou não sistema de copagamento. O PFPB está dividido em três vertentes: (a) no setor público, chamada Rede Própria; (b) expansão em 2006, com o comércio farmacêutico denominado "Aqui Tem Farmácia Popular" (ATFP) e; (c) isenção de copagamento, em 2011, em todas as farmácias no âmbito do Programa, para anti-hipertensivos, antidiabéticos e antiasmáticos. Este estudo examinou o modelo de provisão de medicamentos na versão ATFP, comparando-o ao tradicionalmente praticado na Secretaria Municipal de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro (SMS-Rio), com vistas a avaliar seus custos para os setores públicos envolvidos. Foram levantados os gastos do Ministério da Saúde (MS) com pagamentos no Programa ATFP em fontes secundárias, como o Fundo Nacional de Saúde e a Sala de Apoio à Gestão Estratégica, de 2006 a 2012. Dados sobre o volume de pagamentos por medicamentos, perfil dos usuários atendidos e unidades farmacotécnicas (UF) dispensadas foram mapeados por contato direto com o Sistema Eletrônico do Serviço de Informações ao Cidadão. Estimativas dos custos da SMS-Rio, com aquisição, logística e dispensação de 25 medicamentos, restritas ao ano de 2012, foram realizadas. No período ocorreu forte expansão do Programa ATFP, tanto de unidades credenciadas, como de municípios cobertos, de 750% e 528%, respectivamente. Gastos federais com medicamentos no ATFP foram de aproximadamente R$ 3,4 bilhões, em valores ajustados para 31/12/2012. Houve inversão do fluxo dos pagamentos para entidades com matriz fora das capitais, representando aumento da capilaridade do Programa, e relativa concentração de pagamentos em grandes redes varejistas. No município do Rio de Janeiro, estes gastos foram superiores a R$ 260 milhões e, desde 2008, são maiores que as transferências do MS para aquisição de medicamentos básicos. Custos comparativos entre o menor Valor de Referência (VR) do Programa ATFP, e o custo estimado por UF na SMS-Rio dos medicamentos mostrou-se, na média geral, quase 255% vezes maior que o custo municipal. A comparação de custo foi mais favorável à SMS-Rio em 20 dos 25 itens comuns. Simulação considerando a demanda de cada medicamento consumido pela SMS-Rio em 2012 mostrou que, se a municipalidade os adquirisse pelo menor VR, incorreria em mais de R$ 95 milhões no custo global para os mesmos 25 produtos. O programa ministerial representou melhoria no acesso a medicamentos, mas os gastos expressivos repercutem em sua interface com o sistema descentralizado de financiamento da assistência farmacêutica. Alguns dos VR poderiam ser objetos de exame e avaliação, frente aos custos sistematicamente mais favoráveis nos valores levantados para a SMS-Rio.


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Withdrawals of high-profile pharmaceuticals have focused attention on post-approval safety surveillance. There have been no systematic assessments of spending on postapproval safety. We surveyed drug manufacturers regarding safety efforts. Mean spending on postapproval safety per company in 2003 was 56 million dollars (0.3 percent of sales). Assuming a constant safety-to-sales ratio, we estimated that total spending on postapproval safety by the top twenty drug manufacturers was 800 million dollars in 2003. We also examined, using regression analysis, the relationship between the number of safety personnel and the number of initial adverse-event reports. This study offers information for the debate on proposed changes to safety surveillance.


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This study finds that the mean IRR for 1980-84 U.S. new drug introductions is 11.1%, and the mean NPV is 22 million (1990 dollars). The distribution of returns is highly skewed. The results are robust to plausible changes in the baseline assumptions. Our work is also compared with a 1993 study by the OTA. Despite some important differences in assumptions, both studies imply that returns for the average NCE are within one percentage point of the industry's cost of capital. This is much less than what is typically observed in analyses based on accounting data.


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OBJECTIVE: This report updates our earlier work on the returns to pharmaceutical research and development (R&D) in the US (1980 to 1984), which showed that the returns distributions are highly skewed. It evaluates a more recent cohort of new drug introductions in the US (1988 to 1992) and examines how the returns distribution is emerging for drugs with life cycles concentrated in the 1990s versus the 1980s. DESIGN AND SETTING: Methods were described in detail in our earlier reports. The current sample included 110 new drug entities (including 28 orphan drugs), and sales data were obtained for the period 1988 to 1998, which represented between 7 and 11 years of sales for the drugs included. 20 years was chosen as the expected market life for this cohort, and a 2-step procedure was used to project future sales for the drugs--during the period until patent expiry and then beyond patent expiry until the 20-year time-horizon was completed. Thus, the values in the first half of the life cycle are essentially based on realised sales, while those in the second half are projected using information on patent expiry and other inputs. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES AND RESULTS: Peak annual sales for the top decile of drugs introduced between 1988 and 1992 in the US amounted to almost $US1.1 billion compared with peak sales of less than $US175 million (1992 values) for the mean compound. In particular, the top decile accounted for 56% of overall sales revenue. Although the sales distributions were skewed in both our earlier and current analysis, the top decile in the later time-period exhibited more rapid rates of growth after launch, a peak that was more than 50% greater in real terms than for the 1980 to 1984 cohort, and a faster rate of expected decline in sales after patent expiry. One factor contributing to the distribution of sales revenues becoming more skewed over time is the orphan drug phenomenon (i.e. most of the orphan drugs are concentrated at the bottom of the distribution). CONCLUSION: The distribution of sales revenues for new drug compounds is highly skewed in nature. In this regard, the top decile of new drugs accounts for more than half of the total sales generated by the 1988 to 1992 cohort analysed. Furthermore, the distribution of sales revenues for this cohort is more skewed than that of the 1980 to 1984 cohort we analysed in previous research.