861 resultados para Costa Rican women teachers-writers


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This research recognizes the cognitive contributions to the students participating in the Third Costa Rican Biological Sciences Olympics that will define the advancement and strengthening in the construction of its conceptual dimension in the scientific literacy.  This paper is based, mainly, on qualitative approach techniques (ethnographic design:  case study); however, some data are interpreted through quantitative methodologies (descriptive design with an explanatory and exploratory touch) for the analysis of a sample of 54 high school students, finalists in the category A of the Olympics, through the use of tools such as a documentary study and a survey, in July 2009.  The information generated was analyzed using elements of inferential and descriptive statistics, figures and histograms.  It was proved that there is a better cognitive management in the topics assessed, an increase in the students’ academic performance as the tests are applied, a commitment for the academic update supported by the development of several tasks for previous preparation, curriculum contributions unprecedented based on our sample, a consent to optimize student’s knowledge about Biology, which will allow the application of scientific notions to diversify and renew the knowledge, according to what is established in the principles of scientific literacy.


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En 1938, al participar en el concurso organizado por el Colegio de Señoritas, Yolanda Oreamuno, con 22 años de edad y en calidad de ex alumna, respondería a la consulta de esa importante institución de educación femenina costarricense: Medios que Ud. sugiere al Colegio para liberar a la mujer costarricense de la frivolidad ambiente. Si bien no obtuvo un primer lugar en el concurso, cuando su respuesta fue publicada por el Editor del Repertorio Americano, Joaquín García Monge, se rebelaría en el escrito y en la personalidad de la autora, una insoslayable posición de crítica al destino previsto para las mujeres en la sociedad patriarcal. Palabras claves: Yolanda Oreamuno, pensamiento femenino, pensamiento feminista. Abstract In 1938, Yolanda Oreamuno, 22 years old, as a graduated woman from the Colegio Superior de Señoritas, took part in an opinion pool contest, organized by that paramount Costa Rican women school. The inquire was: What are the means that you suggest to the School to free Costa Rican women from frivolous influences. Yolanda’s response did not reach any of the contest first places. However, when her writing was published by Joaquín García Monge, Editor of Repertorio Americano, Yolanda’s response would reveal, as well as her personality, her unavoidable critique to the female destiny in patriarchal societies. Key words: Yolanda Oreamuno, female thought, feminist thought.


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En esta sección se recoge una serie de cartas que, publicadas en diversos periódicos finiseculares, dejan en claro cuáles fueron las razones que tenían nuestros creadores literarios para escribir en ese momento. Se presentan algunos textos a través de los cuales el pensamiento nacional se volcó sobre la literatura para definirla en ese momento. Por ejemplo: Hojarasca, El nacionalismo en literatura, El Heraldo, Carta a don Joaquín García Monge, Nacionalismo literario, Carta a don Rafael Machado, Casi palique, Constantinopla futura.


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In the current context of education, parents, students, teachers, media and other sectors of Costa Rican society, express concern about the problem of school violence, a social phenomenon that has been increasing in recent years. Its manifestations are perceived by means of abuse behavior, intimidation, verbal or physical abuse among youth, which are constructed through cultural practices. Therefore, to understand this problem, reflection about possible causes is in order, taking into account the context in which social interaction is developed in each school. Some of the manifestations of violence are rooted in the family, the community, the imitation of the behavioral patterns, and the influence of mass media. Moreover, these behaviors are reinforced by the current curriculum model, generating resistance to institutional rules.


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The article addresses the subject of talent by emphasizing different conceptions about talent and by proposing an approach to this theme, from the point of view of talent in boys and girls. It also provides an analysis of research conducted with first, second, and third graders in public and private schools of the Costa Rican Education System. Using questionnaires and observations of the dynamics of the classroom as measurement tools, this study contrasts teachers` expectations about their students’ talent with the reality of the class environment, pointing out the existing abyss between teachers’ beliefs and their professional practices.


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The purpose of this paper is to share a proposal for teacher’s labor market integration in contexts of high social5 vulnerability. This paper is the result of a research conducted in a priority attention primary school6 of the central canton of Heredia7. It explored the labor market integration process of teachers, considering the community, family and student reality of a population social risk. The research that supports this proposal is based on a qualitative approach, since the diagnosis process is not intended to provide answers that could be commonly applied to other education centers in similar contexts, but to make an exploratory approach of teachers’ reality and their integration process into education institutions of high social vulnerability. Therefore, although this paper intends to share this experience, it does not aim to unify integration practices, but to be an input in carrying out similar processes.  (5) The concept of high social vulnerability is understood based on Sojo’s approach (2003), which defines it as marginal urban communities in areas considered by the Costa Rican government as priority areas with the greatest social, economic backwardness in the country, and high rates of violence, leisure, unemployment and drug addiction. (6) Translator’s note: The Costa Rican education system is composed of primary education (1st-6th grade) and secondary education (7th-11th grade). (7)A public primary school in the circuit 02 of the Province of Heredia.


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In the 1930s and 1940s, Australian women writers published novels, poems, and short stories that pushed the boundaries of their national literary culture. From their position in the Pacific, they entered into a dialogue with a European modernism that they reworked to invigorate their own writing and to make cross-continental connections. My interest in the work of Australian women prose writers of this period stems from an appreciation of the extent of their engagement with interwar modernism (an engagement that is generally under-acknowledged) and the realization that there are commonalities of approach with the ways in which contemporaneous Chinese authors negotiated this transnational cultural traffic. China and Australia, it has been argued, share an imaginative and literal association of many centuries, and this psychic history produces a situation in which ‘Australians feel drawn towards China: they cannot leave it alone.’1 Equally, Chinese exploration of the great southern land began in the fifteenth century, prior to European contact. In recent times, the intensity of Australia’s cultural and commercial connections with Asia has led to a repositioning of the Australian sense of regionalism in general and, in particular, has activated yet another stage in the history of its relationship with China. In this context, the association of Australian and Chinese writing is instructive because the commonalities of approach and areas of interest between certain authors indicate that Australian writers were not alone in either the content or style of their response to European modernism. This recognition, in turn, advances discussions of modernism in Australia and reveals an alternative way of looking at the world from the Pacific Rim through literature. The intent is to examine selective Australian and Chinese authors who are part of this continuous history and whose writing demonstrates common thematic and stylistic features via the vector of modernism. I focus on the 1930s and 1940s because these are the decades in which Australia and China experienced wideranging conflict in the Pacific, and it is significant that war, both forthcoming and actual, features as an ominous soundtrack in the writing of Chinese and Australian women. I argue that, given the immensity of cultural difference between Australia and China, there is an especially interesting juncture in the ways in which the authors interrogate modernist practices and the challenge of modernism. The process in which writing from the Pacific Rim jointly negotiates the twin desires of engaging with European literary form and representing one’s own culture may be seen as what Jessica Berman identifies as a geomodernism, one of the ‘new possible geographies’ of modernism.2 My discussion centres on the work of the Australian women, to which the Chinese material serves as a point of reference, albeit a critical one. The Chinese writing examined here is restricted to authors who wrote at least some material in English and whose work is available in translation.


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Women’s participation in paid employment has become a common scenario even in non-western developing countries. For example in Malaysia, the trend is growing although the traditional gender role remains strong in Malaysian society. Even though working, women are still expected to assume major responsibilities at home. Thus, as opposed to men, women in this society face the challenge to satisfactorily balance work and family. This study was carried out to explore how Malaysian women perceive the meaning of a balanced work-family life. Sampling women teachers, the interview findings revealed that work-family balance was mainly perceived in terms of an individual’s ‘ability to fulfill role obligation’ appropriately in both the work and family domains. A few participants also viewed balance in the context of role satisfaction and role interference. Overall, the results support the assumption in the literature that perceptions of work-family experience are not universal, rather, the construct of work-family balance is culture-specific.


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This work examines the urban modernization of San José, Costa Rica, between 1880 and 1930, using a cultural approach to trace the emergence of the bourgeois city in a small Central American capital, within the context of order and progress. As proposed by Henri Lefebvre, Manuel Castells and Edward Soja, space is given its rightful place as protagonist. The city, subject of this study, is explored as a seat of social power and as the embodiment of a cultural transformation that took shape in that space, a transformation spearheaded by the dominant social group, the Liberal elite. An analysis of the product built environment allows us to understand why the city grew in a determined manner: how the urban space became organized and how its infrastructure and services distributed. Although the emphasis is on the Liberal heyday from 1880-1930, this study also examines the history of the city since its origins in the late colonial period through its consolidation as a capital during the independent era, in order to characterize the nineteenth century colonial city that prevailed up to 1890 s. A diverse array of primary sources including official acts, memoirs, newspaper sources, maps and plans, photographs, and travelogues are used to study the initial phase of San Jose s urban growth. The investigation places the first period of modern urban growth at the turn of the nineteenth century within the prevailing ideological and political context of Positivism and Liberalism. The ideas of the city s elite regarding progress were translated into and reflected in the physical transformation of the city and in the social construction of space. Not only the transformations but also the limits and contradictions of the process of urban change are examined. At the same time, the reorganization of the city s physical space and the beginnings of the ensanche are studied. Hygiene as an engine of urban renovation is explored by studying the period s new public infrastructure (including pipelines, sewer systems, and the use of asphalt pavement) as part of the Saneamiento of San José. The modernization of public space is analyzed through a study of the first parks, boulevards and monuments and the emergence of a new urban culture prominently displayed in these green spaces. Parks and boulevards were new public and secular places of power within the modern city, used by the elite to display and educate the urban population into the new civic and secular traditions. The study goes on to explore the idealized image of the modern city through an analysis of European and North American travelogues and photography. The new esthetic of theatrical-spectacular representation of the modern city constructed a visual guide of how to understand and come to know the city. A partial and selective image of generalized urban change presented only the bourgeois facade and excluded everything that challenged the idea of progress. The enduring patterns of spatial and symbolic exclusion built into Costa Rica s capital city at the dawn of the twentieth century shed important light on the long-term political social and cultural processes that have created the troubled urban landscapes of contemporary Latin America.


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The Master’s thesis examines whether and how decolonial cosmopolitanism is empirically traceable in the attitudes and practices of Costa Rican activists working in transnational advocacy organizations. Decolonial cosmopolitanism is defined as a form of cosmopolitanism from below that aims to propose ways of imagining – and putting into practice – a truly globe-encompassing civic community not based on relations of domination but on horizontal dialogue. This concept has been developed by and shares its basic presumptions with the theory on coloniality that the modernity/coloniality/decoloniality research group is putting forward. It is analyzed whether and how the workings of coloniality as underlying ontological assumption of decolonial cosmopolitanism and broadly subsumable under the three logics of race, capitalism, and knowledge, are traceable in intermediate postcolonial transnational advocacy in Costa Rica. The method of analysis chosen to approach these questions is content analysis, which is used for the analysis of qualitative semi-structured in-depth interviews with Costa Rican activists working in advocacy organizations with transnational ties. Costa Rica was chosen as it – while unquestionably a Latin American postcolonial country and thus within the geo-political context in which the concept was developed – introduces a complex setting of socio-cultural and political factors that put the explanatory potential of the concept to the test. The research group applies the term ‘coloniality’ to describe how the social, political, economic, and epistemic relations developed during the colonization of the Americas order global relations and sustain Western domination still today through what is called the logic of coloniality. It also takes these processes as point of departure for imagining how counter-hegemonic contestations can be achieved through the linking of local struggles to a global community that is based on pluriversality. The issues that have been chosen as most relevant expressions of the logic of coloniality in the context of Costa Rican transnational advocacy and that are thus empirically scrutinized are national identity as ‘white’ exceptional nation with gender equality (racism), the neoliberalization of advocacy in the Global South (capitalism), and finally Eurocentrism, but also transnational civil society networks as first step in decolonizing civic activism (epistemic domination). The findings of this thesis show that the various ways in which activists adopt practices and outlooks stemming from the center in order to empower themselves and their constituencies, but also how their particular geo-political position affects their work, cannot be reduced to one single logic of coloniality. Nonetheless, the aspects of race, gender, capitalism and epistemic hegemony do undeniably affect activist cosmopolitan attitudes and transnational practices. While the premisses on which the concept of decolonial cosmopolitanism is based suffer from some analytical drawbacks, its importance is seen in its ability to take as point of departure the concrete spaces in which situated social relations develop. It thus allows for perceiving the increasing interconnectedness between different levels of social and political organizing as contributing to cosmopolitan visions combining local situatedness with global community as normative horizon that have not only influenced academic debate, but also political projects.


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The ecology and reproductive biology of the leatherback turtle (Dennochelys coriacea) was studied on a high-energy nesting beach near Laguna Jalova, Costa Rica, between 28 March and 8 June 1985. The peak of nesting was between 15 April and 21 May. Leatherbacks here measured an average 146.6 cm straightline standard carapace length and laid an average 81.57 eggs. The eggs measured a mean 52.12 mm diameter and weighed an average of 85.01 g. Significant positive relationships were found between the carapace lengths of nesters and their clutch sizes and average diameter and weight of eggs. The total clutch weighed between 4.02 and 13.39 kg, and yolkless eggs accounted for an average 12.4% of this weight. The majority of nesters dug shallow (<24 cm) body pits and spent an average 81 minutes at the nest site. A significant number of c1utcbes were laid below the berm crest. In a hatchery 42.2% of the eggs hatched, while in natural nests 70.2% hatched. The average hatchling carapace length was 59.8 mm and weight was 44.6 g. The longevity of leatherback tracks and nests on the beach was affected by weather. One nester was recaptured about one year later off the coast of Mississippi, U.S.A. Egg poaching was intense on some sections of the Costa Rican coast. Four aerial surveys in four different months provided the basis for comparing density of nesting on seven sectors of the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica. The beach at Jalova is heavily used by green turtles (Chelonia mydJJs) after the leatherback nesting season. The role of the Parque Nacional Tortuguero in conserving the leatherback and green turtle is discussed.(PDF file contains 20 pages.)


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Através de narrativas sobre as práticas cotidianas de quatro professoras (três brasileiras e uma francesa), acompanhadas de narrativas desenvolvidas entorno de um conjunto de imagens de alunos, esta pesquisa busca pensar como professores e alunos produzem os currículos nos seus cotidianos escolares. Através dos diferentes usos dos materiais disponíveis, dos questionamentos, das histórias de vida e das inúmeras experiências que constituem as subjetividades, os praticantes das escolas tecem, em redes, os seus conhecimentos e suas significações para a vida. Problematizando esta temática, com a professora de artes, Cristiane Costa, busco desenvolver uma discussão metodológica sobre os estudos dos cotidianos, me propondo compreender algumas possibilidades das táticas cotidianas de aprenderensinar. Com uma professora de matemática, Luciana Getirana, acompanhada da narrativa de uma aluna, Maria Nunes, analiso as relações entre conhecimentos científicos e conhecimentos cotidianos. Em seguida, com a professora de língua portuguesa, Cristiane Souza, discuto as demandas de professores por uma fórmula, uma receita de bolo, que contenha algumas soluções para os problemas da educação. Com a professora de história e geografia, Laure Cambos, busco pensar o professor no atravessamento de fronteiras entre culturas e conhecimentos. Neste sentido, elegi duas práticas de mediação cultural presentes no cotidiano desta professora: a primeira é o uso de imagens como prática de aprenderensinar, e a segunda consiste nas atividades de saídas da escola (aulas caminhadas). Por último, reúno fotografias de alunos para desenvolver duas temáticas que entrelaçam os capítulos anteriores: o dentrofora das escolas e as experimentações do mundo. A partir de narrativas sobre estas imagens, procuro pensar os cotidianos dos alunos nas práticas de aprenderensinar. Compreender estes currículos em redes possibilita problematizar as noções que não reconhecem a fragilidade das fronteiras, por perceberem os cotidianos através de relações dicotômicas. Estas fronteiras são habitadas pelos professores, produtores de possibilidades de mediações entre diferentes culturas e conhecimentos. Como práticas de atravessamento de fronteiras, as práticas de aprenderensinar buscam alternativas para a dicotomia que separa o dentro e o fora da escola, os conhecimentos cotidianos e os conhecimentos científicos, bem como os currículos prescritos e os currículos vividos. A pesquisa tem apoio teórico em autores como Nilda Alves, Michel de Certeau, Henri Lefebvre, Boaventura Santos, Nèstor Canclini entre outros.


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We evaluated the intention, implementation, and impact of Costa Rica's program of payments for environmental services (PSA), which was established in the late 1990s. Payments are given to private landowners who own land in forest areas in recognition of the ecosystem services their land provides. To characterize the distribution of PSA in Costa Rica, we combined remote sensing with geographic information system databases and then used econometrics to explore the impacts of payments on deforestation. Payments were distributed broadly across ecological and socioeconomic gradients, but the 1997-2000 deforestation rate was not significantly lower in areas that received payments. Other successful Costa Rican conservation policies, including those prior to the PSA program, may explain the current reduction in deforestation rates. The PSA program is a major advance in the global institutionalization of ecosystem investments because few, if any, other countries have such a conservation history and because much can be learned from Costa Rica's experiences.


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The aim of this article is to analyze the social policy in Latin America in a context of emerging welfare states. To understand the changes one takes into consideration the theories about institutional reform and the transformations produced in the XX century and the beginning of the XXI to substitute a social security regime mainly based on segmentation of benefi ts and on programs to fi ght poverty by another with an institutional and redistributive nature. The paper pays attention in particular to the path of the most developed welfare states of Latin America: Costa Rica, Chile, Argentina, Brasil y Uruguay.