166 resultados para Corrupted Diacritics


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An associative memory with parallel architecture is presented. The neurons are modelled by perceptrons having only binary, rather than continuous valued input. To store m elements each having n features, m neurons each with n connections are needed. The n features are coded as an n-bit binary vector. The weights of the n connections that store the n features of an element has only two values -1 and 1 corresponding to the absence or presence of a feature. This makes the learning very simple and straightforward. For an input corrupted by binary noise, the associative memory indicates the element that is closest (in terms of Hamming distance) to the noisy input. In the case where the noisy input is equidistant from two or more stored vectors, the associative memory indicates two or more elements simultaneously. From some simple experiments performed on the human memory and also on the associative memory, it can be concluded that the associative memory presented in this paper is in some respect more akin to a human memory than a Hopfield model.


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This paper presents the design of a full fledged OCR system for printed Kannada text. The machine recognition of Kannada characters is difficult due to similarity in the shapes of different characters, script complexity and non-uniqueness in the representation of diacritics. The document image is subject to line segmentation, word segmentation and zone detection. From the zonal information, base characters, vowel modifiers and consonant conjucts are separated. Knowledge based approach is employed for recognizing the base characters. Various features are employed for recognising the characters. These include the coefficients of the Discrete Cosine Transform, Discrete Wavelet Transform and Karhunen-Louve Transform. These features are fed to different classifiers. Structural features are used in the subsequent levels to discriminate confused characters. Use of structural features, increases recognition rate from 93% to 98%. Apart from the classical pattern classification technique of nearest neighbour, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based classifiers like Back Propogation and Radial Basis Function (RBF) Networks have also been studied. The ANN classifiers are trained in supervised mode using the transform features. Highest recognition rate of 99% is obtained with RBF using second level approximation coefficients of Haar wavelets as the features on presegmented base characters.


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Considering a general linear model of signal degradation, by modeling the probability density function (PDF) of the clean signal using a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) and additive noise by a Gaussian PDF, we derive the minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimator.The derived MMSE estimator is non-linear and the linear MMSE estimator is shown to be a special case. For speech signal corrupted by independent additive noise, by modeling the joint PDF of time-domain speech samples of a speech frame using a GMM, we propose a speech enhancement method based on the derived MMSE estimator. We also show that the same estimator can be used for transform-domain speech enhancement.


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Signal acquisition under a compressed sensing scheme offers the possibility of acquisition and reconstruction of signals sparse on some basis incoherent with measurement kernel with sub-Nyquist number of measurements. In particular when the sole objective of the acquisition is the detection of the frequency of a signal rather than exact reconstruction, then an undersampling framework like CS is able to perform the task. In this paper we explore the possibility of acquisition and detection of frequency of multiple analog signals, heavily corrupted with additive white Gaussian noise. We improvise upon the MOSAICS architecture proposed by us in our previous work to include a wider class of signals having non-integral frequency components. This makes it possible to perform multiplexed compressed sensing for general frequency sparse signals.


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Bilateral filters perform edge-preserving smoothing and are widely used for image denoising. The denoising performance is sensitive to the choice of the bilateral filter parameters. We propose an optimal parameter selection for bilateral filtering of images corrupted with Poisson noise. We employ the Poisson's Unbiased Risk Estimate (PURE), which is an unbiased estimate of the Mean Squared Error (MSE). It does not require a priori knowledge of the ground truth and is useful in practical scenarios where there is no access to the original image. Experimental results show that quality of denoising obtained with PURE-optimal bilateral filters is almost indistinguishable with that of the Oracle-MSE-optimal bilateral filters.


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In this paper, we explore noise-tolerant learning of classifiers. We formulate the problem as follows. We assume that there is an unobservable training set that is noise free. The actual training set given to the learning algorithm is obtained from this ideal data set by corrupting the class label of each example. The probability that the class label of an example is corrupted is a function of the feature vector of the example. This would account for most kinds of noisy data one encounters in practice. We say that a learning method is noise tolerant if the classifiers learnt with noise-free data and with noisy data, both have the same classification accuracy on the noise-free data. In this paper, we analyze the noise-tolerance properties of risk minimization (under different loss functions). We show that risk minimization under 0-1 loss function has impressive noise-tolerance properties and that under squared error loss is tolerant only to uniform noise; risk minimization under other loss functions is not noise tolerant. We conclude this paper with some discussion on the implications of these theoretical results.


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An n-length block code C is said to be r-query locally correctable, if for any codeword x ∈ C, one can probabilistically recover any one of the n coordinates of the codeword x by querying at most r coordinates of a possibly corrupted version of x. It is known that linear codes whose duals contain 2-designs are locally correctable. In this article, we consider linear codes whose duals contain t-designs for larger t. It is shown here that for such codes, for a given number of queries r, under linear decoding, one can, in general, handle a larger number of corrupted bits. We exhibit to our knowledge, for the first time, a finite length code, whose dual contains 4-designs, which can tolerate a fraction of up to 0.567/r corrupted symbols as against a maximum of 0.5/r in prior constructions. We also present an upper bound that shows that 0.567 is the best possible for this code length and query complexity over this symbol alphabet thereby establishing optimality of this code in this respect. A second result in the article is a finite-length bound which relates the number of queries r and the fraction of errors that can be tolerated, for a locally correctable code that employs a randomized algorithm in which each instance of the algorithm involves t-error correction.


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In many applications, the training data, from which one needs to learn a classifier, is corrupted with label noise. Many standard algorithms such as SVM perform poorly in the presence of label noise. In this paper we investigate the robustness of risk minimization to label noise. We prove a sufficient condition on a loss function for the risk minimization under that loss to be tolerant to uniform label noise. We show that the 0-1 loss, sigmoid loss, ramp loss and probit loss satisfy this condition though none of the standard convex loss functions satisfy it. We also prove that, by choosing a sufficiently large value of a parameter in the loss function, the sigmoid loss, ramp loss and probit loss can be made tolerant to nonuniform label noise also if we can assume the classes to be separable under noise-free data distribution. Through extensive empirical studies, we show that risk minimization under the 0-1 loss, the sigmoid loss and the ramp loss has much better robustness to label noise when compared to the SVM algorithm. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents a comprehensive and robust strategy for the estimation of battery model parameters from noise corrupted data. The deficiencies of the existing methods for parameter estimation are studied and the proposed parameter estimation strategy improves on earlier methods by working optimally for low as well as high discharge currents, providing accurate estimates even under high levels of noise, and with a wide range of initial values. Testing on different data sets confirms the performance of the proposed parameter estimation strategy.


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The effect of multiplicative noise on a signal when compared with that of additive noise is very large. In this paper, we address the problem of suppressing multiplicative noise in one-dimensional signals. To deal with signals that are corrupted with multiplicative noise, we propose a denoising algorithm based on minimization of an unbiased estimator (MURE) of meansquare error (MSE). We derive an expression for an unbiased estimate of the MSE. The proposed denoising is carried out in wavelet domain (soft thresholding) by considering time-domain MURE. The parameters of thresholding function are obtained by minimizing the unbiased estimator MURE. We show that the parameters for optimal MURE are very close to the optimal parameters considering the oracle MSE. Experiments show that the SNR improvement for the proposed denoising algorithm is competitive with a state-of-the-art method.


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The bilateral filter is known to be quite effective in denoising images corrupted with small dosages of additive Gaussian noise. The denoising performance of the filter, however, is known to degrade quickly with the increase in noise level. Several adaptations of the filter have been proposed in the literature to address this shortcoming, but often at a substantial computational overhead. In this paper, we report a simple pre-processing step that can substantially improve the denoising performance of the bilateral filter, at almost no additional cost. The modified filter is designed to be robust at large noise levels, and often tends to perform poorly below a certain noise threshold. To get the best of the original and the modified filter, we propose to combine them in a weighted fashion, where the weights are chosen to minimize (a surrogate of) the oracle mean-squared-error (MSE). The optimally-weighted filter is thus guaranteed to perform better than either of the component filters in terms of the MSE, at all noise levels. We also provide a fast algorithm for the weighted filtering. Visual and quantitative denoising results on standard test images are reported which demonstrate that the improvement over the original filter is significant both visually and in terms of PSNR. Moreover, the denoising performance of the optimally-weighted bilateral filter is competitive with the computation-intensive non-local means filter.


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We address the problem of denoising images corrupted by multiplicative noise. The noise is assumed to follow a Gamma distribution. Compared with additive noise distortion, the effect of multiplicative noise on the visual quality of images is quite severe. We consider the mean-square error (MSE) cost function and derive an expression for an unbiased estimate of the MSE. The resulting multiplicative noise unbiased risk estimator is referred to as MURE. The denoising operation is performed in the wavelet domain by considering the image-domain MURE. The parameters of the denoising function (typically, a shrinkage of wavelet coefficients) are optimized for by minimizing MURE. We show that MURE is accurate and close to the oracle MSE. This makes MURE-based image denoising reliable and on par with oracle-MSE-based estimates. Analogous to the other popular risk estimation approaches developed for additive, Poisson, and chi-squared noise degradations, the proposed approach does not assume any prior on the underlying noise-free image. We report denoising results for various noise levels and show that the quality of denoising obtained is on par with the oracle result and better than that obtained using some state-of-the-art denoisers.


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Statistical model-based methods are presented for the reconstruction of autocorrelated signals in impulsive plus continuous noise environments. Signals are modelled as autoregressive and noise sources as discrete and continuous mixtures of Gaussians, allowing for robustness in highly impulsive and non-Gaussian environments. Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods are used for reconstruction of the corrupted waveforms within a Bayesian probabilistic framework and results are presented for contaminated voice and audio signals.


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Survival from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest depends largely on two factors: early cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and early defibrillation. CPR must be interrupted for a reliable automated rhythm analysis because chest compressions induce artifacts in the ECG. Unfortunately, interrupting CPR adversely affects survival. In the last twenty years, research has been focused on designing methods for analysis of ECG during chest compressions. Most approaches are based either on adaptive filters to remove the CPR artifact or on robust algorithms which directly diagnose the corrupted ECG. In general, all the methods report low specificity values when tested on short ECG segments, but how to evaluate the real impact on CPR delivery of continuous rhythm analysis during CPR is still unknown. Recently, researchers have proposed a new methodology to measure this impact. Moreover, new strategies for fast rhythm analysis during ventilation pauses or high-specificity algorithms have been reported. Our objective is to present a thorough review of the field as the starting point for these late developments and to underline the open questions and future lines of research to be explored in the following years.


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In this thesis we uncover a new relation which links thermodynamics and information theory. We consider time as a channel and the detailed state of a physical system as a message. As the system evolves with time, ever present noise insures that the "message" is corrupted. Thermodynamic free energy measures the approach of the system toward equilibrium. Information theoretical mutual information measures the loss of memory of initial state. We regard the free energy and the mutual information as operators which map probability distributions over state space to real numbers. In the limit of long times, we show how the free energy operator and the mutual information operator asymptotically attain a very simple relationship to one another. This relationship is founded on the common appearance of entropy in the two operators and on an identity between internal energy and conditional entropy. The use of conditional entropy is what distinguishes our approach from previous efforts to relate thermodynamics and information theory.