969 resultados para Core Conflictual Relationship Theme (CCRT)
Si-doped ZnO can be synthesized on the surface of the early grown Zn2SiO4 nanostructures and form core/ shell coaxial heterostructure nanobelts with an epitaxial orientation relationship. A parallel interface with a periodicity array of edge dislocations and an inclined interface without dislocations can be formed. The visible green emission is predominant in PL spectra due to carrier localization by high density of deep traps from complexes of impurities and defects. Due to band tail localization induced by composition and defect fluctuation, and high density of free-carriers donated by doping, especially the further dissociation of excitons into free-carriers at high excitation intensity, the near-band-edge emission is dominated by the transition of free-electrons to free-holes, and furthermore, exhibits a significant excitation power-dependent red-shift characteristic. Due to the structure relaxation and the thermalization effects, carrier delocalization takes place in deep traps with increasing excitation density. As a result, the green emission passes through a maximum at 0.25I(0) excitation intensity, and the ratio of the violet to green emission increases monotonously as the excitation laser power density increases. The violet and green emission of ZnO nanostructures can be well tuned by a moderate doping and a variation in the excitation density.
Sixteen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and 28 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were measured at a 2-cm interval in a core sample from the middle of the southern Yellow Sea for elucidating their historical variations in inflow and sources. The chronology was obtained using the Pb-210 method. PAHs concentrations decreased generally with depth and two climax values occurred in 14-16 cm and 20-22 cm layers, demonstrating that the production and usage of PAHs might reach peaks in the periods of 1956-1962 and 1938-1944. The booming economy and the navy battles of the Second World War might explain why the higher levels were detected in the two layers. The result of principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that PAHs were primarily owing to the combustion product. Down-cored variation of PCB concentrations was complex. Higher concentrations besides the two peaks being the same as PAHs were detected from 4 to 8 cm, depositing from 1980 to 1992, which probably resulted from the disposal of the out-dated PCB-containing equipment. The average Cl percentage of PCBs detected was similar to that of the mixture of Aroclor 1254 and 1242, suggesting they might origin from the dielectrical and heat-transfer fluid. The total organic carbon (TOC) content played a prevalent role in the adsorption of high molecular weight PAHs (>= 4-ring), while no obvious relationship among total PCBs, the concentration of congeners, and TOC was found.
Doherty, A. M. and Alexander, N. (2004). Relationship development in international retail franchising: Case study evidence from the UK fashion sector. European Journal of Marketing. 38(9-10), pp.1215-1235 RAE2008
This paper reports the progress made at JET-ILW on integrating the requirements of the reference ITER baseline scenario with normalized confinement factor of 1, at a normalized pressure of 1.8 together with partially detached divertor whilst maintaining these conditions over many energy confinement times. The 2.5 MA high triangularity ELMy H-modes are studied with two different divertor configurations with D-gas injection and nitrogen seeding. The power load reduction with N seeding is reported. The relationship between an increase in energy confinement and pedestal pressure with triangularity is investigated. The operational space of both plasma configurations is studied together with the ELM energy losses and stability of the pedestal of unseeded and seeded plasmas. The achievement of stationary plasma conditions over many energy confinement times is also reported.
Bacteriovorax marinus SJ is a predatory delta-proteobacterium isolated from a marine environment. The genome sequence of this strain provides an interesting contrast to that of the terrestrial predatory bacterium Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus HD100. Based on their predatory lifestyle, Bacteriovorax were originally designated as members of the genus Bdellovibrio but subsequently were re-assigned to a new genus and family based on genetic and phenotypic differences. B. marinus attaches to gram-negative bacteria, penetrates through the cell wall to form a bdelloplast, in which it replicates, as shown using microscopy. Bacteriovorax is distinct, as it shares only 30% of its gene products with its closest sequenced relatives. Remarkably, 34% of predicted genes over 500 nt in length were completely unique with no significant matches in the databases. As expected, Bacteriovorax shares several characteristic loci with the other delta-proteobacteria. A geneset shared between Bacteriovorax and Bdellovibrio that is not conserved among other delta-proteobacteria such as Myxobacteria (which destroy prey bacteria externally via lysis), or the non-predatory Desulfo-bacteria and Geobacter species was identified. These 291 gene orthologues common to both Bacteriovorax and Bdellovibrio may be the key indicators of host-interaction predatory-specific processes required for prey entry. The locus from Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus is implicated in the switch from predatory to prey/host-independent growth. Although the locus is conserved in B. marinus, the sequence has only limited similarity. The results of this study advance understanding of both the similarities and differences between Bdellovibrio and Bacteriovorax and confirm the distant relationship between the two and their separation into different families.
A CIF é um sistema de classificação adotado pela OMS, que serve de referência universal para descrever, avaliar e medir saúde e incapacidade, a nível individual e ao nível da população. Contudo, apesar do interesse internacional gerado em torno da CIF, esta é considerada uma classificação complexa e extensa, fato que despoletou a criação de core sets – listas de itens da CIF especificamente selecionados pela sua relevância na descrição e qualificação de uma determinada condição de saúde – como resposta a esta problemática. Até à data, foram desenvolvidos core sets para várias patologias comuns. Contudo, apesar do controlo motor ser uma área de investigação muito reconhecida nos últimos 20 anos, ainda não possui um core set próprio. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo é contribuir para o desenvolvimento de um core set, com base na CIF-CJ, dirigido para uma descrição abrangente das competências inerentes a crianças, dos 6 aos 18 anos de idade, com défices no controlo motor. Deste modo, recorreu-se a uma revisão da literatura sobre a temática em estudo, de modo a reunir informação para a construção de uma proposta a core set, posteriormente sujeita ao escrutínio de peritos, através do recurso ao método de Delphi. Após várias rondas, foi alcançado um consenso acerca da lista final de códigos CIF que constituem o core set final.
A Logística, vista como uma perspetiva integradora entre os parceiros de negócio, com objetivos comuns de proporcionar ao cliente mais-valias e aspetos diferenciadores perante os outros concorrentes, contribui em muito na manutenção das empresas na globalização atual, que se torna cada vez mais flexível. Através de uma boa gestão de processos críticos de negócio, boa localização dos materiais, sejam eles quais forem, produtos finais, matérias-primas ou produtos em vias de fabrico e através do transporte a logística cria utilidade temporal e diferenciadora. De facto, a logística poderá assumir um papel fundamental em proporcionar valor acrescentado ao disponibilizar, a tempo, os serviços que os clientes necessitam ou esperam. Enquadrando-se na temática de gestão dos armazéns, o presente projeto consistiu no estudo de operações de picking com a finalidade de otimização dos processos de picking no armazém do operador logístico AR – Serviços de Logística, localizado em Ribeirão, Vila Nova de Famalicão. O trabalho inicial passou pelo levantamento do funcionamento das operações do processo de picking na empresa e posteriormente confrontá-los com as tecnologias e procedimentos atuais no mercado. Com base nos resultados obtidos, foi possível definir e implementar métricas enquadradas nas finalidades estratégicas e operacionais do operador logístico. As soluções passaram também pela melhoria da aplicação de gestão de armazéns (WMS), reavaliação dos indicadores previamente estabelecidos e na aquisição de equipamentos para automatização das operações picking e localizações. Os registos e informações relacionadas com os módulos fulcrais são armazenados e tratados na base de dados de suporte à aplicação com contributo de melhoria contínua aos procedimentos logístico da empresa e sua relação com os stakeholders na estratégia global de negócio com o operador logístico. Finalmente, foi possível analisar os resultados obtidos em modo real em relação as estimativas calculadas e definidas na fase de implementação e desenvolvimento.
This study examined the moderating effects of locus of control on core job dimensions (skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, feedback) and job satisfaction. Survey data were collected from 1995 educators in Southern Ontario. When core job dimensions were perceived to be high, job satisfaction scores were high. The converse relationship was also true; when core job dimensions were perceived to be low, job satisfaction scores were also low. As well, the investigation explored the effect of educators' locus of control of reinforcement on the relationship between core job dimensions and job satisfaction. Internals (N = 483-486) perceived more skill variety, more task identity, more task significance, more autonomy, more feedback and greater job satisfaction than externals (N = 626-629). However, contrary to expectation, the correlations between specific core job dimensions namely autonomy and feedback, were not systematically greater for internals compared to externals. In addition the findings reported here suggest some appropriate directions and strategies for measuring and increasing job satisfaction among teachers.
Abstract This thesis is an examination of Simone de Beauvoir's theme of situated embodiment. The aim of the thesis is to demonstrate that the theme of situated embodiment was a concern of Beauvoir's since early childhood and that it was this interest which was the impetus for Beauvoir's later philosophical notion of authentic embodiment. Through the examination of Beauvoir's autobiographies it becomes evident that Beauvoir consistently demonstrates an early awareness that one's situation will be expressed through one's body. This idea is also present in Beauvoir's novels. In the novels it is shown that many of the characters are struggling within authentic embodiment. Beauvoir also fictionalizes many of her own experiences in the novels. These novels are used as concrete examples of Beauvoir's philosophy. Through Beauvoir's philosophical works it becomes evident that authentic embodiment will include the notions of freedom, ambiguity, and reciprocity. All are crucial when trying to live an authentic existence. Beauvoir's philosophy also focuses on marginalized groups who are in the position ofthe Other. One of the marginalized groups studied are women, and this thesis investigates Beauvoir's understanding of why woman is in the position of the Other. This thesis also addresses two feminist criticisms of Beauvoir's study on women. These criticisms are argued against in an effort to defend the notion ofauthentic situated embodiment as delineated in the first three chapters. Overall it is established that Beauvoir's early experiences allowed for her to form the philosophical idea of situated embodiment that lies at the core of her philosophy.
De multiples auteurs de la discipline infirmière réclament la valeur inestimable de la relation de caring et de ses bienfaits pour la clientèle nécessitant des soins et services de réadaptation. En dépit de cette importance, la recherche concernant les bienfaits thérapeutiques de la relation de caring pour la clientèle de réadaptation demeure encore un domaine peu exploité. Actuellement, aucune étude scientifique québécoise, canadienne ou internationale, issue de la discipline infirmière, ne porte sur la compréhension de l’expérience d’« être avec » la personne soignée dans un contexte de réadaptation, aspect qui s’avère central à la relation de caring selon Watson. Au cœur même de la philosophie du Human Caring de Watson, la présente étude vise à explorer, par des entrevues qualitatives auprès de 17 infirmières oeuvrant en contexte de réadaptation, la signification de l’expérience d « être avec » la personne soignée, de même que leur perception de la contribution de cette expérience à la réadaptation de la personne soignée. Cinquante et une entrevues, c’est-à-dire trois entrevues réalisées pour chaque participant de recherche, ont été analysées à l’aide de la méthode phénoménologique intitulée « Relational Caring Inquiry » développée par Cara (1997). Le processus de recrutement des participants a impliqué la direction des soins infirmiers des deux centres de réadaptation ciblés par l’étude. Une attention particulière a été mise afin de favoriser une diversité de participants (par exemple : genre, niveau éducationnel, quart de travail, unité de soins). Le processus d’analyse des données a permis la découverte de cinq eidos-thèmes. Parmi ces eidos-thèmes, quatre se rapportent à la signification de l’expérience d’«être avec» la personne soignée (première question de recherche), à savoir : (a) l’importance des valeurs humanistes au centre du soin, (b) l’investissement de l’infirmière et de la personne soignée, (c) les dimensions réciproque et relationnelle du soin et, finalement, (d) l’expérience de soin irremplaçable d’une complexité contextuelle. De façon plus détaillée, le premier eidos-thème dévoile les fondements humanistes à la base de l’expérience d’« être avec » la personne soignée. Le deuxième manifeste l’implication substantielle de l’infirmière et de la personne soignée. Le troisième eidos-thème met en lumière la réciprocité et la dimension relationnelle comme étant des éléments centraux à l’expérience d’« être avec » la personne soignée. Le quatrième eidos-thème documente les natures fondamentale et complexe de cette expérience de soin unique, de même que les conditions contextuelles qui la facilitent et la contraignent. Le cinquième et dernier eidos-thème ayant émergé de la présente étude, « rehaussement de l’harmonie corps-âme-esprit chez la personne soignée et l’infirmière », illustre la perception des participantes quant à la contribution thérapeutique de l’expérience d’« être avec » la personne soignée à la réadaptation de cette dernière (deuxième question de recherche). Cette contribution se situe en termes de répondre aux besoins du patient, d’optimiser les progrès de réadaptation de la personne soignée, de promouvoir le niveau de bien-être de la personne soignée et de l’infirmière et, finalement, de hausser la croissance intérieure des personnes engagées dans cette expérience de soin extraordinaire. La reconnaissance des cinq eidos-thèmes a favorisé l’émergence de l’essence universelle du phénomène à l’étude qui s’intitule « la rencontre humaine profonde, thérapeutique et transformatrice ». La présente étude contribue de façon novatrice au développement des connaissances, notamment en permettant une meilleure compréhension de ce que signifie l’expérience d’« être avec » la personne soignée, pour des infirmières en réadaptation et en proposant une multitude de résultats probants pouvant servir de guide à la promulgation de soins infirmiers en contexte de réadaptation. En déterminant la signification ontologique de cette expérience de soin, la présente étude permet de préciser la place du phénomène d’« être avec » la personne soignée au centre de la théorie du caring. Ces résultats qui découlent de la deuxième question de recherche participent au développement initial d’un corpus de connaissances. Ces résultats probants serviront de guide au renouvellement de la pratique infirmière en contexte de réadaptation. De plus, en identifiant les bienfaits de cette expérience de soin, la présente étude reconnaît l’élément au cœur de la relation transpersonnelle de caring, qui contribue à rehausser l’harmonie corps-âme-esprit chez la personne soignée et l’infirmière. En plus de la clinique, des recommandations au niveau de la formation et de la recherche en sciences infirmières découlent de la présente étude.
Cette étude vise à examiner la relation entre les pratiques parentales utilisées durant la période de l'enfance et les dimensions principales du du trouble déficitaire de l'attention avec hyperactivité (TDAH) à l'adolescence, soit l’inattention, l’hyperactivité et l’impulsivité. Les pratiques spécifiques parentales (engagement, pratiques parentales appropriée, supervision, punitions corporelles, discipline appropriée, discipline sévère et incohérente, discipline verbale positive, félicitations et récompenses, et les attentes claires) et les aspects du fonctionnement familial (communication, résolution de problèmes, rôles dans la famille, sensibilité affective, engagement affectif, contrôle comportemental) ont été examinés par rapport à l'inattention et d'hyperactivité. Trente-six enfants de 6 à 9 ans et leurs parents ont participé à une étude longitudinale de 5 ans. Il y a un manque d'études longitudinales dans ce domaine et cette étude vise à combler cette lacune. Les résultats ne montrent pas de résultats significatifs dans la relation entre les pratiques parentales utilisées dans l'enfance et les symptômes principaux de l'hyperactivité et l'inattention à l'adolescence. Les études futures devraient se concentrer sur la relation entre la psychopathologie parentale et les principaux symptômes du TDAH de l'enfance à l'adolescence, ainsi que l'impact des pratiques parentales sur ces principaux symptômes.
The SST convection relation over tropical ocean and its impact on the South Asian monsoon is the first part of this thesis. Understanding the complicated relation between SST and convection is important for better prediction of the variability of the Indian monsoon in subseasonal, seasonal, interannual, and longer time scales. Improved global data sets from satellite scatterometer observations of SST, precipitation and refined reanalysis of global wind fields have made it possible to do a comprehensive study of the SST convection relation. Interaction of the monsoon and Indian ocean has been discussed. A coupled feedback process between SST and the Active-Break cycle of the Asian summer monsoon is a central theme of the thesis. The relation between SST and convection is very important in the field of numerical modeling of tropical rainfall. It is well known that models generally do very well simulating rainfall in areas of tropical convergence zones but are found unable to do satisfactory simulation in the monsoon areas. Thus in this study we critically examined the different mechanisms of generation of deep convection over these two distinct regions.The study reported in chapter 3 has shown that SST - convection relation over the warm pool regions of Indian and west Pacific oceans (monsoon areas) is in such a way that convection increases with SST in the SST range 26-29 C and for SST higher than 29-30 C convection decreases with increase of SST (it is called Waliser type). It is found that convection is induced in areas with SST gradients in the warm pool areas of Indian and west Pacific oceans. Once deep convection is initiated in the south of the warmest region of warm pool, the deep tropospheric heating by the latent heat released in the convective clouds produces strong low level wind fields (Low level Jet - LLJ) on the equatorward side of the warm pool and both the convection and wind are found to grow through a positive feedback process. Thus SST through its gradient acts only as an initiator of convection. The central region of the warm pool has very small SST gradients and large values of convection are associated with the cyclonic vorticity of the LLJ in the atmospheric boundary layer. The conditionally unstable atmosphere in the tropics is favorable for the production of deep convective clouds.
Geochemical composition is a set of data for predicting the climatic condition existing in an ecosystem. Both the surficial and core sediment geochemistry are helpful in monitoring, assessing and evaluating the marine environment. The aim of the research work is to assess the relationship between the biogeochemical constituents in the Cochin Estuarine System (CES), their modifications after a long period of anoxia and also to identify the various processes which control the sediment composition in this region, through a multivariate statistical approach. Therefore the study of present core sediment geochemistry has a critical role in unraveling the benchmark of their characterization. Sediment cores from four prominent zones of CES were examined for various biogeochemical aspects. The results have served as rejuvenating records for the prediction of core sediment status prevailing in the CES
Geochemical composition is a set of data for predicting the climatic condition existing in an ecosystem. Both the surficial and core sediment geochemistry are helpful in monitoring, assessing and evaluating the marine environment. The aim of the research work is to assess the relationship between the biogeochemical constituents in the Cochin Estuarine System (CES), their modifications after a long period of anoxia and also to identify the various processes which control the sediment composition in this region, through a multivariate statistical approach. Therefore the study of present core sediment geochemistry has a critical role in unraveling the benchmark of their characterization. Sediment cores from four prominent zones of CES were examined for various biogeochemical aspects. The results have served as rejuvenating records for the prediction of core sediment status prevailing in the CES
The evolution of coast through geological time scale is dependent on the transgression-regression event subsequent to the rise or fall of sea level. This event is accounted by investigation of the vertical sediment deposition patterns and their interrelationship for paleo-enviornmental reconstruction. Different methods like sedimentological (grain size and micro-morphological) and geochemical (elemental relationship) analyses as well as radiocarbon dating are generally used to decipher the sea level changes and paleoclimatic conditions of the Quaternary sediment sequence. For the Indian coast with a coastline length of about 7500 km, studies on geological and geomorphological signatures of sea level changes during the Quaternary were reported in general by researchers during the last two decades. However, for the southwest coast of India particularily Kerala which is famous for its coastal landforms comprising of estuaries, lagoons, backwaters, coastal plains, cliffs and barrier beaches, studies pertaining to the marine transgression-regression events in the southern region are limited. The Neendakara-Kayamkulam coastal stretch in central Kerala where the coast is manifested with shore parallel Kayamkulam Lagoon on one side and shore perpendicular Ashtamudi Estuary on the other side indicating existence of an uplifted prograded coastal margin followed by barrier beaches, backwater channels, ridge and runnel topography is an ideal site for studying such events. Hence the present study has been taken up in this context to address the gap area. The location for collection of core samples representing coastal plain, estuarylagoon and offshore regions have been identified based on published literature and available sedimentary records. The objectives of the research work are: To study the lithological variations and depositional environments of sediment cores along the coastal plain, estuary-lagoon and offshore regions between Kollam and Kayamkulam in the central Kerala coast To study the transportation and diagenetic history of sediments in the area To investigate the geochemical characterization of sediments and to elucidate the source-sink relationship To understand the marine transgression-regression events and to propose a conceptual model for the region The thesis comprises of 8 chapters. The first chapter embodies the preamble for the selection and significance of this research work. The study area is introduced with details on its physiographical, geological, geomorphological, rainfall and climate information. A review of literature, compiling the research on different aspects such as physico-chemical, geomorphological, tectonics, transgression-regression events are presented in the second chapter and they are broadly classified into three viz:- International, National and Kerala. The field data collection and laboratory analyses adopted in the research work are discussed in the third chapter. For collection of sediment core samples from the coastal plains, rotary drilling method was employed whereas for the estuary-lagoon and offshore locations the gravity/piston corer method was adopted. The collected subsurficial samples were analysed for texture, surface micro-texture, elemental analysis, XRD and radiocarbon dating techniques for age determination. The fourth chapter deals with the textural analysis of the core samples collected from various predefined locations of the study area. The result reveals that the Ashtamudi Estuary is composed of silty clay to clayey type of sediments whereas offshore cores are carpeted with silty clay to relict sand. Investigation of the source of sediments deposited in the coastal plain located on either side of the estuary indicates the dominance of terrigenous to marine origin in the southern region whereas it is predominantly of marine origin towards the north. Further the hydrodynamic conditions as well as the depositional enviornment of the sediment cores are elucidated based on statistical parameters that decipher the deposition pattern at various locations viz., coastal plain (open to closed basin), Ashtamudi Estuary (partially open to restricted estuary to closed basin) and offshore (open channel). The intensity of clay minerals is also discussed. From the results of radiocarbon dating the sediment depositional environments were deciphered.The results of the microtextural study of sediment samples (quartz grains) using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) are presented in the fifth chapter. These results throw light on the processes of transport and diagenetic history of the detrital sediments. Based on the lithological variations, selected quartz grains of different environments were also analysed. The study indicates that the southern coastal plain sediments were transported and deposited mechanically under fluvial environment followed by diagenesis under prolonged marine incursion. But in the case of the northern coastal plain, the sediments were transported and deposited under littoral environment indicating the dominance of marine incursion through mechanical as well as chemical processes. The quartz grains of the Ashtamudi Estuary indicate fluvial origin. The surface texture features of the offshore sediments suggest that the quartz grains are of littoral origin and represent the relict beach deposits. The geochemical characterisation of sediment cores based on geochemical classification, sediment maturity, palaeo-weathering and provenance in different environments are discussed in the sixth chapter. In the seventh chapter the integration of multiproxies data along with radiocarbon dates are presented and finally evolution and depositional history based on transgression–regression events is deciphered. The eighth chapter summarizes the major findings and conclusions of the study with recommendation for future work.