997 resultados para Coral (Música)


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Nesta pesquisa desenvolvemos um estudo focado na convivência conflituosa entre a música tradicional e a música contemporânea. Foi desenvolvida em um grupo religioso protestante específico, intuindo investigar a hipótese de que há uma tensão entre a prática do Canto Coral e as novas tendências musicais representadas pelas Bandas. Como procedimento metodológico utilizamos uma pesquisa de campo que avaliou a realidade musical em algumas Igrejas Batistas de Campinas. A partir dos resultados obtidos sugerimos ações concretas à práxis pastoral. O primeiro capítulo propõe uma retrospectiva conceitual e histórica do Canto Coral, avaliando sua função antes e depois do processo da reforma e da nova mentalidade musical desenvolvida por Lutero. O segundo capítulo mostra o desenvolvimento da pesquisa realizada junto a seis Igrejas Batistas. Tenta mensurar o gosto musical dos membros dessas comunidades através de um estudo comparativo a partir dos dois pólos: Canto Coral e Banda, ambos, sendo o específico de um campo maior: Tradição e Contemporâneo. O terceiro capítulo, partindo dos impulsos obtidos, desenvolve uma visão crítica sobre os aspectos da tradição, da aceitação à novas tendências, e da tensão propriamente desenvolvida na convivência entre estilos musicais distintos. Mediante tal realidade conflituosa, apresentamos um desafio à práxis pastoral no sentido de se obter possibilidades para uma convivência musical pacífica, considerando a inserção de elementos da contemporaneidade e da tradição na liturgia Batista.


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O FEMACO – Festival Maranhense de Coros – teve durante a sua existência (1977-2012) um forte impacto sociocultural em São Luís, capital do Maranhão e contribuiu decisivamente para a formação de diretores corais e educadores musicais nesta região. A presente investigação constitui um levantamento histórico dos 36 anos de existência deste festival e uma reflexão sobre a sua contribuição para a música coral no Estado do Maranhão. Para chegar a estes objetivos foi realizado um levantamento dos materiais impressos que constam do arquivo do próprio Festival, existente na Universidade Federal do Maranhão, nomeadamente dos cartazes e brochuras com os programas do festival, e dos registos existentes nos jornais locais sobre o mesmo. Foram realizadas entrevistas com os autores do projeto FEMACO e foi ainda feito um inquérito, através de um questionário, a professores e regentes que participaram no festival. Sendo este o primeiro registo histórico sobre o FEMACO, um dos festivais de corais mais antigos da região Nordeste do Brasil, pretende-se realizar uma reflexão sobre a sua influência na música coral no Maranhão e fornecer dados que, esperamos, poderão servir como fonte de consulta para futuras investigações.


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Direção de Serviços de Educação Artística e Multimédia, criada em 1980, a partir de um projeto de implementação da expressão musical e dramática no 1.º ciclo do Ensino Básico, é uma dependência da Secretaria Regional de Educação da Região Autónoma da Madeira, doravante denominada RAM, com 35 anos de trabalho no processo de introdução das artes no ensino geral. Com a sedimentação deste projeto, cedo se percebeu a necessidade de partilhar com o público e com a comunidade escolar as práticas letivas dos alunos finalistas do 1º ciclo, através de um espetáculo que é, hoje, intitulado ESCOL’Artes. O ESCOL’Artes é um espetáculo que congrega cerca de 500 crianças das várias escolas da RAM numa verdadeira simbiose das várias modalidades artísticas, a saber, Expressão Dramática, Canto Coral, Instrumental Orff, Dança e Cordofones Madeirenses. Com este trabalho de investigação-ação, procuramos evidenciar a importância deste projeto na formação artística das crianças do 1º ciclo da RAM, destacando o ESCOL’Artes como o culminar das aprendizagens realizadas ao longo do 1º CEB. Deste modo, o contexto metodológico da investigação-ação centrou-se na implementação da 3ª parte do espetáculo ESCOL’Artes “Nos trilhos da Luz”, desenvolvido com os alunos das escolas EB1/PE da Ponta do Pargo, EB1/PE Vasco da Gama Rodrigues e EB123/PE Professor Francisco Manuel Santana Barreto, no concelho da Calheta. Para fundamentar este projeto, numa primeira parte procedeu-se a uma revisão bibliográfica direcionada de forma a contextualizar / fundamentar o ensino da música a nível histórico, nacional e regional, e numa segunda parte tratou-se da conceção, implementação e avaliação do ESCOL’Artes, numa aplicação prática no funcionamento das aulas curriculares de Expressão Musical e Dramática.


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A Investigação científica que se apresenta enquadra-se no âmbito do Projeto Educativo, integrado no Mestrado em Ensino da Música, especialidade em Música de Conjunto, realizado no Conservatório Superior de Música de Gaia (CSMG). Esta Investigação-ação, de análise qualitativa, centrou-se na implementação de um Programa de Intervenção: A Reeducação Postural Global (RPG) e As Autoposturas Respiratórias, na Produção Sonora Musical no Canto (Philippe Souchard, 1987; 1997; 2011). Assente no modelo de Relação Pedagógica (RP) de Renald Legendre (2005), teve como Sujeitos (S) de aprendizagem dois grupos das Classes de Conjunto de Coro, da Fundação Conservatório de Música de Gaia: o Grupo de Ação (GA) e o Grupo de Controlo (GC). Aplicadas sessões de fisioterapia ao GA, ambos os grupos interpretaram a Obra Coral Pange Lingua, de Zoltán Kodály. Pelos registos apresentados na análise de dados, ditos em diários de bordo dos Sujeitos (S) e do Agente (A) professor da Classe de Conjunto, e em imagens fílmicas e fotográficas realizadas, verificamos a eficácia deste Programa. À luz dos exercícios da Reeducação Postural Global (RPG) e das Autoposturas Respiratórias, de Philippe Souchard, aplicados ao estudo da obra mencionada, pudemos verificar que os Sujeitos (S) do Grupo de Ação apresentaram progressos vocais de significativa importância.


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Brucite [Mg(OH)2] microbialites occur in vacated interseptal spaces of living scleractinian coral colonies (Acropora, Pocillopora, Porites) from subtidal and intertidal settings in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, and subtidal Montastraea from the Florida Keys, United States. Brucite encrusts microbial filaments of endobionts (i.e., fungi, green algae, cyanobacteria) growing under organic biofilms; the brucite distribution is patchy both within interseptal spaces and within coralla. Although brucite is undersaturated in seawater, its precipitation was apparently induced in the corals by lowered pCO2 and increased pH within microenvironments protected by microbial biofilms. The occurrence of brucite in shallow-marine settings highlights the importance of microenvironments in the formation and early diagenesis of marine carbonates. Significantly, the brucite precipitates discovered in microenvironments in these corals show that early diagenetic products do not necessarily reflect ambient seawater chemistry. Errors in environmental interpretation may arise where unidentified precipitates occur in microenvironments in skeletal carbonates that are subsequently utilized as geochemical seawater proxies.


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Live-collected samples of four common reef building coral genera (Acropora, Pocillopora, Goniastrea, Porites) from subtidal and intertidal settings of Heron Reef, Great Barrier Reef, show extensive early marine diagenesis where parts of the coralla less than 3 years old contain abundant macro- and microborings and aragonite, high-Mg calcite, low-Mg calcite, and brucite cements. Many types of cement are associated directly with microendoliths and endobionts that inhabit parts of the corallum recently abandoned by coral polyps. The occurrence of cements that generally do not precipitate in normal shallow seawater (e.g., brucite, low-Mg calcite) highlights the importance of microenvironments in coral diagenesis. Cements precipitated in microenvironments may not reXect ambient seawater chemistry. Hence, geochemical sampling of these cements will contaminate trace-element and stable-isotope inventories used for palaeoclimate and dating analysis. Thus, great care must be taken in vetting samples for both bulk and microanalysis of geochemistry. Visual inspection using scanning electron microscopy may be required for vetting in many cases.


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Background: Coral reefs have exceptional biodiversity, support the livelihoods of millions of people, and are threatened by multiple human activities on land (e.g. farming) and in the sea (e.g. overfishing). Most conservation efforts occur at local scales and, when effective, can increase the resilience of coral reefs to global threats such as climate change (e.g. warming water and ocean acidification). Limited resources for conservation require that we efficiently prioritize where and how to best sustain coral reef ecosystems.----- ----- Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we develop the first prioritization approach that can guide regional-scale conservation investments in land-and sea-based conservation actions that cost-effectively mitigate threats to coral reefs, and apply it to the Coral Triangle, an area of significant global attention and funding. Using information on threats to marine ecosystems, effectiveness of management actions at abating threats, and the management and opportunity costs of actions, we calculate the rate of return on investment in two conservation actions in sixteen ecoregions. We discover that marine conservation almost always trumps terrestrial conservation within any ecoregion, but terrestrial conservation in one ecoregion can be a better investment than marine conservation in another. We show how these results could be used to allocate a limited budget for conservation and compare them to priorities based on individual criteria.----- ----- Conclusions/Significance: Previous prioritization approaches do not consider both land and sea-based threats or the socioeconomic costs of conserving coral reefs. A simple and transparent approach like ours is essential to support effective coral reef conservation decisions in a large and diverse region like the Coral Triangle, but can be applied at any scale and to other marine ecosystems.


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Rare earth element geochemistry in carbonate rocks is utilized increasingly for studying both modern oceans and palaeoceanography, with additional applications for investigating water–rock interactions in groundwater and carbonate diagenesis. However, the study of rare earth element geochemistry in ancient rocks requires the preservation of their distribution patterns through subsequent diagenesis. The subjects of this study, Pleistocene scleractinian coral skeletons from Windley Key, Florida, have undergone partial to complete neomorphism from aragonite to calcite in a meteoric setting; they allow direct comparison of rare earth element distributions in original coral skeleton and in neomorphic calcite. Neomorphism occurred in a vadose setting along a thin film, with degradation of organic matter playing an initial role in controlling the morphology of the diagenetic front. As expected, minor element concentrations vary significantly between skeletal aragonite and neomorphic calcite, with Sr, Ba and U decreasing in concentration and Mn increasing in concentration in the calcite, suggesting that neomorphism took place in an open system. However, rare earth elements were largely retained during neomorphism, with precipitating cements taking up excess rare earth elements released from dissolved carbonates from higher in the karst system. Preserved rare earth element patterns in the stabilized calcite closely reflect the original rare earth element patterns of the corals and associated reef carbonates. However, minor increases in light rare earth element depletion and negative Ce anomalies may reflect shallow oxidized groundwater processes, whereas decreasing light rare earth element depletion may reflect mixing of rare earth elements from associated microbialites or contamination from insoluble residues. Regardless of these minor disturbances, the results indicate that rare earth elements, unlike many minor elements, behave very conservatively during meteoric diagenesis. As the meteoric transformation of aragonite to calcite is a near worst case scenario for survival of original marine trace element distributions, this study suggests that original rare earth element patterns may commonly be preserved in ancient limestones, thus providing support for the use of ancient marine limestones as proxies for marine rare earth element geochemistry.


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Coral reefs are biologically complex ecosystems that support a wide variety of marine organisms. These are fragile communities under enormous threat from natural and human-based influences. Properly assessing and measuring the growth and health of reefs is essential to understanding impacts of ocean acidification, coastal urbanisation and global warming. In this paper, we present an innovative 3-D reconstruction technique based on visual imagery as a non-intrusive, repeatable, in situ method for estimating physical parameters, such as surface area and volume for efficient assessment of long-term variability. The reconstruction algorithms are presented, and benchmarked using an existing data set. We validate the technique underwater, utilising a commercial-off-the-shelf camera and a piece of staghorn coral, Acropora cervicornis. The resulting reconstruction is compared with a laser scan of the coral piece for assessment and validation. The comparison shows that 77% of the pixels in the reconstruction are within 0.3 mm of the ground truth laser scan. Reconstruction results from an unknown video camera are also presented as a segue to future applications of this research.


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Webb et al. (2009) described a late Pleistocenecoral sample wherein the diagenetic stabilization of original coral aragonite to meteoric calcite was halted more or less mid-way through the process, allowing direct comparison of pre-diagenetic and post-diagenetic microstructure and trace element distributions. Those authors found that the rare earth elements (REEs) were relatively stable during meteoric diagenesis, unlike divalent cations such as Sr,and it was thus concluded that original, in this case marine, REE distributions potentially could be preserved through the meteoric carbonate stabilization process that must have affected many, if not most, ancient limestones. Although this was not the case in the analysed sample, they noted that where such diagenesis took place in laterally transported groundwater, trace elements derived from that groundwater could be incorporated into diagenetic calcite, thus altering the initial REE distribution (Banner et al., 1988). Hence, the paper was concerned with the diagenetic behaviour of REEs in a groundwater-dominated karst system. The comment offered by Johannesson (2011) does not question those research results, but rather, seeks to clarify an interpretation made by Webb et al. (2009) of an earlier paper, Johannesson et al. (2006).


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Corals inhabit high energy environments where frequent disturbances result in physical damage to coralla, including fragmentation, as well as generating and mobilizing large sediment clasts. The branching growth form common in the Acropora genus makes it particularly susceptible to such disturbances and therefore useful for study of the fate of large sediment clasts. Living Acropora samples with natural, extraneous, broken coral branches incorporated on their living surface and dead Acropora skeletons containing embedded clasts of isolated branch sections of Acropora were observed and/or collected from the reef flat of Heron Reef, southern Great Barrier Reef and Bargara, Australia respectively. Here we report three different outcomes when pebble-sized coral branches became lodged on living coral colonies during sedimentation events in natural settings in Acropora: 1) Where live coral branches produced during a disturbance event come to rest on probable genetic clone-mate colonies they become rapidly stabilised leading to complete soft tissue and skeletal fusion; 2) Where the branch and underlying colony are not clone-mates, but may still be the same or similar species, the branches still may be stabilised rapidly by soft tissue, but then one species will overgrow the other; and 3) Where branches represent dead skeletal debris, they are treated like any foreign clast and are surrounded by clypeotheca and incorporated into the corallum by overgrowth. The retention of branch fragments on colonies in high energy reef flat settings may suggest an active role of coral polyps to recognise and fuse with each other. Also, in all cases the healing of disturbed tissue and subsequent skeletal growth is an adaptation important for protecting colonies from invasion by parasites and other benthos following disturbance events and may also serve to increase corallum strength. Knowledge of such adaptations is important in studies of coral behaviour during periods of environmental stress.