988 resultados para Copenhagen (Denmark). Universitet. Bibliotek. Arnamagnaeanske haandskriftsamling.


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The fundamental principles of the teaching methodology followed for dyslexic learners evolve around the need for a multisensory approach, which would advocate repetition of learning tasks in an enjoyable way. The introduction of multimedia technologies in the field of education has supported the merging of new tools (digital camera, scanner) and techniques (sounds, graphics, animation) in a meaningful whole. Dyslexic learners are now given the opportunity to express their ideas using these alternative media and participate actively in the educational process. This paper discussed the preliminary findings of a single case study of two English monolingual dyslexic children working together to create an open-ended multimedia project on a laptop computer. The project aimed to examine whether and if the multimedia environment could enhance the dyslexic learners’ skills in composition. Analysis of the data has indicated that the technological facilities gave the children the opportunity to enhance the style and content of their work for a variety of audiences and to develop responsibilities connected to authorship.


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Aksel Christopher Wiin-Nielsen, professor emeritus of geophysics at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, died on 26 April 2010 at the age of 85. He was an honorary member of the American Meteorological Society, the former European Geophysical Society, and the Royal Meteorological Society. He received several awards including the 1982 Buys Ballot Medal, given by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the 1983 Wihuri International Prize, given by the Wihuri Foundation for International Prizes. He will be remembered for his impressive and outstanding leadership in meteorology.


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Based on a combined internet and mail survey in Germany the independence of indica-tors of trust in public authorities from indicators of attitudes toward genetically modified food is tested. Despite evidence of a link between trust indicators on the one hand and evaluation of benefits and perceived likelihoods of risks, correlation with other factors is found to be moderate on average. But the trust indicators exhibit only a moderate relation with the re-spondents’ preference for either sole public control or a cooperation of public and private bodies in the monitoring of GM food distribution. Instead, age and location in either the New or the Old Lander are found to be significantly related with such preferences.


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In Sweden solar irradiation and space heating loads are unevenly distributed over the year. Domestic hot water loads may be nearly constant. Test results on solar collector performance are often reported as yearly output of a certain collector at fixed temperatures, e g 25, 50 and 75 C. These data are not suitable for dimensioning of solar systems, because the actual performance of the collector depends heavily on solar fraction and load distribution over the year.At higher latitudes it is difficult to attain high solar fractions for buildings, due to overheating in summer and small marginal output for added collector area. Solar collectors with internal reflectors offer possibilities to evade overheating problems and deliver more energy at seasons when the load is higher. There are methods for estimating the yearly angular irradiation distribution, but there is a lack of methods for describing the load and the storage in such a way as to enable optical design of season and load adapted collectors.This report describes two methods for estimation of solar system performance with relevance for season and load adaption. Results regarding attainable solar fractions as a function of collector features, load profiles, load levels and storage characteristics are reported. The first method uses monthly collector output data at fixed temperatures from the simulation program MINSUN for estimating solar fractions for different load profiles and load levels. The load level is defined as estimated yearly collector output at constant collector temperature divided be yearly load. This table may examplify the results:CollectorLoadLoadSolar Improvementtypeprofile levelfractionover flat plateFlat plateDHW 75 %59 %Load adaptedDHW 75 %66 %12 %Flat plateSpace heating 50 %22 %Load adaptedSpace heating 50 %28 %29 %The second method utilises simulations with one-hour timesteps for collectors connected to a simplified storage and a variable load. Collector output, optical and thermal losses, heat overproduction, load level and storage temperature are presented as functions of solar incidence angles. These data are suitable for optical design of load adapted solar collectors. Results for a Stockholm location indicate that a solar combisystem with a solar fraction around 30 % should have collectors that reduce heat production at solar heights above 30 degrees and have optimum efficiency for solar heights between 8 and 30 degrees.


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Research on solar combisystems for the Nordic and Baltic countries have been carriedout. The aim was to develop competitive solar combisystems which are attractive tobuyers and to educate experts in the solar heating field.The participants of the projects were the universities: Technical University of Denmark,Dalarna University, University of Oslo, Riga Technical University and Lund Institute ofTechnology, as well as the companies: Metro Therm A/S (Denmark), Velux A/S(Denmark), Solentek AB (Sweden), SolarNor (Norway) and SIA Grandeg (Latvia).The project included education, research, development and demonstration. Theactivities started in 2003 and were finished by the end of 2006. A number of Ph.D.studies in Denmark, Sweden and Latvia, and a post-doc. study in Norway were carriedout. Close cooperation between the researchers and the industry partners ensured thatthe results of the projects can be utilized. The industry partners will soon be able tobring the developed systems into the market.In Denmark and Norway the research and development focused on solarheating/natural gas systems, and in Sweden and Latvia the focus was on solarheating/pellet systems. Additionally, Lund Institute of Technology and University ofOslo studied solar collectors of various types being integrated into the building.


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Pilot versions of a solar heating/natural gas burner system, of a solar heating/pellet burner system and of a façade/roof integrated polymeric collector have been installed in the summer of 2006 in a number of demonstration houses in Denmark, Sweden and Norway.These three new products have been evaluated by means of measurements of the thermal performance and energy savings of the pilot systems in practice and by means of a commercial evaluation.The conclusion of the evaluations is that the products are attractive for the industry partners METRO THERM A/S, Solentek and SOLARNOR. It is expected that the companies will bring the products into the market in 2007.Further, the results of the project have been presented atinternational and national congresses and seminars for the solar heating branch. The congresses and seminars attracted a lot of interested participants.Furthermore, the project results have been published in international congress papers as well as in national journals in the energy field.Consequently, the Nordic solar heating industry will benefit from the project.


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In this paper, we propose a new method for solving large scale p-median problem instances based on real data. We compare different approaches in terms of runtime, memory footprint and quality of solutions obtained. In order to test the different methods on real data, we introduce a new benchmark for the p-median problem based on real Swedish data. Because of the size of the problem addressed, up to 1938 candidate nodes, a number of algorithms, both exact and heuristic, are considered. We also propose an improved hybrid version of a genetic algorithm called impGA. Experiments show that impGA behaves as well as other methods for the standard set of medium-size problems taken from Beasley’s benchmark, but produces comparatively good results in terms of quality, runtime and memory footprint on our specific benchmark based on real Swedish data.


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The World Summit for Social Development, held in Copenhagen, Denmark, from 6 to 12 March 1995, brought together a large number of heads of State and Government and official representatives from States Members of the United Nations and culminated in the adoption of the Copenhagen Declaration on Social Development and the Programme of Action of the World Summit for Social Development. These two documents —the first containing policy statements, the other dealing with their practical application— imply commitments at the national, regional and international levels. Barely two years have passed since this summit was held, too short a period to permit an evaluation of the impact of the actions that the Latin American and Caribbean Governments set out to undertake. On the other hand, most of the countries were already implementing a variety of official policies related to the great objectives of the World Summit for Social Development. Al reunirse ahora los países miembros de la CEPAL para examinar, por vez primera, los avances hacia la aplicación de los resultados de la Cumbre,1 la Secretaría ha centrado su estudio en tres aspectos. Primero, en examinar, desde la óptica latinoamericana y del Caribe, la situación actual en materia de pobreza, empleo e integración social, los principales temas de la Cumbre. Segundo, en el ámbito de las políticas, en reseñar las tendencias que resultan más relevantes para el cumplimiento de los compromisos antes mencionados. Tercero, en proponer algunas orientaciones adicionales sobre el contenido y alcance de las políticas tendientes a facilitar el pleno cumplimiento futuro de dichos compromisos. Se procura con ello orientar el debate de los gobiernos y de la sociedad civil en América Latina y el Caribe acerca de cómo se están instrumentando en la región los compromisos de la Cumbre de Copenhague.