960 resultados para Convolutional codes over finite rings


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In this paper, we give a new framework for constructing low ML decoding complexity space-time block codes (STBCs) using codes over the Klein group K. Almost all known low ML decoding complexity STBCs can be obtained via this approach. New full- diversity STBCs with low ML decoding complexity and cubic shaping property are constructed, via codes over K, for number of transmit antennas N = 2(m), m >= 1, and rates R > 1 complex symbols per channel use. When R = N, the new STBCs are information- lossless as well. The new class of STBCs have the least knownML decoding complexity among all the codes available in the literature for a large set of (N, R) pairs.


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In this paper, we extend the characterization of Zx]/(f), where f is an element of Zx] to be a free Z-module to multivariate polynomial rings over any commutative Noetherian ring, A. The characterization allows us to extend the Grobner basis method of computing a k-vector space basis of residue class polynomial rings over a field k (Macaulay-Buchberger Basis Theorem) to rings, i.e. Ax(1), ... , x(n)]/a, where a subset of Ax(1), ... , x(n)] is an ideal. We give some insights into the characterization for two special cases, when A = Z and A = ktheta(1), ... , theta(m)]. As an application of this characterization, we show that the concept of Border bases can be extended to rings when the corresponding residue class ring is a finitely generated, free A-module. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Following the idea of Xing et al., we investigate a general method for constructing families of pseudorandom sequences with low correlation and large linear complexity from elliptic curves over finite fields in this correspondence. With the help of the tool of exponential sums on elliptic curves, we study their periods, linear complexities, linear complexity profiles, distributions of r-patterns, periodic correlation, partial period distributions, and aperiodic correlation in detail. The results show that they have nice randomness.


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This work investigates the end-to-end performance of randomized distributed space-time codes with complex Gaussian distribution, when employed in a wireless relay network. The relaying nodes are assumed to adopt a decode-and-forward strategy and transmissions are affected by small and large scale fading phenomena. Extremely tight, analytical approximations of the end-to-end symbol error probability and of the end-to-end outage probability are derived and successfully validated through Monte-Carlo simulation. For the high signal-to-noise ratio regime, a simple, closed-form expression for the symbol error probability is further provided.


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In this thesis we consider two-dimensional (2D) convolutional codes. As happens in the one-dimensional (1D) case one of the major issues is obtaining minimal state-space realizations for these codes. It turns out that the problem of minimal realization of codes is not equivalent to the minimal realization of encoders. This is due to the fact that the same code may admit different encoders with different McMillan degrees. Here we focus on the study of minimality of the realizations of 2D convolutional codes by means of separable Roesser models. Such models can be regarded as a series connection between two 1D systems. As a first step we provide an algorithm to obtain a minimal realization of a 1D convolutional code starting from a minimal realization of an encoder of the code. Then, we restrict our study to two particular classes of 2D convolutional codes. The first class to be considered is the one of codes which admit encoders of type n 1. For these codes, minimal encoders (i.e., encoders for which a minimal realization is also minimal as a code realization) are characterized enabling the construction of minimal code realizations starting from such encoders. The second class of codes to be considered is the one constituted by what we have called composition codes. For a subclass of these codes, we propose a method to obtain minimal realizations by means of separable Roesser models.


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La multiplication dans le corps de Galois à 2^m éléments (i.e. GF(2^m)) est une opérations très importante pour les applications de la théorie des correcteurs et de la cryptographie. Dans ce mémoire, nous nous intéressons aux réalisations parallèles de multiplicateurs dans GF(2^m) lorsque ce dernier est généré par des trinômes irréductibles. Notre point de départ est le multiplicateur de Montgomery qui calcule A(x)B(x)x^(-u) efficacement, étant donné A(x), B(x) in GF(2^m) pour u choisi judicieusement. Nous étudions ensuite l'algorithme diviser pour régner PCHS qui permet de partitionner les multiplicandes d'un produit dans GF(2^m) lorsque m est impair. Nous l'appliquons pour la partitionnement de A(x) et de B(x) dans la multiplication de Montgomery A(x)B(x)x^(-u) pour GF(2^m) même si m est pair. Basé sur cette nouvelle approche, nous construisons un multiplicateur dans GF(2^m) généré par des trinôme irréductibles. Une nouvelle astuce de réutilisation des résultats intermédiaires nous permet d'éliminer plusieurs portes XOR redondantes. Les complexités de temps (i.e. le délais) et d'espace (i.e. le nombre de portes logiques) du nouveau multiplicateur sont ensuite analysées: 1. Le nouveau multiplicateur demande environ 25% moins de portes logiques que les multiplicateurs de Montgomery et de Mastrovito lorsque GF(2^m) est généré par des trinômes irréductible et m est suffisamment grand. Le nombre de portes du nouveau multiplicateur est presque identique à celui du multiplicateur de Karatsuba proposé par Elia. 2. Le délai de calcul du nouveau multiplicateur excède celui des meilleurs multiplicateurs d'au plus deux évaluations de portes XOR. 3. Nous determinons le délai et le nombre de portes logiques du nouveau multiplicateur sur les deux corps de Galois recommandés par le National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Nous montrons que notre multiplicateurs contient 15% moins de portes logiques que les multiplicateurs de Montgomery et de Mastrovito au coût d'un délai d'au plus une porte XOR supplémentaire. De plus, notre multiplicateur a un délai d'une porte XOR moindre que celui du multiplicateur d'Elia au coût d'une augmentation de moins de 1% du nombre total de portes logiques.


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Little has so far been reported on the robustness of non-orthogonal space-time block codes (NO-STBCs) over highly correlated channels (HCC). Some of the existing NO-STBCs are indeed weak in robustness against HCC. With a view to overcoming such a limitation, a generalisation of the existing robust NO-STBCs based on a 'matrix Alamouti (MA)' structure is presented.


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We propose new classes of linear codes over integer rings of quadratic extensions of Q, the field of rational numbers. The codes are considered with respect to a Mannheim metric, which is a Manhattan metric modulo a two-dimensional (2-D) grid. In particular, codes over Gaussian integers and Eisenstein-Jacobi integers are extensively studied. Decoding algorithms are proposed for these codes when up to two coordinates of a transmitted code vector are affected by errors of arbitrary Mannheim weight. Moreover, we show that the proposed codes are maximum-distance separable (MDS), with respect to the Hamming distance. The practical interest in such Mannheim-metric codes is their use in coded modulation schemes based on quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM)-type constellations, for which neither the Hamming nor the Lee metric is appropriate.