998 resultados para Conversation Analysis (AC)


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Psicologia


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In the past few years, the studies on communicative troubles emerging in intercultural communication highlight cultural differences. Some disciplines have created training guides where those differences are made explicit so that in the case of international communication misunderstandings are avoided. Examples can be found in non-verbal communication protocols for health services and in the business world. In this regard the field of second-language teaching is beginning to include the socio-pragmatic features of language in the teaching materials. For this reason, this dissertation attempts to describe the communicative conflicts that arise in conversation between immigrants and natives in the city of Barcelona. Thanks to the theoretical and methodological tools provided by Conversation Analysis and Discourse Analysis, we can ethnographically analyze the interviews held with the informants, and the interactions they had with Barcelonan people, by taking into account the linguistic and paralinguistic features which are salient in the interaction (Gumperz y Roberts, 1991; Gumperz, 1992; Hérédia, 1996 y Trognon y Saint-Dizier, 1999). For this purpose, we first examine the causes that produce the conflict as well as the consequences that derive from it. Second, we describe the strategies that the speakers use in the negotiation of the meaning that generated the misunderstanding. Although it is obvious that the nature of the conversations, the personal characteristics of the participants and the context of the conversations have a noticeable influence on the participants’ communicative attitudes (Hinnenkamp, 1987; Codó, 2003; van Dijk, 2003 y Bertrán, 2009), there are somemisunderstandings that none of the interlocutors are able to detect or solve. The results show that not all of the misunderstandings that emerge in intercultural communication have a negative effect and, therefore, its usage in the L2 teaching classroom is essential for acquiring socio-cultural and intercultural competence (Miquel, 1997; Oliveras, 2000 y Miquel y Sans 2004).


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Abstract: The interview society, politics and conversation analysis


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In this study, we assume that the organisation of storytelling activity is sensitive to emerging norms and, specifically, to what is worth telling from a participant's perspective. We associate the methods of conversation analysis with a labovian approach to oral narratives and examine how storytelling is collaboratively and sequentially built during a radio interview parody. After discussing the relevance of parodic data to understand how media practitioners see their own practices (here: telling a story during a media interview), we provide a detailed analysis of a deviant case by considering the relations between structuring the telling and evaluating the tellability. The analysis leads to show what kinds of interactional resources are used to accomplish the activity: for instance, concurrent topic formulations, shared configurations of grammatical constructions, adjacency pairs. The study also points out how competing agendas can configure the activity in dissimilar ways. Eventually, it underlines the issues of being the interviewee and the storyteller at the same time.


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Tellability is a notion that was first developed in conversational storytelling analysis but which then proved extensible to all kinds of narrative, referring to features that make a story worth telling, its "noteworthiness." Tellability (sometimes designated "narratibility" or "reportability") is dependent on the nature of specific incidents judged by storytellers to be significant or surprising and worthy of being reported in specific contexts, thus conferring a "point" on the story. The breaching of a canonical development tends to transform a mere incident into a tellable event, but the tellability of a story can also rely on purely contextual parameters (e.g. the newsworthiness of an event); in conversation it is often negotiated and progressively co-constructed through discursive interaction. Tellability may also be dependent on discourse features, i.e. on the way in which a sequence of incidents is rendered in a narrative.


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In this paper we study student interaction in English and Swedish courses at a Finnish university. We focus on language choices made in task-related activities in small group interaction. Our research interests arose from the change in the teaching curriculum, in which content and language courses were integrated at Tampere University of Technology in 2013. Using conversation analysis, we analysed groups of 4-5 students who worked collaboratively on a task via a video conference programme. The results show how language alternation has different functions in 1) situations where students orient to managing the task, e.g., in transitions into task, or where they orient to technical problems, and 2) situations where students accomplish the task. With the results, we aim to show how language alternation can provide interactional opportunities for language learning. The findings will be useful in designing tasks in the future.


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Soittotunnin vuorovaikusta on tutkittu hyvin vähän, ja puhetta tunneilla ei oikeastaan lainkaan. Puhe on olennaisen tärkeä osa soitonopetusta, joten tunnin puhutun osuuden tarkempi tarkastelu olisi opettajille ja opettajaksi opiskeleville hyödyksi. Tässä opinnäytetyössä esittelen keinoja soittotunnin kielellisen osuuden tutkimiseen. Tutkimuskohteina ovat erityisesti palaute sekä korjauspuhe. Työn aineistona on reilu kaksi tuntia pääosin Stadian opetusharjoittelun puitteissa koottua videokuvaa. Teoreettisen taustan muodostavat kaksi kielitieteen suuntausta, diskurssianalyysi ja keskustelunanalyysi. Näitä menetelmiä on aiemmin sovellettu monenlaisten keskustelutilanteiden tutkimiseen. Työ jakautuu taustan kuvailuun, aineiston esittelyyn sekä sen analyysiin kahta erilaista menetelmää soveltaen. Lopuksi pohdin, miten hyvin menetelmät sopivat soittotuntikielen käsittelyyn. Diskurssianalyyttisessa tarkastelussa sovellan soittotuntikieleen analyysimenetelmää, joka on alunperin kehitetty koululuokan kielen tutkimista varten, ja vertailen palautetta soittotuntiaineistossa ja koulu-luokkakeskustelussa. Menetelmä on sovellettavissa soittotuntikielen tutkimiseen ja sen avulla saa selkeitä, taulukoitavia tuloksia. Siinä on kuitenkin myös hankaluutensa, kuten analyysin tulkinnanvaraisuus ja se, ettei soittotunnin kieli ole yhtä selkeän kaavamaista kuin koululuokan. Keskustelunanalyyttisessa tarkastelussa vertailukohtanani on tutkimus, joka käsittelee korjauspuhetta orkesteriharjoituksissa. Opinnäytetyössäni keskityn selvittämään kyseisen mallin sopivuutta soittotuntipuheen tarkasteluun, joten menetelmä ei tuota selkeitä tuloksia. Se huomioi hyvin musiikillisen tilanteen erikoispiirteet, mutta rajaa tarkastelun ulkopuolelle kaiken paitsi korjauspuheen. Kaiken kaikkiaan opinnäytteeni osoittaa, että soittotunnin puhetta on mahdollista tarkastella monella eri tavalla. Työssä esitellyillä keinoilla on hyvät ja huonot puolensa, eikä kumpikaan niistä ole sellaisenaan täydellinen soittotunnin kielen kuvaamiseen. Mahdollisimman hyvän, tarkan ja hyödyllisen soittotuntipuheen analyysimenetelmän kehittäminen vaatisikin vielä paljon lisätutkimusta.


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