1000 resultados para Controllo pressione cilindro
The aim of this study is to present those who are interested in mechanical engineering, specifically automotive engineering some ideas for improvements to the current concept of internal combustion engines. It is not intenden to change totally the design of the engine known today, but to exame the feasibility of reducing a small waste generated with the current positioning of the cylinder-piston assembly. The proposal solution consists in modifying the tilt cylinder-piston assembly in the angle between the rod and the cylinder axis. This inclination causes all the force generated in the combustion process within the cylinder is delivered to the rod.Delivery force is the made in the rod longitudinal direction and not on the axis of the cylinder, preventing the occurrence of a breakdown of the force generated in the combustion process. After analyzing the idea of repositioning the piston-cylinder assemble, it is concluded that the change has a positive result in the process of harnessing the power generated in the com bustion, but its not feasible due implementation to low gain presented in this study
Induction heating is a process closely linked to the concepts of heat transfer. It also covers electromagnetic induction and effect of film. Many companies use this technology in their processes due to the high accuracy that can be obtained at temperatures induced. However the dominance of this technology is not common among Brazilian industries. This involves complex systems of equation and heat exchange in transient conduction, and convection and radiation losses. With this work we seek the ability to analyze which parameters influence over this process and the order of magnitude of time required for heating a cylindrical part
The study of movements of ideals fluids is more simple that the viscous fluids because do not have the presence of tension of shear. The normal tensions are the one that must be considered in this analysis. The theory corresponding to these flows is the same used in other fields of the physics called Theory of Potentials Fields, which the vector identity is fundamental. Any flow into irrotational (null vorticity) physically possibly has a current function and a potential of velocity that satisfied the equation of Laplace. Reciprocally, any solution of equation of Laplace represents a current function or a potential of velocity of a flow into physically possible. Once the equation of Laplace is linear, the addiction of any numbers of solutions is also a solution. So, several potentials flows into can be constructed superposing configurations of elementary flows into. The purpose of the superposition of elementary flows into is a production of similar configurations to those of practical interest. The combination of mathematical elegancy with utility in the potential flow into attracted many for its study. Some of the most famous mathematician of history studied the theory and application of “hydrodynamic”, how was called the potential fluid into before 1900
A launching rocket and its payload are submitted to strong acoustic loads in some moments of its flight like lift off, during transonic flight and in the instant of maximum dynamic pressure. These loads could affect the payload and other rocket internal equipment. It must be taken into account that in the higher stages, where delicate control equipment and the payload are placed, the acoustic excitations are dominant. The knowledge of the acoustic loads is of great importance in order to provide estimated loads for the design phase, define intensity level to specify qualification and acceptation acoustic tests to which subsystems and elements of the launcher and its payload shall be submitted and to design an acoustic … (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Helicobacter pylori, un patogeno umano in grado di colonizzare la nicchia gastrica, è associato a patologie del tratto gastrointestinale di varia gravità. Per sopravvivere nell’ambiente ostile dello stomaco dell’ospite, e mettere in atto un’infezione persistente, il batterio si serve di una serie di fattori di virulenza che includono anche le proteine Heat Shock (chaperone). I principali geni codificanti le proteine chaperone in H. pylori sono organizzati in tre operoni trascritti dall’RNA polimerasi contenente il fattore sigma vegetativo σ80. La trascrizione di due dei tre operoni è regolata negativamente da due regolatori trascrizionali, HspR e HrcA, mentre il terzo operone è represso solo da HspR. Fino ad ora, studi molecolari per la comprensione del ruolo di ciascuna proteina nel controllo trascrizionale dei geni heat shock sono stati ostacolati dalla citotossicità ed insolubilità di HrcA quando espressa in sistemi eterologhi. In questo lavoro, è stata analizzata la sequenza amminoacidica di HrcA ed è stata confermata sperimentalmente la predizione bioinformatica della sua associazione con la membrana interna. La citotossicità e l’insolubilità di HrcA in E. coli sono state alleviate inducendone l’espressione a 42°C. Saggi in vitro con le proteine ricombinanti purificate, HspR e HrcA, hanno consentito di definire i siti di legame dei due repressori sui promotori degli operoni heat shock. Ulteriori saggi in vitro hanno suggerito che l’affinità di HrcA per gli operatori è aumentata dalla chaperonina GroESL. Questi dati contribuiscono parzialmente alla comprensione del meccanismo di repressione della trascrizione espletato da HrcA e HspR e permettono di ipotizzare il coinvolgimento di altri regolatori trascrizionali. L’analisi di RNA estratti dal ceppo selvatico e dai mutanti hrcA, hspR e hrcA/hspR di H.pylori su DNAmacroarrays non ha evidenziato il coinvolgimento di altri regolatori trascrizionali, ma ha permesso l’identificazione di un gruppo di geni indotti da HrcA e/ HspR. Questi geni sono coinvolti nella biosintesi e regolazione dell’apparato flagellare, suggerendo un’interconnessione tra la risposta heat shock e la motilità e chemiotassi del batterio.