43 resultados para Contracture
INTRODUÇÃO: O aperfeiçoamento no tratamento inicial do paciente queimado, por meio da reposição volêmica e, principalmente, com excisão e enxertia precoce das lesões, resultou em profundo impacto na evolução dos indivíduos queimados, ocorrendo aumento da taxa de sobrevida. Com a maior sobrevida desses pacientes surgiu um novo desafio para a cirurgia reparadora, o tratamento das sequelas de queimaduras, principalmente compostas pelas contraturas. O objetivo deste estudo é demonstrar o uso da matriz dérmica artificial associado a terapia por pressão negativa no tratamento de sequelas de queimaduras. MÉTODO: Foram selecionados 10 pacientes com contratura por queimadura. Os pacientes selecionados foram submetidos a liberação da contratura cicatricial e colocação de matriz dérmica artificial (Integra®), conforme técnica padrão, e curativo por pressão negativa para cobertura. A cada 5 dias, foram realizadas trocas do curativo até completar período de 3 semanas a 4 semanas. Após esse período, o leito foi submetido a enxertia de pele. Os pacientes foram questionados, no pré e pós-operatório, quanto a sua satisfação com os aspectos estético e funcional da região abordada. RESULTADOS: Houve integração de cerca de 98% da matriz de regeneração dérmica na área em que a contratura foi ressecada. Também ocorreu integração de aproximadamente 85% dos enxertos utilizados. Todos os pacientes abordados referiram significativa melhora estética e, principalmente, funcional da região abordada. CONCLUSÕES: O uso da matriz de regeneração dérmica associado a terapia por pressão negativa promove maior taxa de sucesso na abordagem da contratura cicatricial, proporcionando melhor resultado tanto funcional como estético nos pacientes com sequelas graves de queimadura.
Background Thyroid hormone induces cardiac hypertrophy and preconditions the myocardium against Ischemia/Reperfusion (I/R) injury. Type 2 Angiotensin II receptors (AT2R) are shown to be upregulated in cardiac hypertrophy observed in hyperthyroidism and this receptor has been reported to mediate cardioprotection against ischemic injury. Methods The aim of the present study was to evaluate the role of AT2R in the recovery of myocardium after I/R in isolated hearts from T3 treated rats. MaleWistar rats were treated with triiodothyronine (T3; 7 μg/100 gBW/day, i.p.) in the presence or not of a specific AT2R blocker (PD123,319; 10 mg/Kg) for 14 days, while normal rats served as control. After treatment, isolated hearts were perfused in Langendorff mode; after 30 min of stabilization, hearts were subjected to 20 min of zero-flow global ischemia followed by 25 min, 35 min and 45 min of reperfusion. Results T3 treatment induced cardiac hypertrophy, which was not changed by PD treatment. Post-ischemic recovery of cardiac function was increased in T3-treated hearts after 35 min and 45 min of reperfusion as compared to control and the ischemic contracture was accelerated and intensified. AT2R blockade was able to return the evaluated functional parameters of cardiac performance (LVDP, +dP/dtmáx and −dP/dtmin) to the control condition. Furthermore, AT2R blockade prevented the increase in AMPK expression levels induced by T3, suggesting its possible involvement in this process. Conclusion AT2R plays a significant role in T3-induced cardioprotection.
Recently, a muscular disorder defined as "congenital pseudomyotonia" was described in Chianina cattle, one of the most important Italian cattle breeds for quality meat and leather. The clinical phenotype of this disease is characterized by an exercise-induced muscle contracture that prevents animals from performing muscular activities. On the basis of clinical symptoms, Chianina pseudomyotonia appeared related to human Brody's disease, a rare inherited disorder of skeletal muscle function that results from a sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA1) deficiency caused by a defect in the ATP2A1 gene that encodes SERCA1. SERCA1 is involved in transporting calcium from the cytosol to the lumen of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Recently, we identified the genetic defect underlying Chianina cattle pseudomyotonia. A missense mutation in exon 6 of the ATP2A1 gene, leading to an R164H substitution in the SERCA1 protein, was found. In this study, we provide biochemical evidence for a selective deficiency in SERCA1 protein levels in sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes from affected muscles, although mRNA levels are unaffected. The reduction of SERCA1 levels accounts for the reduced Ca(2+)-ATPase activity without any significant change in Ca(2+)-dependency. The loss of SERCA1 is not compensated for by the expression of the SERCA2 isoform. We believe that Chianina cattle pseudomyotonia might, therefore, be the true counterpart of human Brody's disease, and that bovine species might be used as a suitable animal model.
Arthrogryposis or Arthrogrypsosis Multiplex Congenita (AMC) are terms used to describe the clinical finding of multiple congenital contractures. There are more than 300 distinct disorders associated with arthrogryposis. Amyoplasia is the most common type of arthrogryposis and is often referred to as the “classic” type. There is no known cause of amyoplasia and no risk factors have been identified. Moreover, there is no established diagnostic criteria, which has led to inconsistency and confusion in the medical literature. The purpose of this study was to describe the natural history of amyoplasia, to determine if there are any identifiable risk factors and develop a list of diagnostic criteria. A retrospective chart review of 59 children with arthrogryposis ascertained at the Shriners Hospitals for Children in Houston, Texas was performed and included the following information: prenatal, birth, and family histories, and phenotypic descriptions. Forty-four children were identified with amyoplasia and 15 children with other multiple congenital contractures and other anomalies (MCC) were used as a comparison group. With the exception of abnormal amniotic fluid levels during pregnancy, there were no significant demographic or prenatal risk factors identified. However, we found common features that discriminate amyoplasia from other types of arthrogryposis and developed a diagnostic checklist. This checklist can be used as diagnostic criteria for discriminating amyoplasia from isolated and multiple contracture conditions.
Since October 2011, the enzymatic lysis of Dupuytren's cord was introduced in Switzerland (Xiapex(®), Auxilium Pharmaceuticals, Pfizer). Here we present our first university experience and underline the major role of ultrasound during the injection. Between December 2011 and February 2013, 52 injections were performed to eliminate 43 Dupuytren's cords in 33 patients. The mean age of the patients was 64.4 ± 8.5 years. Complications were documented for each patient. Before, directly after and after a minimum of 6 months post-injection, the contracture of the treated joint was measured with use of a goniometer. The DASH score was evaluated after a minimum of 6 months and the patients were asked to subjectively evaluate the outcome of the treatment (very good, good, mild, poor) and whether they would reiterate it if necessary. Four skin defects, one lymphangitis, and one CRPS were responsible for a complication rate of 18%. There was no infection and no tendon rupture in the series. The mean MCP joint contracture was respectively 36.8 ± 27.4°, 3.5 ± 7.8° (gain of mobility compared to the preoperative situation 33.3°, P<0.001), and 8.4 ± 13.9° (gain 28.4°, P<0.001) respectively before, just after and at the long-term clinical control. The mean PIP joint contracture was respectively 36.5 ± 29.1°, 5.9 ± 6.7° (gain 30.6°, P<0.001), and 15.1 ± 13.8° (gain 21.4°, P<0.001) respectively before injection, just after and at the long-term clinical control. The DASH score decreased from 24 ± 14 to 7 ± 9 (P<0.001). Eighty-one per cent of the patients were satisfied or very satisfied of the treatment. All but two would reiterate the treatment if necessary. Ultrasound is able to target the injection of collagenase in order to reduce complications. The short-term results of this non-invasive therapy are very promising however comparison with conventional procedures is difficult as the long-term results are lacking.
Contracted flexor tendon leading to flexural deformity is a common congenital defect in cattle. Arthrogryposis is a congenital syndrome of persistent joint contracture that occurs frequently in Europe as a consequence of Schmallenberg virus infection of the dam. Spastic paresis has a hereditary component, and affected cattle should not be used for breeding purposes. The most common tendon avulsion involves the deep digital flexor tendon. Tendon disruptions may be successfully managed by tenorrhaphy and external coaptation or by external coaptation alone. Medical management alone is unlikely to be effective for purulent tenosynovitis.
Na+-Ca2+ exchanger and Ca2+ channel are two major sarcolemmal Ca2+-transporting proteins of cardiac myocytes. Although the Ca2+ channel is effectively regulated by protein kinase A-dependent phosphorylation, no enzymatic regulation of the exchanger protein has been identified as yet. Here we report that in frog ventricular myocytes, isoproterenol down-regulates the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger, independent of intracellular Ca2+ and membrane potential, by activation of the beta-receptor/adenylate-cyclase/cAMP-dependent cascade, resulting in suppression of transmembrane Ca2+ transport via the exchanger and providing for the well-documented contracture-suppressant effect of the hormone on frog heart. The beta-blocker propranolol blocks the isoproterenol effect, whereas forskolin, cAMP, and theophylline mimic it. In the frog heart where contractile Ca2+ is transported primarily by the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger, the beta-agonists' simultaneous enhancement of Ca2+ current, ICa, and suppression of Na+-Ca2+ exchanger current, INa-Ca would enable the myocyte to develop force rapidly at the onset of depolarization (enhancement of ICa) and to decrease Ca2+ influx (suppression of INa-Ca) later in the action potential. This unique adrenergically induced shift in the Ca2+ influx pathways may have evolved in response to paucity of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase/phospholamban complex and absence of significant intracellular Ca2+ release pools in the frog heart.
La reconstruction en deux étapes par expanseur et implant est la technique la plus répandue pour la reconstruction mammmaire post mastectomie. La formation d’une capsule périprothétique est une réponse physiologique universelle à tout corps étranger présent dans le corps humain; par contre, la formation d’une capsule pathologique mène souvent à des complications et par conséquent à des résultats esthétiques sous-optimaux. Le microscope électronique à balayage (MEB) est un outil puissant qui permet d’effectuer une évaluation sans pareille de la topographie ultrastructurelle de spécimens. Le premier objectif de cette thèse est de comparer le MEB conventionnel (Hi-Vac) à une technologie plus récente, soit le MEB environnemental (ESEM), afin de déterminer si cette dernière mène à une évaluation supérieure des tissus capsulaires du sein. Le deuxième objectif est d‘appliquer la modalité de MEB supérieure et d’étudier les modifications ultrastructurelles des capsules périprothétiques chez les femmes subissant différents protocoles d’expansion de tissus dans le contexte de reconstruction mammaire prothétique. Deux études prospectives ont été réalisées afin de répondre à nos objectifs de recherche. Dix patientes ont été incluses dans la première, et 48 dans la seconde. La modalité Hi-Vac s’est avérée supérieure pour l’analyse compréhensive de tissus capsulaires mammaires. En employant le mode Hi-Vac dans notre protocole de recherche établi, un relief 3-D plus prononcé à été observé autour des expanseurs BIOCELL® dans le groupe d’approche d’intervention retardée (6 semaines). Des changements significatifs n’ont pas été observés au niveau des capsules SILTEX® dans les groupes d’approche d’intervention précoce (2 semaines) ni retardée.
Objective. To assess the reliability of physical examination of the osteoarthritic (OA) knee by rheumatologists, and to evaluate the benefits of standardization. Methods. Forty-two physical signs and techniques were evaluated using a 6 X 6 Latin square design. Patients with mild to severe knee OA, based on physical and radiographic signs, were examined in random order prior to and following standardization of techniques. For those signs with dichotomous scales, agreement among the rheumatologists was calculated as the prevalence-adjusted bias-adjusted kappa (PABAK), while for the signs with continuous and ordinal scales, a reliability coefficient (R-c) was calculated using analysis of variance. A PABAK of >0.60 and an Re of >0.80 were considered to indicate adequate reliability. Results. Adequate poststandardization reliability was achieved for 30 of 42 physical signs/techniques (71%). The most highly reliable signs identified by physical examination of the OA knee included alignment by goniometer (R-c = 0.99), bony swelling (R-c = 0.97), general passive crepitus (R-c = 0.96), gait by inspection (PABAK = 0.78), effusion bulge sign (R-c = 0.97), quadriceps atrophy (R. = 0.97), medial tibiofemoral tenderness (R-c = 0.94), lateral tibiofemoral tenderness (R-c = 0.85), patellofemoral tenderness by grind test (R-c = 0.94), and flexion contracture (R-c = 0.95). The standardization process resulted in substantial improvements in reliability for evaluation of a number of physical signs, although for some signs, minimal or no effect of standardization was noted. After standardization, warmth (PABAK = 0.14), medial instability at 30degrees flexion (PABAK = 0.02), and lateral instability at 30degrees flexion (PABAK = 0.34) were the only 3 signs that were highly unreliable. Conclusion. With the exception of physical examinations for instability, a comprehensive knee examination can be performed with adequate reliability. Standardization further improves the reliability for some physical signs and techniques. The application of these findings to future OA studies will contribute to improved outcome assessments in OA.
This is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows: To assess the effects of standing devices and orthoses on musculoskeletal impairments (such as pain, contracture, scoliosis development and bone density) in people with DMD, and secondarily to determine their effect on quality of life, participation in activities, and patient experience.
In recent years, lipofilling has established itself as one of the most effective and least invasive techniques to treat connective dystrophy subsequent to radiotherapy. We report the case of a patient diagnosed with intraductal carcinoma of the right breast in 1996, at the age of 41. The patient underwent quadrantectomy with ipsilateral axillary lymph node dissection and adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Four years later, a recurrence led the patient to undergo a subcutaneous mastectomy and immediate reconstruction, involving the submuscular insertion of a permanent implant. In 2007 the patient suffered both radiodermatitis and capsular contracture around the implant, causing constant pain and significant functional limitation. She first took a leukotriene inhibitor (Zafirlukast, 20 mg daily for 8 months) to reduce the capsular contracture. She then underwent lipofilling (Coleman’s technique) of the area affected by radiodermatitis, in which the skin was considerably thinned and visibly ischemic. A second session followed four months later. Clinical, photographic and ultrasound examination revealed clear and lasting thickening of the superficial tissues, increased coverage of the implant, and reduced skin discoloration and tension.
Background BEIT CURE International Hospital (BCIH) opened in 2002 providing orthopaedic surgical services to children in Malawi. This study reviews the hospital’s progress 10 years after establishment of operational services. In addition we assess the impact of the hospital’s Malawi national clubfoot programme (MNCP) and influence on orthopaedic training. Methods All operative paediatric procedures performed by BCIH services in the 10th operative year were included. Data on clubfoot clinic locations and number of patients treated were obtained from the MNCP. BCIH records were reviewed to identify the number of healthcare professionals who have received training at the BCIH. Results 609 new patients were operated on in the 10th year of hospital service. Patients were treated from all regions; however 60% came from Southern regions compared with the 48% in the 5th year. Clubfoot, burn contracture and angular lower limb deformities were the three most common pathologies treated surgically. In total BCIH managed 9,842 patients surgically over a 10-year period. BCIH helped to establish and co-ordinate the MNCP since 2007. At present the program has a total of 29 clinics, which have treated 5748 patients. Furthermore, BCIH has overseen the full or partial training of 5 orthopaedic surgeons and 82 orthopaedic clinical officers in Malawi. Conclusion The BCIH has improved the care of paediatric patients in a country that prior to its establishment had no dedicated paediatric orthopaedic service, treating almost 10,000 patients surgically and 6,000 patients in the MNCP. This service has remained consistent over a 10-year period despite times of global austerity. Whilst the type of training placement offered at BCIH has changed in the last 10 years, the priority placed on training has remained paramount. The strategic impact of long-term training commitments are now being realised, in particular by the addition of Orthopaedic surgeons serving the nation.
RESUMEN Objetivo: Estimar la prevalencia de las diferentes enfermedades oftalmológicas que aparecen en el contexto de una enfermedad autoinmune (EAI) en pacientes de un centro de referencia reumatológica en Colombia, según características clínicas y sociodemográficas durante un período de 15 años, comprendido entre los años 2000 a 2015. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, observacional de prevalencia. El tipo de muestreo fue aleatorio estratificado con asignación proporcional en el programa Epidat 3.4. Los datos se analizaron en el programa SPSS v22.0 y se realizó análisis univariado de las variables categóricas, para las variables cuantitativas se realizaron medidas de tendencia central. Resultados: De 1640 historias clínicas revisadas, se encontraron 634 pacientes (38,65%) con compromiso ocular. Si excluimos los pacientes con SS, que por definición presentan ojo seco, 222 pacientes (13,53%) presentaron compromiso oftalmológico. Del total de pacientes, el 83,3% fueron mujeres. La AR fue la enfermedad autoinmune con mayor compromiso oftalmológico con 138 pacientes (62,2%), y en último lugar la sarcoidosis con 1 solo paciente afectado. La QCS fue la manifestación más común en todos los grupos diagnósticos de EAI, con 146 pacientes (63,5%). De 414 pacientes con Síndrome de Sjögren (SS) y QCS 8 presentaron compromiso ocular adicional, siendo la uveítis la segunda patología ocular asociada en pacientes con SS y la primera causa en las espondiloartropatias (71,4 %). Los pacientes con catarata (4,1%) presentaron la mayor prevalencia de uso de corticoide (88.8%). De 222 pacientes, 28 (12,6%) presentaron uveítis. Del total de pacientes, 16 (7,2%) presentaron maculopatía por antimalaráricos y 6 (18,75%) de los pacientes con LES. Los ANAS se presentaron en el 100% los pacientes con trastorno vascular de la retina. Los pacientes con epiescleritis presentaron la mayor proporción de positivización de anticuerpos anti-DNA. La EAI que más presentó epiescleritis fue LES con 4 pacientes (12,5%) El 22% de paciente con anticuerpos anti-RNP presentaron escleritis y 32,1% de los pacientes con uveítis presentaron HLA-B27 positivo. Las manifestaciones oftalmológicas precedieron a las sistémicas entre un 11,1% y un 33,3% de los pacientes. Conclusión: Las enfermedades oculares se presentan con frecuencia en los pacientes colombianos con EAI (38.65%), siendo la AR la enfermedad con mayor compromiso ocular (62,2%) y la QCS la enfermedad ocular con mayor prevalencia en todas las EAI (63,5%). La uveítis se presentó en 28 pacientes (12,6%). Las manifestaciones oftalmológicas pueden preceder a las sistémicas. El examen oftalmológico debe ser incluido en los pacientes con EAI, por ser la enfermedad ocular una comorbilidad frecuente. Adicionalmente, los efectos oftalmológicos de las medicaciones sistémicas utilizadas en EAI deben ser estrechamente monitorizados, durante el curso del tratamiento.