260 resultados para Contraception.
This study investigates the association between race/ethnicity and acculturation variables (language preference and nativity) with use of contraception and contraceptive services among Mexican/Mexican American and “other” Hispanic women aged 15-44 when compared to non- Hispanic white women.^ Data was analyzed from the 2006-2008 National Survey of Family Growth. The sample contained 3357 women aged 15-44. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to examine the association between race/ethnicity and acculturation variables and contraceptive-related behaviors adjusted for other known covariates. ^ After multivariate analysis, neither nativity nor language preference were significantly associated with contraception use or contraceptive services. Mexican/Mexican American women did not differ in their contraception-related behaviors when compared to non-Hispanic whites. Other Hispanic women, however, were less likely to obtain contraceptive services than non-Hispanic whites (OR=0.67, 95% CI=0.45-1.00). Women aged 30-39 and 40-44 were less likely to obtain contraception and contraceptive services than those aged 15-19. Single women were less likely to use contraception (OR=0.72, 95% CI=0.56-0.92) and contraceptive services (OR=0.69, 95% CI=0.53-0.89) than married/co-habiting women. Women with healthcare coverage were more likely to use contraception and contraceptive services than uninsured women.^ Among Hispanic women of different origin groups, age, marital status, and healthcare coverage were stronger indicators of contraception-related behavior than race/ethnicity, language preference, and nativity. Reproductive health programs that target increased use of contraception and contraceptive services among Hispanic origin groups should specifically target women who are over 30, single, and uninsured.^
Despite advances in effective and long-acting contraceptive methods and the introduction into health care that an initial unplanned pregnancy allows, repeat unplanned pregnancy continues to affect Hispanic adolescents at a rate higher than that of non-Hispanic whites. The current study was undertaken to identify and categorize factors associated with uptake of long acting contraception (implant or intrauterine devices) or consistent use of highly effective methods (injectable DMPA, ring, patch, or pills), among Hispanic/Latina teens who have previously given birth. ^ I searched Ovid Medline, Pubmed, CINAHL, PsychINFO, POPLINE and Scopus, and reference lists for studies in English, ≥1980, of original data from the United States on factors related to initiation, maintenance, or discontinuation of contraceptive methods in postpartum or parenting adolescent females. I then identified articles that specified the inclusion of Hispanics/Latinas in the study population and either reported findings specific to race/ethnicity or used race/ethnicity as an independent variable in analyses of contributing factors. I then extracted data for each study and categorized independent variables as predisposing, enabling, or reinforcing following the PRECEDE model.1 Factors found to be associated with contraception use or non-use were combined to create a logic model of risk. ^ Of 9 eligible studies, one solely addressed initiation; one, initiation and maintenance; two, initiation and discontinuation; three, maintenance; and two, maintenance and discontinuation. There was some overlap in the studies' assessments of maintenance and discontinuation and the author(s) often did not distinguish between the two. Nearly all (k=7) were prospective observational studies with convenience samples and bivariate analyses (k=6). One study was initially a quasi-experimental design but became a prospective cohort due to extremely high attrition. Sociodemographic characteristics and predisposing factors were studied frequently, as were reinforcing factors; enabling factors were discussed infrequently and only in studies involving focus groups or interviews. Due to a paucity of research, a consensus of factors found consistently to influence the contraception behavior of postpartum Latina teens could not be established for the overall population nor for cultural subgroups. Future research is needed that focuses on postpartum/parenting Latina teens, with subgroup identification and differentiation, to determine the prevalent and pertinent predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing factors related to effective contraception initiation and maintenance.^
Background Emergency contraception can prevent pregnancy when taken after unprotected intercourse.Obtaining emergency contraception within the recommended time frame is difficult for many women. Advance provision could circumvent some obstacles to timely use. Objectives To summarize randomized controlled trials evaluating advance provision of emergency contraception to explore effects on pregnancy rates, sexually transmitted infections, and sexual and contraceptive behaviors. Search strategy In November 2009, we searched CENTRAL, EMBASE, POPLINE,MEDLINE via PubMed, and a specialized emergency contraception article database. We also searched reference lists and contacted experts to identify additional published or unpublished trials. Selection criteria We included randomized controlled trials comparing advance provision and standard access (i.e., counseling whichmay ormay not have included information about emergency contraception, or provision of emergency contraception on request at a clinic or pharmacy). Data collection and analysis Two reviewers independently abstracted data and assessed study quality. We entered and analyzed data using RevMan 5.0.23. Main results Eleven randomized controlled trials met our criteria for inclusion, representing 7695 patients in the United States, China, India and Sweden. Advance provision did not decrease pregnancy rates (odds ratio (OR) 0.98, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.76 to 1.25 in studies for which we included twelve-month follow-up data; OR 0.48, 95% CI 0.18 to 1.29 in a study with seven-month follow-up data; OR 0.92, 95% CI 0.70 to 1.20 in studies for which we included six-month follow-up data; OR 0.49, 95% CI 0.09 to 2.74 in a study with three-month follow-up data), despite reported increased use (single use: OR 2.47, 95% CI 1.80 to 3.40; multiple use: OR 4.13, 95% CI 1.77 to 9.63) and faster use (weighted mean difference (WMD) -12.98 hours, 95% CI -16.66 to -9.31 hours). Advance provision did not lead to increased rates of sexually transmitted infections (OR 1.01, 95% CI 0.75 to 1.37), increased frequency of unprotected intercourse, or changes in contraceptive methods.Women who received emergency contraception in advance were equally likely to use condoms as other women. Authors’ conclusions Advance provision of emergency contraception did not reduce pregnancy rates when compared to conventional provision. Results from primary analyses suggest that advance provision does not negatively impact sexual and reproductive health behaviors and outcomes. Women should have easy access to emergency contraception, because it can decrease the chance of pregnancy.However, the interventions tested thus far have not reduced overall pregnancy rates in the populations studied.
ANTECEDENTES: La mayoría de las islas en West Indies no tienen leyes liberales sobre el aborto, ni programas para la prevención del embarazo (contracepción). El presente trabajo presenta los resultados de una revisión de la literatura sobre la actitud de los proveedores del cuidado de la salud y las mujeres hacia la contracepción y el aborto inducido (emergencia), prevalencia, métodos y aspectos jurídicos del aborto inducido y políticas de prevención. MÉTODOS: Se obtuvieron artículos de PubMed, EMBASE, MEDLINE, PsychINFO y SocIndex (1999 a 2010) que usaban como palabras claves contracepción, aborto inducido, terminación de embarazo, aborto médico y West Indies. RESULTADOS: Treinta y siete artículos correspondían al criterio de inclusión: 18 sobre contracepción, 17 sobre aborto inducido y 2 sobre ambos asuntos. Los resultados principales indicaron que los conocimientos de los proveedores de cuidado de la salud acerca de la contracepción de emergencia, eran pobres. Los estudios mostraron un conocimiento pobre de la contracepción, pero las sesiones de counseling aumentaron su efectividad. No se encontraron números exactos sobre la prevalencia del aborto. Se estima que el número total de abortos por año en West Indies es de 300 000. Uno de cada cuatro embarazos termina en aborto. El uso de misoprostol disminuyó las complicaciones de abortos inseguros.La legislación sobre el aborto varía ampliamente en las diferentes islas del Caribe: Cuba, Puerto Rico, Martinica, Guadalupe y San Martín tienen abortos legales. Barbados fue la primera isla angloparlante con legislación liberal para el aborto. Todas las otras islas tienen leyes restrictivas. CONCLUSIÓN: A pesar del alto número de abortos, según se estima, no hay investigaciones sobre la prevalencia del aborto. Los estudios mostraron un pobre conocimiento de la contracepción y un uso bajo entre los adolescentes. La mayoría de las islas del Caribe tienen leyes restrictivas contra el aborto.
Describe las actividades realizadas en la visita a la región del caribe Oriental con el propósito de actualizar la situación del aborto, parece ser un momento histórico muy particular en esta región del Caribe Oriental con una clara tendencia hacia la liberalización en lo que toca a la legislación sobre aborto. Dado el contexto particular de ser regiones geográficas pequeñas, donde la intimidad y estigma se ven más vulnerados, la colaboración internacional en lo tocante al tema del aborto es bienvenida y ciertamente podría contribuir a facilitar el diálogo entre los tres sectores más afectados las mujeres, profesionales de salud y el sector gubernamental
Objective: To assess whether provision of educational leaflets or questions on contraception improves knowledge of contraception in women taking the combined contraceptive pill.
Includes bibliography.