995 resultados para Continuous groups.


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In vitro fermentations were carried out by using a model of the human colon to simulate microbial activities of lower gut bacteria. Bacterial populations (and their metabolic products) were evaluated under the effects of various fermentable substrates. Carbohydrates tested were polydextrose, lactitol, and fructo-oligosaccharide (FOS). Bacterial groups of interest were evaluated by fluorescence in situ hybridization as well as by species-specific PCR to determine bifidobacterial species and percent-G+C profiling of the bacterial communities present. Short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) produced during the fermentations were also evaluated. Polydextrose had a stimulatory effect upon colonic bifidobacteria at concentrations of 1 and 2% (using a single and pooled human fecal inoculum, respectively). The bifidogenic effect was sustained throughout all three vessels of the in vitro system (P = 0.01 seen in vessel 3), as corroborated by the bacterial community profile revealed by %G+C analysis. This substrate supported a wide variety of bifidobacteria and was the only substrate where Bifidobacterium infantis was detected. The fermentation of lactitol had a deleterious effect on both bifidobacterial and bacteroides populations (P = 0.01) and decreased total cell numbers. SCFA production was stimulated, however, particularly butyrate (beneficial for host colonocytes). FOS also had a stimulatory effect upon bifidobacterial and lactobacilli populations that used a single inoculum (P = 0.01 for all vessels) as well as a bifidogenic effect in vessels 2 and 3 (P = 0.01) when a pooled inoculum was used. A decrease in bifidobacteria throughout the model was reflected in the percent-G+C profiles.


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Aims: Certain milk factors may promote the growth of a gastrointestinal microflora predominated by bifidobacteria and may aid in overcoming enteric infections. This may explain why breast-fed infants experience fewer intestinal infections than their formula-fed counterparts. The effect of formula supplementation with two such factors was investigated in this study. Methods and Results: Infant faecal specimens were used to ferment formulae supplemented with glycomacropeptide (GMP) and alpha-lactalbumin (alpha-la) in a two-stage compound continuous culture model. At steady state, all fermenter vessels were inoculated with 5 ml of 0.1 M phosphate-buffered saline (pH 7.2) containing 10(8) CFU ml(-1) of either enteropathogenic Escherichia coli 2348/69 (O127:H6) or Salmonella serotype Typhimurium (DSMZ 5569). Bacteriology was determined by independent fluorescence in situ hybridization. Vessels that contained breast milk (BM), as well as alpha-la and GMP supplemented formula had stable total counts of bifidobacteria while lactobacilli increased significantly only in vessels with breast milk. Bacteroides, clostridia and E. coli decreased significantly in all three groups prior to pathogen addition. Escherichia coli counts decreased in vessels containing BM and alpha-la while Salmonella decreased significantly in all vessels containing BM, alpha-la and GMP. Acetate was the predominant acid. Significance and Impact of the Study: Supplementation of infant formulae with appropriate milk proteins may be useful in mimicking the beneficial bacteriological effects of breast milk.


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Background: The electroencephalogram (EEG) may be described by a large number of different feature types and automated feature selection methods are needed in order to reliably identify features which correlate with continuous independent variables. New method: A method is presented for the automated identification of features that differentiate two or more groups inneurologicaldatasets basedupona spectraldecompositionofthe feature set. Furthermore, the method is able to identify features that relate to continuous independent variables. Results: The proposed method is first evaluated on synthetic EEG datasets and observed to reliably identify the correct features. The method is then applied to EEG recorded during a music listening task and is observed to automatically identify neural correlates of music tempo changes similar to neural correlates identified in a previous study. Finally,the method is applied to identify neural correlates of music-induced affective states. The identified neural correlates reside primarily over the frontal cortex and are consistent with widely reported neural correlates of emotions. Comparison with existing methods: The proposed method is compared to the state-of-the-art methods of canonical correlation analysis and common spatial patterns, in order to identify features differentiating synthetic event-related potentials of different amplitudes and is observed to exhibit greater performance as the number of unique groups in the dataset increases. Conclusions: The proposed method is able to identify neural correlates of continuous variables in EEG datasets and is shown to outperform canonical correlation analysis and common spatial patterns.


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Evolutionary novelties in the skeleton are usually expressed as changes in the timing of growth of features intrinsically integrated at different hierarchical levels of development(1). As a consequence, most of the shape- traits observed across species do vary quantitatively rather than qualitatively(2), in a multivariate space(3) and in a modularized way(4,5). Because most phylogenetic analyses normally use discrete, hypothetically independent characters(6), previous attempts have disregarded the phylogenetic signals potentially enclosed in the shape of morphological structures. When analysing low taxonomic levels, where most variation is quantitative in nature, solving basic requirements like the choice of characters and the capacity of using continuous, integrated traits is of crucial importance in recovering wider phylogenetic information. This is particularly relevant when analysing extinct lineages, where available data are limited to fossilized structures. Here we show that when continuous, multivariant and modularized characters are treated as such, cladistic analysis successfully solves relationships among main Homo taxa. Our attempt is based on a combination of cladistics, evolutionary- development- derived selection of characters, and geometric morphometrics methods. In contrast with previous cladistic analyses of hominid phylogeny, our method accounts for the quantitative nature of the traits, and respects their morphological integration patterns. Because complex phenotypes are observable across different taxonomic groups and are potentially informative about phylogenetic relationships, future analyses should point strongly to the incorporation of these types of trait.


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We develop and describe continuous and discrete transforms of class functions on a compact semisimple, but not simple, Lie group G as their expansions into series of special functions that are invariant under the action of the even subgroup of the Weyl group of G. We distinguish two cases of even Weyl groups-one is the direct product of even Weyl groups of simple components of G and the second is the full even Weyl group of G. The problem is rather simple in two dimensions. It is much richer in dimensions greater than two-we describe in detail E-transforms of semisimple Lie groups of rank 3.


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Background. Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) treatment among children with type 1 diabetes is increasing in Sweden. However, studies evaluating glycaemic control in children using CSII show inconsistent results. Omitting bolus insulin doses using CSII may cause reduced glycaemic control among adolescents. The distribution of responsibility for diabetes self-management between children and parents is often unclear and needs clarification. There is much published support for continued parental involvement and shared diabetes management during adolescence. Guided Self-Determination (GSD) is an empowerment-based, person-centred, reflection and problem solving method intended to guide the patient to become self-sufficient and develop life skills for managing difficulties in diabetes self-management. This method has been adapted for adolescents and parents as Guided Self-Determination-Young (GSD-Y). This study aims to evaluate the effect of an intervention with GSD-Y in groups of adolescents starting on insulin pumps and their parents on diabetes-related family conflicts, perceived health and quality of life (QoL), and metabolic control. Here, we describe the protocol and plans for study enrolment. Methods. This study is designed as a randomized, controlled, prospective, multicentre study. Eighty patients between 12-18 years of age who are planning to start CSII will be included. All adolescents and their parents will receive standard insulin pump training. The education intervention will be conducted when CSII is to be started and at four appointments in the first 4 months after starting CSII. The primary outcome is haemoglobin A1c levels. Secondary outcomes are perceived health and QoL, frequency of blood glucose self-monitoring and bolus doses, and usage of carbohydrate counting. The following instruments will be used to evaluate perceived health and QoL: Disabkids, 'Check your health', the Diabetes Family Conflict Scale and the Swedish Diabetes Empowerment Scale. Outcomes will be evaluated within and between groups by comparing data at baseline, and at 6 and 12 months after starting treatment. Results and discussion. In this study, we will assess the effect of starting an insulin pump together with the model of Guided Self-Determination to determine whether this approach leads to retention of improved glycaemic control, QoL, responsibility distribution and reduced diabetes-related conflicts in the family. Trial registration: Current controlled trials: ISRCTN22444034


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Objective: To evaluate the cardiorespiratory effects of continuous infusion of ketamine in hypovolemic dogs anesthetized with desflurane.Design: A prospective experimental study.Animals: Twelve mixed breed dogs allocated into 2 groups: saline (n=6) and ketamine (n=6).Interventions: After obtaining baseline measurements (time [T] 0) in awake dogs, hypovolemia was induced by the removal of 40 mL of blood/kg over 30 minutes. Anesthesia was induced and maintained with desflurane (1.5 minimal alveolar concentration) and 30 minutes later (T75) a continuous intravenous (IV) infusion of saline or ketamine (100 mu g/kg/min) was initiated. Cardiorespiratory evaluations were obtained 15 minutes after hemorrhage (T45), 30 minutes after desflurane anesthesia, and immediately before initiating the infusion (T75), and 5 (T80), 15 (T90), 30 (T105) and 45 (T120) minutes after beginning the infusion.Measurements and main results: Hypovolemia (T45) reduced the arterial blood pressures (systolic arterial pressure, diastolic arterial pressure [DAP] and mean arterial pressure [MAP]), cardiac (CI) and systolic (SI) indexes, and mean pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) in both groups. After 30 minutes of desflurane anesthesia (T75), an additional decrease of MAP in both groups was observed, heart rate was higher than T0 at T75, T80, T90 and T105 in saline-treated dogs only, and the CI was higher in the ketamine group than in the saline group at T75. Five minutes after starting the infusion (T80), respiratory rate (RR) was lower and the end-tidal CO(2) (ETCO(2)) was higher compared with values at T45 in ketamine-treated dogs. Mean values of ETCO(2) were higher in ketamine than in saline dogs between T75 and T120. The systemic vascular resistance index (SVRI) was decreased between T80 and T120 in ketamine when compared with T45.Conclusions: Continuous IV infusion of ketamine in hypovolemic dogs anesthetized with desflurane induced an increase in ETCO(2), but other cardiorespiratory alterations did not differ from those observed when the same concentration of desflurane was used as the sole anesthetic agent. However, this study did not evaluate the effectiveness of ketamine infusion in reducing desflurane dose requirements in hypovolemic dogs or the cardiorespiratory effects of ketamine-desflurane balanced anesthesia.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to evaluate histologically the action of chondroitin sulphate in osteoarthritis experimentally induced by continuous immobilization. Fourteen young female Norfolk rabbits aged 2.5-3 months at the beginning of the experiment were divided into two equitable groups submitted to immobilization of the right knee for a period of 12 weeks. The treated group received 1.0 ml/animal/s.c. of 12% chondroitin sulphate, once a week for 12 weeks, and the untreated group did not receive any treatment. Two additional animals were not submitted to knee immobilization (sham group). Microscopical examination of knee preparations stained with haematoxylin-eosin and Masson trichrome showed lesions of both joints in treated and untreated groups, with no significant difference between the scores obtained for the right and left knees. Examination of preparations stained with picrosirius red showed collagen fibre alignment and misalignment in the right and left knees of the animals of all groups, but statistic analysis could not be performed. It was not possible to differentiate the proteoglycan concentration between limbs or groups (treated and untreated) by safrtanin O or toluidine blue staining. It was possible to conclude that the chondroitin sulphate was not able to reduce the histological changes induced by this osteoarthritis experimental model.


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OBJETIVO: Comparar duas técnicas de infusão de propofol em cadelas submetidas à ovariohisterectomia, estudando a eficácia da dose alvo de propofol, avaliando os atributos cardiorrespiratórios, hemogasométricos e escala do índice bispectral, (BIS) bem como as características do período de recuperação. MÉTODOS: Foram anestesiadas 20 cadelas, distribuídos em dois grupos (GI e GII). em GI, os animais foram pré-tratados com levomepromazina e anestesiados com propofol por infusão alvo controlada, através de bomba de infusão Harvard pump, associado com remifentanila, através de bomba de seringa. em GII, os animais receberam o mesmo tratamento de GI, só que ao invés de receberem o propofol por infusão alvo controlada, receberam o propofol em infusão contínua de velocidade fixa. RESULTADOS: Bradicardia e discreta hipotensão, estabilidade hemogasométrica e respiratória, além de um bom miorrelaxamento, mais evidente na infusão contínua e boa hipnose. CONCLUSÕES: As doses de propofol utilizadas em ambas as técnicas, após o pré-tratamento de levomepromazina e associadas ao opióide, foram eficazes para a realização cirúrgica. A técnica de anestesia alvo controlada obteve um menor consumo de anestésico (propofol) com períodos mais rápidos de recuperação.


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Background: In some parts of the world, peritoneal dialysis is widely used for renal replacement therapy (RRT) in acute kidney injury (AKI), despite concerns about its inadequacy. It has been replaced in recent years by hemodialysis and, most recently, by continuous venovenous therapies. We performed a prospective study to determine the effect of continuous peritoneal dialysis (CPD), as compared with daily hemodialysis (dHD), on survival among patients with AKI.Methods: A total of 120 patients with acute tubular necrosis (ATN) were assigned to receive CPD or dHD in a tertiary-care university hospital. The primary endpoint was hospital survival rate; renal function recovery and metabolic, acid-base, and fluid controls were secondary endpoints.Results: of the 120 patients, 60 were treated with CPD (G1) and 60 with dHD (G2). The two groups were similar at the start of RRT with respect to age (64.2 +/- 19.8 years vs 62.5 +/- 21.2 years), sex (men: 72% vs 66%), sepsis (42% vs 47%), shock (61% vs 63%), severity of AKI [Acute Tubular Necrosis Individual Severity Score (ATNISS): 0.68 +/- 0.2 vs 0.66 +/- 0.22; Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II: 26.9 +/- 8.9 vs 24.1 +/- 8.2], pre-dialysis blood urea nitrogen [BUN (116.4 +/- 33.6 mg/dL vs 112.6 +/- 36.8 mg/dL)], and creatinine (5.85 +/- 1.9 mg/dL vs 5.95 +/- 1.4 mg/dL). In G1, weekly delivered Kt/V was 3.59 +/- 0.61, and in G2, it was 4.76 +/- 0.65 (p < 0.01). The two groups were similar in metabolic and acid-base control (after 4 sessions, BUN < 55 mg/dL: 46 +/- 18.7 mg/dL vs 52 +/- 18.2 mg/dL; pH: 7.41 vs 7.38; bicarbonate: 22.8 +/- 8.9 mEq/L vs 22.2 +/- 7.1 mEq/L). Duration of therapy was longer in G2 (5.5 days vs 7.5 days; p = 0.02). Despite the delivery of different dialysis methods and doses, the survival rate did not differ between the groups (58% in G1 vs 52% in G2), and recovery of renal function was similar (28% vs 26%).Conclusion: High doses of CPD provided appropriate metabolic and pH control, with a rate of survival and recovery of renal function similar to that seen with dHD. Therefore, CPD can be considered an alternative to other forms of RRT in AKI.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVO: Estudar a eficácia e a segurança da cardioplegia sanguínea, aterógrada-retrógrada contínua, por meio da avaliação da função ventricular. MÉTODOS: Os coelhos foram divididos em quatro grupos: Controle-C(n=10); isquêmico e cardioplegia cristaloide-IC(n=10; isquêmico e cardioplegia sanguínea-IB(n=10; isquêmico sem cardioplegia-INC(n=10. Após o período isquêmico do protocolo a função ventricular foi analisada pela técnica do balão intra-ventricular. RESULTADOS: a pressão desenvolvida intra-ventricular (IVDP) foi: C(92,90± 6,86mmHg); IC(77,78± 6,15mmHg); IB(93,64 ±5,09mmHg); INC(39,46 ±8,91mmHg) p<0,005. a primeira derivada temporal da pressão ventricular na sua deflexão positiva: C(1137,50± 92,23mmHg/sec); IC(1130,62 ±43,78mmHg/sec); IB(1187,58± 88,38mmHg/sec); INC(620,02± 43,80mmHg/se) p<0,005. A primeira derivada da pressão ventricular na sua deflexão negativa: C(770,00± 73,41mmHg/sec); IC(610,03 ±47,43mmg/sec); IB(762,53 ±46,02mmHg/sec); INC(412,35 ±84,36mmHg/sec) p<0,005. A relação do coeficiente angular logarítmico foi: C(0,108± 0,02); IC(0,159± 0,038); IB(0,114 ±0,016); INC(0,175± 0,038) p<0,05. CONCLUSÃO: No modelo experimental estudado o grupo isquêmico protegido pela cardioplegia sanguínea apresentou melhor função ventricular que os grupos protegidos por cardioplegia cristalóide e não protegido.