962 resultados para Continuous glucose monitoring
Hypoglycémie nocturne et habitudes alimentaires en soirée chez l'adulte atteint de diabète de type 1
L’hypoglycémie est une barrière au traitement du diabète de type 1 (DbT1). La collation au coucher est recommandée pour prévenir l’hypoglycémie nocturne (HN), mais son efficacité n’est pas démontrée. Objectif : Déterminer si une prise alimentaire en soirée est associée à la survenue d’HN. Étude observationnelle : 100 DbT1 ont porté un lecteur de glucose en continu et complété un journal alimentaire pendant 72 heures. L’HN est survenue durant 28 % des nuits. Une prise alimentaire en soirée n’était pas associée à l’HN. Toutefois, dans un modèle ajusté, l’apport en glucides en soirée était positivement associé aux HN (avec injection d’insuline rapide) et l’apport en protéines inversement associé aux HN (sans injection d’insuline rapide). Manger en soirée ne semble pas associé à moins d’HN. Des études contrôlées sont nécessaires pour comprendre l’effet de la collation au coucher sur le contrôle glycémique et le rôle de l’insuline rapide injectée en soirée.
Les glycogénoses sont des maladies touchant la synthèse ou la dégradation du glycogène. Un diagnostic précoce et une diète optimale, incluant la prévention des hypoglycémies, sont d’une importante cruciale pour le devenir des patients. Les présents travaux visaient la confirmation génétique de glycogénose chez des patients inuits du Nunavik ainsi que l’évaluation de l’impact sur le sommeil et la qualité de vie d’une nouvelle thérapie nutritionnelle, GlycosadeTM, dans une cohorte de patients montréalaise. Par séquençage d’exome, nous avons identifié la mutation causale de glycogénose au Nunavik, permettant un diagnostic précoce et un dépistage des membres de la famille. Nous avons aussi introduit une fécule de maïs à action prolongée et évalué prospectivement le sommeil et la qualité de vie des patients avec glycogénose avant et après ce traitement. Nous avons mis en évidence des troubles de sommeil chez les patients et avons discuté du GlycosadeTM comme d’une option thérapeutique prometteuse.
Exenatide extended-release (ER) is a microencapsulated formulation of the glucagon-like peptide 1-receptor agonist exenatide: It has a protracted pharmacokinetic profile that allows a once-weekly injection with comparable efficacy to insulin with an improved safety profile in type II diabetic people. Here, we studied the pharmacology of exenatide ER in 6 healthy cats. A single subcutaneous injection of exenatide ER (0.13 mg/kg) was administered on day 0. Exenatide concentrations were measured for 12 wk. A hyperglycemic clamp (target = 225 mg/dL) was performed on days 7 (clamp I) and 21 (clamp II) with measurements of insulin and glucagon concentrations. Glucose tolerance was defined as the amount of glucose required to maintain hyperglycemia during the clamp. Continuous glucose monitoring was performed on weeks 0, 2, and 6 after injection. Plasma concentrations of exenatide peaked at 1 h and 4 wk after injection. Comparing clamp I with clamp II, fasting blood glucose decreased (mean standard deviation = 11 8 mg/dL, P = 0.02), glucose tolerance improved (median [range] +33% 14%-138%], P = 0.04), insulin concentrations increased (+36.5% [-9.9% to 274.1%], P = 0.02), and glucagon concentrations decreased (-4.7% [0%-12.1%], P = 0.005). Compared with preinjection values on continuous glucose monitoring, glucose concentrations decreased and the frequency of readings <50 mg/dL increased at 2 and 6 wk after injection of exenatide ER. This did not correspond to clinical hypoglycemia. No other side effects were observed throughout the study. Exenatide ER was safe and effective in improving glucose tolerance 3 wk after a single injection. Further evaluation is needed to determine its safety, efficacy, and duration of action in diabetic cats. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
L’ obiettivo della tesi proposta è volto ad illustrare come la malattia diabetica può essere gestita a livello domiciliare attraverso dispositivi di monitoraggio della glicemia sempre più innovativi. La malattia diabetica è un disturbo metabolico che ha come manifestazione principale un aumento del livello di zucchero nel sangue (glicemia) dovuto ad una ridotta produzione di insulina, l’ormone secreto dal pancreas per utilizzare gli zuccheri e gli altri componenti del cibo e trasformarli in energia. È una delle patologie croniche a più ampia diffusione nel mondo, in particolare nei Paesi industrializzati, e costituisce una delle più rilevanti e costose malattie sociali della nostra epoca, soprattutto per il suo carattere di cronicità, per la tendenza a determinare complicanze nel lungo periodo e per il progressivo spostamento dell’insorgenza verso età giovanili. Le tecnologie applicate alla terapia del diabete hanno consentito negli ultimi vent’anni di raggiungere traguardi molto importanti, soprattutto per quanto riguarda l’ottimizzazione del controllo assiduo dei valori glicemici cercando di mantenerli il più costante possibile e ad un livello simile a quello fisiologico. La comunicazione medico-paziente è stata rivoluzionata dalla telemedicina che, offrendo la possibilità di una comunicazione agevole, permette di ottimizzare l’utilizzo dei dati raccolti attraverso l’automonitoraggio glicemico e di facilitare gli interventi educativi. I glucometri, che misurano la glicemia ‘capillare’, insieme ai microinfusori, sistemi di erogazione dell’insulina sia in maniera continua (fabbisogno basale), che ‘a domanda’ (boli prandiali), hanno sostanzialmente modificato l’approccio e la gestione del diabete da parte del medico, ma soprattutto hanno favorito al paziente diabetico un progressivo superamento delle limitazioni alle normali attività della vita imposte dalla malattia. Con il monitoraggio continuo della glicemia 24 ore su 24 infatti, si ha avuto il vantaggio di avere a disposizione un elevato numero di misurazioni puntiformi nell’arco della giornata attraverso sensori glicemici, che applicati sulla pelle sono in grado di ‘rilevare’ il valore di glucosio a livello interstiziale, per diversi giorni consecutivi e per mezzo di un trasmettitore wireless, inviano le informazioni al ricevitore che visualizza le letture ottenute dal sensore. In anni recenti, il concetto di SAP (Sensor-Augmented Insulin Pump) Therapy, è stato introdotto a seguito di studi che hanno valutato l’efficacia dell’utilizzo della pompa ad infusione continua di insulina (CSII, continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion) associato ai sistemi di monitoraggio in continuo della glicemia (CGM, continuous glucose monitoring) per un significativo miglioramento del controllo glicemico e degli episodi sia di ipoglicemia sia di iperglicemia prolungata. Oggi, grazie ad una nuova funzione è possibile interrompere automaticamente l’erogazione di insulina da parte del microinfusore quando la glicemia, rilevata dal sensore, scende troppo velocemente e raggiunge un limite di allarme. Integrare lettura della glicemia, infusione e sospensione automatica dell’erogazione di insulina in caso di ipoglicemia ha ovviamente aperto la porta al pancreas artificiale.
BACKGROUND Traditional approaches for nighttime glycemic control in glycogen storage disease type I (GSDI) include continuous tube feeding, or ingestion of uncooked corn starch (CS) at bedtime. A modified corn starch (MCS) has been shown to prolong euglycemia in some patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether stable nighttime glucose control can be achieved with other types of slowly digested carbohydrates in adult GSDI patients. METHODS In this cross-over study, nocturnal glucose control and fasting times were assessed with three different nocturnal nutrition regimens in five patients, using continuous glucose monitoring (CGMS) in an outpatient everyday life setting. For each patient, continuous glucose profiles were measured after ingestion of (1) CS, (2) MCS or (3) a pasta meal at bedtime, during 5 to 6 consecutive nights for each regimen. RESULTS Stable nocturnal glucose control was achieved for all patients with a pasta meal, with a mean duration of glycemia >3.5 mmol/l of 7.6 h (range 5.7-10.8), and >4 mmol/l of 7 h (5.2-9.2), similar to CS and MCS. Fasting glucose before breakfast on workdays (after 7.1 ± 0.8 h) was not significantly different between the three interventions (CS 4.1 ± 0.5 mmol/l, MCS 4.6 ± 0.7 mmol/l, pasta 4.3 ± 0.9 mmol/l). During prolonged fasting on weekends, longer duration of normoglycemia was achieved with CS or MCS than with pasta. CONCLUSION Consumption of cooked pasta is a suitable and more palatable alternative to uncooked corn starch to achieve nighttime glucose control in adult patients with GSDI.
La diabetes mellitus es el conjunto de alteraciones provocadas por un defecto en la cantidad de insulina secretada o por un aprovechamiento deficiente de la misma. Es causa directa de complicaciones a corto, medio y largo plazo que disminuyen la calidad y las expectativas de vida de las personas con diabetes. La diabetes mellitus es en la actualidad uno de los problemas más importantes de salud. Ha triplicado su prevalencia en los últimos 20 anos y para el año 2025 se espera que existan casi 300 millones de personas con diabetes. Este aumento de la prevalencia junto con la morbi-mortalidad asociada a sus complicaciones micro y macro-vasculares convierten la diabetes en una carga para los sistemas sanitarios, sus recursos económicos y sus profesionales, haciendo de la enfermedad un problema individual y de salud pública de enormes proporciones. De momento no existe cura a esta enfermedad, de modo que el objetivo terapéutico del tratamiento de la diabetes se centra en la normalización de la glucemia intentando minimizar los eventos de hiper e hipoglucemia y evitando la aparición o al menos retrasando la evolución de las complicaciones vasculares, que constituyen la principal causa de morbi-mortalidad de las personas con diabetes. Un adecuado control diabetológico implica un tratamiento individualizado que considere multitud de factores para cada paciente (edad, actividad física, hábitos alimentarios, presencia de complicaciones asociadas o no a la diabetes, factores culturales, etc.). Sin embargo, a corto plazo, las dos variables más influyentes que el paciente ha de manejar para intervenir sobre su nivel glucémico son la insulina administrada y la dieta. Ambas presentan un retardo entre el momento de su aplicación y el comienzo de su acción, asociado a la absorción de los mismos. Por este motivo la capacidad de predecir la evolución del perfil glucémico en un futuro cercano, ayudara al paciente a tomar las decisiones adecuadas para mantener un buen control de su enfermedad y evitar situaciones de riesgo. Este es el objetivo de la predicción en diabetes: adelantar la evolución del perfil glucémico en un futuro cercano para ayudar al paciente a adaptar su estilo de vida y sus acciones correctoras, con el propósito de que sus niveles de glucemia se aproximen a los de una persona sana, evitando así los síntomas y complicaciones de un mal control. La aparición reciente de los sistemas de monitorización continua de glucosa ha proporcionado nuevas alternativas. La disponibilidad de un registro exhaustivo de las variaciones del perfil glucémico, con un periodo de muestreo de entre uno y cinco minutos, ha favorecido el planteamiento de nuevos modelos que tratan de predecir la glucemia utilizando tan solo las medidas anteriores de glucemia o al menos reduciendo significativamente la información de entrada a los algoritmos. El hecho de requerir menor intervención por parte del paciente, abre nuevas posibilidades de aplicación de los predictores de glucemia, haciéndose viable su uso en tiempo real, como sistemas de ayuda a la decisión, como detectores de situaciones de riesgo o integrados en algoritmos automáticos de control. En esta tesis doctoral se proponen diferentes algoritmos de predicción de glucemia para pacientes con diabetes, basados en la información registrada por un sistema de monitorización continua de glucosa así como incorporando la información de la insulina administrada y la ingesta de carbohidratos. Los algoritmos propuestos han sido evaluados en simulación y utilizando datos de pacientes registrados en diferentes estudios clínicos. Para ello se ha desarrollado una amplia metodología, que trata de caracterizar las prestaciones de los modelos de predicción desde todos los puntos de vista: precisión, retardo, ruido y capacidad de detección de situaciones de riesgo. Se han desarrollado las herramientas de simulación necesarias y se han analizado y preparado las bases de datos de pacientes. También se ha probado uno de los algoritmos propuestos para comprobar la validez de la predicción en tiempo real en un escenario clínico. Se han desarrollado las herramientas que han permitido llevar a cabo el protocolo experimental definido, en el que el paciente consulta la predicción bajo demanda y tiene el control sobre las variables metabólicas. Este experimento ha permitido valorar el impacto sobre el control glucémico del uso de la predicción de glucosa. ABSTRACT Diabetes mellitus is the set of alterations caused by a defect in the amount of secreted insulin or a suboptimal use of insulin. It causes complications in the short, medium and long term that affect the quality of life and reduce the life expectancy of people with diabetes. Diabetes mellitus is currently one of the most important health problems. Prevalence has tripled in the past 20 years and estimations point out that it will affect almost 300 million people by 2025. Due to this increased prevalence, as well as to morbidity and mortality associated with micro- and macrovascular complications, diabetes has become a burden on health systems, their financial resources and their professionals, thus making the disease a major individual and a public health problem. There is currently no cure for this disease, so that the therapeutic goal of diabetes treatment focuses on normalizing blood glucose events. The aim is to minimize hyper- and hypoglycemia and to avoid, or at least to delay, the appearance and development of vascular complications, which are the main cause of morbidity and mortality among people with diabetes. A suitable, individualized and controlled treatment for diabetes involves many factors that need to be considered for each patient: age, physical activity, eating habits, presence of complications related or unrelated to diabetes, cultural factors, etc. However, in the short term, the two most influential variables that the patient has available in order to manage his/her glycemic levels are administered insulin doses and diet. Both suffer from a delay between their time of application and the onset of the action associated with their absorption. Therefore, the ability to predict the evolution of the glycemic profile in the near future could help the patient to make appropriate decisions on how to maintain good control of his/her disease and to avoid risky situations. Hence, the main goal of glucose prediction in diabetes consists of advancing the evolution of glycemic profiles in the near future. This would assist the patient in adapting his/her lifestyle and in taking corrective actions in a way that blood glucose levels approach those of a healthy person, consequently avoiding the symptoms and complications of a poor glucose control. The recent emergence of continuous glucose monitoring systems has provided new alternatives in this field. The availability of continuous records of changes in glycemic profiles (with a sampling period of one or five minutes) has enabled the design of new models which seek to predict blood glucose by using automatically read glucose measurements only (or at least, reducing significantly the data input manually to the algorithms). By requiring less intervention by the patient, new possibilities are open for the application of glucose predictors, making its use feasible in real-time applications, such as: decision support systems, hypo- and hyperglycemia detectors, integration into automated control algorithms, etc. In this thesis, different glucose prediction algorithms are proposed for patients with diabetes. These are based on information recorded by a continuous glucose monitoring system and incorporate information of the administered insulin and carbohydrate intakes. The proposed algorithms have been evaluated in-silico and using patients’ data recorded in different clinical trials. A complete methodology has been developed to characterize the performance of predictive models from all points of view: accuracy, delay, noise and ability to detect hypo- and hyperglycemia. In addition, simulation tools and patient databases have been deployed. One of the proposed algorithms has additionally been evaluated in terms of real-time prediction performance in a clinical scenario in which the patient checked his/her glucose predictions on demand and he/she had control on his/her metabolic variables. This has allowed assessing the impact of using glucose prediction on glycemic control. The tools to carry out the defined experimental protocols were also developed in this thesis.
Lowering glucose levels, while avoiding hypoglycaemia, can be challenging in insulin-treated patients with diabetes. We evaluated the role of ambulatory glucose profile in optimising glycaemic control in this population. Insulin-treated patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes were recruited into a prospective, multicentre, 100-day study and randomised to control (n = 28) or intervention (n = 59) groups. The intervention group used ambulatory glucose profile, generated by continuous glucose monitoring, to assess daily glucose levels, whereas the controls relied on capillary glucose testing. Patients were reviewed at days 30 and 45 by the health care professional to adjust insulin therapy. Comparing first and last 2 weeks of the study, ambulatory glucose profile-monitored type 2 diabetes patients (n = 28) showed increased time in euglycaemia (mean ± standard deviation) by 1.4 ± 3.5 h/day (p = 0.0427) associated with reduction in HbA1c from 77 ± 15 to 67 ± 13 mmol/mol (p = 0.0002) without increased hypoglycaemia. Type 1 diabetes patients (n = 25) showed reduction in hypoglycaemia from 1.4 ± 1.7 to 0.8 ± 0.8 h/day (p = 0.0472) associated with a marginal HbA1c decrease from 75 ± 10 to 72 ± 8 mmol/mol (p = 0.0508). Largely similar findings were observed comparing intervention and control groups at end of study. In conclusion, ambulatory glucose profile helps glycaemic management in insulin-treated diabetes patients by increasing time spent in euglycaemia and decreasing HbA1c in type 2 diabetes patients, while reducing hypoglycaemia in type 1 diabetes patients.
Introducción: El tiempo promedio del efecto máximo de la insulina regular rápida en la glucemia postprandial ha sido considerado durante años de 120 minutos. En pacientes con Diabetes Mellitus (DM) que usan insulinas análogas este tiempo y los factores asociados no se encuentran reportados para ser aplicados en el automonitoreo. El objetivo de este estudio fue calcular el tiempo y factores relacionados al efecto máximo de la insulina en la glucemia postprandial. Metodología: Se desarrolló un estudio longitudinal retrospectivo a partir de una fuente secundaria donde se realizó un análisis descriptivo y bivariado con las variables demográficas y clínicas presentes en la población. Resultados: El tiempo promedio del pico máximo de insulina en pacientes con DM1 fue de 78.4 (DE± 16.512) y DM2 75.01(DE± 12.02) minutos. El 75% de la población con DM1 y el 54.2% en DM2 era de sexo femenino, la edad promedio en DM1 era 42.38 años y en DM2 68 años, en cuanto a la categorización del IMC el 50% de la población en DM1 y el 37.5% en DM2 estaban dentro del rango de obesidad y se encontró una relación con respecto al tipo de comida “desayuno-cena” vs el tiempo promedio del efecto máximo de la insulina calculado para ambos grupos (p:0.010). Conclusiones: El tiempo promedio del efecto máximo de la insulina calculado fue menor al tiempo reportado en la literatura clínica de 120 minutos. El tipo de comida principal mostró una relación con el tiempo promedio del efecto máximo en ambos grupos.
Il diabete mellito (DM) è una delle malattie endocrine più comuni nel cane. Una volta raggiunta la diagnosi di DM, è necessario iniziare un trattamento insulinico nonché una dieta specifica, al fine di controllare i livelli di glucosio nel sangue e di conseguenza i segni clinici. Inoltre, al fine di ottenere un buon controllo glicemico, è essenziale garantire uno stretto monitoraggio terapeutico. Nella presente tesi sono riportati numerosi studi relativi a trattamento, monitoraggio e prognosi dei cani con DM. Il capitolo 2 è una review che illustra i principali aspetti terapeutici e di monitoraggio del DM. Il capitolo 3 riporta uno studio che confronta l'efficacia e la sicurezza dell'insulina Lenta e dell'insulina Neutra Protamine Hagedorn (NPH). I metodi di monitoraggio per cani con DM possono essere classificati in diretti od indiretti. I metodi di monitoraggio diretto includono misurazioni serali della glicemia o monitoraggio continuo del glucosio interstiziale tramite appositi dispositivi (Continuous Glucose Monitoring System, CGMS). Le modalità indirette comprendono la valutazione dell'assunzione di acqua e del peso corporeo, la quantificazione del glucosio/chetoni nelle urine e la misurazione delle concentrazioni di proteine glicate. Il capitolo 4 mostra uno studio volto a valutare l'accuratezza e la precisione di un glucometro e un glucometro/chetometro nel cane. Il Flash Glucose Monitoring system è un CGMS recentemente validato per l'uso nel cane; la sua utilità clinica nel monitoraggio del DM canino è esaminata nel capitolo 5. Il capitolo 6 descrive uno studio in cui si validano 2 metodi analitici per la misurazione delle fruttosamine sieriche e dell'emoglobina glicata nel cane e confronta l’utilità delle due proteine glicate nel definire il controllo glicemico. Infine, il capitolo 7 riporta uno studio finalizzato a determinare il tempo di sopravvivenza e ad identificare il valore prognostico di diverse variabili cliniche e clinico-patologiche nei cani con DM.
Wearable biosensors are attracting interest due to their potential to provide continuous, real-time physiological information via dynamic, non-invasive measurements of biochemical markers in biofluids, such as interstitial fluid (ISF). One notable example of their applications is for glycemic monitoring in diabetic patients, which is typically carried out either by direct measurement of blood glucose via finger pricking or by wearable sensors that can continuously monitor glucose in ISF by sampling it from below the skin with a microneedle. In this context, the development of a new and minimally invasive multisensing tattoo-based platform for the monitoring of glucose and other analytes in ISF extracted through reverse iontophoresis in proposed by the GLUCOMFORT project. This elaborate describes the in-vitro development of flexible electrochemical sensors based on inkjet-printed PEDOT:PSS and metal inks that are capable of determining glucose and chloride at biologically relevant concentrations, making them good candidates for application in the GLUCOMFORT platform. In order to make PEDOT:PSS sensitive to glucose at micromolar concentrations, a biocompatible functionalization based on immobilized glucose oxidase and electrodeposited platinum was developed. This functionalization was successfully applied to bulk and flexible amperometric devices, the design of which was also optimized. Using the same strategy, flexible organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs) for glucose sensing were also made and successfully tested. For the sensing of chloride ions, an organic charge-modulated field-effect transistor (OCMFET) featuring a silver/silver chloride modified floating gate electrode was developed and tested.
The use of continuous glucose monitor changes the way patients manage their diabetes, as observed in the increased number of daily insulin bolus, the increased number of daily BG measurements, and the differences in the distribution of BG measurements throughout the day. Continuous monitoring also increases the interaction of patients with the information system and modifies their patterns of use.
Background: Self-monitoring of blood glucose is controversial in the management of type 2 diabetes. Some research suggests that self-monitoring improves glycaemic control, whereas other research is sceptical about its value for people with type 2 diabetes who are not on insulin. Although blood glucose meters are widely available and used by this group, patients' own views are absent from the debate. Aim: To explore the pros and cons of glucose monitoring from the patients' perspectives. Design of study: Qualitative repeat-interview study. Setting: Patients were recruited from 16 general practices and three hospital clinics within four local healthcare cooperatives in Lothian, Scotland. Method: Interview data from 40 patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes within the previous 6 months were analysed using thematic analysis informed by grounded theory. We report findings from round 1 and round 2 interviews. Results: Glucose monitoring can heighten patients' awareness of the impact of lifestyle; for example, dietary choices, on blood glucose levels. Glucose monitoring amplifies a sense of 'success' or 'failure' about self-management, often resulting in anxiety and self-blame if glucose readings remain consistently high. Moreover, monitoring can negatively effect patients' self-management when readings are counter-intuitive. Conclusion: Our analysis highlights the importance of understanding the meanings that newly diagnosed patients attach to glucose self-monitoring. To maximise the positive effects of self-monitoring, health professionals should ensure that patients understand the purpose of monitoring and should clarify with patients how readings should be interpreted. © British Journal of General Practice.
Glucose monitoring in vivo is a crucial issue for gaining new understanding of diabetes. Glucose binding protein (GBP) fused to two fluorescent indicator proteins (FLIP) was used in the present study such as FLIP-glu- 3.2 mM. Recombinant Escherichia coli whole-cells containing genetically encoded nanosensors as well as cell-free extracts were immobilized either on inner epidermis of onion bulb scale or on 96-well microtiter plates in the presence of glutaraldehyde. Glucose monitoring was carried out by Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) analysis due the cyano and yellow fluorescent proteins (ECFP and EYFP) immobilized in both these supports. The recovery of these immobilized FLIP nanosensors compared with the free whole-cells and cell-free extract was in the range of 50–90%. Moreover, the data revealed that these FLIP nanosensors can be immobilized in such solid supports with retention of their biological activity. Glucose assay was devised by FRET analysis by using these nanosensors in real samples which detected glucose in the linear range of 0–24 mM with a limit of detection of 0.11 mM glucose. On the other hand, storage and operational stability studies revealed that they are very stable and can be re-used several times (i.e. at least 20 times) without any significant loss of FRET signal. To author's knowledge, this is the first report on the use of such immobilization supports for whole-cells and cell-free extract containing FLIP nanosensor for glucose assay. On the other hand, this is a novel and cheap high throughput method for glucose assay.
In 58 newborn infants a new iridium oxide sensor was evaluated for transcutaneous carbon dioxide (tcPCO2) monitoring at 42 degrees C with a prolonged fixation time of 24 hours. The correlation of tcPCO2 (y; mm Hg) v PaCO2 (x; mm Hg) for 586 paired values was: y = 4.6 + 1.45x; r = .89; syx = 6.1 mm Hg. The correlation was not influenced by the duration of fixation. The transcutaneous sensor detected hypocapnia (PaCO2 less than 35 mm Hg) in 74% and hypercapnia (PCO2 greater than 45 mm Hg) in 74% of all cases. After 24 hours, calibration shifts were less than 4 mm Hg in 90% of the measuring periods. In 86% of the infants, no skin changes were observed; in 12% of infants, there were transitional skin erythemas and in 2% a blister which disappeared without scarring. In newborn infants with normal BPs, continuous tcPCO2 monitoring at 42 degrees C can be extended for as many as 24 hours without loss of reliability or increased risk for skin burns.
OBJECTIVES: To examine predictors and the prognostic value of electrographic seizures (ESZs) and periodic epileptiform discharges (PEDs) in medical intensive care unit (MICU) patients without a primary acute neurologic condition. DESIGN: Retrospective study. SETTING: MICU in a university hospital. PATIENTS: A total of 201 consecutive patients admitted to the MICU between July 2004 and January 2007 without known acute neurologic injury and who underwent continuous electroencephalography monitoring (cEEG) for investigation of possible seizures or changes in mental status. INTERVENTION: None. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Median time from intensive care unit (ICU) admission to cEEG was 1 day (interquartile range 1-4). The majority of patients (60%) had sepsis as the primary admission diagnosis and 48% were comatose at the time of cEEG. Ten percent (n = 21) of patients had ESZs, 17% (n = 34) had PEDs, 5% (n = 10) had both, and 22% (n = 45) had either ESZs or PEDs. Seizures during cEEG were purely electrographic (no detectable clinical correlate) in the majority (67%) of patients. Patients with sepsis had a higher rate of ESZs or PEDs than those without sepsis (32% vs. 9%, p < 0.001). On multivariable analysis, sepsis at ICU admission was the only significant predictor of ESZs or PEDs (odds ratio 4.6, 95% confidence interval 1.9-12.7, p = 0.002). After controlling for age, coma, and organ dysfunction, the presence of ESZs or PEDs was associated with death or severe disability at hospital discharge (89% with ESZs or PEDs, vs. 39% if not; odds ratio 19.1, 95% confidence interval 6.3-74.6, p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: In this retrospective study of MICU patients monitored with cEEG, ESZs and PEDs were frequent, predominantly in patients with sepsis. Seizures were mainly nonconvulsive. Both seizures and periodic discharges were associated with poor outcome. Prospective studies are warranted to determine more precisely the frequency and clinical impact of nonconvulsive seizures and periodic discharges, particularly in septic patients.