875 resultados para Continuous Variable Systems
We arrive at a necessary and sufficient criterion that can be readily used for interconvertibility between general, all-tripartite Gaussian states under local quantum operation. The derivation involves a systematic reduction that converts the original complex conditions in high-dimensional, 6n x 6n matrix space eventually into 2 x 2 matrix problems.
We provide a general, necessary, and sufficient condition for the possibility of transforming a mixed bipartite Gaussian state with arbitrarily many modes to another one under arbitrary local Gaussian channels, which do not include classical communication. Moreover, by means of this condition we present a necessary criterion that can be used to check the possibility of a state transformation between two mixed Gaussian states. At the same time, we prove that our criterion can be reduced to the Eisert-Plenio criterion when the mode number is chosen as 1 per side.
We present the normal form of the covariance matrix for three-mode tripartite Gaussian states. By means of this result, the general form of a necessary and sufficient criterion for the possibility of a state transformation from one tripartite entangled Gaussian state to another with three modes is found. Moreover, we show that the conditions presented include not only inequalities but equalities as well.
We study state engineering through bilinear interactions between two remote qubits and two-mode Gaussian light fields. The attainable two-qubit states span the entire physically allowed region in the entanglement-versus-global-purity plane. Two-mode Gaussian states with maximal entanglement at fixed global and marginal entropies produce maximally entangled two-qubit states in the corresponding entropic diagram. We show that a small set of parameters characterizing extremally entangled two-mode Gaussian states is sufficient to control the engineering of extremally entangled two-qubit states, which can be realized in realistic matter-light scenarios.
Parametric interactions in nonlinear crystals represent a powerful tool in the optical manipulation of information, both in the classical and the quantum regime. Here, we analyze in detail classical and quantum aspects of three-and five-mode parametric interactions in chi(2) nonlinear crystals. The equations of motion are explicitly derived and then solved within the parametric approximation. We describe several applications, including holography, all-optical gates, generation of entanglement, and telecloning. Experimental results on the photon distributions and correlations of the generated beams are also reported and discussed.
We address the generation, propagation, and application of multipartite continuous variable entanglement in a noisy environment. In particular, we focus our attention on the multimode entangled states achievable by second-order nonlinear crystals-i.e., coherent states of the SU(m,1) group-which provide a generalization of the twin-beam state of a bipartite system. The full inseparability in the ideal case is shown, whereas thresholds for separability are given for the tripartite case in the presence of noise. We find that entanglement of tripartite states is robust against thermal noise, both in the generation process and during propagation. We then consider coherent states of SU(m,1) as a resource for multipartite distribution of quantum information and analyze a specific protocol for telecloning, proving its optimality in the case of symmetric cloning of pure Gaussian states. We show that the proposed protocol also provides the first example of a completely asymmetric 1 -> m telecloning and derive explicitly the optimal relation among the different fidelities of the m clones. The effect of noise in the various stages of the protocol is taken into account, and the fidelities of the clones are analytically obtained as a function of the noise parameters. In turn, this permits the optimization of the telecloning protocol, including its adaptive modifications to the noisy environment. In the optimized scheme the clones' fidelity remains maximal even in the presence of losses (in the absence of thermal noise), for propagation times that diverge as the number of modes increases. In the optimization procedure the prominent role played by the location of the entanglement source is analyzed in details. Our results indicate that, when only losses are present, telecloning is a more effective way to distribute quantum information than direct transmission followed by local cloning.
We introduce a tool for the quantitative characterization of the departure from Markovianity of a given dynamical process. Our tool can be applied to a generic N-level system and extended straightforwardly to Gaussian continuous-variable systems. It is linked to the change of the volume of physical states that are dynamically accessible to a system and provides qualitative expectations in agreement with some of the analogous tools proposed so far. We illustrate its predictive power by tackling a few canonical examples.
Optomechanics is currently believed to provide a promising route towards the achievement of genuine quantum effects at the large, massive-system scale. By using a recently proposed figure of merit that is well suited to address continuous-variable systems, in this paper we analyze the requirements needed for the state of a mechanical mode (embodied by an end-cavity cantilever or a membrane placed within an optical cavity) to be qualified as macroscopic. We show that, according to the phase space-based criterion that we have chosen for our quantitative analysis, the state achieved through strong single-photon radiation-pressure coupling to a quantized field of light and conditioned by measurements operated on the latter might be interpreted as macroscopically quantum. In general, though, genuine macroscopic quantum superpositions appear to be possible only under quite demanding experimental conditions
Subtle quantum properties offer exciting new prospects in optical communications. For example, quantum entanglement enables the secure exchange of cryptographic keys(1) and the distribution of quantum information by teleportation(2,3). Entangled bright beams of light are increasingly appealing for such tasks, because they enable the use of well-established classical communications techniques(4). However, quantum resources are fragile and are subject to decoherence by interaction with the environment. The unavoidable losses in the communication channel can lead to a complete destruction of entanglement(5-8), limiting the application of these states to quantum-communication protocols. We investigate the conditions under which this phenomenon takes place for the simplest case of two light beams, and analyse characteristics of states which are robust against losses. Our study sheds new light on the intriguing properties of quantum entanglement and how they may be harnessed for future applications.
Adopting the framework of the Jaynes-Cummings model with an external quantum field, we obtain exact analytical expressions of the normally ordered moments for any kind of cavity and driving fields. Such analytical results are expressed in the integral form, with their integrands having a commom term that describes the product of the Glauber-Sudarshan quasiprobability distribution functions for each field, and a kernel responsible for the entanglement. Considering a specific initial state of the tripartite system, the normally ordered moments are then applied to investigate not only the squeezing effect and the nonlocal correlation measure based on the total variance of a pair of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen type operators for continuous variable systems, but also the Shchukin-Vogel criterion. This kind of numerical investigation constitutes the first quantitative characterization of the entanglement properties for the driven Jaynes-Cummings model.
We present a fully quantum mechanical treatment of the nondegenerate optical parametric oscillator both below and near threshold. This is a nonequilibrium quantum system with a critical point phase transition, that is also known to exhibit strong yet easily observed squeezing and quantum entanglement. Our treatment makes use of the positive P representation and goes beyond the usual linearized theory. We compare our analytical results with numerical simulations and find excellent agreement. We also carry out a detailed comparison of our results with those obtained from stochastic electrodynamics, a theory obtained by truncating the equation of motion for the Wigner function, with a view to locating regions of agreement and disagreement between the two. We calculate commonly used measures of quantum behavior including entanglement, squeezing, and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) correlations as well as higher order tripartite correlations, and show how these are modified as the critical point is approached. These results are compared with those obtained using two degenerate parametric oscillators, and we find that in the near-critical region the nondegenerate oscillator has stronger EPR correlations. In general, the critical fluctuations represent an ultimate limit to the possible entanglement that can be achieved in a nondegenerate parametric oscillator.
Quantum optics experiments on bright beams are based on the spectral analysis of field fluctuations and typically probe correlations between radio-frequency sideband modes. However, the extra degree of freedom represented by this dual-mode picture is generally ignored. We demonstrate the experimental operation of a device which can be used to separate the quantum sidebands of an optical field. We use this device to explicitly demonstrate the quantum entanglement between the sidebands of a squeezed beam.
We show that the intracavity Kerr nonlinear coupler is a potential source of bright continuous variable entangled light beams which are tunable and spatially separated. We use a linearized fluctuation analysis to calculate the necessary correlations in regimes where it is valid. This means that we are treating regimes where the system exhibits Gaussian statistics so that well-known criteria are both necessary and sufficient to demonstrate entanglement. This system may be realized with integrated optics and thus provides a potentially rugged and stable source of bright entangled beams.
Una detallada descripción de la dinámica de bajas energías del entrelazamiento multipartito es proporcionada para sistemas armónicos en una gran variedad de escenarios disipativos. Sin hacer ninguna aproximación central, esta descripción yace principalmente sobre un conjunto razonable de hipótesis acerca del entorno e interacción entorno-sistema, ambas consistente con un análisis lineal de la dinámica disipativa. En la primera parte se deriva un criterio de inseparabilidad capaz de detectar el entrelazamiento k-partito de una extensa clase de estados gausianos y no-gausianos en sistemas de variable continua. Este criterio se emplea para monitorizar la dinámica transitiva del entrelazamiento, mostrando que los estados no-gausianos pueden ser tan robustos frente a los efectos disipativos como los gausianos. Especial atención se dedicada a la dinámica estacionaria del entrelazamiento entre tres osciladores interaccionando con el mismo entorno o diferentes entornos a distintas temperaturas. Este estudio contribuye a dilucidar el papel de las correlaciones cuánticas en el comportamiento de la corrientes energéticas.