989 resultados para Consumer participation


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In a capitalistic market society, all individuals should have an equal opportunity to participate, with varying extents, in consumerism. Democracy entitles one to political participation but people have come to value consumer participation as having more importance as shopping and the exchange of goods and services have become an important part of everyday living. Yet not everyone can participate in consumerism and they end up suffering, especially the children living in poverty. These children internalize the message that since they cannot participate in a society based on material consumption, they cannot belong. Poverty not only causes individuals to experience their lives differently, but also affects the development of one’s physical, cognitive, social, and emotional identity. Many of the consequences of poverty have been scrutinized and studied to try to explain the experiences of such children. What has not been closely examined however is the relationship between the inability to participate in a consumer society and the bodily being, thoughts, actions, and feelings of impoverished children. I will discuss how these effects of poverty result in the inability of children to participate in society.


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Population nutrition problems have a diversity of contributory factors and, ideally, multi-sectoral solutions should be developed by the relevant stakeholders, based on a common understanding of these factors. The problem and solution tree approach is a participatory process of working through the layers of determinants and then developing potential interventions for a specific issue, using the available data and expertise. We tailored this approach for non-communicable disease-related nutrition problems in Pacific Islands and applied it in several countries. The process led to the identification of a considerable range of determinants of unhealthy diets and potential interventions to improve the situation. This practical approach also offered the additional benefit of developing stakeholder awareness in the issues. Problem trees are a relatively simple tool to implement, easy to adapt to differing needs, can generate a wealth of information and can be more widely used.


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Beyond the limited efficiency and economy goals of neoliberal health policy lies the promise of genuine health services reform. In maternity care in particular, recent policy developments have sought to make the management of birth more ‘women-centred and family-friendly’. Interprofessional collaboration and greater consumer participation in policy and decision-making are key means to achieve this goal, but changing the entrenched system of medicalised birth remains difficult. Recent social contestation of maternity care has destabilised but not eradicated pervasive medical hegemony. Further reform requires analysis both of institutionalised patterns of power, and attention to the fluidity and situated knowledge shaping organisational and professional practices. Accordingly, this paper outlines a framework with which to explore the multi-layered social processes involved in implementing organisational and cultural change in maternity care. Analysis of social interventions in health systems, we suggest, can be advanced by drawing on strands from critical organization studies, complexity and critical discourse theories and social practice approaches.


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To develop a transparent and broadly applicable method for assessing occupational safety and health (OSH) programmes or management systems; (2) to assess OSH programmes in a sample of manufacturing worksites; and (3) to determine whether a management focused occupational health intervention results in greater improvement in OSH programmes compared to minimal intervention controls. OSH programmes were assessed using an adaptation of the US Occupational Safety & Health Administration's 1995 Program Evaluation Profile. Scores were generated from 91 binary indicator variables grouped under four "Essential Elements". Essential Element scores were weighted to contribute to an overall programme score on a 100 point scale. Seventeen large manufacturing worksites were assessed at baseline; 15 sites completed the 16 month intervention and follow up assessments. There was considerable variation in Essential Element scores across sites at baseline as judged by our instrument, particularly in "management commitment and employee participation" and "workplace analysis". Most sites scored highly on "hazard prevention and control" and "training and education". For overall OSH programme scores, most sites scored in the 60-80% range at baseline, with four sites scoring below 60%, suggesting weak programmes. Intervention sites showed greater improvements than controls in the four programme elements and in overall programme scores, with significantly greater improvements in "management commitment and employee participation". The OSH programme assessment method used is broadly applicable to manufacturing work settings, and baseline profiles suggest needs for improvement in OSH programmes in most such worksites. Despite a small sample size, results showed that sustained management focused intervention can result in improvement in these OSH programme measures.


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Non-government organisations make a substantial contribution to the provision of mental health services; despite this, there has been little research and evaluation targeted at understanding the role played by these services within the community mental health sector. The aim of the present study was to examine the depth and breadth of services offered by these organisations in south-east Queensland, Australia, across five key aspects of reach and delivery.


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BACKGROUND: Patient and public involvement in diabetes research is now actively encouraged in different countries because it is believed that involving people with experience of the condition will improve the quality and relevance of the research. However, reviews of patient involvement have noted that inadequate resources, patients' and communities' lack of research knowledge, and researchers' lack of skills to involve patients and communities in research may present significant contextual barriers. Little is known about the extent of patient/community involvement in designing or delivering interventions for people with diabetes. A realist review of involvement will contribute to assessing when, how and why involvement works, or does not work, to produce better diabetes interventions.

METHODS/DESIGN: This protocol outlines the process for conducting a realist review to map how patients and the public have been involved in diabetes research to date. The review questions ask the following: How have people with diabetes and the wider community been involved in diabetes research? What are the characteristics of the process that appear to explain the relative success or failure of involvement? How has involvement (or lack of involvement) in diabetes research influenced the development and conduct of diabetes research? The degree of support in the surrounding context will be assessed alongside the ways in which people interact in different settings to identify patterns of interaction between context, mechanisms and outcomes in different research projects. The level and extent of the involvement will be described for each stage of the research project. The descriptions will be critically reviewed by the people with diabetes on our review team. In addition, researchers and patients in diabetes research will be asked to comment. Information from researcher-patient experiences and documents will be compared to theories of involvement across a range of disciplines to create a mid-range theory describing how involvement (or lack of involvement) in diabetes research influences the development and conduct of diabetes research.


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AIM: To describe the design, development and evaluation of a consumer-centred video, which was underpinned by the Theory of Planned Behaviour and it was created to educate newly transplanted kidney recipients about the importance of medication adherence. BACKGROUND: Kidney transplantation is a treatment whereby medication adherence is critical to ensure long-term kidney graft success. To date, many interventions aimed to improve medication adherence in kidney transplantation have been conducted but consumers remain largely uninvolved in the interventional design. DESIGN: Qualitative sequential design. METHODS: Twenty-two participants who had maintained their kidney transplant for at least 8 months and three participants who had experienced a kidney graft loss due to non-adherence were interviewed from March-May 2014 in Victoria, Australia. These interviews were independently reviewed by two researchers and were used to guide the design of the story plot and to identify storytellers for the video. The first draft of the video was evaluated by a panel of seven experts in the field, one independent educational expert and two consumers using Lynn's content validity questionnaire. The content of the video was regarded as highly relevant and comprehensive, which achieved a score of >3·7 out of a possible 4. RESULTS/FINDINGS: The final 18-minute video comprised 15 sections. Topics included medication management, the factors affecting medication adherence and the absolute necessity of adherence to immunosuppressive medications for graft survival. CONCLUSION: This paper has demonstrated the feasibility of creating a consumer-driven video that supports medication adherence in an engaging way.


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The objective of this work is identify the impacts of the Light privatization under the consumer point of view, with special focus to the service's quality, verifying the channels introduced by Light to measure the consumer satifaction and evaluate how the consumers interests have influence on the company's decisions. This study also objective to identify the main challenges faced by the Regulatory Agency and the Brazilian State on the new relationship model implementation STATE - CONSUMER - CONCESSIONARY, propoused to the energy sector after the privatization. A descriptive methodology is used to identify the most significant changes on the Light's trasition process to the private administration, followed by an explicative investigation to find how the consumer has passed throught this change, based on bibliographical research and interviews. The obtained conclusions shows that the impacts of the Light privatization under the consumer point of view are positive and highlights that the Regulatory Agency has to have the power and autonomy to control and advice the conncessionaries, building consulte and evaluation mechanisms to activate the consumer participation.


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo a análise das intervenções em saúde bucal, registradas em atas de reuniões, de 15 Conselhos Municipais de Saúde, próprios de municípios pertencentes à 17ª Regional de Saúde do Estado do Paraná. A análise documental deu-se a partir da identificação das temáticas em saúde, com ênfase na categorização por assunto das intervenções em saúde bucal. Os resultados evidenciaram os registros relativos à programação e organização da prestação de serviços, seguida pelo orçamento em saúde, como sendo os mais freqüentes do conjunto de temáticas analisadas. Pôde-se identificar, em 90 atas das 591 estudadas, o total de 134 registros de intervenções em saúde bucal. Por meio da análise desses últimos, percebeu-se que as intervenções em saúde bucal eram relatos de ações já concretizadas, desprovidas de características propositivas quando analisadas sob a dimensão do planejamento em saúde. Sinaliza-se para a necessidade da categoria odontológica de adquirir um maior padrão de representatividade nesses espaços, de forma a possibilitar vínculos importantes no processo de planejamento e de fortalecimento da saúde bucal enquanto direito de cidadania.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este trabalho propõe o estudo analítico de estratégias discursivas das organizações empregadas nas publicidades das mídias sociais no Brasil em que, na tentativa de aproximação com os consumidores, as empresas emitem discursos de humanização. A pesquisa ocupou-se em identificar e analisar as publicidades das marcas notabilizadas nesse ambiente superabundante de informação, capazes de comunicar-se efetivamente com os consumidores, a ponto de levá-los ao engajamento com os interesses da organização pela interação e compartilhamento dos conteúdos nas mídias sociais, e de torná-los os agentes da marca, aqueles que divulgam voluntariamente os seus benefícios para a sua rede de amigos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória de teor qualitativo, cuja busca se dará pelas delineações de um espaço discursivo. Utilizou-se a análise do discurso (AD), da linha francesa, sob a perspectiva dos estudos do ethos, cenas de enunciação e contrato de comunicação que contemplam os discursos organizacionais. Além da conceituação teórica e revisão de literatura vinculadas às mídias sociais e cultura organizacional, o trabalho analisou as publicidades em vídeo publicadas no Facebook e YouTube, nos anos de 2014 e 2015, cujo intuito era a aproximação com o consumidor. A pesquisa demonstrou que o ambiente das mídias sociais requer outra postura das organizações, uma linguagem dialógica e interativa com a participação do consumidor nas suas publicidades. A supervalorização do consumidor e a sua inclusão nas narrativas é uma tentativa de humanizar as relações entre organização e seus públicos e demonstram ser o eixo conciliador entre ambos na nova ambiência midiática.


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O objetivo desta tese é compreender, a partir das categorias trabalho e consumo, como se constituem as relações das redes de colaboração da empresa de tendências de consumo Trendwatching. No âmbito acadêmico, literatura recente revela o aparecimento de novos conceitos, como prosumer, co-criação e públicos produtivos para explicar as transformações no mundo do trabalho que envolvem cada vez mais a participação do consumidor para que o valor se realize. Dessa forma, os fundamentos teóricos que embasam esta tese providenciam elementos sobre os conceitos de valor, trabalho imaterial, consumo e suas interrelações. A coleta de dados ocorreu, em sua maior parte, na matriz da empresa em Londres durante o ano de 2015, sendo composta por: (1) realização de 31 entrevistas semi-estruturadas com spotters, funcionários e clientes da empresa; (2) observação em campo durante 3 meses, período este registrado em um diário de campo; (3) dados obtidos por meios virtuais, através do site da Trendwatching. Os dados foram analisados por meio da Análise de Conteúdo, onde, a partir de um processo de derivação, foram encontradas 49 categorias iniciais, 10 intermediárias e 3 finais. Por meio de um processo de derivação, chegou-se em 10 categorias intermediárias: (1) quem é o spotter; (2) busca de informações pelo spotter; (3) motivação e recompensa dos spotters; (4) spotters e a comunidade TW:IN; (5) formação dos spotters; (6) imagem da Trendwatching; (7) Ambiente de trabalho; (8) O que a Trendwatching vende; (9) base de dados; (10) tendências. Com estas categorias intermediárias em mãos, realizou-se novamente um processo de derivação para chegar nas categorias finais, que são: (1) spotters; (2) trabalho; (3) informação. Os resultados da pesquisa permitem mostrar que o spotter – assim chamado o indivíduo que compõe a rede a colaboração da Trendwatching – é o principal produto/serviço vendido pela empresa. A partir das categorias finais, retorna-se à pergunta de pesquisa, de modo a providenciar contribuições da tese para o campo, que são: (a) ampliar a discussão sobre criação de valor em Estudos Organizacionais, identificando diferentes conceitos e novas formas de apropriação do valor pelo capital implicados nas interações e interfaces entre trabalho e consumo; (b) demonstrar como a operacionalização da Análise de Conteúdo pode auxiliar na organização de dados empíricos virtuais (análise do site); (c) estimular que Estudos de Caso sejam, com mais frequência, realizados em organizações cujo trabalho seja imaterial por excelência.


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Este trabalho propõe o estudo analítico de estratégias discursivas das organizações empregadas nas publicidades das mídias sociais no Brasil em que, na tentativa de aproximação com os consumidores, as empresas emitem discursos de humanização. A pesquisa ocupou-se em identificar e analisar as publicidades das marcas notabilizadas nesse ambiente superabundante de informação, capazes de comunicar-se efetivamente com os consumidores, a ponto de levá-los ao engajamento com os interesses da organização pela interação e compartilhamento dos conteúdos nas mídias sociais, e de torná-los os agentes da marca, aqueles que divulgam voluntariamente os seus benefícios para a sua rede de amigos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória de teor qualitativo, cuja busca se dará pelas delineações de um espaço discursivo. Utilizou-se a análise do discurso (AD), da linha francesa, sob a perspectiva dos estudos do ethos, cenas de enunciação e contrato de comunicação que contemplam os discursos organizacionais. Além da conceituação teórica e revisão de literatura vinculadas às mídias sociais e cultura organizacional, o trabalho analisou as publicidades em vídeo publicadas no Facebook e YouTube, nos anos de 2014 e 2015, cujo intuito era a aproximação com o consumidor. A pesquisa demonstrou que o ambiente das mídias sociais requer outra postura das organizações, uma linguagem dialógica e interativa com a participação do consumidor nas suas publicidades. A supervalorização do consumidor e a sua inclusão nas narrativas é uma tentativa de humanizar as relações entre organização e seus públicos e demonstram ser o eixo conciliador entre ambos na nova ambiência midiática.


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Understanding the influence of landscape change on animal populations is critical to inform biodiversity conservation efforts. A particularly important goal is to understand how urban density affects the persistence of animal populations through time, and how these impacts can be mediated by habitat provision; but data on this question are limited for some taxa. Here, we use data from a citizen science monitoring program to investigate the effect of urbanization on patterns of frog species richness and occurrence over 13 years. Sites surrounded by a high proportion of bare ground (a proxy for urbanization) had consistently lower frog occurrence, but we found no evidence that declines were restricted to urban areas. Instead, several frog species showed declines in rural wetlands with low-quality habitat. Our analysis shows that urban wetlands had low but stable species richness; but also that population trajectories are strongly influenced by vegetation provision in both the riparian zone and the wider landscape. Future increases in the extent of urban environments in our study area are likely to negatively impact populations of several frog species. However, existing urban areas are unlikely to lose further frog species in the medium term. We recommend that landscape planning and management focus on the conservation and restoration of rural wetlands to arrest current declines, and the revegetation of urban wetlands to facilitate the re-expansion of urban-sensitive species.