959 resultados para Conselho de estado
O Conselho Federal de Cultura (CFC), criado em 1966, foi inspirado no Conselho Federal de Educação e diretamente ligado ao Ministério da Educação e Cultura. Este órgão era consultivo e normativo, composto por diversos intelectuais de renome nacional e internacional, provenientes principalmente da Academia Brasileira de Letras e do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro. Os anos de 1966 a 1976 foram o momento de maior atuação do Conselho, por isso este é o período escolhido para análise deste trabalho. Buscaremos aqui, entender como se deu a política cultural pensada e até certo ponto implementada pelo Conselho, através de três projetos principais: a elaboração de um Plano Nacional de Cultura, a implantação dos Conselhos Estaduais de Cultura e as Casas de Cultura. Para um aprofundamento dessas questões será realizado um estudo de caso da fundação da Secretaria de Cultura do Estado do Ceará, primeira do país, assim como de seu respectivo Conselho Estadual, criado em 1966, portanto, anterior ao Conselho Federal de Cultura.
Esta obra tem como tema central a abordagem da política nacional de conciliação implementada pelo Conselho Nacional de Justiça, bem como a sua adoção pelo TJRS. Em razão da mudança comportamental da sociedade nas últimas décadas, decorrente de vários fatores, entre eles: a evolução do Estado liberal para o Estado democrático de direito, a constitucionalização dos direitos fundamentais e o acesso à justiça, entre outros, ocorreu o aumento da demanda judicial, gerando problemas na prestação jurisdicional, como morosidade do sistema e difícil acesso ao Poder Judiciário. Assim, no auge da crise do Poder Judiciário, através da emenda constitucional nº 45, foi criado o Conselho Nacional de Justiça, com o objetivo de tornar a prestação jurisdicional, de forma moral, eficiente e efetiva. O Conselho Nacional de Justiça, como integrante do Poder Judiciário, visando, através de uma política pública nacional, a maximizar a prestação jurisdicional e oferecer uma justiça mais célere e justa, através da resolução número 125, determinou a implantação da política Nacional da Conciliação. Desse modo, o Poder Judiciário, utilizando os métodos alternativos de solução de conflitos, a conciliação e a mediação, espera oferecer uma jurisdição mais rápida, contribuir para a pacificação social e diminuir o número de ações judiciais, com a implementação da política Nacional da Conciliação. O Tribunal de Justiça gaúcho, visando a cumprir as determinações da Resolução n. 125 do Conselho Nacional de Justiça, instalou no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul quatro centrais de conciliação e mediação, entre elas a Central Judicial de Conciliação e Mediação da comarca de Pelotas. Os resultados apresentados por esse órgão demonstram que as conciliações, embora não apresentem um número expressivo, têm se revelado um mecanismo célere e eficaz, na busca da resolução de conflitos e pacificação social.
O presente estudo foi desenvolvido a fim de identificar iniciativas de coordenação na cadeia de ovinocultura. Após um período de desvalorização da ovinocultura, a cadeia produtiva encontra-se em um novo cenário frente as oportunidades de mercado para carne ovina e ao potencial produtivo da ovinocultura no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Diante deste novo cenário, produtores rurais da região da Serra do Sudeste buscaram uma forma de atuação diferenciada na cadeia vislumbrando obter resultados econômicos mais satisfatórios a partir da produção, através da agregação de valor aos produtos e integração dos agentes, aumentando a competitividade da cadeia de ovinocultura. Esta proposta de atuação originou o Conselho Regulador do Cordeiro Herval Premium. Objetivo geral do estudo é analisar a forma de atuação da iniciativa de coordenação do Conselho Regulador do Cordeiro Herval Premium na cadeia de ovinocultura do Rio Grande do Sul. Para atingir este objetivo no referencial teórico foram utilizadas as teorias de cadeia produtiva, cadeia de suprimentos, canais de distribuição, coordenação e alianças estratégicas. Como método de pesquisa foi utilizado o estudo de caso do Conselho Regulador do Cordeiro Herval Premium. A análise dos dados primários coletados a partir das entrevistas com os agentes participantes e dos dados secundários referentes a atuação da iniciativa de coordenação, permitiu a descrição do caso e obtenção dos resultados da pesquisa. Quais sejam: o Conselho Regulador do Cordeiro Herval Premium atua na cadeia da carne ovina como uma organização associativa de produtores com objetivo de coordenar a oferta de cordeiros oriundos de distintos estabelecimentos na região da Serra do Sudeste, através de um programa de seleção que garante padrão de qualidade e origem dos produtos, agregando valor a carne ovina. A coordenação na cadeia produtiva é exercida via aliança estratégica formada entre o Conselho e dois distribuidores. O Conselho coordena a cadeia de suprimentos de carne ovina, na medida que organiza o abate de cordeiros e fornece o produto de acordo com as exigências dos consumidores para atender a demanda do mercado. Por sua vez a aliança do Conselho com os distribuidores garante a estabilidade de um canal de distribuição constante para o escoamento da produção dos participantes do programa, o que lhes permite segurança de remuneração e fluxo de renda ao longo do ano.
Pesquisadores da Diretoria de Análise de Políticas Públicas da FGV (DAPP) apresentaram ao Conselho Nacional de Imigração (CNIg), na semana passada, os primeiros resultados do estudo desenvolvido sobre o tema para o MTE. O projeto, desenvolvido em conjunto com a FGV Projetos, tem como objetivo aprimorar as estruturas do Estado brasileiro e implementar políticas públicas capazes de transformar a imigração em vetor estratégico de desenvolvimento.
A Constituição de 1988 trouxe em seu espírito e texto a participação social na elaboração e implementação de políticas públicas. Entretanto, a realização desse espírito não acontece sem que emerjam diferentes conflitos entre Estado e sociedade civil nos processos de tomada de decisão. Os conselhos de direitos, como o Conselho Municipal dos Direitos de Crianças e Adolescentes de São Paulo, e os conselhos de políticas sociais são o locus privilegiado da interação da sociedade civil e do Poder Público na definição e no controle das políticas públicas. Ainda, as parcerias entre Estado e organizações da sociedade civil perdem oportunidade e potência por responderem também a essa lógica deficiente da participação social. Isso é o que nos mostra a experiência do Fundo Municipal dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente de São Paulo.
The relationship between the State and the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) needs to be analyzed and debated by the objective to extinguish or to reduce the existent failures in this partnership in order that the whole society may benefit from it. To understand how the partnership between the public and NGOs work is fundamental. The present study searches to contribute to a better understanding of this matter. With this aim, the research focused the partnership formed between Natal Child and Adolescent Council (COMDICA) and NGOs which were selected by public notice in 2007. Theoretical references were based on the Continuum of Collaboration proposed by Austin (2001) that serves to differentiate the degree and the mode of interaction between the two organizations. It was observed that in some points there is a lack in the interaction between COMDICA and the NGOs. The frequent change of the government counselors makes difficult a more intense involvement and partnership awareness with the NGOs. The NGOs members need to be more involved with the activities of COMDICA and search for a larger participation in the assemblies, on the discussions and on the intrinsic council actions. The relationship must also be rethought, since that the partnership must not be limited to financial resources support. The channels of communication must be improved and become more frequent. The evaluation and monitoring of social projects are poor and own methodologies need to be elaborated. Therefore, it is necessary to make some adjustments in this relationship involving not only the partnerships made by the selected ONGs, but also all those who assist the child and the adolescent. A closer relation makes possible a greater effectiveness of the public policies on one side and on the other side improves the performance of the COMDICA and the NGOs
The theme of corporate social responsibility (CSR) provides discussion and analysis and relatively recent, particularly in the last twenty years, has grown into the world as well as in Brazil, the interest on the involvement of the business sector in social activities or projects facing combating poverty. However, a lack of socialization of successful experiences in the practice of CSR and clarity and consensus concepts generate deviations of understanding on the subject and the structuring of interventions. This research aimed to reveal how corporate social responsibility of the IMA Food was developed from Project Nursery Saci. The research took place under a qualitative approach of descriptive-explanatory, conducted through semi-structured interviews and non-participatory observation and interviewed 35 people in total. The interpretation and analysis of data occurred through a categorical content analysis, having as theoretical approach to socioeconomic CSR. The results showed that the major form of social responsibility of the Food IMA is based on a classical approach of CSR, focusing on philanthropy. The absence of a more systematic management of the project and reflect the fragility, instability and lack of commitment towards the community. The contributions generated by the project are substantial and important, but do not reach the development occasioned by the company. However, none of this invalidates the initiative of the organization's commitment to the community, however, requires a reassessment and restructuring of the proposal in a way that leverages the performance of the project and the company itself and it can more effectively contribute to society
New technologies appear each moment and its use can result in countless benefits for that they directly use and for all the society as well. In this direction, the State also can use the technologies of the information and communication to improve the level of rendering of services to the citizens, to give more quality of life to the society and to optimize the public expense, centering it in the main necessities. For this, it has many research on politics of Electronic Government (e-Gov) and its main effect for the citizen and the society as a whole. This research studies the concept of Electronic Government and wishes to understand the process of implementation of Free Softwares in the agencies of the Direct Administration in the Rio Grande do Norte. Moreover, it deepens the analysis to identify if its implantation results in reduction of cost for the state treasury and intends to identify the Free Software participation in the Administration and the bases of the politics of Electronic Government in this State. Through qualitative interviews with technologies coordinators and managers in 3 State Secretaries it could be raised the ways that come being trod for the Government in order to endow the State with technological capacity. It was perceived that the Rio Grande do Norte still is an immature State in relation to practical of electronic government (e-Gov) and with Free Softwares, where few agencies have factual and viable initiatives in this area. It still lacks of a strategical definition of the paper of Technology and more investments in infrastructure of staff and equipment. One also observed advances as the creation of the normative agency, the CETIC (State Advice of Technology of the Information and Communication), the Managing Plan of Technology that provide a necessary diagnosis with the situation how much Technology in the State and considered diverse goals for the area, the accomplishment of a course of after-graduation for managers of Technology and the training in BrOffice (OppenOffice) for 1120 public servers
The microorganisms play very important roles in maintaining ecosystems, which explains the enormous interest in understanding the relationship between these organisms as well as between them and the environment. It is estimated that the total number of prokaryotic cells on Earth is between 4 and 6 x 1030, constituting an enormous biological and genetic pool to be explored. Although currently only 1% of all this wealth can be cultivated by standard laboratory techniques, metagenomic tools allow access to the genomic potential of environmental samples in a independent culture manner, and in combination with third generation sequencing technologies, the samples coverage become even greater. Soils, in particular, are the major reservoirs of this diversity, and many important environments around us, as the Brazilian biomes Caatinga and Atlantic Forest, are poorly studied. Thus, the genetic material from environmental soil samples of Caatinga and Atlantic Forest biomes were extracted by direct techniques, pyrosequenced, and the sequences generated were analyzed by bioinformatics programs (MEGAN MG-RAST and WEBCarma). Taxonomic comparative profiles of the samples showed that the phyla Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Acidobacteria and Planctomycetes were the most representative. In addition, fungi of the phylum Ascomycota were identified predominantly in the soil sample from the Atlantic Forest. Metabolic profiles showed that despite the existence of environmental differences, sequences from both samples were similarly placed in the various functional subsystems, indicating no specific habitat functions. This work, a pioneer in taxonomic and metabolic comparative analysis of soil samples from Brazilian biomes, contributes to the knowledge of these complex environmental systems, so far little explored
Nutritional status is an important determinant to the response against Leishmania infection, although few studies have characterized the molecular basis for the association found between malnutrition and the disease. Vitamin A supplementation has long been used in developing countries to prevent mortality by diarrheal and respiratory diseases, but there are no studies on the role of vitamin A in Leishmania infection, although we and others have found vitamin A deficiency in visceral Leishmaniasis (VL). Regulatory T cells are induced in vitro by vitamin A metabolites and are considered important cells implicated T CD4+ cell suppression in human VL. This work aimed to examine the correlation of nutritional status and the effect of vitamin A in the response against Leishmania infantum infection. A total of 179 children were studied: 31 had active VL, 33 VL history, 44 were DTH+ and 71 were DTH- and had negative antibody to Leishmania (DTH-/Ac-). Peripheral blood monuclear cells were isolated in a subgroup of 10 active VL and 16 DTH-/Ac- children and cultivated for 20h under 5 different conditions: 1) Medium, 2) Soluble promastigote L. infantum antigens (SLA), 3) All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA), 4) SLA + ATRA and 5) Concanavalin A. T CD4+CD25highFoxp3+, T CD4+CD25-Foxp3- and CD14+ monocytes were stained and studied by flow cytometry for IL-10, TGF-β and IL-17 production. Nutritional status was compromised in VL children, which presented lower BMI/Age and retinol concentrations when compared to healthy controls. We found a negative correlation between nutritional status (measured by BMI/Age and serum retinol) and anti-Leishmania antibodies and acute phase proteins. There was no correlation between nutritional status and parasite load. ATRA presented a dual effect in Treg cells and monocytes: In healthy children (DTH-/Ac-), it induced a regulatory response, increasing IL-10 and TGF-β production; in VL children it modulated the immune response, preventing increased IL-10 production after SLA stimulation. Furthermore, we found a positive correlation between BMI/Age and IL-17 production and negative correlation between serum retinol and IL-10 and TGF-β production in T CD4+CD25highFoxp3+ cells after SLA stimulus. Our results show a potential dual role of vitamin A in the immune system: improvement of regulatory profile during homeostasis and down modulation of IL-10 in Treg cells and monocytes during symptomatic VL. Therefore, the use of vitamin A concomitant to VL therapy might improve recovery from disease status in Leishmania infantum infection
Vitamins A and E are essential nutrients in many biological processes, so that their adequate supply to the neonate is crucial. However, the bioavailability of vitamins may be limited by factors such as maternal nutritional status and the interaction between nutrients. This study aimed to investigate the effect of biochemical nutritional status of retinol and alpha-tocopherol levels in serum and colostrum. The study included 103 healthy puerperal women treated at the reference state maternity hospital (Natal-RN). Colostrum and serum samples were collected fasting in the immediate postpartum period and the analysis of retinol and alpha-tocopherol were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography. Specific cutoff points were adopted to characterize the biochemical status of vitamins A and E. For the total group of lactanting women the average concentration of retinol in serum (1.49 ± 0.4 μmol/L-1) and colostrum (2.18 ± 0.8 μmol/L-1), as well as alpha-tocopherol in serum (26.4 ± 8.0 μmol/L-1) and colostrum (26.1 ± 12.8 μmol/L-1), indicated adequate biochemical state. However, when evaluating the individual, was found a high prevalence of deficient serum (15%) and colostrum retinol (50%), and also alphatocopherol in serum (16%) and colostrum (61%). In women with serum retinol ≥ 1.05 μmol/L-1, found an inverse correlation between serum retinol and alpha-tocopherol in colostrum (p = 0.008, r = -0.28). This association was not observed in women with serum retinol <1.05 μmol/L-1. This situation demonstrates for the first time in humans that high physiological levels of serum retinol, without supplementation, can negatively influence the transfer of alpha-tocopherol in breast milk. Although the diagnosis of satisfactory nutritional status lactanting women showed high risk of subclinical deficiency of vitamins A and E from measurements made in the colostrum
The screening for genes in metagenomic libraries from soil creates opportunities to explore the enormous genetic and metabolic diversity of microorganisms. Rivers are ecosystems with high biological diversity, but few were examined using the metagenomic approach. With this objective, a metagenomic library was constructed from DNA soil samples collected at three different points along the Jundiaí-river (Rio Grande do Norte-Brazil). The points sampled are from open area, rough terrain and with the direct incidence of sunlight. This library was analyzed functionally and based in sequence. For functional analysis Luria-Bertani solid medium (LB) with NaCl concentration varied from 0.17M to 0.85M was used for functional analysis. Positives clones resistant to hypersaline medium were obtained. The recombinant DNAs were extracted and transformed into Escherichia coli strain DH10B and survival curves were obtained for quantification of abiotic stress resistance. The sequences of clones were obtained and submitted to the BLASTX tool. Some clones were found to hypothetical proteins of microorganisms from both Archaea and Bacteria division. One of the clones showed a complete ORF with high similarity to glucose-6-phosphate isomerase which participates in the synthesis of glycerol pathway and serves as a compatible solute to balance the osmotic pressure inside and outside of cells. Subsequently, in order to identify genes encoding osmolytes or enzymes related halotolerance, environmental DNA samples from the river soil, from the water column of the estuary and ocean were collected and pyrosequenced. Sequences of osmolytes and enzymes of different microorganisms were obtained from the UniProt and used as RefSeqs for homology identification (TBLASTN) in metagenomic databases. The sequences were submitted to HMMER for the functional domains identification. Some enzymes were identified: alpha-trehalose-phosphate synthase, L-ectoina synthase (EctC), transaminase L-2 ,4-diaminobutyric acid (EctB), L-2 ,4-diaminobutyric acetyltransferase (EctA), L-threonine 3 dehydrogenase (sorbitol pathway), glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, inositol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, chaperones, L-proline, glycine betaine binding ABC transporter, myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase protein of proline simportadora / PutP sodium-and trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase These proteins are commonly related to saline environments, however the identification of them in river environment is justified by the high salt concentration in the soil during prolonged dry seasons this river. Regarding the richness of the microbiota the river substrate has an abundance of halobacteria similar to the sea and more than the estuary. These data confirm the existence of a specialized response against salt stress by microorganisms in the environment of the Jundiaí river
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico