965 resultados para Concreto de alta resistencia


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2016.


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La alta resistencia a los insecticidas convencionales es un factor de gran importancia en el control de las plagas de cucarachas. Con el objetivo de encontrar un método de acción alternativo contra las mismas, se evaluó la efectividad de un análogo de la hormona juvenil, el cual, además, no era perjudicial para el medio ambiente. Se realizó un estudio con una colonia de Blattella germanica (Dyctyoptera: Blattellidae). Esta fue tratada con 5 concentraciones diferentes de metopreno y Frontline Combo® (insecticida convencional que contiene metopreno), suministradas a través de superficies de reposo a ninfas en V estadio larvario, con el objetivo de determinar su efecto sobre el fenotipo, porcentaje de esterilización y demora de la eclosión de la ooteca, así como el establecimiento de la dosis más apropiada para el uso comercial. Se observaron efectos morfogenéticos con las concentraciones más altas de metopreno y mediante una aproximación Probit se obtuvieron valores de EC50= 18,914 μg/cm2 y EC10= 1,947 μg/cm2. Además, se calcularon el NOEC= 1μg/cm2 y LOEC= 10 μg/cm2. Asimismo, se apreció una reducción altamente significativa en la fertilidad de los individuos tratados al aumentar la concentración del metopreno, obteniéndose un porcentaje de 100% de esterilidad con la concentración más alta (100 μg/cm2). La aplicación del producto Frontline Combo® sobre ninfas de Blattella germanica mostró su efecto letal a las 96 horas.


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160 p. (Bibliogr. 141-160)


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Os concretos de alta resistência, produzidos com reduzidas relações água/aglomerante, constituem um avanço que está cada vez mais difundido na engenharia civil, dadas suas características técnicas atraentes, relacionadas aos ganhos em termos de resistência mecânica e durabilidade. No entanto, persistem ainda dúvidas relacionadas ao comportamento deste material frente a elevadas temperaturas. As mesmas derivam da microestrutura muito compacta e da baixa permeabilidade a líquidos e gases destes concretos. Estas características podem conduzir a desplacamentos explosivos sob certas condições térmicas e mecânicas, tais como as vigentes durante o rápido aquecimento do concreto em casos de incêndios. O acréscimo de pressão nos poros, devido à evaporação de água e às tensões geradas pelos gradientes de deformações térmicas, criam condições para a ocorrência destes desplacamentos. Além disto, o material concreto sofre alterações microestruturais consideráveis durante o aquecimento, que acabam influenciando suas propriedades macroestruturais, tais como resistência mecânica e porosidade. Estas alterações apresentam natureza física e química, envolvendo a perda de água, a ocorrência de expansões e/ou contrações térmicas e as modificações no arranjo cristalino de alguns constituintes. A superposição destes efeitos pode reduzir substancialmente a resistência dos elementos estruturais, levando edificações ao colapso. Pesquisas relacionadas ao tema são usualmente voltadas ao monitoramento dos sinais externos de degradação, tais como microfissuras, expansões e desplacamentos Já as alterações físico-químicas da microestrutura do material são menos examinadas, embora sejam as razões primárias do processo de degradação pela exposição ao calor. Nesta pesquisa, analisam-se as alterações microestruturais e as perdas de resistência de pastas, argamassas e concretos em virtude do aquecimento. Avalia-se ainda a eficiência da adição de fibras de polipropileno ao concreto, para controlar os desplacamentos. Os resultados indicam que o fenômeno do desplacamento explosivo realmente inspira cuidados, mas que o emprego das fibras pode minimizar o mesmo, contribuindo para o acréscimo da resistência residual. Ademais, os dados desta pesquisa contribuem para o desenvolvimento de metodologias de projeto mais adequadas às estruturas frente a incêndios. Palavras chave: concreto de alta resistência, desplacamentos, altas temperaturas, incêndio.


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The reinforced concrete structures are largely used in buildings worldwide. Upon the occurrence of fire in buildings, there is a consensus among researchers that the concrete has a high resistance to fire, due mainly to its low thermal conductivity. However, this does not mean that this material is not affected by exposure to high temperatures. Reduction of the compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, discoloration and cracking, are some of the effects caused by thermal exposure. In the case of concretes with higher resistance occurs even desplacamentos explosives, exposing the reinforcement to fire and contributing to reducing the support capacity of the structural element. Considering the above, this study aims to examine how the compressive strength and porosity of concrete are affected when subjected to high temperatures. Were evaluated concrete of different resistances, and even was the verified if addition fibers of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) in concrete can be used as an alternative to preventing spalling. The results indicated that explosive spalling affect not only high strength concrete whose values of this study ranged from 70 to 88 MPa, as well as conventional concrete of medium strength (52 MPa) and the temperature range to which the concrete begins to suffer significant changes in their resistance is between 400 º C and 600 º C, showing to 600 º C a porosity up to 188% greater than the room temperature


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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The paper discusses the application of High Strength Concrete (HSC) technology for concrete production with the incorporation of Rice Husk Ash (RHA) residues by replacing a bulk of the material caking and rubber tires with partial aggregate volume, assessing their influence on the mechanical properties and durability. For concrete with RHA and rubber, it was possible to reduce the brittleness by increasing the energy absorbing capacity. With respect to abrasion, the RHA and rubber concretes showed lower mass loss than the concrete without residues, indicating that this material is attractive to be used in paving. It is thus hoped that these residues may represent a technological and ecological alternative for the production of concrete in construction works.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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On the grounds of the great advances achieved over recent years, the process HF/ERW (High-Frequency/Electric Resistance Welding)welded pipe have played an active role in the oil and gas industry for deep water applications, at high and extremely low temperatures, under high pressure and in highly corrosive environments, gradually replacing manufactured pipes by other processes. However, studies have shown that defects in the welded joints are a the leading causes of pipelines failures, which has required the determination of toughness values in this region, in compliance with the strict recommendations of the codes and standards with manufacturers and construction companies, on the oil and gas sector. As part of the validation process required toughness values, this research project focuses on a microstructural analysis in HF / ERW tubes microalloyed, steel grade API 5CT P110, designed to explore oil and gas in deep waters, the subject of strategic relevance to the country because of the recent discoveries in the Santos mega fields: Tupi and Libra (pre-salt). In this scientific work will be presented and discussed the results of mechanical tensile and Charpy, a few CTOD tests curves (showing the trend of toughness values to be obtained), and the microstructures of the base material obtained by optical microscopy, with special emphasis on the formation of nonmetallic inclusions in the welded joint


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The welding process in industrial piping is still the most effective way to ensure the durability and quality of the wide range of industrial process, although because of the high demand for energy and quality of the produced products, the piping has been constantly tested for high pressure applications and still high temperature. The welding method analyzed is the TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) welding or GTAW (Gas-Shielded Tungsten Arc Welding), which ones have as principal feature the utilization of a not consumable tungsten electrode in the torch extremity , in this process is necessary a protective atmosphere of inert gas. The welding TIG advantage is the obtaining of a welded seam clean and with quality for not has slag after the welding. This work has as objective show the variability in the carbon steel piping welding parameters and by the tests in four proof bodies will be shown the influence of the variation of the welding methods in a welded seam. The tests will vary since the piece to be welded preparation, till penetrating liquid tests, welding macrography, welding x-ray and traction tests. Even been a clean and with quality welding is necessary a final inspection in the seam welded looking for defects almost inevitable resulted of the welded process, the obtained results have the objective of indicate and minimize the defects to ensure quality and durability of the welded seam


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The technological advancement in order to improve the methods of obtaining energy sources such as oil and natural gas is mainly motivated by the recent discovery of oil reserves. So, increasingly , there is a need for a thorough knowledge of the materials used in the manufacture of pipelines for transportation and exploration of oil and natural gas. The steels which follow the API standard (American Petroleum Institute), also known as high strenght low alloy (hsla), are used in the manufacture of these pipes, as they have, with their welded joints, mechanical properties to withstand the working conditions to which these ducts will be submitted . The objective of this study is to evaluate the fatigue behavior in microalloyed steel grade API 5L X80 welded by process HF / ERW . For this, axial fatigue tests to obtain S-N curve (stress vs. number of cycles ) were conducted. To complement the study, it was performed metallographic , fractographic , Vickers hardness tests and tensile tests to characterize the mechanical properties of the steel and check whether the values satisfy the specifications of the API 5L standard . From the fatigue tests , it was concluded that the surface finish influences directly on the fatigue life of the material


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El uso de materiales compuestos para el refuerzo, reparación y rehabilitación de estructuras de hormigón se ha convertido en una técnica muy utilizada en la última década. Con independencia de la técnica del refuerzo, uno de los principales condicionantes del diseño es el fallo de la adherencia entre el hormigón y el material compuesto, atribuida generalmente a las tensiones en la interfaz de estos materiales. Las propiedades mecánicas del hormigón y de los materiales compuestos son muy distintas. Los materiales compuestos comúnmente utilizados en ingeniería civil poseen alta resistencia a tracción y tienen un comportamiento elástico y lineal hasta la rotura, lo cual, en contraste con el ampliamente conocido comportamiento del hormigón, genera una clara incompatibilidad para soportar esfuerzos de forma conjunta. Esta incompatibilidad conduce a fallos relacionados con el despegue del material compuesto del sustrato de hormigón. En vigas de hormigón reforzadas a flexión o a cortante, el despegue del material compuesto es un fenómeno que frecuentemente condiciona la capacidad portante del elemento. Existen dos zonas potenciales de iniciación del despegue: los extremos y la zona entre fisuras de flexión o de flexión-cortante. En el primer caso, la experiencia a través de los últimos años ha demostrado que se puede evitar prolongando el refuerzo hasta los apoyos o mediante el empleo de algún sistema de anclaje. Sin embargo, las recomendaciones para evitar el segundo caso de despegue aún se encuentran lejos de poder prever el fallo de forma eficiente. La necesidad de medir la adherencia experimentalmente de materiales FRP adheridos al hormigón ha dado lugar a desarrollar diversos métodos por la comunidad de investigadores. De estas campañas experimentales surgieron modelos para el pronóstico de la resistencia de adherencia, longitud efectiva y relación tensión-deslizamiento. En la presente tesis se propone un ensayo de beam-test, similar al utilizado para medir la adherencia de barras de acero, para determinar las características de adherencia del FRP al variar la resistencia del hormigón y el espesor del adhesivo. A la vista de los resultados, se considera que este ensayo puede ser utilizado para investigar diferentes tipos de adhesivos y otros métodos de aplicación, dado que representa con mayor realidad el comportamiento en vigas reforzadas. Los resultados experimentales se trasladan a la comprobación del fallo por despegue en la región de fisuras de flexión o flexión cortante en vigas de hormigón presentando buena concordancia. Los resultados condujeron a la propuesta de que la limitación de la deformación constituye una alternativa simple y eficiente para prever el citado modo de fallo. Con base en las vigas analizadas, se propone una nueva expresión para el cálculo de la limitación de la deformación del laminado y se lleva a cabo una comparación entre los modelos existentes mediante un análisis estadístico para evaluar su precisión. Abstract The use of composite materials for strengthening, repairing or rehabilitating concrete structures has become more and more popular in the last ten years. Irrespective of the type of strengthening used, design is conditioned, among others, by concrete-composite bond failure, normally attributed to stresses at the interface between these two materials. The mechanical properties of concrete and composite materials are very different. Composite materials commonly used in civil engineering possess high tensile strength (both static and long term) and they are linear elastic to failure, which, in contrast to the widely known behavior of concrete, there is a clear incompatibility which leads to bond-related failures. Bond failure in the composite material in bending- or shear-strengthened beams often controls bearing capacity of the strengthened member. Debonding failure of RC beams strengthened in bending by externally-bonded composite laminates takes place either, at the end (plate end debonding) or at flexure or flexure-shear cracks (intermediate crack debonding). In the first case, the experience over the past years has shown that this can be avoided by extending laminates up to the supports or by using an anchoring system. However, recommendations for the second case are still considered far from predicting failure efficiently. The need to experimentally measure FRP bonding to concrete has induced the scientific community to develop test methods for that purpose. Experimental campaigns, in turn, have given rise to models for predicting bond strength, effective length and the stress-slip relationship. The beam-type test proposed and used in this thesis to determine the bonding characteristics of FRP at varying concrete strengths and adhesive thicknesses was similar to the test used for measuring steel reinforcement to concrete bonding conditions. In light of the findings, this test was deemed to be usable to study different types of adhesives and application methods, since it reflects the behavior of FRP in strengthened beams more accurately than the procedures presently in place. Experimental results are transferred to the verification of peeling-off at flexure or flexure-shear cracks, presenting a good general agreement. Findings led to the conclusion that the strain limitation of laminate produces accurate predictions of intermediate crack debonding. A new model for strain limitation is proposed. Finally, a comprehensive evaluation based on a statistical analysis among existing models is carried out in order to assess their accuracy.