956 resultados para Concrete-filled structures


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Because of the different mix design in comparison with traditional concrete and the absence of vibration, different durability characteristics might be expected for self-compacting concrete. The stateof- the-art report, prepared by RILEM Technical Committee TC 205-DSC focuses on the Durability of SCC, by first gathering the available information concerning pore structure, air-void system and transport mechanisms. The available durability results are studied and summarised keeping in mind the fundamental mechanisms and driving forces. All relevant durability issues are considered, like carbonation, chloride penetration, frost resistance, ASR, sulphate attack, thaumasite formation, fire resistance, etc... It is not the intention to give a review on these durability aspects for concrete in general. The aim however is to point at the specifics related to the use of SCC, e.g. due to the addition of a large amount of limestone filler, etc... This paper summarizes the main conclusions of the State-of-the-Art Report.


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Increased productivity and improved working environment have had high priority in the development of concrete construction over the last decade. Development of a material not needing vibration for compaction—i.e. selfcompacting concrete (SCC)—has successfully met the challenge and is now increasingly being used in routine practice. The key to the improvement of fresh concrete performance has been nanoscale tailoring of molecules for surface active admixtures, as well as improved understanding of particle packing and of the role of mineral surfaces in cementitious matrixes. Fundamental studies of rheological behaviour of cementitious particle suspensions were soon expanded to extensive innovation programmes incorporating applied research, site experiments, instrumented full scale applications supporting technology, standards and guides, information efforts as well as training programmes. The major impact of the introduction of SCC is connected to the production process. The choice and handling of constituents are modified as well as mix design, batching, mixing and transporting. The productivity is drastically improved through elimination of vibration compaction and process reorganisation. The working environment is significantly enhanced through avoidance of vibration induced damages, reduced noise and improved safety. Additionally, the technology is improving performance in terms of hardened material properties like surface quality, strength and durability.


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This paper reports a study carried out to assess the impact of the use of self-compacting concrete (SCC) on bond and interfacial properties around steel reinforcement in practical concrete element. The pull-out tests were carried out to determine bond strength between reinforcing steel bar and concrete, and the depth-sensing nano-indentation technique was used to evaluate the elastic modulus and micro-strength of the interracial transition zone (ITZ) around steel reinforcement. The bond and interracial properties around deformed steel bars in different SCC mixes with strength grades of 35 MPa and 60 MPa (C35, C60) were examined together with those in conventional vibrated reference concrete with the same strength grades. The results showed that the maximum bond strength decreased when the diameter of the steel bar increased from 12 to 20 mm. The normalised bond strengths of the SCC mixes were found to be about 10-40% higher than those of the reference mixes for both bar diameters (12 and 20 mm). The study of the interfacial properties revealed that the elastic modulus and the micro-strength of the ITZ were lower on the bottom side of a horizontal steel bar than on the top side, particularly for the vibrated reference concrete. The difference of ITZ properties between top and bottom side of the horizontal steel bar appeared to be less pronounced for the SCC mixes than for the corresponding reference mixes.


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The use of self-compacting concrete (SCC) facilitates the placing of concrete by eliminating the need for compaction by vibration. Given the highly flowable nature of such concrete, care is required to ensure excellent filling ability and adequate stability. This is especially important in deep structural members and wall elements where concrete can block the flow, segregate and exhibit bleeding and settlement which can result in local defects that can reduce mechanical properties, durability and quality of surface finish. This paper shows results of an investigation of fresh properties of self-compacting concrete, such as filling ability measured by slump flow and flow time (measured by Orimet) and plastic fresh settlement measured in a column. The SCC mixes incorporated various combinations of fine inorganic powders and admixtures. The slump flow of all SCCs was greater than 580 mm and the time in which the slumping concrete reached 500 rnm was less than 3 s. The flow time was less than 5 s. The results on SCCs were compared to a control mix. The compressive strength and splitting tensile strength of SCCs were also measured. The effects of water/powder ratio, slump and nature of the sand on the fresh settlement were also evaluated. The volume of coarse aggregate and the dosage of superphsticizer were kept constant. It can be concluded that the settlement of fresh self-compacting concrete increased with the increase in water/powder ratio and slump. The nature of sand influenced the maximum settlement.


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In the investigation of real loading capacities in concrete bridge deck slabs,the study of this type of structure was carried out with consideration of compressive membrane action.A series of experimental test of steel-concrete bridge structures was developed with the analysis of influences from the varying of structural parameters on loading capacities,including reinforcement percentages,supporting beam sizes and concrete compressive strength.Through the study of the experimental results,it was found that the real structural loading capacities are larger than those predicted by current design methods.Therefore,based on the previous research,a prediction method for loading capacities of concrete bridge deck slabs was established with consideration of CMA,which was built based on the plastic ultimate analysis.In this method,the lateral restraint stiffness subjected by concrete bridge deck slabs was provided.The proposed theoretical model is capable of predicting the loading capacities of this type of structure accurately with comparison of results from several bridge deck experimental tests.


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Durability of concrete is a great concern to all designers, owners and users of reinforced concrete structures. As a result, more restrictive regulations are being introduced in various Codes of Practice dealing with the design of these structures. Attempts are being made by various researchers to develop performance based specification. For this to be successful standard non destructive tests are required which will be used to assess the durability of concretes. In parallel with this approach, a research team in Queen’s University Belfast, U. K., investigated the effect of different mix parameters on workability, strength and various permeation properties. Furthermore, durability parameters such as freeze-thaw salt scaling resistance and carbonation depth were also investigated. The research was part funded by the Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR). This paper reports of the findings from this study. The results from this investigation showed that some of the non destructive tests used were reasonably well correlated with carbonation and freeze-thaw salt scaling resistance of CEM I concrete. If the mix parameters such as aggregate-cement ratio or water-cement ratio are known, better correlation can be obtained. Further investigation is required varying other mix parameters including various aggregates, admixtures and air entrainments before the result can be used for developing mix design methods for durable concretes. Also long term site tests are required to validate the results obtained from the accelerated laboratory tests used to study the carbonation resistance and freeze-thaw salt scaling resistance.


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The technique of externally bonding fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites has become very popular worldwide for retrofitting existing reinforced concrete (RC) structures. Debonding of FRP from the concrete substrate is a typical failure mode in such strengthened structures. The bond behavior between FRP and concrete thus plays a crucial role in these structures. The FRP-to-concrete bond behavior has been extensively investigated experimentally, commonly using a single or double shear test of the FRP-to-concrete bonded joint. Comparatively, much less research has been concerned with numerical simulation, chiefly due to difficulties in the accurate modeling of the complex behavior of concrete. This paper presents a simple but robust finite-element (FE) model for simulating the bond behavior in the entire debonding process for the single shear test. A concrete damage plasticity model is proposed to capture the concrete-to-FRP bond behavior. Numerical results are in close agreement with test data, validating the model. In addition to accuracy, the model has two further advantages: it only requires the basic material parameters (i.e., no arbitrary user-defined parameter such as the shear retention factor is required) and it can be directly implemented in the FE software ABAQUS.


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The technique of externally bonding fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composites has been becoming popular worldwide for retrofitting existing reinforced concrete (RC) structures. A major failure mode in such strengthened structures is the debonding of FRP from the concrete substrate. The bond behaviour between FRP and concrete thus plays a crucial role in these structures. The FRP-to-concrete bond behaviour has been extensively investigated experimentally, commonly using the pull-off test of FRP-to-concrete bonded joint. Comparatively, much less research has been concerned with the numerical simulation of this bond behaviour, chiefly due to difficulties in accurately modelling the complex behaviour of concrete. This paper proposes a robust finite element (FE) model for simulating the bond behaviour in the entire loading process in the pull-off test. A concrete damage plasticity model based on the plastic degradation theory is proposed to overcome the weakness of the elastic degradation theory which has been commonly adopted in previous studies. The model produces results in very close agreement with test data. © Tsinghua University Press, Beijing and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011.


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Strengthening reinforced concrete (RC) structures by externally bonded FRP composites has been widely used for static loading and seismic retrofitting since 1990s. More recently many studies on strengthening concrete and masonry structures with externally bonded FRP for improved blast and impact resistance in protective engineering have also been conducted. The bond behaviour between the FRP and concrete plays a critical role in a strengthening system with externally bonded FRP. However, the understanding of how the bond between FRP and concrete performs under high strain rate is severely limited. Due to the dynamic characteristics of blast and impact loading, the bond behaviour between FRP and concrete under such loading is very different from that under static loading. This paper presents a study on the dynamic bond-slip behaviour based on both the numerical analysis and test results. A dynamic bond-slip model is proposed in this paper.


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Sismos recentes comprovam a elevada vulnerabilidade dos edifícios existentes de betão armado. A resposta das estruturas aos sismos é fortemente condicionada pelas características da aderência aço-betão, que exibe degradação das propriedades iniciais quando sujeitas a carregamentos cíclicos e alternados. Este fenómeno é ainda mais gravoso para elementos com armadura lisa, predominantes na maioria das estruturas construídas até à década de 70 nos países do sul da Europa. A prática corrente de conceção, dimensionamento e pormenorização das estruturas antigas leva a que tenham características de comportamento e níveis de segurança associados não compatíveis com as exigências atuais. Os estudos realizados sobre o comportamento cíclico de elementos estruturais de betão armado com armadura lisa são ainda insuficientes para a completa caracterização deste tipo de elementos. Esta tese visou a caraterização da relação tensão de aderência versus escorregamento para elementos estruturais com armadura lisa e o estudo da resposta cíclica de pilares e nós viga-pilar de betão armado com armadura lisa. Foram realizados dez séries de ensaios de arrancamento (nove monotónicos e um cíclico) em provetes com varões lisos. Os resultados destes ensaios permitiram propor novas expressões empíricas para a estimativa dos parâmetros usados num modelo disponível na literatura para representação da relação tensão de aderência versus escorregamento. É ainda proposto um novo modelo monotónico para a relação tensão de aderência versus escorregamento que representa melhor a resposta após a resistência máxima de aderência. Uma campanha de ensaios unidirecionais em pilares e nós viga-pilar foi também realizada com o objetivo principal de caracterizar o comportamento cíclico deste tipo de elementos. No total foram realizados oito ensaios em pilares, sete ensaios em nós viga-pilar interiores e seis ensaios em nós viga-pilar exteriores representativos de estruturas antigas de betão armado com armadura lisa. Os resultados experimentais permitiram avaliar a influência do escorregamento e estudar o mecanismo de corte em nós e a evolução dos danos para elementos com armadura lisa. Com base nos resultados experimentais foi proposta uma adaptação na expressão do Eurocódigo 8-3 para o cálculo da capacidade última de rotação de elementos com armadura lisa. Foi também desenvolvido um estudo paramétrico, com diferentes estratégias de modelação não linear, para a simulação da resposta de pilares considerando o escorregamento da armadura lisa. Por último, foi proposto um novo modelo simplificado trilinear para o aço que contempla o efeito do escorregamento da armadura lisa.


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This paper presents an experimental investigation carried out on concrete filled fibre reinforced polymers (FRP) tubes, subjected to monotonic and cyclic loading. Two types of FRP materials were used: glass fibres and carbon fibres. Different failure modes and the effect of concrete fill, type of confinement materials, reinforcement ratio based on tube thickness and type of loading are examined. The study shows that external confinement of concrete by means of modern materials, such fibre reinforced polymers, can enhance its strength and ductility as well as result in large energy absorption capacity. This has important safety implications, especially in regions with seismic activity. A model that predicts the behaviour of confined concrete which takes into account the stiffness and effectiveness of different confinement materials is briefly introduced.


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The design of shell and spatial structures represents an important challenge even with the use of the modern computer technology.If we concentrate in the concrete shell structures many problems must be faced,such as the conceptual and structural disposition, optimal shape design, analysis, construction methods, details etc. and all these problems are interconnected among them. As an example the shape optimization requires the use of several disciplines like structural analysis, sensitivity analysis, optimization strategies and geometrical design concepts. Similar comments can be applied to other space structures such as steel trusses with single or double shape and tension structures. In relation to the analysis the Finite Element Method appears to be the most extended and versatile technique used in the practice. In the application of this method several issues arise. First the derivation of the pertinent shell theory or alternatively the degenerated 3-D solid approach should be chosen. According to the previous election the suitable FE model has to be adopted i.e. the displacement,stress or mixed formulated element. The good behavior of the shell structures under dead loads that are carried out towards the supports by mainly compressive stresses is impaired by the high imperfection sensitivity usually exhibited by these structures. This last effect is important particularly if large deformation and material nonlinearities of the shell may interact unfavorably, as can be the case for thin reinforced shells. In this respect the study of the stability of the shell represents a compulsory step in the analysis. Therefore there are currently very active fields of research such as the different descriptions of consistent nonlinear shell models given by Simo, Fox and Rifai, Mantzenmiller and Buchter and Ramm among others, the consistent formulation of efficient tangent stiffness as the one presented by Ortiz and Schweizerhof and Wringgers, with application to concrete shells exhibiting creep behavior given by Scordelis and coworkers; and finally the development of numerical techniques needed to trace the nonlinear response of the structure. The objective of this paper is concentrated in the last research aspect i.e. in the presentation of a state-of-the-art on the existing solution techniques for nonlinear analysis of structures. In this presentation the following excellent reviews on this subject will be mainly used.