995 resultados para Concrete art


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El uso de materiales compuestos de matriz polimérica (FRP) emerge como alternativa al hormigón convencionalmente armado con acero debido a la mayor resistencia a la corrosión de dichos materiales. El presente estudio investiga el comportamiento en servicio de vigas de hormigón armadas con barras de FRP mediante un análisis teórico y experimental. Se presentan los resultados experimentales de veintiséis vigas de hormigón armadas con barras de material compuesto de fibra de vidrio (GFRP) y una armada con acero, todas ellas ensayadas a flexión de cuatro puntos. Los resultados experimentales son analizados y comparados con algunos de los modelos de predicción más significativos de flechas y fisuración, observándose, en general, una predicción adecuada del comportamiento experimental hasta cargas de servicio. El análisis de sección fisurada (CSA) estima la carga última con precisión, aunque se registra un incremento de la flecha experimental para cargas superiores a las de servicio. Esta diferencia se atribuye a la influencia de las deformaciones por esfuerzo cortante y se calcula experimentalmente. Se presentan los aspectos principales que influyen en los estados límites de servicio: tensiones de los materiales, ancho máximo de fisura y flecha máxima permitida. Se presenta una metodología para el diseño de dichos elementos bajo las condiciones de servicio. El procedimiento presentado permite optimizar las dimensiones de la sección respecto a metodologías más generales.


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El uso de barras de materiales compuestos (FRP) se propone como una alternativa efectiva para las tradicionales estructuras de hormigón armadas con acero que sufren corrosión en ambientes agresivos. La aceptación de estos materiales en el mundo de la construcción está condicionada a la compresión de su comportamiento estructural. Este trabajo estudia el comportamiento adherente entre barras de FRP y hormigón mediante dos programas experimentales. El primero incluye la caracterización de la adherencia entre barras de FRP y hormigón mediante ensayos de pull-out y el segundo estudia el proceso de fisuración de tirantes de hormigón reforzados con barras de GFRP mediante ensayo a tracción directa. El trabajo se concluye con el desarrollo de un modelo numérico para la simulación del comportamiento de elementos de hormigón reforzado bajo cargas de tracción. La flexibilidad del modelo lo convierte en una herramienta flexible para la realización de un estudio paramétrico sobre las variables que influyen en el proceso de fisuración.


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O objetivo do presente estudo é testar a plausibilidade da tese de que teria ocorrido mutação constitucional no sistema de controle de constitucionalidade no Brasil, especificamente quanto à competência conferida pela Constituição ao Senado Federal para suspender a eficácia de lei ou ato normativo declarado inconstitucional no controle difuso de constitucionalidade. Esse argumento foi empregado pelo Ministro Gilmar Mendes, do Supremo Tribunal Federal, no julgamento da Reclamação 4335-5/AC. Para analisar a consistência dessa tese, (a) discutiu-se as condições necessárias à plausibilidade de um argumento de mutação constitucional na ordem jurídica brasileira e (b) realizou-se uma análise empírica do papel do Senado Federal diante do art. 52, X da Constituição. Feita a coleta de dados, e aplicado o conceito de mutação constitucional sobre eles, concluiu-se que não merece prosperar a tese do Min. Gilmar Mendes em que defende o reconhecimento de “autêntica mutação constitucional” do art. 52, X da Constituição Federal. Como resultado, defende se não ser possível dar plausibilidade a esse tipo de argumentação apenas tendo por base jurisprudência, doutrina e argumentação tipicamente constitucional, necessitando de base empírica que o permita atribuir mais solidez e consistência a qualquer argumento de mutação constitucional na ordem jurídica brasileira.


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The analysis of Komendant's design of the Kimbell Art Museum was carried out in order to determine the effectiveness of the ring beams, edge beams and prestressing in the shells of the roof system. Finite element analysis was not available to Komendant or other engineers of the time to aid them in the design and analysis. Thus, the use of this tool helped to form a new perspective on the Kimbell Art Museum and analyze the engineer's work. In order to carry out the finite element analysis of Kimbell Art Museum, ADINA finite element analysis software was utilized. Eight finite element models (FEM-1 through FEM-8) of increasing complexity were created. The results of the most realistic model, FEM-8, which included ring beams, edge beams and prestressing, were compared to Komendant's calculations. The maximum deflection at the crown of the mid-span surface of -0.1739 in. in FEM-8 was found to be larger than Komendant's deflection in the design documents before the loss in prestressing force (-0.152 in.) but smaller than his prediction after the loss in prestressing force (-0.3814 in.). Komendant predicted a larger longitudinal stress of -903 psi at the crown (vs. -797 psi in FEM-8) and 37 psi at the edge (vs. -347 psi in FEM-8). Considering the strength of concrete of 5000 psi, the difference in results is not significant. From the analysis it was determined that both FEM-5, which included prestressing and fixed rings, and FEM-8 can be successfully and effectively implemented in practice. Prestressing was used in both models and thus served as the main contribution to efficiency. FEM-5 showed that ring and edge beams can be avoided, however an architect might find them more aesthetically appropriate than rigid walls.


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Several chemical reactions are able to produce swelling of concrete for decades after its initial curing, a problem that affects a considerable number of concrete dams around the world. Principia has had several contracts to study this problem in recent years, which have required reviewing the state-ofthe-art, adopting appropriate mathematical descriptions, programming them into user routines in Abaqus, determining model parameters on the basis of some parts of the dams’ monitored histories, ensuring reliability using some other parts, and finally predicting the future evolution of the dams and their safety margins. The paper describes some of the above experience, including the programming of sophisticated nonisotropic swelling models, that must be compatible with cracking and other nonlinearities involved in concrete behaviour. The applications concentrate on two specific cases, an arch-gravity dam and a double-curvature arch dam, both with a long history of concrete swelling and which, interestingly, entailed different degrees of success in the modelling efforts


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The threat of impact or explosive loads is regrettably a scenario to be taken into account in the design of lifeline or critical civilian buildings. These are often made of concrete and not specifically designed for military threats. Numerical simulation of such cases may be undertaken with the aid of state of the art explicit dynamic codes, however several difficult challenges are inherent to such models: the material modeling for the concrete anisotropic failure, consideration of reinforcement bars and important structural details, adequate modeling of pressure waves from explosions in complex geometries, and efficient solution to models of complete buildings which can realistically assess failure modes. In this work we employ LS-Dyna for calculation, with Lagrangian finite elements and explicit time integration. Reinforced concrete may be represented in a fairly accurate fashion with recent models such as CSCM model [1] and segregated rebars constrained within the continuum mesh. However, such models cannot be realistically employed for complete models of large buildings, due to limitations of time and computer resources. The use of structural beam and shell elements for this purpose would be the obvious solution, with much lower computational cost. However, this modeling requires careful calibration in order to reproduce adequately the highly nonlinear response of structural concrete members, including bending with and without compression, cracking or plastic crushing, plastic deformation of reinforcement, erosion of vanished elements etc. The main objective of this work is to provide a strategy for modeling such scenarios based on structural elements, using available material models for structural elements [2] and techniques to include the reinforcement in a realistic way. These models are calibrated against fully three-dimensional models and shown to be accurate enough. At the same time they provide the basis for realistic simulation of impact and explosion on full-scale buildings


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Several chemical reactions are able to produce swelling of concrete for decades after its initial curing, a problem that affects a considerable number of concrete dams around the world. Principia has had several contracts to study this problem in recent years, which have required reviewing the state-of-the-art, adopting appropriate mathematical descriptions, programming them into user routines in Abaqus, determining model parameters on the basis of some parts of the dams’ monitored histories, ensuring reliability using some other parts, and finally predicting the future evolution of the dams and their safety margins. The paper describes some of the above experience, including the programming of sophisticated non-isotropic swelling models, that must be compatible with cracking and other nonlinearities involved in concrete behaviour. The applications concentrate on two specific cases, an archgravity dam and a double-curvature arch dam, both with a long history of concrete swelling and which, interestingly, entailed different degrees of success in the modelling efforts


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Several chemical reactions are able to produce swelling of concrete for decades after its initial curing, a problem that affects a considerable number of concrete dams around the world. Principia has had several contracts to study this problem in recent years, which have required reviewing the state-ofthe-art, adopting appropriate mathematical descriptions, programming them into user routines in Abaqus, determining model parameters on the basis of some parts of the dams’ monitored histories, ensuring reliability using some other parts, and finally predicting the future evolution of the dams and their safety margins. The paper describes some of the above experience, including the programming of sophisticated nonisotropic swelling models, that must be compatible with cracking and other nonlinearities involved in concrete behaviour. The applications concentrate on two specific cases, an arch-gravity dam and a double-curvature arch dam, both with a long history of concrete swelling and which, interestingly, entailed different degrees of success in the modelling efforts.


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This paper is a preliminary version of Chapter 3 of a State-of-the-Art Report by the IASS Working Group 5: Concrete Shell Roofs. The intention of this chapter is to set forth for those who intend to design concrete shell roofs information and advice about the selection, verification and utilization of commercial computer tools for analysis and design tasks.The computer analysis and design steps for a concrete shell roof are described. Advice follows on the aspects to be considered in the application of commercial finite element (FE)computer programs to concrete shell analysis, starting with recommendations on how novices can gain confidence and competence in the use of software. To establish vocabulary and provide background references, brief surveys are presented of, first,element types and formulations for shells and, second, challenges presented by advanced analyses of shells. The final section of the chapter indicates what capabilities to seek in selecting commercial FE software for the analysis and design of concrete shell roofs. Brief concluding remarks summarize advice regarding judicious use of computer analysis in design practice.


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This paper describes the so-called Kiss Bridge. This structure resembles a kiss, a subtle touch of structures. The beams have been structurally designed to adapt the Japanese art of paper folding called "origami." The material used for constructing the floating beams is white reinforced concrete in the form of folded shells. The two geometrically different parts have distinct structural behaviors. The length of the main pathway of both structures is over 60 m. The pedestrian bridge crosses an artificial rainwater channel with a skew of 45° with respect to the referred channel. The joint between the cantilever structure and the Y-shaped one is located over the middle of the channel. Each stretch has different transversal sections. The pedestrian bridge is made with prestressed self-compacting reinforced concrete of 60 MPa. The foundation is shallow, comprising footings and footing beams made of 25 MPa conventional concrete. The cantilever structure with its foundations is designed as a semi-integral bridge whereas the Y-shaped one is an integral structure. The dynamic behavior of the structure was carefully studied to ensure that the dynamic loads generated by pedestrians do not cause excessive vibrations, especially to the cantilever structure, which could present dynamic interactions with the pedestrians walking. The bridge was recognized, in the 2014 edition of the fib Awards for Outstanding Concrete Structures, for having made a valuable contribution to the image and promotion of concrete structures.


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Federal Highway Administration, Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C.


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Federal Highway Administration, Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C.


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