986 resultados para Conception en architecture
Depuis la publication de l’Utopia de Thomas More au XVIe siècle, la notion d’utopie s’est vue appropriée par différents domaines d’expression artistique. Bien vite, l’architecture et l’urbanisme en font leur apanage lorsqu’il est question de concilier, en des dessins et des plans, des sociétés idéalisées et leurs représentations. La modernité et les nouvelles technologies modifient les modalités de l’utopie qui tend alors vers l’actualisation de ses modèles en des projets construits. Le XXe siècle est aussi marqué par une abondance de formes et d’idées dont la transmission et le partage sont accélérés par la création de nouveaux médias. Si les années 1960 et 1970 sont le lieu d’émergence de formes expérimentales et de projets utopiques, notamment alimentés par la Révolution tranquille et Mai 68, il est encore difficile au Québec de retracer ces projets en arts et en architecture puisqu’ils sont peu documentés. Par l’étude de la pratique artistique d’Yvette Bisson (1926-), de Robert Roussil (1925-2013) et de Melvin Charney (1935-2012), ce mémoire propose d’observer les différentes tactiques d’appropriation de l’espace auxquelles s’apparentent les modalités de la sculpture de ces trois artistes. Par l’intermédiaire de Michel de Certeau, Henri Lefebvre et Louis Marin, nous chercherons à expliquer quelle est la teneur critique des imaginaires mis en œuvre par les trois artistes pour créer de nouveaux lieux utopiques de la sculpture.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Certain environments can inhibit learning and stifle enthusiasm, while others enhance learning or stimulate curiosity. Furthermore, in a world where technological change is accelerating we could ask how might architecture connect resource abundant and resource scarce innovation environments? Innovation environments developed out of necessity within urban villages and those developed with high intention and expectation within more institutionalized settings share a framework of opportunity for addressing change through learning and education. This thesis investigates formal and informal learning environments and how architecture can stimulate curiosity, enrich learning, create common ground, and expand access to education. The reason for this thesis exploration is to better understand how architects might design inclusive environments that bring people together to build sustainable infrastructure encouraging innovation and adaptation to change for years to come. The context of this thesis is largely based on Colin McFarlane’s theory that the “city is an assemblage for learning” The socio-spatial perspective in urbanism, considers how built infrastructure and society interact. Through the urban realm, inhabitants learn to negotiate people, space, politics, and resources affecting their daily lives. The city is therefore a dynamic field of emergent possibility. This thesis uses the city as a lens through which the boundaries between informal and formal logics as well as the public and private might be blurred. Through analytical processes I have examined the environmental devices and assemblage of factors that consistently provide conditions through which learning may thrive. These parameters that make a creative space significant can help suggest the design of common ground environments through which innovation is catalyzed.
Only recently, during the past five years, consumer electronics has been evolving rapidly. Many products have started to include “smart home” capabilities, enabling communication and interoperability of various smart devices. Even more devices and sensors can be remote controlled and monitored through cloud services. While the smart home systems have become very affordable to average consumer compared to the early solutions decades ago, there are still many issues and things that need to be fixed or improved upon: energy efficiency, connectivity with other devices and applications, security and privacy concerns, reliability, and response time. This paper focuses on designing Internet of Things (IoT) node and platform architectures that take these issues into account, notes other currently used solutions, and selects technologies in order to provide better solution. The node architecture aims for energy efficiency and modularity, while the platform architecture goals are in scalability, portability, maintainability, performance, and modularity. Moreover, the platform architecture attempts to improve user experience by providing higher reliability and lower response time compared to the alternative platforms. The architectures were developed iteratively using a development process involving research, planning, design, implementation, testing, and analysis. Additionally, they were documented using Kruchten’s 4+1 view model, which is used to describe the use cases and different views of the architectures. The node architecture consisted of energy efficient hardware, FC3180 microprocessor and CC2520 RF transceiver, modular operating system, Contiki, and a communication protocol, AllJoyn, used for providing better interoperability with other IoT devices and applications. The platform architecture provided reliable low response time control, monitoring, and initial setup capabilities by utilizing web technologies on various devices such as smart phones, tablets, and computers. Furthermore, an optional cloud service was provided in order to control devices and monitor sensors remotely by utilizing scalable high performance technologies in the backend enabling low response time and high reliability.
This thesis will explore ideas relating to the engagement of man and nature by promoting the experiences of contemplation and fellowship. The focus will be an urban academic retreat facility to provide an escape from distraction of typical modern urban life. Set within the historic Washington D.C. neighborhood of Georgetown, Dumbarton Oaks is an active academic research institution The Institute is holistically designed; architecture integrated with its surrounding landscape The Institute selects diverse scholars to think, live, and commune within the facility and landscape for up to two years. This thesis will use the existing site, themes, and history of Dumbarton Oaks as a launching point to explore the relationship between architecture, man, and landscape. A proposal to relocate the Fellow’s residences and reorganize the western edge of the site will help reactivate this forgotten piece of the site realize its potential.
In major cities today, there are neighborhoods that have been continually underserved and as a result are in decay. Private investors and developers turn to these particular neighborhoods, propose large developments that gentrify these areas, displacing communities and with them their social, political, and economic issues. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze South West, Baltimore, a community composed of 8 neighborhoods on the verge of being gentrified, by incoming development. Through investigating the key issues present in this community for many years, this thesis will attempt to develop a catalytic environment, which will facilitate change within the community by providing a place for its members to help tackle these issues, improving their circumstances, and the circumstances of the neighborhoods they form part of.
This thesis explores the relationship between body and architecture through a metaphorical and literal analysis of prosthetic devices. The thesis questions how the relationship between prosthetics and architecture can inform the design of a building that enables connection, movement and empowerment for its occupants. Driving questions of investigation include: How can a building enable growth, healing and wellbeing? , How can a building embody and reflect human growth and transformation? , and, How can a building enable equivalence between its users? The program of an inpatient prosthetic rehabilitation facility allows for the exploration of these questions and a study for how we can create spaces that influence rehabilitation and growth. Through body and prosthetics analysis the thesis explores what spaces are best for one to grow and develop in and study how concepts, such as connection, movement and empowerment can enable one and enhance one’s quality of life.
This thesis explores how architectures sense of place is rooted in the natural environment. The built environment has been constructed to protect and sustain human culture from the weathering of nature. Separating experience from the natural environment removes a sense of place and belonging in the natural and reinforces architectural dominance. This separation distinguishes the natural world as an article of spectacle and gives the human experience an unnatural voyeurship to natural changes. By examining the fusion of architectural and natural edges this thesis analyzes how the human experience can reconnect with a naturalistic sense of place through architecture, blending the finite edge where architecture maintains nature, and adapting buildings to the cycles of the environment. Removing dominance of man-made spaces and replacing them with the cohabitation of the edge between built and natural forms.
Urban centers all around the world are striving to re-orient themselves to promoting ideals of human engagement, flexibility, openness and synergy, that thoughtful architecture can provide. From a time when solitude in one’s own backyard was desirable, today’s outlook seeks more, to cater to the needs of diverse individuals and that of collaborators. This thesis is an investigation of the role of architecture in realizing how these ideals might be achieved, using Mixed Use Developments as the platform of space to test these designs ideas on. The author also investigates, identifies, and re-imagines how the idea of live-work excites and attracts users and occupants towards investing themselves in Mixed Used Developments (MUD’s), in urban cities. On the premise that MUDs historically began with an intention of urban revitalization, lying in the core of this spatial model, is the opportunity to investigate what makes mixing of uses an asset, especially in the eyes to today’s generation. Within the framework of reference to the current generation, i.e. the millennial population and alike, who have a lifestyle core that is urban-centric, the excitement for this topic is in the vision of MUD’s that will spatially cater to a variety in lifestyles, demographics, and functions, enabling its users to experience a vibrant 24/7 destination. Where cities are always in flux, the thesis will look to investigate the idea of opportunistic space, in a new MUD, that can also be perceived as an adaptive reuse of itself. The sustainability factor lies in the foresight of the transformative and responsive character of the different uses in the MUD at large, which provides the possibility to cater to a changing demand of building use over time. Delving into the architectural response, the thesis in the process explores, conflicts, tensions, and excitements, and the nature of relationships between different spatial layers of permanence vs. transformative, public vs. private, commercial vs. residential, in such an MUD. At a larger scale, investigations elude into the formal meaning and implications of the proposed type of MUD’s and the larger landscapes in which they are situated, with attempts to blur the fine line between architecture and urbanism. A unique character of MUD’s is the power it has to draw in people at the ground level and lead them into exciting spatial experiences. While the thesis stemmed from a purely objective and theoretical standpoint, the author believes that it is only when context is played into the design thinking process, that true architecture may start to flourish. The unique The significance of this thesis lies on the premise that the author believes that this re-imagined MUD has immense opportunity to amplify human engagement with designed space, and in the belief that it will better enable fostering sustainable communities and in the process, enhance people’s lives.
Place in Time: The Role of Architecture in Establishing an Emotional Connection between Man and Time
This thesis explores the role of architecture as a means of reconnecting humans to the passage of time. A neglect of the temporal in our built environment obscures understanding of the human condition in all of its sensory aspects. The exploration and design of a series of ritual engagements, both culturally, and architecturally, begin to offer a venue through which designers can engage human senses. Rituals act as a means of demarcating the passage of time. It is through the engagement with these moments that people can begin to gain a richer understanding of the ephemeral nature of their own existence. The Pritzker Architecture Prize serves as the selected ritual of exploration because of its celebration of humanity and the art of architecture. However, the notion of ritual is explored down to the level of detail of engagement with handrails and door handles.
The relationship between industry, waste, and urbanism is one fraught with problems across the United States and in particular American cities. The interrelated nature of these systems of flows is in critical need of re-evaluation. This thesis critiques the system of Municipal Solid Waste Management as it currently exists in American cities as a necessary yet undesirable ‘invisible infrastructure’. Industry and waste environments have been pushed to the periphery of urban environments, severing the relationship between the urban environment we inhabit and the one that is required to support the way we live. The flow of garbage from cities of high density to landscapes of waste has created a model of valuing waste as a linear system that separates input from output. This thesis aims to investigate ways that industry, waste, and urban ecologies can work to reinforce one another. The goal of this thesis is to repair the physical and mental separation of waste and public activity through architecture. This thesis will propose ways to tie urban waste infrastructure and public amenities together through the merging of architecture and landscape to create new avenues for public engagement with waste processes.
Scientific studies exploring the environmental and experiential elements that help boost human happiness have become a significant and expanding body of work. Some urban designers, architects and planners are looking to apply this knowledge through policy decisions and design, but there is a great deal of room for further study and exploration. This paper looks at definitions of happiness and happiness measurements used in research. The paper goes on to introduce six environmental factors identified in a literature review that have design implications relating to happiness: Nature, Light, Surprise, Access, Identity, and Sociality. Architectural precedents are examined and design strategies are proposed for each factor, which are then applied to a test case site and building in Baltimore, Maryland. It is anticipated that these factors and strategies will be useful to architects, urban designers and planners as they endeavor to design positive user experiences and set city shaping policy.
Cette étude s’intéresse à l’industrie de la construction navale pour le milieu du XVIIIe siècle en France dans la région de Bayonne. L’objectif est de documenter la relation qu’entretiennent les pratiques de construction traditionnelles et innovatrices à cette période. L’architecture de la frégate le Machault est au cœur de cette analyse. Construit en 1757 à Bayonne et perdu en 1760, le Machault a été fouillé, documenté et parallèlement récupéré par les archéologues de Parcs Canada entre 1969 et 1972 à Ristigouche dans la baie des Chaleurs, Québec. Cette étude constitue la première analyse architecturale approfondie menée sur ces vestiges. L’analyse est réalisée en trois temps qui correspondent aux trois grandes étapes de la chaine opératoire de la construction du navire. Tout d’abord, il est question d’aborder l’aspect de la foresterie afin de saisir la nature de la ressource forestière mobilisée pour la construction de la frégate. Ensuite, ce mémoire se penche sur la conception architecturale des navires qui renvoie à un aspect plus théorique, car il relève de la façon dont les formes du navire ont été « pensées ». Enfin, la charpenterie est abordée afin de saisir la séquence d’assemblage du navire. Ensemble, ces trois grands aspects dressent un portrait général de la construction navale pour la région de Bayonne au milieu du XVIIIe siècle.
À la fin du 19e siècle, l’Iran commence à se transformer radicalement. Ce changement est le résultat d’un processus de métamorphose socioculturelle, avec le désir d’effacer les méthodes du passé et de recommencer ; une ambition de faire un renouvellement fondamental dans la société, en bénéficiant des grandes idées progressistes de l'Occident moderne. Cette volonté s’est renforcée à la suite des premières visites en Europe d’étudiants et de Nassereddin Shah, le roi de l'Iran, dans les années 1870. Dans ce contexte, les Iraniens et leurs gouvernants, considérant leurs infériorités politico-économiques, ont décidé de remplacer les frustrations internationales par des idées nationalistes et une propagande de suprématie raciale ou religieuse, notamment concertant « l'identité culturelle ». Suivant ces tentatives pour réformer les infrastructures sociopolitiques de l'Iran, tous les domaines culturels du pays, incluant l’architecture, ont été modifiés, selon les idéologies des dirigeants de l’Iran pendant trois périodes historiques du pays : l'époque Qadjar (dès le règne de Nassereddin Shah en 1848), l'époque Pahlavi (1925-1979) et l'époque Post-révolution islamique (1979- jusqu'à présent). L'idée générale de notre mémoire est d'étudier le processus de modernisation de l'architecture de l'Iran, de même que les influences majeures de tous ces changements, concrétisés par des fusions éclectiques et des idées pluralistes – souvent basées sur la politique. De là, en usant des approches de l’histoire sociale et culturelle de l’art, nous analysons des exemples de monuments de l'architecture publique de l'Iran depuis l'entrée de l'Iran dans la modernité, pour chacune des trois périodes mentionnées. Cela, afin de comprendre si les architectes iraniens ont trouvé de nouvelles conceptions pour opérer un déploiement créatif des principes traditionnels et pour trouver de nouvelles orientations dans le processus général de leur évolution architecturale. Autrement dit, nous cherchons à savoir si l'architecture iranienne, avec tous les changements stylistiques dans le processus de conceptualisation, a pu trouver - depuis l'intervention de la modernité occidentale et de l'architecture moderne - son propre langage de la modernité en architecture.
Cette étude s’intéresse à l’industrie de la construction navale pour le milieu du XVIIIe siècle en France dans la région de Bayonne. L’objectif est de documenter la relation qu’entretiennent les pratiques de construction traditionnelles et innovatrices à cette période. L’architecture de la frégate le Machault est au cœur de cette analyse. Construit en 1757 à Bayonne et perdu en 1760, le Machault a été fouillé, documenté et parallèlement récupéré par les archéologues de Parcs Canada entre 1969 et 1972 à Ristigouche dans la baie des Chaleurs, Québec. Cette étude constitue la première analyse architecturale approfondie menée sur ces vestiges. L’analyse est réalisée en trois temps qui correspondent aux trois grandes étapes de la chaine opératoire de la construction du navire. Tout d’abord, il est question d’aborder l’aspect de la foresterie afin de saisir la nature de la ressource forestière mobilisée pour la construction de la frégate. Ensuite, ce mémoire se penche sur la conception architecturale des navires qui renvoie à un aspect plus théorique, car il relève de la façon dont les formes du navire ont été « pensées ». Enfin, la charpenterie est abordée afin de saisir la séquence d’assemblage du navire. Ensemble, ces trois grands aspects dressent un portrait général de la construction navale pour la région de Bayonne au milieu du XVIIIe siècle.