997 resultados para Comunicações móveis - Segurança


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A emergência de novas formas de acesso à internet vem reforçar a necessidade de desenvolvimento de iniciativas de I&D que facilitem a melhor compreensão dos processos de transformação associados à evolução tecnológica e aferir se de tais processos resultam novas consequências sociais ao nível das formas de uso e consumo de uma tecnologia e arranjos sociais associados. Este projecto pretende avaliar o papel e relevância das tecnologias móveis de acesso à internet, a importância da mobilidade e dos dispositivos móveis como instrumentos na promoção do envolvimento social, da interação e da expressão subjectiva. Na sequência da aplicação de metodologias qualitativas numa fase exploratória, através de entrevistas com os principais representantes da indústria das comunicações móveis e dos estudos de mercado, e de metodologias quantitativas com a aplicação de um questionário a uma amostra representativa da sociedade portuguesa, temos como objectivo desenvolvimento de um protótipo para uma aplicação móvel no contexto educativo do ensino superior, ligada ao apoio aos alunos e docentes e incluindo conteúdos escolares, institucionais e de envolvimento social. Esta aplicação vem corresponder às necessidades dos utilizadores de acordo com os resultados obtidos anteriormente. A análise do uso desta plataforma e consequências daí resultantes em termos de participação, usabilidade, actividades e potencial para produção de capital será realizada com base na análise de redes sociais (SNA). Através desta pretendemos observar e estudar as relações e os padrões de relacionamentos entre os utilizadores de internet móvel num contexto educativo.


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As telecomunicações no mundo têm avançado a passos largos na oferta de novas tecnologias e padrões que viabilizam e flexibilizam a transmissão / recepção de informações entre pessoas e a Internet. Em especial, no que tange à ubiqüidade, o uso de dispositivos de comunicações móveis sem fio, como telefones celulares e PDAs (Personnal Digital Assistant), tem permitido às empresas alcançarem seus clientes a qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar. Muitos padrões de comunicação wireless têm surgido, inicialmente na indústria de telefonia móvel celular e, em seguida, na indústria de computadores e PDAs, habilitando a comunicação wireless de dados em banda larga e o comércio eletrônico móvel (m-commerce). Em especial, o padrão Wi-Fi tem sido difundido mundialmente através da expansão de redes públicas sem fio (PWLANs). Assim, os fabricantes de equipamentos de telecomunicações, as empresas operadoras de serviços de telefonia fixa e móvel e até provedores de acesso à Internet têm manifestado grande interesse nessa área por perceberem novas oportunidades de aumento de receita através da tecnologia Wi-Fi. Todos estes aspectos da recente história do Wi-Fi têm gerado questionamentos quanto a seu futuro sucesso e real geração de vantagem competitiva sustentável, não obstante o volume de negócios relativos a esta tecnologia estar em franco crescimento. Este trabalho propõe-se a analisar o mercado de serviços PWLAN Wi-Fi brasileiro, identificando os principais atores e os modelos de negócio praticados por eles, comparando esses modelos aos modelos identificados por Shubar e Lechner. O estudo propõe-se, também, a avaliar tais empresas e seus respectivos modelos de negócio segundo o framework VRIO desenvolvido por Barney com base na visão estratégica baseada em recursos (RBV- Resource Based View).


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In the globalized world modern telecommunications have assumed key role within the company, causing a large increase in demand for the wireless technology of communication, which has been happening in recent years have greatly increased the number of applications using this technology. Due to this demand, new materials are developed to enable new control mechanisms and propagation of electromagnetic waves. The research to develop new technologies for wireless communication presents a multidisciplinary study that covers from the new geometries for passive antennas, active up to the development of materials for devices that improve the performance at the frequency range of operation. Recently, planar antennas have attracted interest due to their characteristics and advantages when compared with other types of antennas. In the area of mobile communications the need for antennas of this type has become increasingly used, due to intensive development, which needs to operate in multifrequency antennas and broadband. The microstrip antennas have narrow bandwidth due to the dielectric losses generated by irradiation. Another limitation is the degradation of the radiation pattern due to the generation of surface waves in the substrate. Some techniques have been developed to minimize this limitation of bandwidth, such as the study of type materials PBG - Photonic Band Gap, to form the dielectric material. This work has as main objective the development project of a slot resonator with multiple layers and use the type PBG substrate, which carried out the optimization from the numerical analysis and then designed the device initially proposed for the band electromagnetic spectrum between 3-9 GHz, which basically includes the band S to X. Was used as the dielectric material RT/Duroid 5870 and RT/Duroid 6010.LM where both are laminated ceramic-filled PTFE dielectric constants 2.33 and 10.2, respectively. Through an experimental investigation was conducted an analysis of the simulated versus measured by observing the behavior of the radiation characteristics from the height variation of the dielectric multilayer substrates. We also used the LTT method resonators structures rectangular slot with multiple layers of material photonic PBG in order to obtain the resonance frequency and the entire theory involving the electromagnetic parameters of the structure under consideration. xviii The analysis developed in this work was performed using the method LTT - Transverse Transmission Line, in the field of Fourier transform that uses a component propagating in the y direction (transverse to the real direction of propagation z), thus treating the general equations of the fields electric and magnetic and function. The PBG theory is applied to obtain the relative permittivity of the polarizations for the sep photonic composite substrates material. The results are obtained with the commercial software Ansoft HFSS, used for accurate analysis of the electromagnetic behavior of the planar device under study through the Finite Element Method (FEM). Numerical computational results are presented in graphical form in two and three dimensions, playing in the parameters of return loss, frequency of radiation and radiation diagram, radiation efficiency and surface current for the device under study, and have as substrates, photonic materials and had been simulated in an appropriate computational tool. With respect to the planar device design study are presented in the simulated and measured results that show good agreement with measurements made. These results are mainly in the identification of resonance modes and determining the characteristics of the designed device, such as resonant frequency, return loss and radiation pattern


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This work presents a theoretical and numerical analysis of structures using frequency selective surfaces applied on patch antennas. The FDTD method is used to determine the time domain reflected fields. Applications of frequency selective surfaces and patch antennas cover a wide area of telecommunications, especially mobile communications, filters and WB antennas. scattering parameters are obteained from Fourier Transformer of transmited and reflected fields in time domain. The PML are used as absorbing boundary condition, allowing the determination of the fields with a small interference of reflections from discretized limit space. Rectangular patches are considered on dielectric layer and fed by microstrip line. Frequency selective surfaces with periodic and quasi-periodic structures are analyzed on both sides of antenna. A literature review of the use of frequency selective surfaces in patch antennas are also performed. Numerical results are also compared with measured results for return loss of analyzed structures. It is also presented suggestions of continuity to this work


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Recently, planar antennas have attracted interest due to its characteristics as well as the advantages they offer compared to other types of antennas. In the area of mobile communications the need for such antennas has become increasingly intense due to development, which requires antennas that operate in multifrequency and broadband. The microstrip antennas have narrow bandwidth due to losses in the dielectric caused by irradiation. Another limitation is the radiation pattern degradation due to generation of surface waves in the substrate. Some techniques are being developed to minimize this bandwidth limitation, as is the case in the study of type materials PBG - Photonic Band Gap, to compose the dielectric material. The analysis developed in this work were performed with use of the method LTT - Transverse Transmission Line, in the field of Fourier transform that uses a component propagating in the y direction (transerve real direction of propagation z), thus treating the general equations of the fields electric and magnetic fields as a functions of y E and Hy . This work has as main objective the method LTT structures resonator line slot with four layers of material photonic PBG, for obtaining the complex resonant frequency and efficiency of this structure. PBG theory is applied to obtain the relative permittivity for the substrate biases sep compounds photonic material. Numerical-computational results in graph form in two dimensions for all the analysis are presented for the proposed structures that have photonic materials, as substrates


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The telecommunications industry has experienced recent changes, due to increasing quest for access to digital services for data, video and multimedia, especially using the mobile phone networks. Recently in Brazil, mobile operators are upgrading their networks to third generations systems (3G) providing to users broadband services such as video conferencing, Internet, digital TV and more. These new networks that provides mobility and high data rates has allowed the development of new market concepts. Currently the market is focused on the expansion of WiMAX technology, which is gaining increasingly the market for mobile voice and data. In Brazil, the commercial interest for this technology appears to the first award of licenses in the 3.5 GHz band. In February 2003 ANATEL held the 003/2002/SPV-ANATEL bidding, where it offered blocks of frequencies in the range of 3.5 GHz. The enterprises who purchased blocks of frequency were: Embratel, Brazil Telecom (Vant), Grupo Sinos, Neovia and WKVE, each one with operations spread in some regions of Brazil. For this and other wireless communications systems are implemented effectively, many efforts have been invested in attempts to developing simulation methods for coverage prediction that is close to reality as much as possible so that they may become believers and indispensable tools to design wireless communications systems. In this work wasm developed a genetic algorithm (GA's) that is able to optimize the models for predicting propagation loss at applicable frequency range of 3.5 GHz, thus enabling an estimate of the signal closer to reality to avoid significant errors in planning and implementation a system of wireless communication


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Recently, an amazing development has been observed in telecommunication systems. Two good examples of this development are observed in mobile communication and aerospace systems. This impressive development is related to the increasing need for receiving and transmitting communication signals. Particularly, this development has required the study of new antennas and filters. This work presents a fullwave analysis of reflectarrays. The considered structures are composed by arrays of rectangular conducting patches printed on multilayer dieletric substrates, that are mounted on a ground plane. The analysis is developed in the spectral domain, using an equivalent transmission line method in combination with Galerkin method. Results for the reflection coefficient of these structures are presented and compared to those available in the literature. A good agreement was observed. Particularly, the developed analysis uses the transmission lines theory in combination with the incident potentials and the field continuity equations, at the structures interfaces, for obtaining the scattered field components expressions as function of the patch surface currents and of the incident field. Galerkin method is used to determine the unknown coefficients in the boundary value problem. Curves for the reflection coefficient of several reflectarray geometries are presented as function of frequency and of the structural parameters


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Recently, an amazing development has been observed in telecommunication systems. Two good examples of this development are observed in mobile communication and aerospace systems. This impressive development is related to the increasing need for receiving and transmitting communication signals. Particularly, this development has required the study of new antennas and filters. This work presents a fullwave analysis of reflectarrays. The considered structures are composed by arrays of rectangular conducting patches printed on multilayer dieletric substrates, that are mounted on a ground plane. The analysis is developed in the spectral domain, using an equivalent transmission line method in combination with Galerkin method. Results for the reflection coefficient of these structures are presented and compared to those available in the literature. A good agreement was observed. Particularly, the developed analysis uses the transmission lines theory in combination with the incident potentials and the field continuity equations, at the structures interfaces, for obtaining the scattered field components expressions as function of the patch surface currents and of the incident field. Galerkin method is used to determine the unknown coefficients in the boundary value problem. Curves for the reflection coefficient of several reflectarray geometries are presented as function of frequency and of the structural parameters


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The use of Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) systems has permitted the recent evolution of wireless communication standards. The Spatial Multiplexing MIMO technique, in particular, provides a linear gain at the transmission capacity with the minimum between the numbers of transmit and receive antennas. To obtain a near capacity performance in SM-MIMO systems a soft decision Maximum A Posteriori Probability MIMO detector is necessary. However, such detector is too complex for practical solutions. Hence, the goal of a MIMO detector algorithm aimed for implementation is to get a good approximation of the ideal detector while keeping an acceptable complexity. Moreover, the algorithm needs to be mapped to a VLSI architecture with small area and high data rate. Since Spatial Multiplexing is a recent technique, it is argued that there is still much room for development of related algorithms and architectures. Therefore, this thesis focused on the study of sub optimum algorithms and VLSI architectures for broadband MIMO detector with soft decision. As a result, novel algorithms have been developed starting from proposals of optimizations for already established algorithms. Based on these results, new MIMO detector architectures with configurable modulation and competitive area, performance and data rate parameters are here proposed. The developed algorithms have been extensively simulated and the architectures were synthesized so that the results can serve as a reference for other works in the area


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A realização desta dissertação tem como principal objetivo a análise de indicadores chave de desempenho numa rede celular de terceira geração - Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS), bem como a aplicação de técnicas matemáticas de previsão como apoio ao respetivo planeamento e otimização. Para o efeito, foi inicialmente efetuado um estudo sobre a evolução das comunicações de uma forma generalista, até às redes de nova geração, abordando individualmente, as de voz, as de dados e as comunicações móveis, assim como, uma breve descrição das organizações envolvidas nestas mudanças. No seguimento do estudo inicial, dando enfoque à tecnologia UMTS, foram expostas as suas características, a sua estrutura e arquitetura. Foram ainda elaboradas, duas comparações, com base em diferentes parâmetros, uma com a tecnologia da geração anterior e outra, com a de última geração. Com base nos conhecimentos adquiridos em diferentes pesquisas, foram estudados, os indicadores chave de desempenho (KPIs), as técnicas de planeamento e otimização, apresentando propostas de prevenção e soluções para problemas existentes na rede.


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Vehicular networks, also known as VANETs, are an ad-hoc network formed by vehicles and road-side units. Nowadays they have been attracting big interest both from researchers as from the automotive industry. With the upcoming of automotive specific operating systems and self-driving cars, the use of applications on vehicles and the integration with common mobile devices is becoming a big part of VANETs. Although many advances have been made on this field, there is still a big discrepancy between the communication layer services provided by VANETs and the user level services, namely those accessible through mobile applications on other networks and technologies. Users and developers are accustomed to user-to-user or user-tobusiness communication without explicit concerns related with the available communication transport layer. Such is not possible in VANETs since people may use more than one vehicle. However, to send a message to a specific user in these networks, there is a need to know the ID of the vehicle where the user is, meaning that there is a lack of services that map each individual user to VANETs endpoint (vehicle identification). This dissertation work proposes VANESS, a naming service as a resource to support user-to-user communication within a heterogeneous scenario comprising typical ISP scenario and VANETs focused on mobile devices. The proposed system is able to map the user to an end point either locally (i.e. there is not internet connection at all), online (i.e. system is not in a vehicular network but has direct internet connection) and using a gateway (i.e. the system is in a vehicular network where some of the nodes have internet access and will act as a gateway). VANESS was fully implemented on android OS with results proving his viability, and partially on iOS showing its multiplatform capabilities.


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Os atuais esquemas de modulação e acesso ao meio, tais como o Wide- Band Code-Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) ou Orthogonal Frequency- Division Multiple Access (OFDMA), que são otimizados para a gestão eficiente do espetro electromagnético e elevada taxa de transmissão, originam sinais de elevado Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) e requisitos de linearidade rigorosos. As arquiteturas de amplificação tradicionais, i.e. baseadas no operação em modo de corrente do dispositivo ativo, são incapazes de satisfazer estes requisitos em simultâneo. Assim, o amplificador de potência (do inglês, Power Ampli_er (PA)) incorre numa degradação significativa de rendimento energético em favor de maior linearidade, aumentando simultaneamente os custos de operação das estacões base para os operadores de telecomunicações móveis e o impacte ambiental. Este trabalho foca-se no estudo da arquitetura Doherty, a principal solução encontrada para melhorar o compromisso linearidade/rendimento para aplicações em estações-base de comunicações móveis. Para tal, são expostos os princípios básicos de amplificadores de rádio frequência assim como a análise teórica do tradicional PA Doherty (do inglês, Doherty Power Amplifier (DhPA)) de duas vias e suas variantes. O estudo _e complementado com o projeto e implementação de um PA excitador, em classe-AB, e de um DhPA de elevada potência, colocando-se em prática a teoria e técnicas de projeto estudadas ao longo deste trabalho, aliadas aos desafios da implementação com dispositivos reais de elevada potência.


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The last couple of decades have been the stage for the introduction of new telecommunication networks. It is expected that in the future all types of vehicles, such as cars, buses and trucks have the ability to intercommunicate and form a vehicular network. Vehicular networks display particularities when compared to other networks due to their continuous node mobility and their wide geographical dispersion, leading to a permanent network fragmentation. Therefore, the main challenges that this type of network entails relate to the intermittent connectivity and the long and variable delay in information delivery. To address the problems related to the intermittent connectivity, a new concept was introduced – Delay Tolerant Network (DTN). This architecture is built on a Store-Carry-and-Forward (SCF) mechanism in order to assure the delivery of information when there is no end-to-end path defined. Vehicular networks support a multiplicity of services, including the transportation of non-urgent information. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that the use of a DTN for the dissemination of non-urgent information is able to surpass the aforementioned challenges. The work developed focused on the use of DTNs for the dissemination of non-urgent information. This information is originated in the network service provider and should be available on mobile network terminals during a limited period of time. In order to do so, four different strategies were deployed: Random, Least Number of Hops First (LNHF), Local Rarest Bundle First (LRBF) e Local Rarest Generation First (LRGF). All of these strategies have a common goal: to disseminate content into the network in the shortest period of time and minimizing network congestion. This work also contemplates the analysis and implementation of techniques that reduce network congestion. The design, implementation and validation of the proposed strategies was divided into three stages. The first stage focused on creating a Matlab emulator for the fast implementation and strategy validation. This stage resulted in the four strategies that were afterwards implemented in the DTNs software Helix – developed in a partnership between Instituto de Telecomunicac¸˜oes (IT) and Veniam R , which are responsible for the largest operating vehicular network worldwide that is located in Oporto city. The strategies were later evaluated on an emulator that was built for the largescale testing of DTN. Both emulators account for vehicular mobility based on information previously collected from the real platform. Finally, the strategy that presented the best overall performance was tested on a real platform – in a lab environment – for concept and operability demonstration. It is possible to conclude that two of the implemented strategies (LRBF and LRGF) can be deployed in the real network and guarantee a significant delivery rate. The LRBF strategy has the best performance in terms of delivery. However, it needs to add a significant overhead to the network in order to work. In the future, tests of scalability should be conducted in a real environment in order to confirm the emulator results. The real implementation of the strategies should be accompanied by the introduction of new types of services for content distribution.