956 resultados para Computational Geometry and Object Modelling


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The research field of my PhD concerns mathematical modeling and numerical simulation, applied to the cardiac electrophysiology analysis at a single cell level. This is possible thanks to the development of mathematical descriptions of single cellular components, ionic channels, pumps, exchangers and subcellular compartments. Due to the difficulties of vivo experiments on human cells, most of the measurements are acquired in vitro using animal models (e.g. guinea pig, dog, rabbit). Moreover, to study the cardiac action potential and all its features, it is necessary to acquire more specific knowledge about single ionic currents that contribute to the cardiac activity. Electrophysiological models of the heart have become very accurate in recent years giving rise to extremely complicated systems of differential equations. Although describing the behavior of cardiac cells quite well, the models are computationally demanding for numerical simulations and are very difficult to analyze from a mathematical (dynamical-systems) viewpoint. Simplified mathematical models that capture the underlying dynamics to a certain extent are therefore frequently used. The results presented in this thesis have confirmed that a close integration of computational modeling and experimental recordings in real myocytes, as performed by dynamic clamp, is a useful tool in enhancing our understanding of various components of normal cardiac electrophysiology, but also arrhythmogenic mechanisms in a pathological condition, especially when fully integrated with experimental data.


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The Bioconductor project is an initiative for the collaborative creation of extensible software for computational biology and bioinformatics. We detail some of the design decisions, software paradigms and operational strategies that have allowed a small number of researchers to provide a wide variety of innovative, extensible, software solutions in a relatively short time. The use of an object oriented programming paradigm, the adoption and development of a software package system, designing by contract, distributed development and collaboration with other projects are elements of this project's success. Individually, each of these concepts are useful and important but when combined they have provided a strong basis for rapid development and deployment of innovative and flexible research software for scientific computation. A primary objective of this initiative is achievement of total remote reproducibility of novel algorithmic research results.


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Esta tesis propone un sistema biométrico de geometría de mano orientado a entornos sin contacto junto con un sistema de detección de estrés capaz de decir qué grado de estrés tiene una determinada persona en base a señales fisiológicas Con respecto al sistema biométrico, esta tesis contribuye con el diseño y la implementación de un sistema biométrico de geometría de mano, donde la adquisición se realiza sin ningún tipo de contacto, y el patrón del usuario se crea considerando únicamente datos del propio individuo. Además, esta tesis propone un algoritmo de segmentación multiescala para solucionar los problemas que conlleva la adquisición de manos en entornos reales. Por otro lado, respecto a la extracción de características y su posterior comparación esta tesis tiene una contribución específica, proponiendo esquemas adecuados para llevar a cabo tales tareas con un coste computacional bajo pero con una alta precisión en el reconocimiento de personas. Por último, este sistema es evaluado acorde a la norma estándar ISO/IEC 19795 considerando seis bases de datos públicas. En relación al método de detección de estrés, esta tesis propone un sistema basado en dos señales fisiológicas, concretamente la tasa cardiaca y la conductancia de la piel, así como la creación de un innovador patrón de estrés que recoge el comportamiento de ambas señales bajo las situaciones de estrés y no-estrés. Además, este sistema está basado en lógica difusa para decidir el grado de estrés de un individuo. En general, este sistema es capaz de detectar estrés de forma precisa y en tiempo real, proporcionando una solución adecuada para sistemas biométricos actuales, donde la aplicación del sistema de detección de estrés es directa para evitar situaciónes donde los individuos sean forzados a proporcionar sus datos biométricos. Finalmente, esta tesis incluye un estudio de aceptabilidad del usuario, donde se evalúa cuál es la aceptación del usuario con respecto a la técnica biométrica propuesta por un total de 250 usuarios. Además se incluye un prototipo implementado en un dispositivo móvil y su evaluación. ABSTRACT: This thesis proposes a hand biometric system oriented to unconstrained and contactless scenarios together with a stress detection method able to elucidate to what extent an individual is under stress based on physiological signals. Concerning the biometric system, this thesis contributes with the design and implementation of a hand-based biometric system, where the acquisition is carried out without contact and the template is created only requiring information from a single individual. In addition, this thesis proposes an algorithm based on multiscale aggregation in order to tackle with the problem of segmentation in real unconstrained environments. Furthermore, feature extraction and matching are also a specific contributions of this thesis, providing adequate schemes to carry out both actions with low computational cost but with certain recognition accuracy. Finally, this system is evaluated according to international standard ISO/IEC 19795 considering six public databases. In relation to the stress detection method, this thesis proposes a system based on two physiological signals, namely heart rate and galvanic skin response, with the creation of an innovative stress detection template which gathers the behaviour of both physiological signals under both stressing and non-stressing situations. Besides, this system is based on fuzzy logic to elucidate the level of stress of an individual. As an overview, this system is able to detect stress accurately and in real-time, providing an adequate solution for current biometric systems, where the application of a stress detection system is direct to avoid situations where individuals are forced to provide the biometric data. Finally, this thesis includes a user acceptability evaluation, where the acceptance of the proposed biometric technique is assessed by a total of 250 individuals. In addition, this thesis includes a mobile implementation prototype and its evaluation.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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The paper presents a computational system based upon formal principles to run spatial models for environmental processes. The simulator is named SimuMap because it is typically used to simulate spatial processes over a mapped representation of terrain. A model is formally represented in SimuMap as a set of coupled sub-models. The paper considers the situation where spatial processes operate at different time levels, but are still integrated. An example of such a situation commonly occurs in watershed hydrology where overland flow and stream channel flow have very different flow rates but are highly related as they are subject to the same terrain runoff processes. SimuMap is able to run a network of sub-models that express different time-space derivatives for water flow processes. Sub-models may be coded generically with a map algebra programming language that uses a surface data model. To address the problem of differing time levels in simulation, the paper: (i) reviews general approaches for numerical solvers, (ii) considers the constraints that need to be enforced to use more adaptive time steps in discrete time specified simulations, and (iii) scaling transfer rates in equations that use different time bases for time-space derivatives. A multistep scheme is proposed for SimuMap. This is presented along with a description of its visual programming interface, its modelling formalisms and future plans. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work is undertaken in the attempt to understand the processes at work at the cutting edge of the twist drill. Extensive drill life testing performed by the University has reinforced a survey of previously published information. This work demonstrated that there are two specific aspects of drilling which have not previously been explained comprehensively. The first concerns the interrelating of process data between differing drilling situations, There is no method currently available which allows the cutting geometry of drilling to be defined numerically so that such comparisons, where made, are purely subjective. Section one examines this problem by taking as an example a 4.5mm drill suitable for use with aluminium. This drill is examined using a prototype solid modelling program to explore how the required numerical information may be generated. The second aspect is the analysis of drill stiffness. What aspects of drill stiffness provide the very great difference in performance between short flute length, medium flute length and long flute length drills? These differences exist between drills of identical point geometry and the practical superiority of short drills has been known to shop floor drilling operatives since drilling was first introduced. This problem has been dismissed repeatedly as over complicated but section two provides a first approximation and shows that at least for smaller drills of 4. 5mm the effects are highly significant. Once the cutting action of the twist drill is defined geometrically there is a huge body of machinability data that becomes applicable to the drilling process. Work remains to interpret the very high inclination angles of the drill cutting process in terms of cutting forces and tool wear but aspects of drill design may already be looked at in new ways with the prospect of a more analytical approach rather than the present mix of experience and trial and error. Other problems are specific to the twist drill, such as the behaviour of the chips in the flute. It is now possible to predict the initial direction of chip flow leaving the drill cutting edge. For the future the parameters of further chip behaviour may also be explored within this geometric model.


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One of the leading motivations behind the multilingual semantic web is to make resources accessible digitally in an online global multilingual context. Consequently, it is fundamental for knowledge bases to find a way to manage multilingualism and thus be equipped with those procedures for its conceptual modelling. In this context, the goal of this paper is to discuss how common-sense knowledge and cultural knowledge are modelled in a multilingual framework. More particularly, multilingualism and conceptual modelling are dealt with from the perspective of FunGramKB, a lexico-conceptual knowledge base for natural language understanding. This project argues for a clear division between the lexical and the conceptual dimensions of knowledge. Moreover, the conceptual layer is organized into three modules, which result from a strong commitment towards capturing semantic knowledge (Ontology), procedural knowledge (Cognicon) and episodic knowledge (Onomasticon). Cultural mismatches are discussed and formally represented at the three conceptual levels of FunGramKB.


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Metal casting is a process governed by the interaction of a range of physical phenomena. Most computational models of this process address only what are conventionally regarded as the primary phenomena – heat conduction and solidification. However, to predict other phenomena, such as porosity formation, requires modelling the interaction of the fluid flow, heat transfer, solidification and the development of stressdeformation in the solidified part of the casting. This paper will describe a modelling framework called PHYSICA[1] which has the capability to stimulate such multiphysical phenomena.


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As advances in numerical modelling techniques support the increased confidence in predictions from computer simulations, the need remains to have experimental verification built into the design process. This paper outlines the experimental investigation carried out on a shielded vertical axis turbine in a marine environment. The experiments consist of performance measurements and the use of particle image velocimetry on a small scale device in a marine current flume. The results demonstrate that the performance of the device can be modelled numerically; in particular, the results show that the numerical model used can correctly predict the increase in performance with Reynolds number.


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Hybrid face recognition, using image (2D) and structural (3D) information, has explored the fusion of Nearest Neighbour classifiers. This paper examines the effectiveness of feature modelling for each individual modality, 2D and 3D. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the fusion of feature modelling techniques for the 2D and 3D modalities yields performance improvements over the individual classifiers. By fusing the feature modelling classifiers for each modality with equal weights the average Equal Error Rate improves from 12.60% for the 2D classifier and 12.10% for the 3D classifier to 7.38% for the Hybrid 2D+3D clasiffier.


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Areal bone mineral density (aBMD) is the most common surrogate measurement for assessing the bone strength of the proximal femur associated with osteoporosis. Additional factors, however, contribute to the overall strength of the proximal femur, primarily the anatomical geometry. Finite element analysis (FEA) is an effective and widely used computerbased simulation technique for modeling mechanical loading of various engineering structures, providing predictions of displacement and induced stress distribution due to the applied load. FEA is therefore inherently dependent upon both density and anatomical geometry. FEA may be performed on both three-dimensional and two-dimensional models of the proximal femur derived from radiographic images, from which the mechanical stiffness may be redicted. It is examined whether the outcome measures of two-dimensional FEA, two-dimensional, finite element analysis of X-ray images (FEXI), and three-dimensional FEA computed stiffness of the proximal femur were more sensitive than aBMD to changes in trabecular bone density and femur geometry. It is assumed that if an outcome measure follows known trends with changes in density and geometric parameters, then an increased sensitivity will be indicative of an improved prediction of bone strength. All three outcome measures increased non-linearly with trabecular bone density, increased linearly with cortical shell thickness and neck width, decreased linearly with neck length, and were relatively insensitive to neck-shaft angle. For femoral head radius, aBMD was relatively insensitive, with two-dimensional FEXI and threedimensional FEA demonstrating a non-linear increase and decrease in sensitivity, respectively. For neck anteversion, aBMD decreased non-linearly, whereas both two-dimensional FEXI and three dimensional FEA demonstrated a parabolic-type relationship, with maximum stiffness achieved at an angle of approximately 15o. Multi-parameter analysis showed that all three outcome measures demonstrated their highest sensitivity to a change in cortical thickness. When changes in all input parameters were considered simultaneously, three and twodimensional FEA had statistically equal sensitivities (0.41±0.20 and 0.42±0.16 respectively, p = ns) that were significantly higher than the sensitivity of aBMD (0.24±0.07; p = 0.014 and 0.002 for three-dimensional and two-dimensional FEA respectively). This simulation study suggests that since mechanical integrity and FEA are inherently dependent upon anatomical geometry, FEXI stiffness, being derived from conventional two-dimensional radiographic images, may provide an improvement in the prediction of bone strength of the proximal femur than currently provided by aBMD.


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This paper is a deductive theoretical enquiry into the flow of effects from the geometry of price bubbles/busts, to price indices, to pricing behaviours of sellers and buyers, and back to price bubbles/busts. The intent of the analysis is to suggest analytical approaches to identify the presence, maturity, and/or sustainability of a price bubble. We present a pricing model to emulate market behaviour, including numeric examples and charts of the interaction of supply and demand. The model extends into dynamic market solutions myopic (single- and multi-period) backward looking rational expectations to demonstrate how buyers and sellers interact to affect supply and demand and to show how capital gain expectations can be a destabilising influence – i.e. the lagged effects of past price gains can drive the market price away from long-run market-worth. Investing based on the outputs of past price-based valuation models appear to be more of a game-of-chance than a sound investment strategy.