875 resultados para Computation in architecture


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The Church-Turing Thesis is widely regarded as true, because of evidence that there is only one genuine notion of computation. By contrast, there are nowadays many different formal logics, and different corresponding foundational frameworks. Which ones can deliver a theory of computability? This question sets up a difficult challenge: the meanings of basic mathematical terms (like "set", "function", and "number") are not stable across frameworks. While it is easy to compare what different frameworks say, it is not so easy to compare what they mean. We argue for some minimal conditions that must be met if two frameworks are to be compared; if frameworks are radical enough, comparison becomes hopeless. Our aim is to clarify the dialectical situation in this bourgeoning area of research, shedding light on the nature of non-classical logic and the notion of computation alike.


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The naming of styles or movements is a basic mechanism of the architectural journals. The announcement of new tendencies, groups or philosophies, gives a journal its character as ‘news’, and if such terms are taken up in general discourse this demonstrates the prescience of the editor and enhances the repute of the journal. The announcement of phenomenon such as ‘critical regionalism’ or ‘deconstructivism’ referred architectural developments to a context in socio-politics or philosophy, and thus aimed to provide at least an initial resistance to their understanding as the formal styles which they quickly became. A different strategy, or occasion, which this paper will discuss, is where the name of an architectural moment is given in the traditional form of an art historical style. Here the nomenclature of style and a certain attitude to form is introduced as the starting point for a more open ended critical inquiry. Two examples of this strategy will be given. The first is Peter Reyner Banham and the Architecture Review’s promotion of ‘Brutalism’ as an anti-aesthetic which took its conceptual form from early twentieth century art movements, particularly Futurism. The second, identified with Architectural Design in the 1990’s is ‘Minimalism’, a term describing a strand of the visual arts of the 1960’s which can be understood as an attempt to nuance and add seriousness to the present rampant nostalgia for the style of the architecture of the 1960’s.


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Training Mixture Density Network (MDN) configurations within the NETLAB framework takes time due to the nature of the computation of the error function and the gradient of the error function. By optimising the computation of these functions, so that gradient information is computed in parameter space, training time is decreased by at least a factor of sixty for the example given. Decreased training time increases the spectrum of problems to which MDNs can be practically applied making the MDN framework an attractive method to the applied problem solver.


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Today's wireless networks rely mostly on infrastructural support for their operation. With the concept of ubiquitous computing growing more popular, research on infrastructureless networks have been rapidly growing. However, such types of networks face serious security challenges when deployed. This dissertation focuses on designing a secure routing solution and trust modeling for these infrastructureless networks. ^ The dissertation presents a trusted routing protocol that is capable of finding a secure end-to-end route in the presence of malicious nodes acting either independently or in collusion, The solution protects the network from active internal attacks, known to be the most severe types of attacks in an ad hoc application. Route discovery is based on trust levels of the nodes, which need to be dynamically computed to reflect the malicious behavior in the network. As such, we have developed a trust computational model in conjunction with the secure routing protocol that analyzes the different malicious behavior and quantifies them in the model itself. Our work is the first step towards protecting an ad hoc network from colluding internal attack. To demonstrate the feasibility of the approach, extensive simulation has been carried out to evaluate the protocol efficiency and scalability with both network size and mobility. ^ This research has laid the foundation for developing a variety of techniques that will permit people to justifiably trust the use of ad hoc networks to perform critical functions, as well as to process sensitive information without depending on any infrastructural support and hence will enhance the use of ad hoc applications in both military and civilian domains. ^


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International travel has significant implications on the study of architecture. This study analyzed ways in which undergraduate and graduate students benefited from the experience of international travel and study abroad. Taken from the perspective of 15 individuals who were currently or had been architecture students at the University of Miami and Florida International University or who were alumni of the University of Florida and Syracuse University, the research explored how international travel and study abroad enhanced their awareness and understanding of architecture, and how it complemented their architecture curricula. This study also addressed a more personal aspect of international travel in order to learn how the experience and exposure to foreign cultures had positively influenced the personal and professional development of the participants.^ Participants’ individual and two-person semi-structured interviews about study abroad experiences were electronically recorded and transcribed for analysis. A second interview was conducted with five of the participants to obtain feedback concerning the accuracy of the transcripts and the interpretation of the data. Sketch journals and design projects were also analyzed from five participants and used as data for the purposes of better understanding what these individuals learned and experienced as part of their study abroad.^ Findings indicated that study abroad experiences helped to broaden student understanding about architecture and urban development. These experiences also opened the possibilities of creative and professional expression. For many, this was the most important aspect of their education as architects because it heightened their interest in architecture. These individuals talked about how they had the opportunity to experience contemporary and ancient buildings that they had learned about in their history and design classes on their home campuses. In terms of personal and professional development, many of the participants remarked that they became more independent and self-reliant because of their study abroad experiences. They also displayed a sense of global awareness and were interested in the cultures of their host nations. The study abroad experiences also had a lasting influence on their professional development.^


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In this paper, we describe a decentralized privacy-preserving protocol for securely casting trust ratings in distributed reputation systems. Our protocol allows n participants to cast their votes in a way that preserves the privacy of individual values against both internal and external attacks. The protocol is coupled with an extensive theoretical analysis in which we formally prove that our protocol is resistant to collusion against as many as n-1 corrupted nodes in the semi-honest model. The behavior of our protocol is tested in a real P2P network by measuring its communication delay and processing overhead. The experimental results uncover the advantages of our protocol over previous works in the area; without sacrificing security, our decentralized protocol is shown to be almost one order of magnitude faster than the previous best protocol for providing anonymous feedback.


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Le bois est un matériau souvent utilisé par les architectes pour améliorer l’ambiance générale d’un espace, mais peu de recherches en présentent l’impact réel du matériau sur les impressions visuelles et les effets lumineux. Cette recherche étudie l’influence de la matérialité du bois par rapport à la création d’ambiances d’éclairage spécifiques dans l’architecture. Plus particulièrement, elle se concentre sur l’impact des panneaux décoratifs en bois à générer de la diversité lumineuse dans les espaces intérieurs et son potentiel à améliorer la satisfaction environnementale et l’efficacité énergétique. La recherche utilise des maquettes à l’échelle pour leur précision dans la représentation des ambiances lumineuses d’espaces éclairés naturellement ainsi que les technologies récentes d’imagerie digitale pour capturer et analyser les résultats. La méthodologie permet la comparaison entre les différents réglages des espaces intérieurs créés par une sélection des types de matérialités du bois: la réflectance (valeur), la couleur et la réflectivité. Les modalités spatiales sont comparées en présence d’ensoleillement direct et sous des conditions de ciel couvert puisque les modèles d’éclairage et les ambiances diffèrent considérablement. Les résultats permettent d’établir une discussion sur les ambiances en termes de brillance et de contraste, sur la couleur ainsi que la répartition des zones lumineuses dans l’espace. La recherche souligne le rôle des matérialités que peuvent prendre le bois pour optimiser la diversité lumineuse et la création d’ambiances visuellement confortables, ainsi que ses possibilités d’améliorer les ambiances architecturales par rapport à la lumière.


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A novel high throughput and scalable unified architecture for the computation of the transform operations in video codecs for advanced standards is presented in this paper. This structure can be used as a hardware accelerator in modern embedded systems to efficiently compute all the two-dimensional 4 x 4 and 2 x 2 transforms of the H.264/AVC standard. Moreover, its highly flexible design and hardware efficiency allows it to be easily scaled in terms of performance and hardware cost to meet the specific requirements of any given video coding application. Experimental results obtained using a Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA demonstrated the superior performance and hardware efficiency levels provided by the proposed structure, which presents a throughput per unit of area relatively higher than other similar recently published designs targeting the H.264/AVC standard. Such results also showed that, when integrated in a multi-core embedded system, this architecture provides speedup factors of about 120x concerning pure software implementations of the transform algorithms, therefore allowing the computation, in real-time, of all the above mentioned transforms for Ultra High Definition Video (UHDV) sequences (4,320 x 7,680 @ 30 fps).