777 resultados para Composites à fibres


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Mechanical strength of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fibres and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) matrix composites were studied with particular interest on the effects of oxygen and argon plasma treated fibres. PET. fibres were treated in a radio frequency plasma reactor using argon or oxygen for different treatment times to increase the interface adhesion. Fibre volume fraction was measured through digital image analysis. Elastic moduli resulted between 3 GPa for untreated to 6 GPa for treated composites. Tensile tests on PET fibres showed that plasma treatment caused a decrease in average tensile strength compared to untreated fibres. Fracture analysis confirmed the increase in interfacial adhesion due to plasma treatment. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Continuous strip metal matrix composite (MMC) casting of 0.3 mm diameter hard-drawn stainless steel (316L) wire in a quasi-eutectic SnPb (64Sn36Pb) matrix was performed by a two-roll melt drag processing (TRMDping) method, with the wire being dragged through a semisolid puddle with a fibre contact time of approximately 0.2 s. A slag weir placed at the nozzle contained two wire guide holes: one located near the upper roll, and the other located between the rolls. A successful continuous composite strip casting with good fibre alignment was achieved by inserting and embedding the wire into the matrix using the guide hole between the rolls. Degeneration of eutectic/dendrite structures led to the formation of globular structures. The occurrence and formation mechanisms of cracks, de-lamination and voids in the matrix were discussed. TRMDping is economically viable and has significant benefits over other MMC fabrication methods. © (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.


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Cellulose micro and nano fibrils were extracted from banana macro fibres and chemically modified using sodium hydroxide, formic acid, 3-methacryloxy propyltrimethoxy silane. These untreated and chemically treated fibrils were incorporated into PF resin and the specimens were prepared. The composites were subjected to long-term water ageing, thermal ageing soil burial and outdoor weathering. The mechanical properties are reduced under all ageing conditions. The present study investigates the effects of different types of ageing on macro fibre, microfibril and nanofibril reinforced PF composites. The effect of chemical modifications of fibres on the degradability of the composites at different environments also has been analysed. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A previous study on the characterization of effective material properties of a d(15) thickness-shear piezoelectric Macro-Fibre Composite (MFC) made of seven layers (Kapton, Acrylic, Electrode, Piezoceramic Fibre and Epoxy Composite, Electrode, Acrylic, Kapton) using a finite element homogenization method has shown that the packaging reduces significantly the shear stiffness of the piezoceramic material and, thus, leads to significantly smaller effective electromechanical coupling coefficient k(15) and piezoelectric stress constant e(15) when compared to the piezoceramic fibre properties. Therefore, the main objective of this work is to perform a parametric analysis in which the effect of the variations of fibre volume fraction, Epoxy elastic modulus, electrode thickness and active layer thickness on the MFC effective material properties is evaluated. Results indicate that an effective d(15) MFC should use relatively thick fibres having relatively high shear modulus and relatively stiff epoxy filler. On the other hand, the electrode thickness does not affect significantly the MFC performance.


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A previous study on the characterization of effective material properties of a d15 thickness-shear piezoelectric Macro-Fibre Composite (MFC) made of seven layers (Kapton, Acrylic, Electrode, Piezoceramic Fibre and Epoxy Composite, Electrode, Acrylic, Kapton) using a finite element homogenization method has shown that the packaging reduces significantly the shear stiffness of the piezoceramic material and, thus, leads to significantly smaller effective electromechanical coupling coefficient k15 and piezoelectric stress constant e15 when compared to the piezoceramic fibre properties. Therefore, the main objective of this work is to perform a parametric analysis in which the effect of the variations of fibre volume fraction, Epoxy elastic modulus, electrode thickness and active layer thickness on the MFC effective material properties is evaluated. Results indicate that an effective d15 MFC should use relatively thick fibres having relatively high shear modulus and relatively stiff epoxy filler. On the other hand, the electrode thickness does not affect significantly the MFC performance.


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El hormigón autocompactante (HAC) es una nueva tipología de hormigón o material compuesto base cemento que se caracteriza por ser capaz de fluir en el interior del encofrado o molde, llenándolo de forma natural, pasando entre las barras de armadura y consolidándose únicamente bajo la acción de su peso propio, sin ayuda de medios de compactación externos, y sin que se produzca segregación de sus componentes. Debido a sus propiedades frescas (capacidad de relleno, capacidad de paso, y resistencia a la segregación), el HAC contribuye de forma significativa a mejorar la calidad de las estructuras así como a abrir nuevos campos de aplicación del hormigón. Por otra parte, la utilidad del hormigón reforzado con fibras de acero (HRFA) es hoy en día incuestionable debido a la mejora significativa de sus propiedades mecánicas tales como resistencia a tracción, tenacidad, resistencia al impacto o su capacidad para absorber energía. Comparado con el HRFA, el hormigón autocompactante reforzado con fibras de acero (HACRFA) presenta como ventaja una mayor fluidez y cohesión ofreciendo, además de unas buenas propiedades mecánicas, importantes ventajas en relación con su puesta en obra. El objetivo global de esta tesis doctoral es el desarrollo de nuevas soluciones estructurales utilizando materiales compuestos base cemento autocompactantes reforzados con fibras de acero. La tesis presenta una nueva forma de resolver el problema basándose en el concepto de los materiales gradiente funcionales (MGF) o materiales con función gradiente (MFG) con el fin de distribuir de forma eficiente las fibras en la sección estructural. Para ello, parte del HAC se sustituye por HACRFA formando capas que presentan una transición gradual entre las mismas con el fin de obtener secciones robustas y exentas de tensiones entre capas con el fin de aplicar el concepto “MGF-laminados” a elementos estructurales tales como vigas, columnas, losas, etc. El proceso incluye asimismo el propio método de fabricación que, basado en la tecnología HAC, permite el desarrollo de interfases delgadas y robustas entre capas (1-3 mm) gracias a las propiedades reológicas del material. Para alcanzar dichos objetivos se ha llevado a cabo un amplio programa experimental cuyas etapas principales son las siguientes: • Definir y desarrollar un método de diseño que permita caracterizar de forma adecuada las propiedades mecánicas de la “interfase”. Esta primera fase experimental incluye: o las consideraciones generales del propio método de fabricación basado en el concepto de fabricación de materiales gradiente funcionales denominado “reología y gravedad”, o las consideraciones específicas del método de caracterización, o la caracterización de la “interfase”. • Estudiar el comportamiento mecánico sobre elementos estructurales, utilizando distintas configuraciones de MGF-laminado frente a acciones tanto estáticas como dinámicas con el fin de comprobar la viabilidad del material para ser usado en elementos estructurales tales como vigas, placas, pilares, etc. Los resultados indican la viabilidad de la metodología de fabricación adoptada, así como, las ventajas tanto estructurales como en reducción de costes de las soluciones laminadas propuestas. Es importante destacar la mejora en términos de resistencia a flexión, compresión o impacto del hormigón autocompactante gradiente funcional en comparación con soluciones de HACRFA monolíticos inclusos con un volumen neto de fibras (Vf) doble o superior. Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is an important advance in the concrete technology in the last decades. It is a new type of high performance concrete with the ability of flowing under its own weight and without the need of vibrations. Due to its specific fresh or rheological properties, such as filling ability, passing ability and segregation resistance, SCC may contribute to a significant improvement of the quality of concrete structures and open up new field for the application of concrete. On the other hand, the usefulness of steel fibre-reinforced concrete (SFRC) in civil engineering applications is unquestionable. SFRC can improve significantly the hardened mechanical properties such as tensile strength, impact resistance, toughness and energy absorption capacity. Compared to SFRC, self-compacting steel fibre-reinforced concrete (SCSFRC) is a relatively new type of concrete with high flowability and good cohesiveness. SCSFRC offers very attractive economical and technical benefits thanks to SCC rheological properties, which can be further extended, when combined with SFRC for improving their mechanical characteristics. However, for the different concrete structural elements, a single concrete mix is selected without an attempt to adapt the diverse fibre-reinforced concretes to the stress-strain sectional properly. This thesis focused on the development of high performance cement-based structural composites made of SCC with and without steel fibres, and their applications for enhanced mechanical properties in front of different types of load and pattern configurations. It presents a new direction for tackling the mechanical problem. The approach adopted is based on the concept of functionally graded cementitious composite (FGCC) where part of the plain SCC is strategically replaced by SCSFRC in order to obtain laminated functionally graded self-compacting cementitious composites, laminated-FGSCC, in single structural elements as beams, columns, slabs, etc. The approach also involves a most suitable casting method, which uses SCC technology to eliminate the potential sharp interlayer while easily forming a robust and regular reproducible graded interlayer of 1-3 mm by controlling the rheology of the mixes and using gravity at the same time to encourage the use of the powerful concept for designing more performance suitable and cost-efficient structural systems. To reach the challenging aim, a wide experimental programme has been carried out involving two main steps: • The definition and development of a novel methodology designed for the characterization of the main parameter associated to the interface- or laminated-FGSCC solutions: the graded interlayer. Work of this first part includes: o the design considerations of the innovative (in the field of concrete) production method based on “rheology and gravity” for producing FG-SCSFRC or as named in the thesis FGSCC, casting process and elements, o the design of a specific testing methodology, o the characterization of the interface-FGSCC by using the so designed testing methodology. • The characterization of the different medium size FGSCC samples under different static and dynamic loads patterns for exploring their possibilities to be used for structural elements as beams, columns, slabs, etc. The results revealed the efficiency of the manufacturing methodology, which allow creating robust structural sections, as well as the feasibility and cost effectiveness of the proposed FGSCC solutions for different structural uses. It is noticeable to say the improvement in terms of flexural, compressive or impact loads’ responses of the different FGSCC in front of equal strength class SCSFRC bulk elements with at least the double of overall net fibre volume fraction (Vf).


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A simple method of creating defined PMMA and poly (MMA-co-Cz) electrocoatings on carbon fibres is described. The electrodeposition of poly methylmethacrylate (PMMA) onto unsized, unmodified carbon fibres was performed by simple constant current electrolyses of methylmethacrylate (MMA) monomer in dimethylformamide (DMF) solutions and the 'pur' liquid monomer using sodium nitrate and lithium perchlorate as supporting electrolytes. The presence of polymeric coatings successfully attached to the carbon fibres was verified by scanning electron microscopy and photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Performing the electrolysis in dilute MMA in DMF solutions ([MMA]


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A semi-batch pyrolysis process was used to recover samples carbon fibre and glass fibre from their respective wastes. The mechanical properties of the recovered fibres were tested and compared to those of virgin fibres, showing good retention of the fibre properties. The recovered fibres were then used to prepare new LDPE composite materials with commercial and laboratory-synthesized compatibilizers. Mild oxidation of the post-pyrolysis recovered fibres and the use of different compatibilizers gave significant improvements in the mechanical properties of the LDPE composites; however some of the manufactured composites made from recovered fibres had properties similar to those made from virgin fibres.


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Fibre-reinforced mouldings are of growing interest to the rotational moulding industry due to their outstanding price performance ratio. However, a particular problem that arises when using reinforcements in this process is that the process is low shear and good mixing of resin and reinforcement is not optimum under those conditions. There is also a problem of the larger/heavier reinforcing agents segregating out of the powder to lay up on the inner part surface. In this paper we report on studies to incorporate, short glass fibres into rotationally moulded parts. Four different approaches were investigated; direct addition of fibre in between two powder shots, addition of a layer of pre-compounded polyethylene-glass fibre pellets between two powder shots, addition of a layer of pre-compounded polyethylene-glass fibre powder between two powder shots and a single layer of glass-reinforced, pre-compounded powder. Results indicate that pre-compounding is necessary to gain performance enhancement and the single layer part made from glass-reinforced, pre-compounded powder exhibited the highest tensile and flexural modulus.


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Les matériaux composites sont utilisés dans beaucoup de domaines pour leurs propriétés mécaniques spécifiques, leur mise en forme facile et leur bas coût. Cependant, lorsque les composites pétro-sourcées sont en fin de vie, le traitement des déchets a un fort impact environnemental. C’est pour cette raison que les industriels se tournent vers des matériaux bio-sourcés. Ils souhaitent ainsi abaisser le coût des matières premières mais aussi se donner une image plus « verte » grâce à l’utilisation de matériaux renouvelables et/ou compostables. Le projet présenté s’inscrit dans dans cette optique où il est question d’élaborer de nouveaux composites à renfort et matrices bio-sourcés et tout particulièrement des composites fibre de lin/acide polylactique (PLA). Ces derniers sont généralement appelés bio-composites. L’originalité de cette étude réside dans le traitement des fibres de lin afin de les compatibilité avec la matrice PLA. Le traitement consiste au greffage de dioxyde de titane sur la surface de fibres de lin fonctionnalisée par oxydation au TEMPO. Ces fibres longues sont ensuite utilisées comme renfort sous forme de tissu unidirectionnel dans la matrice PLA. Le comportement mécanique en traction, flexion et la résistance à l’impact de ces biocomposites sont étudiés afin d’analyser l’influence du traitement des fibres sur leur performances.


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Dans le contexte de la production d’éthanol cellulosique, la cellulose doit être hydrolysée par voie chimique ou enzymatique. Dans ce procédé d’hydrolyse, la partie cristalline de la cellulose est plus difficilement fragmentable, ce qui entraîne des coûts supplémentaires dues au temps de traitement plus élevé ou à la quantité supplémentaire de produits chimiques nécessaires. Dans l’optique de réduire les coûts de l’hydrolyse tout en recherchant une voie pour valoriser la cellulose cristalline, l’idée de fabriquer des composites polymères/cellulose est attrayante. L’objectif du présent travail a donc été de valider si la cellulose microcristalline tirée d’un processus d’hydrolyse acide pourrait mener à de nouveaux matériaux composites à valeur ajoutée. Un obstacle anticipé dans le projet a été la faible adhésion de la cellulose, hydrophile et polaire, aux polymères généralement beaucoup moins polaires. Le développement de composites performants et l’atteinte de teneurs élevés en cellulose microcristalline a donc inclus, sur le plan chimique, l’objectif de comparer divers traitements de surface de la cellulose qui permettrait de pallier aux défis anticipés. La méthodologie utilisée dans ce projet a consisté à développer et optimiser un protocole de modification chimique sur de la cellulose microcristalline commerciale à l’échelle laboratoire. Les celluloses modifiées ont été soumises à une caractérisation par analyse de l’angle de contact pour caractériser l’hydrophobicité des fibres, par spectrométrie photoélectronique X pour l’analyse de la composition chimique des fibres, par granulométrie laser pour mesurer la longueur des différentes fibres et microscopie optique pour l’observation de la longueur des fibres. Toutes les techniques ont été utilisées afin de comparer les propriétés des celluloses modifiées à celles de la cellulose de référence. La cellulose de référence et les celluloses modifiées chimiquement ont ensuite été mélangées à des concentrations de 0 à 50% avec du polyéthylène de basse densité à l’état fondu en utilisant un mélangeur interne de type Brabender®. Les composites ont été caractérisés par microscopie électronique à balayage pour analyser la morphologie de mélange sur les surfaces de rupture et l’homogénéité du mélange, par des analyses rhéologiques afin d’obtenir la viscosité en fonction du cisaillement et par des essais de traction afin de déterminer leur Module de Young, leur résistance à la traction et leur élongation à la rupture. Ces caractéristiques permettent de prévoir la performance des composites dans des applications structurales.


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Abstract : Natural materials have received a full attention in many applications because they are degradable and derived directly from earth. In addition to these benefits, natural materials can be obtained from renewable resources such as plants (i.e. cellulosic fibers like flax, hemp, jute, and etc). Being cheap and light in weight, the cellulosic natural fiber is a good candidate for reinforcing bio-based polymer composites. However, the hydrophilic nature -resulted from the presence of hydroxyl groups in the structure of these fibers- restricts the application of these fibers in the polymeric matrices. This is because of weak interfacial adhesion, and difficulties in mixing due to poor wettability of the fibers within the matrices. Many attempts have been done to modify surface properties of natural fibers including physical, chemical, and physico-chemical treatments but on the one hand, these treatments are unable to cure the intrinsic defects of the surface of the fibers and on the other hand they cannot improve moisture, and alkali resistance of the fibers. However, the creation of a thin film on the fibers would achieve the mentioned objectives. This study aims firstly to functionalize the flax fibers by using selective oxidation of hydroxyl groups existed in cellulose structure to pave the way for better adhesion of subsequent amphiphilic TiO[subscript 2] thin films created by Sol-Gel technique. This method is capable of creating a very thin layer of metallic oxide on a substrate. In the next step, the effect of oxidation on the interfacial adhesion between the TiO[subscript 2] film and the fiber and thus on the physical and mechanical properties of the fiber was characterized. Eventually, the TiO[subscript 2] grafted fibers with and without oxidation were used to reinforce poly lactic acid (PLA). Tensile, impact, and short beam shear tests were performed to characterize the mechanical properties while Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), and moisture absorption were used to show the physical properties of the composites. Results showed a significant increase in physical and mechanical properties of flax fibers when the fibers were oxidized prior to TiO[subscript 2] grafting. Moreover, the TiO[subscript 2] grafted oxidized fiber caused significant changes when they were used as reinforcements in PLA. A higher interfacial strength and less amount of water absorption were obtained in comparison with the reference samples.


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A really particular and innovative metal-polymer sandwich material is Hybrix. Hybrix is a product developed and manufactured by Lamera AB, Gothenburg, Sweden. This innovative hybrid material is composed by two relatively thin metal layers if compared to the core thickness. The most used metals are aluminum and stainless steel and are separated by a core of nylon fibres oriented perpendicularly to the metal plates. The core is then completed by adhesive layers applied at the PA66-metal interface that once cured maintain the nylon fibres in position. This special material is very light and formable. Moreover Hybrix, depending on the specific metal which is used, can achieve a good corrosion resistance and it can be cut and punched easily. Hybrix architecture itself provides extremely good bending stiffness, damping properties, insulation capability, etc., which again, of course, change in magnitude depending in the metal alloy which is used, its thickness and core thickness. For these reasons nowadays it shows potential for all the applications which have the above mentioned characteristic as a requirement. Finally Hybrix can be processed with tools used in regular metal sheet industry and can be handled as solid metal sheets. In this master thesis project, pre-formed parts of Hybrix were studied and characterized. Previous work on Hybrix was focused on analyze its market potential and different adhesive to be used in the core. All the tests were carried out on flat unformed specimens. However, in order to have a complete description of this material also the effect of the forming process must be taken into account. Thus the main activities of the present master thesis are the following: Dynamic Mechanical-Thermal Analysis (DMTA) on unformed Hybrix samples of different thickness and on pre-strained Hybrix samples, pure epoxy adhesive samples analysis and finally moisture effects evaluation on Hybrix composite structure.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the degree of conversion (DC) and the cytotoxicity of photo-cured experimental resin composites containing 4-(N,N-dimethylamino)phenethyl alcohol (DMPOH) combined to the camphorquinone (CQ) compared with ethylamine benzoate (EDAB). The resin composites were mechanically blended using 35 wt% of an organic matrix and 65 wt% of filler loading. To this matrix was added 0.2 wt% of CQ and 0.2 wt% of one of the reducing agents tested. 5x1 mm samples (n=5) were previously submitted to DC measurement and then pre-immersed in complete culture medium without 10% (v/v) bovine serum for 1 h or 24 h at 37 °C in a humidifier incubator with 5% CO2 and 95% humidity to evaluate the cytotoxic effects of experimental resin composites using the MTT assay on immortalized human keratinocytes cells. As a result of absence of normal distribution, the statistical analysis was performed using the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis to evaluate the cytotoxicity and one-way analysis of variance to evaluate the DC. For multiple comparisons, cytotoxicity statistical analyses were submitted to Student-Newman-Keuls and DC analysis to Tukey's HSD post-hoc test (=0.05). No significant differences were found between the DC of DMPOH (49.9%) and EDAB (50.7%). 1 h outcomes showed no significant difference of the cell viability between EDAB (99.26%), DMPOH (94.85%) and the control group (100%). After 24 h no significant difference were found between EDAB (48.44%) and DMPOH (38.06%), but significant difference was found compared with the control group (p>0.05). DMPOH presented similar DC and cytotoxicity compared with EDAB when associated with CQ.