993 resultados para Composite fibres


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El treball que s'ha dut a terme es centra en la recerca d'agents modificants per a fibres cel·lulòsiques capaços de reduir la polaritat de les funcions alcohol de la seva estructura per formació de funcions ester. Les fibres de jute se sotmeten a reacció en un sistema tancat provist d'atmòsfera de nitrogen a fi d'evitar reaccions laterals que no són del nostre interés.L'obtenció dels resultats perseguits està lligat a les condicions experimentals aplicades durant les reaccions. La influència de les diferents variables escollides facilitarà en major o menor grau la reacció entre les molècules d'agent d'acoblament i cel·lulosa vinculades. Una gran part de l'atenció es centrarà en l'estudi de l'etapa de modificació, sobretot en l'efectivitat dels reactius addicionats per la reacció amb els grups hidroxil. Un cop comparats els experiments realitzats tant amb clorur d'oleïl com amb anhídrid metacrílic, es conclou que la majoria de condicions provades permeten assolir valors de modificació prou significatius. L'excepció ve donada quan la temperatura utilitzada és de 20ºC, llavors les mateixes condicions que a una temperatura de 60ºC condueixen cap a resultats poc satisfactoris. La reactivitat per part dels dos agents d'acoblament utilitzats no ha estat la mateixa. Els resultats per condicions experimentals del mateix tipus han conduït cap a valors força diferents. Pel que fa a la determinació dels paràmetres òptims es conclou que les variables amb les que el grau de modificació millora considerablement són: una temperatura de 60ºC, 10% de catalitzador respecte la quantitat de clorur d'oleïl o anhídrid addicionada, relació OH reactiu estequiomètrica 1:1 i 40mL de solvent. Un cop modificada la fibra, se sotmet a reacció amb el monòmer estirè. Es comprova que el grau de polimerització segueix el valor de modificació prèviament obtingut, a menor quantitat de funcions alcohol lliures major interacció amb el monòmer estirè. Les propietats inicials de la fibra no es corresponen amb les obtingudes després del tractament, l'increment de la resistència a l'atac de microorganismes i a l'absorció d'humitat s'explica per una reducció de la presència de funcions alcohol polars i per la capa d'estirè polimeritzat per unió amb els dobles enllaços introduïts amb els agents d'acoblament. Pel que fa referència a les dues tècniques de caracterització més utilitzades, l'anàlisis elemental permet quantificar d'una manera precisa la reacció de la fibra amb els agents d'acoblament i la posterior reacció de la fibra modificada amb el monòmer estirè. La caracterització per espectroscopia d'infraroig permet comprovar qualitativament la reactivitat del clorur d'oleïl i qualitativament-quantitativament la de l'anhídrid metacrílic amb les funcions alcohol de la cel·lulosa present en les fibres de jute. Els pics més característics apareguts seran utilitzats per avaluar la reactivitat de la funció carbonílica del reactiu modificant amb l'estructura cel·lulòsica i del doble enllaç de la cel·lulosa modificada amb la matriu polimèrica.


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We use a combination of microscopy, x-ray scattering and neutron scattering to show how structure develops in micro and nano-size polymer fibres prepared by electrospinning. The technique has been applied to a range of different polymers, an amorphous system (polystyrene), a crystallisable polymer (poly-epsilon-caprolactone), a composite systems (polyethylene oxide or poly vinyl alcohol containing polypyrrole) and consider the possibility of self assembly (gelatin).


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This paper presents the design evolution process of a composite leaf spring for freight rail applications. Three designs of eye-end attachment for composite leaf springs are described. The material used is glass fibre reinforced polyester. Static testing and finite element analysis have been carried out to obtain the characteristics of the spring. Load-deflection curves and strain measurement as a function of load for the three designs tested have been plotted for comparison with FEA predicted values. The main concern associated with the first design is the delamination failure at the interface of the fibres that have passed around the eye and the spring body, even though the design can withstand 150 kN static proof load and one million cycles fatigue load. FEA results confirmed that there is a high interlaminar shear stress concentration in that region. The second design feature is an additional transverse bandage around the region prone to delamination. Delamination was contained but not completely prevented. The third design overcomes the problem by ending the fibres at the end of the eye section.


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This paper shows the process of the virtual production development of the mechanical connection between the top leaf of a dual composite leaf spring system to a shackle using finite element methods. The commercial FEA package MSC/MARC has been used for the analysis. In the original design the joint was based on a closed eye-end. Full scale testing results showed that this configuration achieved the vertical proof load of 150 kN and 1 million cycles of fatigue load. However, a problem with delamination occurred at the interface between the fibres going around the eye and the main leaf body. To overcome this problem, a second design was tried using transverse bandages of woven glass fibre reinforced tape to wrap the section that is prone to delaminate. In this case, the maximum interlaminar shear stress was reduced by a certain amount but it was still higher than the material’s shear strength. Based on the fact that, even with delamination, the top leaf spring still sustained the maximum static and fatigue loads required, the third design was proposed with an open eye-end, eliminating altogether the interface where the maximum shear stress occurs. The maximum shear stress predicted by FEA is reduced significantly and a safety factor of around 2 has been obtained. Thus, a successful and safe design has been achieved.


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The objective of the present work is to evaluate the effects of the surface properties of unrefined eucalyptus pulp fibres concerning their performance in cement-based composites. The influence of the fibre surface on the microstructure of fibre-cement composites was evaluated after accelerated ageing cycles, which simulate natural weathering. The surface of unbleached pulp is a thin layer that is rich in cellulose, lignin, hemicelluloses, and extractives. Such a layer acts as a physical and chemical barrier to the penetration of low molecular components of cement. The unbleached fibres are less hydrophilic than the bleached ones. Bleaching removes the amorphous lignin and extractives from the surface and renders it more permeable to liquids. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) helps in understanding the fibre-cement interface. Bleaching improved the fibre- cement interfacial bonding, whereas fibres in the unbleached pulp were less susceptible to the re-precipitation of cement hydration products into the fibre cavities (lumens). Therefore, unbleached fibres can improve the long-term performance of the fibre-cement composite owing to their delayed mineralization.


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This work investigates the tensile behaviour of non-uniform fibres and fibrous composites. Wool fibres are used as an example of non-uniform fibres because they're physical, morphological and geometrical properties vary greatly not only between fibres but also within a fibre. The focus of this work is on the effect of both between-fibre and within-fibre diameter variations on fibre tensile behaviour. In addition, fit to the Weibull distribution by the non-brittle and non-uniform visco-elastic wool fibres is examined, and the Weibull model is developed further for non-uniform fibres with diameter variation along the fibre length. A novel model fibre composite is introduced to facilitate the investigation into the tensile behaviour of fibre-reinforced composites. This work first confirms that for processed wool, its coefficient of variation in break force can be predicted from that of minimum fibre diameters, and the prediction is better for longer fibres. This implies that even for processed wool, fibre breakage is closely associated with the occurrence of thin sections along a fibre, and damage to fibres during processing is not the main cause of fibre breakage. The effect of along-fibre diameter variation on fibre tensile behaviour of scoured wool and mohair is examined next. Only wet wool samples were examined in the past. The extensions of individual segments of single non-uniform fibres are measured at different strain levels. An important finding is the maximum extension (%) (Normally at the thinnest section) equals the average fibre extension (%) plus the diameter variation (CV %) among the fibre segments. This relationship has not been reported before. During a tensile test, it is only the average fibre extension that is measured. The third part of this work is on the applicability of Weibull distribution to the strength of non-uniform visco-elastic wool fibres. Little work has been done for wool fibres in this area, even though the Weibull model has been widely applied to many brittle fibres. An improved Weibull model incorporating within-fibre diameter variations has been developed for non-uniform fibres. This model predicts the gauge length effect more accurately than the conventional Weibull model. In studies of fibre-reinforced composites, ideal composite specimens are usually prepared and used in the experiments. Sample preparation has been a tedious process. A novel fibre reinforced composite is developed and used in this work to investigate the tensile behaviour of fibre-reinforced composites. The results obtained from the novel composite specimen are consistent with that obtained from the normal specimens.


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Light-weight structure is one of the keys to improve the fuel efficiency and reduce the environmental buden of transport vehicles (automotive and rail). While fibreglass composites have been increasingly used to replace steel in automotive industry, the adoption rate for carbon fibre composites which are much lighter, stronger and stiffere than glass fibre composites, remains low. The main reason is the high cost of carbon fibres. To further reduce vehicle weight without excessive cost increase, one technique is to incorporate carbon fibre reinforcement into glass fibre composites and innovative design by selectively reinforcing along the main load path. Glass/carbon woven fabrics with epoxy resin matrix were utilised for preparing hybrid composite laminates. The in-plane mechanical properties such as tensile and three-point-bending flexural properties were investigated for laminates with different carbon fibre volume and lay-up scheme. It is shown that hybrid composite laminates with 50% carbon fibre reinforcement provide the best flexural properties when the carbon layers are at the exterior, while the alternating carbon/glass lay-up provides the highest compressive strength.


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In this article, the effect of hygrothermal aging on the painted surface finish of unidirectional and fabric carbon fibre composite laminates, with and without surfacing film was investigated. The results highlighted the importance of ensuring that the composite surface directly beneath the paint layer is made from a uniform material with a consistent thickness in order to minimise surface defects from occurring during aging. The surfacing film was found to minimise the print through development on the painted unidirectional and twill composite surfaces. However, the surfacing film layer was found to intermingle with the carbon fibre plies during cure, which resulted in an uneven film thickness that caused increased levels of orange peel. The twill laminate painted surface produced high levels of print through and surface waviness that was caused by the large resin rich regions located within the tow intersections at the surface which enlarged due to thermal expansion and swelling of the matrix with hygrothermal aging. It was also noted that the small resin rich regions between the individual carbon fibres on the unidirectional composite surface were sufficiently large to print through the painted surface.


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The performance of composite laminates depends on the adhesion between the fibre reinforcement and matrix, with the surface properties of the fibres playing a key role in determining the level of adhesion achieved. For this reason it is important to develop an in-depth understanding of the surface functionalities on the reinforcement fibres. In this work, multi-scale surface analysis of carbon fibre during the three stages of manufacture; carbonisation, electrolytic oxidation, and epoxy sizing was carried out. The surface topography was examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), which revealed longitudinal ridges and striations along the fibre-axis for all fibre types. A small difference in surface roughness was observed by scanning probe microscopy (SPM), while the coefficient of friction measured by an automated single fibre tester showed 51% and 98% increase for the oxidised and sized fibres, respectively. The fibres were found to exhibit heterogeneity in surface energy as evidenced from SPM force measurements. The unsized fibres were much more energetically heterogeneous than the sized fibre. A good correlation was found between fibre properties (both physical and chemical) and interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) of composites made from all three fibre types. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.


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Protein fibre wastes from animal hairs, feathers and insect secreted filaments can be aptly utilized by converting them into ultra-fine particles. Particles from animal protein fibres present large surface-to-weight ratio and significantly enhanced surface reactivity, that have opened up novel applications in both textile and non-textile fields. This review article summarizes the state-of-the-art routes to fabricate ultrafine particles from animal protein fibres, including direct route of mechanical milling of fibres and indirect route from fibre proteins. Ongoing research trends in novel applications of protein fibre particles in various fields, such as biomedical science, environmental protection and composite structures are presented. © 2014 The Korean Fiber Society and Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


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 ilk fibres from silkworm cocoons have lower strength than spider silk and have received less attention as a source of high-performance fibres. In this work, we have used an innovative procedure to eliminate the flaws gradually of a single fibre specimen by retesting the unbroken portion of the fibre, after each fracture test. This was done multiple times so that the final test may provide the intrinsic fibre strength. During each retest, the fibre specimen began to yield once the failure load of the preceding test was exceeded. For each fibre specimen, a composite curve was constructed from multiple tests. The composite curves and analysis show that strengths of mass-produced Muga and Eri cocoon silk fibres increased from 446 to 618 MPa and from 337 to 452 MPa, respectively. Similarly, their toughness increased from 84 to 136 MJ m(-3) and from 61 to 104 MJ m(-3), respectively. Composite plots produced significantly less inter-specimen variations compared to values from single tests. The fibres with reduced flaws as a result of retests in the tested section have a tensile strength and toughness comparable to naturally spun dragline spider silk with a reported strength of 574 MPa and toughness of 91-158 MJ m(-3), which is used as a benchmark for developing high-performance fibres. This retesting approach is likely to provide useful insights into discrete flaw distributions and intrinsic mechanical properties of other fatigue-resistant materials.


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The fabrication of superhydrophobic surfaces with mechanical durability is challenging because the surface microstructure is easily damaged. Herein, we report superhydrophobic conductive graphite nanoplatelet (GNP)/vapor-grown carbon fiber (VGCF)/polypropylene (PP) composite coatings with mechanical durability by a hot-pressing method. The as-prepared GNP/VGCF/PP composite coatings showed water contact angle (WCA) above 150° and sliding angle (SA) less than 5°. The superhydrophobicity was improved with the increase of VGCF content in the hybrid GNP and VGCF fillers. The more VGCFs added in the GNP/VGCF/PP composite coating, the higher porosity on the surface was formed. Compared to the GNP/PP and VGCF/PP composite coatings, the GNP and VGCF hybrid fillers exhibited more remarkable synergistic effect on the electrical conductivity of the GNP/VGCF/PP composite coatings. The GNP/VGCF/PP composite coating with GNP:VGCF = 2:1 possessed a sheet resistance of 1 Ω/sq. After abrasion test, the rough microstructure of the GNP/VGCF/PP (2:1) composite coating was mostly restored and the composite coating retained superhydrophobicity, but not for the VGCF/PP composite coating. When the superhydrophobic surface is mechanically damaged with a loss of superhydrophobicity, it can be easily repaired by a simple way with adhesive tapes. Moreover, the oil-fouled composite surface can regenerate superhydrophobicity by wetting the surface with alcohol and subsequently burning off alcohol.


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Composite biomaterials provide alternative materials that improve on the properties of the individual components and can be used to replace or restore damaged or diseased tissues. Typically, a composite biomaterial consists of a matrix, often a polymer, with one or more fillers that can be made up of particles, sheets or fibres. The polymer matrix can be chosen from a wide range of compositions and can be fabricated easily and rapidly into complex shapes and structures. In the present study we have examined three size fractions of collagen-containing particles embedded at up to 60% w/w in a poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) matrix. The particles used were bone particles, which are a mineral-collagen composite and demineralised bone, which gives naturally cross-linked collagen particles. SEM showed well dispersed particles in the PVA matrix for all concentrations and sizes of particles, with FTIR suggesting collagen to PVA hydrogen bonding. Tg of membranes shifted to a slightly lower temperature with increasing collagen content, along with a minor amount of melting point depression. The modulus and tensile strength of membranes were improved with the addition of both particles up to 10 wt%, and were clearly strengthened by the addition, although this effect decreased with higher collagen loadings. Elongation at break decreased with collagen content. Cell adhesion to the membranes was observed associated with the collagen particles, indicating a lack of cytotoxicity.


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The incorporation of polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) electrospun nanofibres within N-ethyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium tetrafluoroborate, [C2mpyr][BF4] was investigated with a view to fabricating self-standing membranes for various electrochemical device applications, in particular lithium metal batteries. Significant improvement in mechanical properties and ionic conduction was demonstrated in a previous study, which also demonstrated the remarkably high performance of the lithium-doped composite material in a device. We now seek a fundamental understanding of the role of fibres within the matrix of the plastic crystal, which is essential for optimizing device performance through fine-tuning of the composite material properties. The focus of the current study is therefore a thorough investigation of the phase behaviour and conduction behaviour of the pure and the lithium-doped (as LiBF4) plastic crystal, with and without incorporation of polymer nanofibres. Analysis of the structure of the plastic crystal, including the effects of lithium ions and the incorporation of PVDF fibres, was conducted by means of synchrotron XRD. Ion dynamics were evaluated using VT solid-state NMR spectroscopy. ATR-FTIR spectroscopy was employed to gain insights into the molecular interactions of doped lithium ions and/or the PVDF nanofibres in the matrix of the [C2mpyr][BF4] composites. Preliminary measurements using PALS were conducted to probe structural defects within the pure materials. It was found that ion transport within the plastic crystal was significantly altered by doping with lithium ions due to the precipitation of a second phase in the structure. The incorporation of the fibres activated more mobile sites in the systems, but restricted ion mobility with different trends being observed for each ion species in each crystalline phase. In the presence of the fibres a strong interaction observed between the Li ion and the pyrrolidinium ring disappeared and formation of the second phase was prevented. As a result, an increased number of mobile lithium ions are released into the solid solution structure of the matrix, simultaneously removing the blocking effect of the second phase. Thus, ion conduction was remarkably improved within the Li-doped composite compared to the neat Li-doped plastic crystal.


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The modification of carbon fibre surfaces has been achieved using a novel combination of low power microwave irradiation (20 W) in both an ionic liquid (1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide) and an organic solvent (1,2-dichlorobenzene). The use of the ionic liquid was superior to the organic solvent in this application, resulting in a higher density of surface grafted material. As a consequence, carbon fibres treated in the ionic liquid displayed improved interfacial adhesion in the composite material (+28% relative to untreated fibres) compared to those treated in organic solvent (+18%). The methodology presented herein can be easily scaled up to industrially relevant quantities and represent a drastic reduction in both reaction time (30 min from 24 h) and energy consumption, compared to previously reported procedures. This work opens the door to potential energy and time saving strategies which can be applied to carbon fibre manufacture for high performance carbon fibre reinforced composites.