950 resultados para Complications: intraocular pressure


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To investigate the heritability of intraocular pressure (IOP) and cup-to-disc ratio (CDR) in an older well-defined population.


Family-based cohort study.


Through the population-based Salisbury Eye Evaluation study, we recruited 726 siblings (mean age, 74.7 years) in 284 sibships.


Intraocular pressure and CDR were measured bilaterally for all participants. The presence or absence of glaucoma was determined by a glaucoma specialist for all probands on the basis of visual field, optic nerve appearance, and history. The heritability of IOP was calculated as twice the residual between-sibling correlation of IOP using linear regression and generalized estimating equations after adjusting for age, gender, mean arterial pressure, race, self-reported diabetes status, and history of systemic steroid use. The heritability of CDR was calculated using the same model and adjustments as above, while also adjusting for IOP.


Heritability and determinants of IOP and CDR, and impact of siblings' glaucoma status on IOP and CDR.


We estimated the heritability to be 0.29 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.12-0.46) for IOP and 0.56 (95% CI, 0.35-0.76) for CDR in this population. Mean IOP in siblings of glaucomatous probands was statistically significantly higher than in siblings of normal probands (mean difference, 1.02 mmHg; P = 0.017). The mean CDR in siblings of glaucomatous probands was 0.07 (or 19%) larger than in siblings of glaucoma suspect referrals (P = 0.045) and siblings of normal probands (P = 0.004).


In this elderly population, we found CDR to be highly heritable and IOP to be moderately heritable. On average, siblings of glaucoma patients had higher IOPs and larger CDRs than siblings of nonglaucomatous probands.


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PURPOSE: We studied the effects on intraocular pressure (IOP) of anesthesia administered during examination under anesthesia (EUA) in children. DESIGN: Randomized clinical trial. METHODS: This randomized trial compared IOP after inhaled sevoflurane gas to that after intramuscular ketamine hydrochloride in children undergoing EUA. IOP was measured in 30 eyes with TonoPen XL (Mentor, Inc, Norwell, Massachusetts, USA) as soon as possible after anesthesia induction (T1) and two, four, six, and eight minutes thereafter. At the same times, we recorded systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP, DBP) and heart rate (HR). RESULTS: Compared with the mean IOP at T1, IOP in the sevoflurane group was significantly lower for all measurements from two to eight minutes thereafter (mean decrease in IOP: two minutes = 12%, four minutes = 19%; six minutes = 19%; eight minutes = 17%, all P < or = .01). In the ketamine group, mean IOP was not significantly changed from T1 through six minutes, whereas at eight minutes, it was 7% lower (P = .03). SBP and DBP were significantly lower for sevoflurane than for ketamine at all measurements from two minutes onward, and HR was lower for sevoflurane than for ketamine at two, four, and six minutes. CONCLUSIONS: IOP measured after ketamine sedation is more likely to represent the awake IOP than that after sevoflurane anesthesia. Changes in SBP, DBP, and HR caused by sevoflurane suggest that hemodynamic alterations may underlie its effects on IOP.


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PURPOSE: To estimate the relationships between ocular parameters and tonometrically measured intraocular pressure (IOP), to determine the influence of ocular parameters on different instrument measurements of IOP, and to evaluate the association of ocular parameters with a parameter called hysteresis. METHODS: Patients presenting at a glaucoma clinic were recruited for this study. Subjects underwent IOP measurement with the Goldmann applanation tonometer (GAT), the TonoPen, and the Reichert Ocular Response Analyzer (ORA), and also measurements of central corneal thickness (CCT), axial length, corneal curvature, corneal astigmatism, central visual acuity, and refractive error. Chart information was reviewed to determine glaucoma treatment history. The ORA instrument provided a measurement called corneal hysteresis. The association between measured IOP and the other ocular characteristics was estimated using generalized estimating equations. RESULTS: Among 230 patients, IOP measurements from the TonoPen read lowest, and ORA read highest, and GAT measurements were closest to the mean IOP of the 3 instruments. In a multiple regression model adjusting for age, sex, race, and other ocular characteristics, a 10 microm increase in CCT was associated with an increase of 0.79 mm Hg measured IOP in untreated eyes (P<0.0001). Of the 3 tonometers, GAT was the least affected by CCT (0.66 mm Hg/10 mum, P<0.0001). Hysteresis was significantly correlated with CCT with a modest correlation coefficient (r=0.20, P<0.0007). CONCLUSIONS: Among parameters related to measured IOP, features in addition to CCT, such as hysteresis and corneal curvature, may also be important. Tonometric instruments seem to be affected differently by various physiologic characteristics.


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PURPOSE: To study the accuracy and acceptability of intraocular pressure (IOP) measurement by the pressure phosphene tonometer, non-contact tonometer, and Goldmann tonometer in children. METHODS: Fifty children (5 to 14 years old) participated in this prospective comparative study. IOP was measured with the pressure phosphene tonometer, non-contact tonometer, and Goldmann tonometer by three different examiners who were masked to the results. The children were also asked to grade the degree of discomfort from 0 to 5 (0 = no discomfort; 5 = most discomfort). RESULTS: The mean IOPs measured by the Goldmann tonometer, pressure phosphene tonometer, and non-contact tonometer were 15.9 mm Hg (standard deviation [SD]: = 5.5 mm Hg; range: 10 to 36 mm Hg), 16.0 mm Hg (SD: 2.9 mm Hg; range: 12 to 25 mm Hg), and 15.7 mm Hg (SD = 5.1 mm Hg; range: 8 to 32 mm Hg), respectively (P = .722). The mean difference between pressure phosphene tonometer and Goldmann tonometer readings was 2.9 mm Hg and that between non-contact tonometer and Goldmann tonometer readings was 2.1 mm Hg. The 95% confidence interval of the mean difference between pressure phosphene tonometer and Goldmann tonometer readings was -1.07 and 1.19, and that between non-contact tonometer and Goldmann tonometer readings was -1.07 and 0.53. The mean discomfort ratings for the pressure phosphene tonometer, non-contact tonometer, and Goldmann tonometer were 0.6, 2.0, and 2.3, respectively (P < .001). CONCLUSION: Although the pressure phosphene tonometer was less accurate than the non-contact tonometer compared with Goldmann tonometer, it gave a reasonably close estimate and had a high specificity of raised IOP. In addition, measurement by the pressure phosphene tonometer is most acceptable to children. The pressure phosphene tonometer can be considered as an alternative method of IOP measurement in children.


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PURPOSE: Recent studies report that increased corneal edema because of contact lens wear under closed lids is associated with elevated Goldmann intraocular pressure (GAT IOP). We sought to assess whether the impact of postoperative corneal edema on GAT IOP would be similar and to determine the differential effect of different amounts of edema. METHODS: The setting is a tertiary level cataract clinic in Shantou, China. Pre- and postoperative (day 1) GAT IOP, central corneal thickness (CCT), corneal hysteresis, corneal resistance factor, and radius of corneal curvature were measured for consecutive patients undergoing phacoemulsification surgery by 2 experienced surgeons. Corneal edema was calculated as the percentage increase in CCT. RESULTS: Among 136 subjects (mean age, 62.5 ± 15.4 years; 53.7% women), the mean increase in CCT was 10.3% postoperatively. Greater corneal edema was associated with lower GAT IOP in unadjusted analyses (P < 0.03) and in linear regression models (P < 0.01). In the model, higher corneal resistance factor (P < 0.001), lower corneal hysteresis (P < 0.001), and steeper radius of corneal curvature (P < 0.001) were associated with higher GAT IOP. Among subjects with edema < the median, edema was associated with lower GAT IOP (P = 0.004), whereas among those with edema ≥ the median, edema was not associated with GAT IOP. An increase in CCT of 7% was associated with an 8 mm Hg underestimation of GAT IOP in our models. CONCLUSIONS: The effect of postoperative edema on GAT IOP seems to be the opposite of contact lens-induced edema. The magnitude of the effect is potentially relevant to patient management.


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PURPOSE: To describe the distribution of central corneal thickness (CCT), intraocular pressure (IOP), and their determinants and association with glaucoma in Chinese adults.DESIGN: Population-based cross-sectional study.METHODS: Chinese adults aged 50 years and older were identified using cluster random sampling in Liwan District, Guangzhou. CCT (both optical [OCCT] and ultrasound [UCCT]), intraocular pressure (by Tonopen, IOP), refractive error (by autorefractor, RE), radius of corneal curvature (RCC), axial length (AL), and body mass index (BMI) were measured, and history of hypertension and diabetes (DM) was collected by questionnaire. Right eye data were analyzed.RESULTS: The mean values of OCCT, UCCT, and IOP were 512 ± 29.0 μm, 542 ± 31.4 μm, and 15.2 ± 3.1 mm Hg, respectively. In multiple regression models, CCT declined with age (P < .001) and increased with greater RCC (P < .001) and DM (P = .037). IOP was positively associated with greater CCT (P < .001), BMI (P < .001), and hypertension (P < .001). All 25 persons with open-angle glaucoma had IOP <21 mm Hg. CCT did not differ significantly between persons with and without open- or closed-angle glaucoma. Among 65 persons with ocular hypertension (IOP >97.5th percentile), CCT (555 ± 29 μm) was significantly (P = .01) higher than for normal persons.CONCLUSIONS: The distributions of CCT and IOP in this study are similar to that for other Chinese populations, though IOP was lower than for European populations, possibly due to lower BMI and blood pressure. Glaucoma with IOP <21 mm Hg is common in this population. We found no association between glaucoma and CCT, though power (0.3) for this analysis was low.


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Purpose: We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies to evaluate the effect of oral statins on intraocular pressure (IOP) and the incidence and progression of glaucoma. Methods: This was a systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis. Searches of PubMed/Medline and Embase were conducted to include all types of studies. Gray literature abstracts were also considered for inclusion. Last search date was February 2016. Risk of bias was assessed using the Newcastle-Ottawa scale independently by two reviewers. Odds ratios (OR) or hazard ratios (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were extracted from each study. Pooled ORs for incidence of glaucoma were calculated using a random-effects model. Results: We identified seven cohort studies, three case–control studies, and one cross-sectional study with a total number of 583,615 participants. No randomized controlled trials were retrieved. Pooled ORs demonstrated a statistically significant association between short-term statin use (≤2 years) and reduced incidence of glaucoma (OR 0.96, 95%CI 0.94, 0.99). Pooled ORs of long-term statin use (>2 years) did not demonstrate statistically significant reduction in incidence of glaucoma (OR 0.70, 95%CI 0.46, 1.06). There was inconsistent evidence for the protective effect of statins against the progression of glaucoma, although there was no standard definition for progression across studies. There was no significant difference in IOP associated with statin use. Conclusions: Short-term statin use is associated with a reduced incidence of glaucoma. The effect of statins on glaucoma progression and IOP is uncertain.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.


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Purpose: To determine whether there is an association between dietary omega-3 (ω-3) fatty acid intake, age, and intraocular pressure (IOP) caused by altered aqueous outflow. Methods: Sprague–Dawley rats were fed either ω-3–sufficient (ω-3+) or ω-3–deficient (ω-3) diets from conception. The diets had 7% lipid content. The ω-3+ diet contained safflower, flaxseed, and tuna oils (5.5:1.0:0.5), and the ω-3 diet contained safflower oil only. Intraocular pressure was measured at 5 to 40 weeks of age under light anesthesia (ω-3+, n = 39; ω-3, n = 48). Aqueous outflow was determined at 45 weeks in a subgroup of animals (ω-3+, n = 15;ω-3, n = 22) using pulsed infusion. Ciliary body tissues (n = 6 per group) were assayed for fatty acid content by thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatography in both diet groups. Results: Animals raised on ω-3+ diets had a 13% decrease in IOP at 40 weeks of age (13.48 ± 0.32 mm Hg vs. 15.46 ± 0.29 mm Hg; P < 0.01). When considered as a change in IOP relative to 5 weeks of age, the ω-3+ group showed a 23% decrease (P < 0.001). This lower IOP in the ω-3+ diet group was associated with a significant increase (+56%; P < 0.001) in outflow facility and a decrease in ocular rigidity (–59%; P < 0.001). The ω-3+ group showed a 3.3 times increase in ciliary body docosahexaenoic acid (P < 0.001). Conclusions: Increasing dietary ω-3 reduces IOP with age because of increased outflow facility, likely resulting from an increase in docosanoids. This indicates that dietary manipulation may provide a modifiable factor for IOP regulation. However, further studies are needed to consider whether this can modify the risk for glaucoma and can play a role in treatment of the disease.


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Primary open angle glaucoma affects more than 67 million people. Elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) is a risk factor for glaucoma and may reduce nutrient availability by decreasing ocular perfusion pressure (OPP). An interaction between arterial blood pressure and IOP determines OPP; but the exact contribution that these factors have for retinal function is not fully understood. Here we sought to determine how acute modifications of arterial pressure will affect the susceptibility of neuronal function and blood flow to IOP challenge. Anaesthetized (ketamine:xylazine) Long-Evan rats with low (~60 mmHg, sodium nitroprusside infusion), moderate (~100 mmHg, saline), or high levels (~160 mmHg, angiotensin II) of mean arterial pressure (MAP, n = 5–10 per group) were subjected to IOP challenge (10–120 mmHg, 5 mmHg steps every 3 minutes). Electroretinograms were measured at each IOP step to assess bipolar cell (b-wave) and inner retinal function (scotopic threshold response or STR). Ocular blood flow was measured using laser-Doppler flowmetry in groups with similar MAP level and the same IOP challenge protocol. Both b-wave and STR amplitudes decreased with IOP elevation. Retinal function was less susceptible to IOP challenge when MAP was high, whereas the converse was true for low MAP. Consistent with the effects on retinal function, higher IOP was needed to attenuated ocular blood flow in animals with higher MAP. The susceptibility of retinal function to IOP challenge can be ameliorated by acute high BP, and exacerbated by low BP. This is partially mediated by modifications in ocular blood flow.


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We consider whether pre-existing streptozotocin induced hyperglycemia in rats affects the ability of the eye to cope with a single episode of acute intraocular pressure (IOP) elevation.
Electroretinogram (ERG) responses were measured (−6.08 to 1.92 log cd.s.m−2) in anaesthetized (60:5 mg/kg ketamine:xylazine) dark-adapted (>12 h) adult Sprague–Dawley rats 1 week after a single acute IOP elevation to 70 mmHg for 60 min. This was undertaken in rats treated 11 weeks earlier with streptozotocin (STZ, n = 12, 50 mg/kg at 6 weeks of age) or citrate buffer (n = 12). ERG responses were analyzed to derive an index of photoreceptor (a-wave), ON-bipolar (b-wave), amacrine (oscillatory potentials) and inner retinal (positive scotopic threshold response, pSTR) function.
One week following acute IOP elevation there was a significant reduction of the ganglion cell pSTR (−35 ± 11 %, P = 0.0161) in STZ-injected animals. In contrast the pSTR in citrate-injected animals was not significant changed (+16 ± 14 %). The negative component of the STR was unaffected by IOP elevation in either citrate or STZ-treated groups. Photoreceptoral (a-wave, citrate-control +4 ± 3 %, STZ +4 ± 5 %) and ON-bipolar cell (b-wave, control +4 ± 3 %, STZ +4 ± 5 %) mediated responses were not significantly affected by IOP elevation in either citrate- or STZ-injected rats. Finally, oscillatory potentials (citrate-control +8 ± 23 %, STZ +1 ± 17 %) were not reduced 1 week after IOP challenge.
The ganglion cell dominated pSTR was reduced following a single episode of IOP elevation in STZ diabetic, but not control rats. These data indicate that hyperglycemia renders the inner retina more susceptible to IOP elevation.


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Purpose: To assess ocular blood flow responses to acute IOP stress following 4 weeks of chronic IOP elevation in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic and control rats. We hypothesise that chronic IOP elevation for 4 weeks will further impair blood flow regulation in STZ-induced diabetic rats eyes. Methods: Two weeks following citrate buffer or STZ-injections chronic IOP elevation was induced in Long Evans rats via fortnightly intracameral injections of microspheres (15 μm) suspended in 5% polyethylene glycol. IOP was monitored daily. Electroretinography (ERG, -6.79-2.07 log cd s m-2) was undertaken at Week 4 to compare photoreceptor (RmPIII), ON-bipolar cell (Vmax) and ganglion cell dominant ERG [scotopic threshold response (STR)] components. 4 weeks post-chronic IOP induction, ocular blood flow (laser Doppler flowmetry) was measured in response to acute IOP challenge (10-100 mmHg, in 5 mmHg steps, each 3 min). Results: Four weeks of chronic IOP (mean ± S.E.M., citrate: 24.0 ± 0.3 to 30.7 ± 1.3 and STZ-diabetes: 24.2 ± 0.2 to 31.1 ± 1.2 mmHg) was associated with reduced photoreceptor amplitude in both groups (-25.3 ± 2.2% and -17.2 ± 3.0%, respectively). STZ-diabetic eyes showed reduced photoreceptor sensitivity (citrate: 0.5 ± 1.8%, STZ-diabetic: -8.1 ± 2.4%). Paradoxically ON-bipolar cell sensitivity was increased, particularly in citrate control eyes (citrate: 166.8 ± 25.9%, STZ-diabetic: 64.8 ± 18.7%). The ganglion cell dominant STR was not significantly reduced in STZ-diabetic rats. Using acute IOP elevation to probe autoregulation, we show that STZ-diabetes impaired autoregulation compared with citrate control animals. The combination of STZ-diabetes and chronic IOP elevation further impaired autoregulation. Conclusions: STZ-diabetes and chronic IOP elevation appear to be additive risk factors for impairment of ocular blood flow autoregulation.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi o de avaliar uma associação anestésica com e sem a utilização de relaxante muscular não-despolarizante e seu efeito sobre a pressão intra-ocular de eqüinos. Também objetivou-se uma técnica anestésica sem efeitos adversos que possa ser utilizada em procedimentos e cirurgias oftálmicas nesta espécie animal. Para tanto, dezesseis eqüinos foram divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos de oito animais cada. Os animais do grupo I foram pré-medicados com romifidina, induzidos com tiletamina/zolazepam e a anestesia foi mantida com halotano e vecurônio. Os animais do grupo II receberam a mesma associação anestésica, com exceção do vecurônio. No decorrer do experimento, a pressão intra-ocular, a pressão arterial e a freqüência cardíaca foram avaliadas em diferentes momentos. A associação anestésica composta pela romifidina, tiletamina/ zolazepam e halotano com e sem vecurônio não promoveu alterações estatisticamente significativas na pressão intra-ocular de eqüinos e o seu uso é exeqüível em procedimentos oftálmicos nesta espécie animal.


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Objetivou-se comparar os valores normais de pressão intraocular (PIO) e de produção lacrimal, através de tonometria de aplanação e do teste da lágrima de Schirmer-1 (TLS-1) em cabras da raça Saanen, com diferentes idades e momentos. Trinta e seis cabras da raça Saanen, livres de afecções oculares, foram agrupadas em três categorias etárias (n=12), compreendendo animais com 45, 180 e 549 dias de idade. O TLS-1 e a PIO foram aferidos sempre às 9:00 e às 19:00, durante três dias consecutivos. Os resultados foram avaliados estatisticamente (p<0,05). Relativamente ao horário do dia, a PIO foi significativamente menor às 19:00 (p<0,001) nos animais com 45 dias de idade; os valores do TLS-1 foram significativamente maiores às 19:00 (p=0,004) nas cabras com 549 dias de idade. Considerando-se a somatória dos três dias, ambos os parâmetros foram significativamente menores nos indivíduos com 45 dias de idade (p<0,001). A pressão intraocular e a produção lacrimal em cabras da raça Saanen se elevam de forma significativa até os 180 dias de idade.


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Avaliou-se a pressão intra-ocular (PIO) e estimaram-se as correlações entre PIO e pressão de dióxido de carbono (PaCO2) e pH arterial de cinco caracarás (Caracara plancus), anestesiados com isofluorano (ISO) ou sevofluorano (SEV). Valores basais da PIO foram aferidos em ambos os olhos (M0). Cateterizou-se previamente a artéria braquial para obtenção de parâmetros hemogasométricos e cardiorrespiratórios. Anestesia foi induzida com ISO a 5V% e mantida por 40 minutos com 2,5V%. PIO e amostras de sangue foram avaliadas em diferentes momentos até o final do procedimento. Após recuperação, uma segunda anestesia foi realizada com SEV a 6% e mantida com 3,5%. Os parâmetros foram aferidos nos mesmos momentos estabelecidos previamente. A PIO decresceu significativamente (P=0,012) de M0 em todos os momentos e não houve diferença estatística entre ISO e SEV. Correlações significativas entre PIO e PaCO2 e entre PIO e pH sangüíneo foram observadas apenas para a anestesia com SEV. O pH sangüíneo decresceu paralelamente a PIO, enquanto a PaCO2 aumentou, em carcarás anestesiados com isofluorano e sevofluorano.