928 resultados para Comparative Literature


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The author of the article attempts to present the situation of comparative studies as a field of research and a way of thinking about the contemporary world on the basis of the analyses presented in Comparative Literature at a Crossroads? in the monographic issue of “Comparative Studies” 2006. Much attention is paid to the phenomenon of the crisis of comparative studies connected with a noticeable reluctance towards great theoretical models shared by many researchers, the extensiveness of the topic area and resulting methodological problems but also the fact that comparatists abandon the studies of other languages. This results in a need of searching for a satisfactory definition of this field of study, its scope of research and applicable research methods. Among the specific issues raised in the article there is, e.g. the case of world literature seen in the context of the classical contradiction between cultural hegemony and cultural pluralism. Moreover, an interesting review of the picture of the Polish culture from the perspective of postcolonial theories and intracultural differences is presented.


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For the past fifty years, the interest in issues beyond pure philology has been a watchword in comparative literary studies. Comparative studies, which by default employ a variety of methods, run the major risk – as the experience of American comparative literature shows – of descending into dangerous ‘everythingism’ or losing its identity. However, it performs well when literature remains one of the segments of comparison. In such instances, it proves efficacious in exploring the ‘correspondences of arts’, the problems of identity and multiculturalism as well as contributes to the research into the transfer of ideas. Hence, it delves into phenomena which exist on the borderlines of literature, fine arts and other fields of humanities, employing strategies of interpretation which are typical for each of those fields. This means that in the process there emerges a “borderline methodology”, whose distinctive feature is heterogeneity of conducting research. This, in turn, requires the scholar to be both ingenious and creative while selecting topics as well as to possess competence in literary studies and the related field.


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Heidegger famously identified Modernity with a technological leveling of being to a single order of a “standing reserve.” In a radically different tone, Gilles Deleuze articulated a single “plane of immanence” within which ontological distinctions between mind and body, God and world, interiority and exteriority become indiscernible. Taking such philosophical declarations as points of departure, this panel will consider how a collapse of ontological distinction emerged as a thematic and structural trope in literary and cinematic modernisms. We hope to consider how writers and film-makers of the 20th c. utilize the resources of their media to ask “the question of being” that troubled their philosophical contemporaries and heirs. In this vein, we will examine how these modernist ontologies of immanence describe the crisis of a subject saturated and eclipsed by a world which comprises her while also remaining strange or opaque. Papers will ask what is lost with the departure of a distinctly human sense of “being” and how the historical arrival of an alternative ontological order may be evident in the lived experience of modernity. In this sense, the relationship to departures and arrivals becomes the modern subject’s suspicion that he is unable to do either vis á vis the world.


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A medida que el concepto de "nación" se ha debilitado en estos últimos años, y de forma muy rápida, el límite convencional de la cultura se está desvaneciendo y el mundo se mueve hacia un orden cultural integrado, a través de intercambios constantes entre las culturas, a pesar de las barreras discriminatorias. La literatura, en este sentido, no es una excepción y es necesario discutir la relación entre la literatura coreana y la hispanoamericana desde la perspectiva de la literatura comparativa. El presente estudio ofrece una mirada más cercana al proceso y a los distintos aspectos del modo en que las obras de los escritores hispanoamericanos han sido aceptadas en Corea del Sur. La literatura hispanoamericana se ha introducido en Corea desde principios del siglo XX y se extendió rápidamente a partir de los ochenta, cuando la controversia literaria del posmodernismo se desató y las obras de Borges y García Márquez fueron presentadas a los lectores coreanos. Sería interesante examinar los aspectos sobre cómo los escritores hispanoamericanos como Neruda, Borges y García Márquez se han integrado en la literatura coreana. En esta etapa, sin embargo, es difícil determinar si su influencia es suficientemente permanente como para convertirse en un linaje, o simplemente se trata de un fenómeno temporal. No obstante, la literatura hispanoamericana seguirá expandiendo interrelaciones crecientes con la coreana más allá de las fronteras, ejerciendo una gran influencia entre sí.


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El presente estudio realiza un análisis comparativo entre la novela del mexicano Juan Rulfo, Pedro Páramo (1955), y un cuento del escritor ruso Dostoievski que trata también el tema del Más allá, titulado Bobok (1873). Paralelamente, se trabaja con la posibilidad de que el relato ruso hubiese podido ser una más de las fuentes literarias de la novela mexicana, y se trata de determinar las posibles conexiones -directas o indirectas- entre las dos obras. Ambas son puestas en común por su género literario, y a partir de ahí se estudian los elementos constitutivos que tienen en común, sus afinidades y divergencias más llamativas.


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This article explores the historical neglect of translation as a consideration in the study and practice of theatre in the United States and Europe. While the study of literature is fairly strictly divided between English-language and Comparative Literature departments, theatre and drama have shown little concern about language as a barrier to reception of the dramatic text. Arguably, this discrepancy may be traced to a fundamental gap between the perceived status of the novel as a completed work of art and the playtext as work of art in progress, waiting to find its completion in performance.


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A velhice é um tema que emerge com frequência nas obras de William Shakespeare e de Eugénio de Andrade, sempre num tom disfórico. Em ambos, a última das sete idades do ser humano, acarreta uma série de consequências negativas: a) A beleza é efémera e os amantes abandonam; b) O declínio físico e mental é inevitável; c) Na fase final da vida, sobrevém o temor da morte. Para expressarem o efeito da senectude, Shakespeare e Eugénio recorrem a comparações semelhantes entre o ser humano e o Outono (velhice) e o Inverno (morte). Neste artigo, numa perspectiva comparada e intertextual, exemplifico e analiso essas melancólicas e dolorosas imagens. Para tanto, recorro à obra dos dois escritores, à opinião de ensaístas reputados na área dos estudos literários e da psicologia da morte e, naturalmente, à minha opinião.


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Nesta dissertação analisamos a forma como quatro obras literárias contemporâneas se podem constituir como espaço cultural de memória histórico-política das décadas que em Portugal e Espanha se seguiram à implantação dos regimes democráticos. O trabalho incide na análise de Os Memoráveis, de Lídia Jorge, Novembro, de Jaime Nogueira Pinto, Las leyes de la frontera, de Javier Cercas, e Romanticismo, de Manuel Longares. Procede-se à análise comparativa dos quatro romances e à forma como cada um problematiza dois períodos fundamentais da história recente dos dois países. São também tratadas as questões relacionadas com o diálogo entre o conhecimento histórico e literário, o lado fictício e imaginário da história e a contribuição da memória para a reconstrução dos processos históricos. Procura-se também entender de que forma a literatura se constitui como uma forma de reflexão catártica e crítica, como suscita a problematização do momento presente, e que marcas pessoais e/ou autobiográficas os autores deixam transparecer nas suas obras.


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Wilkinson Hall, Chapman College, Orange, California, looking northwest. J.E. Wilkinson was a former trustee, chairman of the board, and acting president. This building was the first on the campus of Orange Union High Schooi, designed by local architect, C.B. Bradshaw and constructed in 1905 by R. J. Noble. In 1921 it was moved 250 feet and turned 90 degrees to its current location. Acquired in 1954 by Chapman College. it houses the Provost’s office, Academic Affairs, English & Comparative Literature, Graduate Studies, and the departments of Religion and Philosophy. It is listed in the National Registry for Historical Buildings.


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Wilkinson Hall and "Gentle Spring" fountain, Chapman College, Orange, California. J.E. Wilkinson was a former trustee, chairman of the board, and acting president. This building was the first on the campus of Orange Union High Schooi, designed by local architect, C.B. Bradshaw and constructed in 1905 by R. J. Noble. In 1921 it was moved 250 feet and turned 90 degrees to its current location. Acquired in 1954 by Chapman College. it houses the Provost’s office, Academic Affairs, English & Comparative Literature, Graduate Studies, and the departments of Religion and Philosophy. It is listed in the National Registry for Historical Buildings.


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Wilkinson Hall and "Gentle Spring" fountain, Chapman College, Orange, California. J.E. Wilkinson was a former trustee, chairman of the board, and acting president. This building was the first on the campus of Orange Union High Schooi, designed by local architect, C.B. Bradshaw and constructed in 1905 by R. J. Noble. In 1921 it was moved 250 feet and turned 90 degrees to its current location. Acquired in 1954 by Chapman College. it houses the Provost’s office, Academic Affairs, English & Comparative Literature, Graduate Studies, and the departments of Religion and Philosophy. It is listed in the National Registry for Historical Buildings.


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People outside on the grass by Wilkinson Hall, Chapman College, Orange, California. J.E. Wilkinson was a former trustee, chairman of the board, and acting president. This building was the first on the campus of Orange Union High Schooi, designed by local architect, C.B. Bradshaw and constructed in 1905 by R. J. Noble. In 1921 it was moved 250 feet and turned 90 degrees to its current location. Acquired in 1954 by Chapman College. it houses the Provost’s office, Academic Affairs, English & Comparative Literature, Graduate Studies, and the departments of Religion and Philosophy. It is listed in the National Registry for Historical Buildings.


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Wilkinson Hall, 301 N. Orange Street, Chapman College, Orange, California. J.E. Wilkinson was a former trustee, chairman of the board, and acting president. This building was the first on the campus of Orange Union High Schooi, designed by local architect, C.B. Bradshaw and constructed in 1905 by R. J. Noble. In 1921 it was moved 250 feet and turned 90 degrees to its current location. Acquired in 1954 by Chapman College. it houses the Provost’s office, Academic Affairs, English & Comparative Literature, Graduate Studies, and the departments of Religion and Philosophy. It is listed in the National Registry for Historical Buildings.