993 resultados para Commutative Group Algebras


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We describe bases of free commutative Moufang loop with seven generators and calculate the order of this loop. (c) 2011 Published by Elsevier Inc.


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We describe (braided-) commutative algebras with non-degenerate multiplicative form in certain braided monoidal categories, corresponding to abelian metric Lie algebras (so-called Drinfeld categories). We also describe local modules over these algebras and classify commutative algebras with a finite number of simple local modules.


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* The authors thank the “Swiss National Science Foundation” for its support.


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The Airy stress function, although frequently employed in classical linear elasticity, does not receive similar usage for granular media problems. For plane strain quasi-static deformations of a cohesionless Coulomb–Mohr granular solid, a single nonlinear partial differential equation is formulated for the Airy stress function by combining the equilibrium equations with the yield condition. This has certain advantages from the usual approach, in which two stress invariants and a stress angle are introduced, and a system of two partial differential equations is needed to describe the flow. In the present study, the symmetry analysis of differential equations is utilised for our single partial differential equation, and by computing an optimal system of one-dimensional Lie algebras, a complete set of group-invariant solutions is derived. By this it is meant that any group-invariant solution of the governing partial differential equation (provided it can be derived via the classical symmetries method) may be obtained as a member of this set by a suitable group transformation. For general values of the parameters (angle of internal friction and gravity g) it is found there are three distinct classes of solutions which correspond to granular flows considered previously in the literature. For the two limiting cases of high angle of internal friction and zero gravity, the governing partial differential equation admit larger families of Lie point symmetries, and from these symmetries, further solutions are derived, many of which are new. Furthermore, the majority of these solutions are exact, which is rare for granular flow, especially in the case of gravity driven flows.


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A set of sufficient conditions to construct lambda-real symbol Maximum Likelihood (ML) decodable STBCs have recently been provided by Karmakar et al. STBCs satisfying these sufficient conditions were named as Clifford Unitary Weight (CUW) codes. In this paper, the maximal rate (as measured in complex symbols per channel use) of CUW codes for lambda = 2(a), a is an element of N is obtained using tools from representation theory. Two algebraic constructions of codes achieving this maximal rate are also provided. One of the constructions is obtained using linear representation of finite groups whereas the other construction is based on the concept of right module algebra over non-commutative rings. To the knowledge of the authors, this is the first paper in which matrices over non-commutative rings is used to construct STBCs. An algebraic explanation is provided for the 'ABBA' construction first proposed by Tirkkonen et al and the tensor product construction proposed by Karmakar et al. Furthermore, it is established that the 4 transmit antenna STBC originally proposed by Tirkkonen et al based on the ABBA construction is actually a single complex symbol ML decodable code if the design variables are permuted and signal sets of appropriate dimensions are chosen.


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A Space-Time Block Code (STBC) in K symbols (variables) is called g-group decodable STBC if its maximum-likelihood decoding metric can be written as a sum of g terms such that each term is a function of a subset of the K variables and each variable appears in only one term. In this paper we provide a general structure of the weight matrices of multi-group decodable codes using Clifford algebras. Without assuming that the number of variables in each group to be the same, a method of explicitly constructing the weight matrices of full-diversity, delay-optimal g-group decodable codes is presented for arbitrary number of antennas. For the special case of Nt=2a we construct two subclass of codes: (i) A class of 2a-group decodable codes with rate a2(a−1), which is, equivalently, a class of Single-Symbol Decodable codes, (ii) A class of (2a−2)-group decodable with rate (a−1)2(a−2), i.e., a class of Double-Symbol Decodable codes. Simulation results show that the DSD codes of this paper perform better than previously known Quasi-Orthogonal Designs.


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We investigate the group valued functor G(D) = D*/F*D' where D is a division algebra with center F and D' the commutator subgroup of D*. We show that G has the most important functorial properties of the reduced Whitehead group SK1. We then establish a fundamental connection between this group, its residue version, and relative value group when D is a Henselian division algebra. The structure of G(D) turns out to carry significant information about the arithmetic of D. Along these lines, we employ G(D) to compute the group SK1(D). As an application, we obtain theorems of reduced K-theory which require heavy machinery, as simple examples of our method.


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Abstract In the theory of central simple algebras, often we are dealing with abelian groups which arise from the kernel or co-kernel of functors which respect transfer maps (for example K-functors). Since a central simple algebra splits and the functors above are “trivial” in the split case, one can prove certain calculus on these functors. The common examples are kernel or co-kernel of the maps Ki(F)?Ki(D), where Ki are Quillen K-groups, D is a division algebra and F its center, or the homotopy fiber arising from the long exact sequence of above map, or the reduced Whitehead group SK1. In this note we introduce an abstract functor over the category of Azumaya algebras which covers all the functors mentioned above and prove the usual calculus for it. This, for example, immediately shows that K-theory of an Azumaya algebra over a local ring is “almost” the same as K-theory of the base ring. The main result is to prove that reduced K-theory of an Azumaya algebra over a Henselian ring coincides with reduced K-theory of its residue central simple algebra. The note ends with some calculation trying to determine the homotopy fibers mentioned above.


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The reduced Whitehead group $\SK$ of a graded division algebra graded by a torsion-free abelian group is studied. It is observed that the computations here are much more straightforward than in the non-graded setting. Bridges to the ungraded case are then established by the following two theorems: It is proved that $\SK$ of a tame valued division algebra over a henselian field coincides with $\SK$ of its associated graded division algebra. Furthermore, it is shown that $\SK$ of a graded division algebra is isomorphic to $\SK$ of its quotient division algebra. The first theorem gives the established formulas for the reduced Whitehead group of certain valued division algebras in a unified manner, whereas the latter theorem covers the stability of reduced Whitehead groups, and also describes $\SK$ for generic abelian crossed products.


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The reduced unitary Whitehead group $\SK$ of a graded division algebra equipped with a unitary involution (i.e., an involution of the second kind) and graded by a torsion-free abelian group is studied. It is shown that calculations in the graded setting are much simpler than their nongraded counterparts. The bridge to the non-graded case is established by proving that the unitary $\SK$ of a tame valued division algebra wih a unitary involution over a henselian field coincides with the unitary $\SK$ of its associated graded division algebra. As a consequence, the graded approach allows us not only to recover results available in the literature with substantially easier proofs, but also to calculate the unitary $\SK$ for much wider classes of division algebras over henselian fields.


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We show that if $\cl A$ is the tensor product of finitely many continuous nest algebras, $\cl B$ is a CDCSL algebra and $\cl A$ and $\cl B$ have the same normaliser semi-group then either $\cl A = \cl B$ or $\cl A^* = \cl B$.


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Let $G$ be a locally compact $\sigma$-compact group. Motivated by an earlier notion for discrete groups due to Effros and Ruan, we introduce the multidimensional Fourier algebra $A^n(G)$ of $G$. We characterise the completely bounded multidimensional multipliers associated with $A^n(G)$ in several equivalent ways. In particular, we establish a completely isometric embedding of the space of all $n$-dimensional completely bounded multipliers into the space of all Schur multipliers on $G^{n+1}$ with respect to the (left) Haar measure. We show that in the case $G$ is amenable the space of completely bounded multidimensional multipliers coincides with the multidimensional Fourier-Stieltjes algebra of $G$ introduced by Ylinen. We extend some well-known results for abelian groups to the multidimensional setting.